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Starting the new year off right! After the fun of last chapter Connie has to say goodnight to the girls, though there's still some fun left to be had. And what's Michelle been up to, anyway? Check out Summer Lovin': Part 7! 


There's still another two days of the weekend vacation left and a couple of chapters that I'm very excited to write before the arc is done lol, so keep your eyes peeled. As always feel free to comment below, I love reading everyone's reactions to each new chapter.


Dorian Alton

Super hot chapter, Sammy! I'm a little selfish here maybe, but I've been waiting to see what was up with Michelle, and I was not disappointed. Question though. When Connie was first messing around with Michelle, it sounded like she hadn't had sex in a long time, despite a potentially high sex drive, and that Connie herself was introducing Michelle to her bi/lesbian side for the first time. Here it says she'd hooked up with Estelle previously, and that the drunken parties at the lake often devolved into orgies. Is that a continuity error, or is that Gloria letting her daughter and grand-daughters cut loose at the lake in the summer, and then selectively repressing things before they go home? Sort of the way she's decided to stack the deck in Connie's favour with the locals. (May have been addressed already, but I thought I'd check. I'm due for a re-read of the last few chapters)


Last time I wondered what’s up with Michelle. Connie’s actions this chapter are mild compared to how much unstoppable momentum Michelle seems to have. Good to see Connie owning her Dom tendencies this arc. But Michelle...I think Connie’s created a monster. Wow. Almost too much fun. What people are willing to do while drunk. I think Connie has the happy circumstance of needing to increase her stamina to keep up with her ever growing harem of devoted fucktoys. Who knew?


Well they are all adults so they could get up to shenanigans for sure. I got the impression that maybe her friend got Michelle to do something almost like this a while back. So maybe like 10 years ago for example. Not that it was the usual thing. Just a possible thing, when you’re drunk and uninhibited.