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Hey everyone, hope you're all doing well. It's definitely been a tough last few days with my tailbone still recovering, the pandemic, an attempted coup, and my grandmother passing. I usually try to have the first story up by the 5th, but I've just been low on energy with everything going on. The good news is my back is getting better, so hopefully in a week I'll be able to actually sit up and write again. But in the meantime I've got enough in stored up stories to post for this month, so there will be content coming soon. I just gotta go over them again and post when I'm feeling mentally up to it. Sorry for the delay and I hope that everyone is making it through the new year the best they can. I've got some goals I want to aim for this year so hopefully there'll be some fun stuff coming out over the next few months. Stay well and look forward to smut incoming soon!



Hope you feel better soon!


Hello Sammy, Hope you are feeling better and sorry to hear about your grandmother!! You have my deepest condolences!!!