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At long last the cheerleaders are back! I'm happy to bring everyone the return of Enslave all Cheerleaders! I apologize for the 16 month delay on the series, as it took a long time to deal with some writers block. But I've got this chapter ready for everybody and two other chapters already done as rough drafts, so it should be a smooth ride to a fun finale. I'm aiming for the series to end with chapter 23 or 24, which is a few chapters more than I had originally planned but I came up with some fun things for all of the characters to do now that they all seem to be under Amber's spell. So take a chance to use the EAC tag and catch up on the series and enjoy what's to come!


Rebecca has finally fallen under Amber's control, but just what does Amber have in store for her? Will she show Rebecca mercy like she did with Marie, or will she punish her as promised? It's up to Ashley and the other cheerleaders to discover what fun their Goddess has planned. As always feel free to comment and discuss the chapter below!



Spoiler: It was interesting seeing Rebecca as a drone. Perhaps not so amazing, as that seems to be a natural result of too much 'Amber Power' being used in a short period of time. Jade had a similar mental transformation which Amber presumably brought her out of and smoothed out the edges. So, much of what Amber might have done is the 'lights on' and 'lights off' thing? If so, that might suggest that the nameless drone "Slave" might get better over time? Or have simply been instructed not to get better? Well, in the short term, Rebecca / Slave have a lot of reinforcement planned for their new team toy. It is interesting seeing the girls as loyal slaves with both natural and unnatural behavior. I still have to wonder about whether the natural, 'true' purpose of the breast power is to make cause the subjects to become better people? In any event, Ginger might be cute, but still seems selfish but now selfish in her devotion to Amber--and Maria! But Ashley's punishment didn't last for long, as she did not remain a 'hound' for long. Presumably Amber worried about 'Bitch Ashley's' mind taking the dog behavior thing too far and nullified that behavior, needing a fully functioning human girl to be running things in the Panic Room control center. Rebecca is pretty much 'girl next door' in general depiction. but her early depiction as an arm-breaker and her punching Amber out mid-story suggests an athletic hard-ass, at least in defense of her close friends. I'd wondered if Amber would redirect that protectiveness to herself; Rebecca and Jade being bookends, serving as her especially potent defenders in unexpectedly petite packages? As roommates, it would make functional sense for Rebecca as the guard of Maria. Amber's new major domo and Personal Assistant? In any case, with the current situation, it would seem that this might be a 'corruption ploy'. That is, Rebecca being left with a degree of freedom, but constant temptation to join the 'Amber Side'. LoL Certainly, she'll be often edged sexually; the goal might be for her to beg Amber to be a proper slave? I'm glad that the broken glass came up! Nice use of it to illustrate Rebecca's drone behavior, Amber's near inattentiveness, yet clearly non-psychopathic behavior.


TYPOES: “Look on the bright SAID” (should be SIDE). Extraneous space in ‘Mind in tact’ . ‘When you WOKE’ (should be WAKE)


Why must this be an alternate Timeline to Falling?


I've considered it a side story in the same universe. If Sammy ever decides to follow up the two, I'd be thrilled. I did have an idea involving two rival sorority houses, but given that this project took literal years to finish, I'm leaving that idea on the drawing board.