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This took like two hours of editing haha, so sorry it's showing up so late in the month. Paul nearly managed to beat Ruth in the car by hypnotizing her, but how much of his suggestions was she affected by? We'll find out as Ruth sets out to get her threesome with the couple. Enjoy and be sure to discuss below!




Been waiting for this one! Hope it's good. Sibling Rivalry and A Witch's Dream of Power are two of my favorite you have going on.



Jack Enthralledo

This is my favorite story you work on right now and this was a great chapter. Among your many skills is your ability to write striking and dominant characters and I like the tease of Ruth loosing and then the gratification of her gaining back control (much like in FFHT, a turn I found very satisfying). I don't know how long you intend to write this story for; It feels like it is set to run until Ruth takes ownership of the couple...and while I would love to read as much of it as you're willing to write I can't help but yearn to see Ruth end up on top and imagine story from there. Thanks for a great read!


You are the ONE author I've found who manages to so expertly hit my Cruelty turned Kindness kink... It's the reason I REALLY want to see Falling for her Tits completed - I feel like a couple chapters would be all that is needed to finish it, definatley one having them deal with Brooke's parents, and another to act as an Epilogue...

Dark Demon

Agreed... although I'd love to see Ruth lose, ultimately ending up completely on the bottom, and aware, yet helpless to do anything about it.


Hello Sammy, haven't been on page for a while. I don't remember reading this before but since I commented i must have. I don't know why I just said ok, before. I just apparently re-read this and I really liked it. It seems Ruth may come out on top after all. I for one hope so!!!