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It's been a crazy week already so let's all relax with a nice fun erotic story about women wanting to be turned into happy, robot-like maids called Cleanbots, and what happens when your cute but annoying neighbor asks to borrow your charger because her Cleanbot's battery has run out. Funny, steamy, and hopefully cute enough for you all to enjoy.


If you enjoyed the story comment below and let me know what you thought!


blank stare

Wooooooooooooow! Hottttttttt!! ♥️♥️♥️ (more specifically, it's fun and sexy and sweet and positive and promises lots of good sexy funtimes in the future for all the characters! Hurray for sexy funtimes!!)


sexy stuff! i was hoping she would have placed the headset on her unexpectantly hehe

Devi Lacroix

Finally read this story, and I loved it! Great work!!!