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Howdy everybody! I'm busy working on some good series to start posting soon, and it's an amazing feeling actually having two or three month's worth of content that I have saved up as a buffer. And since I've got three finished one shot stories ready I can actually hold a poll and see which one you're interested in reading this month! Hopefully I can keep the polls are regular thing and make sure to put up the content that everyone is excited for, but don't worry because everything will get posted eventually. So the options for August are:

1) Tezz's Magic Crystal: An excitable witch has brought a present for her stern queen: a beautiful pink magic crystal. Only they both find the crystal's glow to be extremely entrancing, with certain phrases sticking in their emptying heads. A fantasy short with some sweet exhibition and entranced ladies.

2) "Can I borrow your charger?": It's extremely common for people to own Cleanbots, women who have signed up to be turned into obedient domestic drones to see to your every need, but this technological marvel still can't stop annoying neighbors from asking to borrow your charger when theirs breaks. Sexy shenanigans ensue as two ladies who own Cleanbots become more intimately familiar. 

3) Violet to Violent: And a special treat, a story I wrote featuring the characters of Madame Blanc and Violet Angel from Modren's fun superhero erotica series Whiteout. You don't have to be familiar with the story for this AU tale, where spunky heroine Violet Angel ends up in the clutches of the villainous Madame Blanc. Violet Angel is brainwashed into wanting to become a butch, badass biker babe, but to only change if she really wants to. Which should be fine for the superhero. It's not like she'd secretly crave becoming a slutty bad girl in leather. Right? A seldom seen lesbian bikerfication story, that's a double helping as it comes in at about 10,000 words. I had fun with this one haha

Feel free to vote for any stories that catch your interest, and we'll see which one will go up on the 25th!



I've already read a draft of "Violet to Violent," and folks, you do *not* wanna miss out on this one!