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Sorry for no updates in the first half of the month. Things got busy but in a good way! Had some good opportunities come up, and I'm working on the commissions that were sent in to me. Here's chapter two of the current arc, "Meeting the Girlfriend," with the third and final chapter of the Naomi arc coming out in just a week or two, so keep your eyes peeled!


Hope you all enjoy, and feel free to comment below!



loved it as always! looking forward to the next chapter soon


Amazing as always to have updates on this series. Naomi really is a beast when unrestrained in a trance. That’s for sure. She’s dangerous. The next update will be so much fun. I can’t wait.

Paul Maxey

Lol, loved this chapter but Connie might have a problem and unleashed a monster of the good kind lmao.

Emily Bostic

That was so sweet it made me cry.


Good to finally see something with this story..... and a good illustration why Grannie warned Connie about not being trained and understanding all that hypnosis could do to a person. Again, you really nailed it with the unintended consequences. I hope this leads to even more stumbling blocks and gaffs. Maybe things spiral a bit more out of control than even Connie could have imagined? Maybe Grannie will be "convinced" to have our newest addition moved into the house like Connie was? Tara really needs to get dominated by her beau, and I think it'd be hot if Connie accidentally made that happen. Maybe she only finds out about it a month or two down the road when she sees Tara with a big set of nipple rings? I can just imagine how that conversation would go over!!