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Here's a fun erotic story about a silent rave in a sorority house, where someone else has hacked into the music to add their own fun beat to the playlist. Probably not my best title but it's midnight, I'm tired, and I don't think I can get away with calling the story "Lesbian Panic at the Disco" mostly because of it's tragic lack of disco.  As always comment and discuss below, and I hope you all enjoy the rave!



Zyzzyva Nineteen-Thirty-Six

...No, you are incorrect. The title should, in fact, be "Lesbian Panic at the Disco!". ;P


"Lesbian panic" does fit..... Damn, this gives me a great idea for a commission Sammy, pick me!!....pick me!!! OR.......This could be a great intro to an multiple enslavement story.... maybe revenge on the sorority for not being accepted? Hot story, Sammy. As usual. Very easy to picture....


Wait a minute. just occurred to me..... can't panic if you don't know you are being programmed, changed, and enslaved can you????


This was great


Just as long as it's got a happy ending. After all, she writes smut, not tragedies.


Wonderful to see girl's accept their fates. I wonder what happens the next morning, though - do they still function, like in snake goddess? Or are they just mindless sluts to the beat forevermore, a whole group of girls wiped out in a single night?