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Hi everyone, just wanted to give a rundown on how I'm doing this month. Unfortunately real world things kept me from writing as much as I hoped I would, but I'm slowly bouncing back. I wasn't able to finish a third story by the 25th, which is when I usually like to have the last story up for the month. I'm working on a few quick flash fiction pieces that I can hopefully have up before the 30th, but honestly this month has been very emotionally draining.

It's been six months since my dad died, and the grief still hits me in ways I'm not expecting. Also the courts finally named me as administrator of his estate, and I've spent the last two weeks finally getting to deal with the banks and debt collectors and official things and it's been exhausting in an entirely new way. It feels like I'm constantly being spun in circles, that I spend hours on the phone and nothing gets accomplished except for getting a new number to call. I know that I'll be able to get through this, and once everything is taken care of I'll be done with it, but it took way more out of me this month than I expected. I was hoping that I'd gotten back to a place where I could hit the monthly deadline for patreon regularly again but September really kicked my ass.

Which isn't to say I've fallen completely behind on things. I've got the next chapter of How to Train your Stepmom ready for next month, and you know I always love to write some Halloween specials for October, which should give me time to get the next chapter of It Runs in the Family ready for November. I'm still making plans and making strides to keep on schedule going forward. It's just really hits me how bad this year has been every time I sit down to write and feel totally empty, completely wrung out of energy to write the words. The burnout has been less frequent and I'm doing better overall. It's just the unexpected hardship of dealing with the estate stuff knocked me on my ass and I couldn't write for two weeks. I'm writing again which is a relief. I just love the feeling when I can present a new story and see how much everyone loves it. And having that feeling taken away by stress and burnout and grief is what hits me the hardest at times.

So that's enough of a pity party for now. Just wanted to give everyone an update and apologize that stories were so late this month. I'm hoping that October can energize me a bit since Halloween is my favorite holiday, as you all should know by now, and I'm excited to make some spooky themed erotica stories for everyone. I'm already working on a fun short or two, and I can hopefully do another collection of flash fiction shorts like I did last year. So to end this post on a happier note I'd love to hear if there's any scary movie or Halloween themed things you'd love to see turned into a kinky, sexy short. Vampires, werewolves, aliens; I've done some pieces featuring them, so I'd love to hear some more out there suggestions from everyone.

Here's hoping October can be a happier month for all of us :)


MC Gamer

I wonder if taking this experience and using it as inspiration for a story might help?


Hey Sammy. I know it sucks right now. Losing your dad is bad enough, but having to deal with all of the legal stuff and related issues is a whole other suckfest, I'm sure!! But, don't let it get you down. You WILL get thru it. Then you can focus on the good memories of your dad, right? If you are looking for ideas for Halloween stories? How about this? I wonder what would happen if a hot, sexy powerful female vampire that is, say a thousand years old or so was just flat out horny as hell one night and looking for a little.... release and some fun sex with a hot young mortal girl. She finds a target but the mortal girl turns out to be A LOT more than she... expected!! What WOULD happen if the vampire found herself as the one on her knees and looking up at HER Mistress??!! Hmm??! Who IS Mistress now??!!!