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And we're back. I've officially quit my job and I'll be taking some time off in order to focus on writing and my personal life. Hopefully that means I can get a lot of writing done in the meantime. This weeks main story is Chapter 13 of Falling for her Tits, in which we get to see the return of Amy's hypnotized girlfriend Diana. I realized in going back over the previous chapters that I've called her by the names Diana, Dianna and Dianne, but now I've gone back to edit them all into the original name, so I hope there's no confusion there.

As for the bonus story that will be about two mind controlling hypnotists who both end up after the same beautiful girl and fight to brainwash the other one. I tried to put in plenty of the fun writing all of you enjoy so I hope all of the $5+ patrons will have a blast reading it.


(No title)


Anonymous Coward

Hurray! Go Amy! That's what they call "zero-day vulnerability" :) Thanks Samantha :)

Anonymous Coward

So now Amy can hypnotize Diana so that Diana will hypnotize Amy to remove Cathy's suggestions?

Zyzzyva Nineteen-Thirty-Six

Ooooh, the plot thickens. (How close to a climax are we? Two chapters left, thirty-seven chapters left?)

Zyzzyva Nineteen-Thirty-Six

I suppose it's technically possible; I think she's more likely just to hypnotize her to distract Cathy at the critical moment.

Zyzzyva Nineteen-Thirty-Six

Although also - this puts Lydia's whole skirt think in a much darker light. :( Amy really is a self-centred bitch, isn't she? :(


Thank you! I can already say I have a lot less stress in my life which is good. I'm still trying to work out a new writing schedule and someplace where I can sit and write everyday. Hopefully if I get enough money from the increased writing output I'll be able to afford a new place where writing will be a lot easier. Until then I'm stuck at the library where idiot teens make out behind the book racks while I'm trying to write erotica XD