Update from the road (Patreon)
2018-06-23 15:16:56
We're about halfway through this trip and I'm feeling utterly exhausted. We drove over 40 hours in 4 days, and we're doing 45 more hours of driving in the next four days. I'm seriously going to need a vacation after this road trip to relax :P
I also haven't had any chances to sit down and write. This is the first time I've been able to open my laptop and take care of some emails. So anyone donating to my kofi and offering story suggestions it might take a little while, since I probably won't be able to write any of these short prompts up until after I return, but I do want to write them. And I'm very appreciative of all the support that everyone's given me, you've been keeping me up on the road :) Hopefully the rest of this trip goes fast and I'll be back to being able to write soon