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Happy almost Valentine's day everyone! I floated the idea a few months back of sharing rough drafts for book ideas I was working on and there was a ton of support for it. I was planning on sharing rough drafts when I had more work done, but since I'm still working my way back to writing regularly after my injury I figured this would be a fun treat to tide everyone over while I work on the updates.

Messing with Strange is a comedy fantasy book I've been planning for a while now, about a human girl named Jordan who drunkenly stumbles into the Fae realm and now has to deal with magic tricksters and monsters, which includes Glimmer, the fox girl thief who will be her love interest. It's going to be my first big non-erotica project, although there will be some steamy romantic scenes along the way. If all goes according to plan there'll be action, comedy, and plenty of fun characters.

So here's the rough draft for the very first chapter of the book, which happens to be the only chapter I have written so far. This won't be released like a monthly series but instead I'll post updates when I have other chapters written and edited to the point where I feel like sharing. Since it's a larger book there'll be some rewrites along the way, but I'm hoping you enjoy this bonus peek into my writing process. My goal is to try and finish the rough draft for the book over the year, so hopefully I'll have more to show you soon. For now enjoy the opening chapter, which sees Jordan gaining a quest as well as dealing with a floating tree, some inquisitive birds, and the effects of too much tequila.


The fun concept art of Jordan comes from my friend Calico Pikachu, who helped me brainstorm the idea for Jordan and Glimmer a few years back as a comic idea I never wrote. Check them out!




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