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Hey everybody! Just wanted to wish you all a slightly late happy new year and give an update on things. I'm happy to say that I've actually been doing really well the last week. I'm writing and will have a story up for all of you pretty soon. I'm actually excited for working on new projects and ideas. After everything terrible that happened last year, this is the first time that I've actually felt like myself in a while.

I'm still going to take things easy, since last year was a constant cycles of burnouts so I don't want to push myself too much too fast. But I'm feeling really good and it feels great to actually want to write again and be able to. I've got some plans I'd love to work on this year and hopefully I'll be able to work towards some of them. I hope the new year is treating you all well and I'd love to hear some of your goals for the year down below. And if you want to hear about my goals feel free to ask!



 I am hoping to stop accumulating projects and start seeing them through to the end.  I started today by cleaning up my work table and separating the pieces into piles. What are some of your hopes for the year?   What is your process for seeing things to completion?