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We're rounding out July with the penultimate chapter of the series! It's been a long time in the works but I'm proud to finally have this series reaching it's close. The finale will come out next month, so I hope you all enjoy this lovely denouement for our favorite cheerleaders. Here's chapter 23 of "Enslave all Cheerleaders."



Ruyxi Sylpheyes

Next series you could work on could be a sci fi thriller. A meteorite lands in a girls yard with strange large spores in it that turn girls into aliens part of a hive mind. The Main character is bubbly and nice, and gets infected and assimilated as the queen, with the ability to change between human and sexy alien girl, could be futa, could have tentacles, you decide. Ulitmatly the main character is to nice and doesn't want to enslave the world, but slowly integrates other girls into her hive harem, maybe forcefully integrating a couple of mean girls or proffesors who have seen her secret. One of the ways to create more spores to infect others is intercourse between two of the alien girls.

Adam Safran

Great story! still was hoping our erstwhile boob controller would have gotten some of her own medicine.. NExt story I guess! Thanks for a real great and amazing arc


Hello Ruyxi. I must say, that sounds like a really good idea. A lot like Enslave all cheerleaders and completely different at the same time. except your main character sounds more like Connie than Amber... LOL!!


Hello Sammy, Well, you did it again! Another great hot sexy chapter. I'm glad that you gave everyone what they needed. Maria's confidence, Amber's being more human, Ashley's lower self importance, etc... I don't know what idea Rebecca had, but I have one.... what would happen if Amber set everyone "free" NOT her slaves, she had to chase them down and re-enslave them ALL again?!! Maybe program them all to not actually be able to leave the house or grounds but able to actually fight her otherwise? That could get interesting simply because she wouldn't catch them in the same order this time.. what if Maria or Emma, for example, was the last one?!! Imagine is she caught and enslaved Maria and Rebecca first, what if they were her hounds?!! We could get an entirely new story with the characters we already know and love. you could even have short segments where Amber compares what already happened with the twists and turns of the new adventure.. She enslaves maria quickly but Ashley manages to evade he for a while?


just a thought. What the...? must have pushed a wrong button. anyway, keep it going. My favorite story is still "Runs in Family" As you know, I LOVE CONNIEE!!!!!


Let me guess - the idea is that they forget the whole weekend, so that they can do it all over again?


I rather enjoyed Amber running her 'scientific tests' on her powers. Quite the achievement that she pushed herself all weekend, got a lot of exercise, got K.O.ed, and didn't get much sleep; yet she didn't burn her power out with her harem, but developed a new super power.


Rebecca seeing to the new oddities of the team made for a nice plot device. There almost seems like a potential rivalry between the new dom Maria and the former mean girl Ashley, over slave pecking order status and over Rebecca! Maria indeed is not just confident but is edgy as well. The hints at anal play with her roommate made that clear enough! Some spice in the cheerleaders' twisted new lives is rather appropriate. Particularly in that Amber herself reveals that she never had any major plan for the cheerleaders despite her humiliation. That she would have simply had fun with them over the weekend and basically let them go with some nicer programming. At least, that's what she says. It suggests that the other girls and Maria played a role in corrupting Amber.