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Hey everyone, just a quick update to say that the next story is coming soon. This month I've been hit with a lot of emotions so it's been difficult getting to work a lot. The whole year after my dad passed I was working on his messy estate and kind of in shock the whole time, so now with Father's Day I'm suddenly being hit with all the grief feelings. Hasn't been the most fun to say the least. 

I'm definitely trying to plan a small vacation to get away and rest a bit, but I'm also still working on fixing up the house I inherited and got some dental work coming up I'm dreading. So stories will be up on time this summer, I'll just be very stressed in the meantime so please send some good vibes my way. Hope you're all having a good month though!



Take as long as you need.


We are here to support you. Just not in person. So all I can offer is a virtual hug. And we will see you on the other side.