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A recurring theme in It Runs in the Family is that I keep putting in fake movies and such that feature mind control or hypnosis in them, and as I'm writing the next chapter I had a part about a video game with a mind control enemy. I thought it would be funny if the enemy were kinda small and useless but really cute, and so my friend AWMBH drew one up for me and honestly I love it. So say hello to a Zorp, or commonly called a befuddlefish.

These little cuties fly around in the air, searching for comfortable heads to land on. Anyone who gets a Zorp on their noggin gets hit with the greatest pleasure ever, melting your mind away into happy bliss. Their lucky victims walk around like zombies, drooling and smiling and mumbling the commands that their Zorp gives them. I just planned on putting them in as a quick reference, but honestly I love the design so much that I'm planning to write a couple little shorts about hot ladies in space being terrorized by the most adorable mind control menace. Hope you all think the befuddlefish are as cute as I do, and if you think there's any of my characters from past stories who should get a Zorp of their own then please say so in the comments. If there's any fun suggestions I might look into commissioning some art of some Zorped ladies out of my own pocket haha



I wonder what kind of commands they would give? As for a character that would do well.... Hmmmmmmmm. I would love to see Amber getting a taste of her own medicine, honestly.


Pretty basic commands, all the Zorp seem to care about are getting more hosts. The fun is in hearing the commands though lol "Must show Zorp... to all my friends... must show Zorp... to all my friends..."

Col Lector

Def gotta see your epic lady hypnotist from "falling for her tits" get a zorp and have the zorp use her hypno breasts to get more people to have zorps.

Zelkova Tatl

They are sooooooooo cute, I want one for myself ^-^


Okay now I love the idea of Amy and Amber walking around mindlessly with Zorps on their heads, mumbling about how they'll hypnotize everyone :D

Trixie Adara

These are unreasonably adorable


"Befuddle Fish" LoL!