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Hey everybody, I know I've been quiet this month. Unfortunately my sickness in december carried over for the first two weeks of January, so that seriously slowed me down. I've managed to write almost 15k in 10 days, which is a decent pace, but considering I lost 12 days it's put me behind. I'm working on finishing up the stories now so I'll hit my deadline before the month is over, I just regret I haven't had anything to post yet. Thanks for sticking with me, and I'll try to have some stuff coming out soon. I'm working on the next It Runs in the Family, which should be fun, and for February I want to focus on some of my series that fell by the wayside. I know everyone has stories they love that they wish had more, so we can use this as a chance to share your thoughts. Let me know what unfinished series I have that you'd like to see updated, or even a story that you wish had a sequel. Based on how many comments the series get I'll try to focus on writing those :)



Yeah... your reaction time was a bit slow here and there ^^ But I always think, health of all kind should come first.


I definitely should have mentioned something sooner but I've been raised with the bad habit of not saying anything until I have results to show for myself. I'm trying to break it but that's easier said than done haha. I've got a few shorts nearly done though, so I should have 3 stories done before the month is over


Hope you are doing better Sammy!


My throat's still a little sore from laryngitis but I'm much better. I basically had a lung infection that was like a month long cold, and the medication made it hard to write anything. Super shitty to get as a creative type XD


I was actually considering sending a message last night asking if you were okay. Guess this answers that!


Once again my phone sent the message instead of moving to new line -_- Would love to see more snake goddess stories, as that feels like the one with the longest wait for your main stories. Would be happy with whatever you decide on though! Better to work on something you really want to rather than try to force a story if you're not fully feeling it, y'know?

Zelkova Tatl

I was going to send you a message as I've been worried, thank you for letting us know. I hope you are feeling better. As for stories I would love to see more of the Snake Goddess story go on :3 though honestly my kinks are breasts and milking (lactation is what I mean with milking) and I suppose forced (you know against ones will). That being said I always love your stories so anything you do is fine to me ^-^

billy k.

Well, my favorite story has always been It Runs in the Family. As previously stated by me, I hope it never ends. I also have really gotten into Managing the Office, so please continue that one. Thanks.


Hey Sammy! Glad to hear you're feeling better. I'll echo the folks that would like to see more Snake Goddess, but of your unfinished stories the one I'd MOST like to see a continuation/conclusion for is Witch's Dream of Power. I know you stated it'd a 3-parter (of which 2 parts are completed so far), though frankly I think this one easily has legs to be a longer-runner if you decide to go that route. Either way, it's one of my absolute favorites of yours!

Victor Lazlo

Laryngitis sucks, I’ve been there before. My favourite series is definitely It Runs In the Family, though I’d really love to see a conclusion of Witch’s Dream of Power! Ihave no doubt whatever you write will be excellent, though :-)


Hey Sammy, hope you feel better soon. I would love to read the rest of the RWBY story. A witch's dream of power


hit wrong button hate that! anyway the rest of witch's dream would be great also. But, of course, I want more It Runs in Family!!!!! I LOVE CONNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trixie Adara

Rest is always first. We support YOU, not your productivity


Please continue high priestess or the snake goddess I always get so wet.


I enjoyed Managing The Office, but just about anything with Big Boobz (tm) will attract my attention. Hope you feel better soon!


I too suffer from “no communication until I have progress syndrome”. I’m glad you checked in with us though. So “it runs in the family” is always welcome of course. But even more of your short commissions would be welcome if you’re not productive. Sounds like it is going okay for you really. It just takes time to recover from this years cold it seems. It has definitely disrupted more than just you.


your sick, rest up. we will be here when you are better


Love to know what's happening with It Runs in the Family. Now that Connie seems to have gotten all that she could ask for..... where will it go? How will she train her first actual slave? How will that impact the dynamic with the rest of the family? Is Nadia going to get some unintentional fringe benefits after Tara's intro to slavery? Dare I hope? Will Connie use more of those "it would make me happy" trigger to get the girls more inline with what she wants to accomplish? Are we going to see more unintended oopses? Lots of ideas and yet not a clue where you're going to take it. Great story, though, and I'm looking forward to seeing more soon!

No Memory

My fave is It Runs in the Family! More Please!


A witches dream of power just needs one more chapter to wrap up please! Something about the wooden cage, and the characters interactions.