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I was hoping to have a Halloween story up over the weekend but I ran into some computer trouble. My keyboard has decided to randomly have some of the buttons stop working, and I never know when it's going to do it or for how long. So it's been a little hard to write and get this Halloween story done. On the plus side I'm finally a little ahead, so I can promise you that a story will be up by tomorrow. I have the next It Runs in the Family chapter ready that I was going to post at the start of November, but I'm still going to try to write through to tomorrow. So either I get this Halloween story done and everyone can enjoy it tomorrow, or you'll get a double helping of IRF this month and you'll get a fashionably late spooky story for November haha.

As for my laptop I'm gonna have to use most of my patreon money to buy a new laptop next month, since not being able to delete or write the letter p on demand is incredibly irritating. Hopefully I'll be back to writing at full steam in a week or two, and there shouldn't be any interruption in story udates. See there it goes lol. Have a great Halloween everyone and I'll have something tomorrow for you all to enjoy<insert exclamation mark here that I can't write at the moment>



the broken keyboard is really annoying. you are right . buy a new usb keyboard, it will cost you less than a new laptot


You know I completely forgot that those are things, although this old keyboard I have isn't the most comfortable lol, but it'll do for now. Thanks for the advice!