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And here we are, at the last chapter of this current arc to finish out the year. Connie has definitely come a long way since this series started two years ago, and I'm thankful for everyone's support that has been able to keep me writing. This definitely marks the end of the first phase of the series, since Connie has achieved her dream of seeing all the women as her sex slaves, which was her driving goal all along. Now as we move into the next set of story arcs we'll get to see a more confident Connie experimenting with just what kind of fun she can get up to. I'm hoping to have some fun stuff in store for next year! So for now enjoy "Dream a Little Dream For Me: Chapter 11!"



MC Gamer

Great work as always. The wait for the next chapter's gonna be agony. Loving what you're doing with Michelle, especially. I'd love to see Gloria's past get some more exploration.

billy k.

This is my favorite of all your stories. I hope it never ends!


I started reading your work over on mcstories with Obey all Cheerleaders and came here when I learned of more. This story has by far become my favorite. It is absolutely amazing and I just can't get enough. Please never let it end! Thank you


Since it's the start of a new arc I usually like to wait until I have the first two chapters down, in case I can't make it work and want to try something else. Keeps me from getting stuck lol. So most likely new IRF will be in January but you never know haha, I'll do my best

Anonymous Coward

Fantastic ending to one of my favorite stories. I hope you will tell us how exactly Connie is going to use her new slave. Michelle submitting so sweetly gives me shivers :) thank you Sammy! Excellent work!

Anonymous Coward

Will Connie enslave both Tara and her girlfriend?


Hello Sammy, WELL FFIINNAAAALLLLYYYYYY!@!!!!! Michelle is Connie's real life willing slave. Now she just needs to add Jane. The way I read this is -- Michelle is her slave but Jane still isn't yet . Connie doesn't truly rule the household yet!! After all, how much will Gloria ignore? What would happen if Connie wanted to watch T V while Michelle ate her out while both naked? Will Michelle address Connie as Mistress in the house? Gloria and Tara would both freak, right? Will Connie ever collar her slaves? Could Connie sit on couch with Michelle and Jane naked at her feet? I read your response to Stephen Williams..... so glad there is more to come....I wonder what you are planning to do with that video Connie made? Do we meet Michelle's sister Lucy? Does Connie get her too? How about Nadia so she can have Tara? not cheating if both are slaves? Looking forward to more... I still see another chapter or two too this one but that's just me I guess!!!! love ya, Sammy!!


For me, the unintended things are what really sets the story. Everything working out perfectly, or coming around to exactly what Connie wanted... that's kind of boring. Example -- Tara doesn't remember the mini-orgy and incest, but something of the slavery mindset is still there in her subconscious. And since she's with Noami, she slowly explores slavery with her girlfriend. Connie is unknowingly making Tara, the girl she first loved, into a devout sex slave for another chic. How sinful would that be? I worry about Gloria, tbh. She seemed a convenient tool to get everything started, and then served as a neat foil to keep Connie in check. But where'd she go? What can we do with her now? Will she be able to stop Connie? Will she find a way to turn the tables on Connie? Is she secretly hoping Connie will win, somehow feeding off her own subconscious and her time with her mistress years ago?