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The search for the last free girls continues. We see some unexpected resistance in a slave and an emotional reunion this chapter. Can Amber keep control of her new harem, or has she bitten off more than she can chew? As always feel free to comment with your opinions below! I always love see the in depth analysis that happens down there 




I'm really pleased that you got this next chapter out so early! ***************** Spoilers ****************** Who would look in the place where Amber first revealed her power to the cheerleaders? Well, with a half dozen girls looking around for the two missing girls, one of them did. More than one, in fact, it would seem. Perhaps Amber is indeed worried about the status of her power? To her credit, she did find the conflict of interest and betrayal in the making. And that was a development that might have worked against her, as Amber couldn't have easily located it, given the other distractions. Or even thought of it. It was interesting that this was the first 'betrayal' Amber has experienced. If I had to guess, I'd say that the brainwashing room set up is no substitute compared to her presumably more typical programming via 'post whammy whispering and cuddling'. Plus, Maria's sudden entry into the room and actions clearly hit the slaves and their hunger hard. Heather being at a particularly vulnerable stage towards being 'hacked'? Or Amber spent the least time with her in giving instructions? Or her breast power was weakened in bringing her down, and that made a difference? At least Amber is talking to her slaves. Despite her long run of apparent complete successes, this episode is giving her something to think about. Maybe something to worry about as well? She might have a 'slave staff' back home that might be 'betraying' her wishes, or going nuts without her instructions and presence? Getting feedback on what her subjects are thinking and programming them with their personalities in mind is smarter than the 'one size fits all' scenario of the 'Brainwashing Room'. ________________________ I really enjoyed the Dining Room. Maria's time outside was clearly not too long. Clearly, poor, programmed Jade was not able to easily keep up with her as Maria put some time between Jade and herself. Even with the humid dew, no one said Jade was a tracking expert. And, it's not like she failed in the end. Loved Jade's robotic performance and then suddenly manic expression! _______________ It doesn't look good as both girls are now rather weak! Maria tired, cold, wet and miserable almost seemed disappointed not to be caught in the Dining Room. I was amused by her 'I've got a dirty mind in need of a good brainwashing!' spiel! Yet, for her relative weakness of body and dampened spirits, Maria is probably still in a more defiant condition than Rebecca. But Maria might actually want Rebecca to get away but not herself? I liked the girls recounting. It made this a great chapter even with low action and no actual sex. I liked how Maria came up with a logic for how they weren't enslaved that at least beat the 'Wetness Test' that Jade used in the garage! LoL Maria being smart like that. Plus, she's got something about her that really enjoys being dominant. Well, lots of low-social status nerd guys might fantasize, why not a nerd girl? Especially if she's a little wacked? __________________________ The tender touching of Maria and Rebecca, and Maria appreciating Rebecca's muscled back was really nice! It gave a good impression of Rebecca as the strong and protective roommate for nerdy Maria, but it also shows Maria both appreciating Rebecca, but also suggesting that Maria might appreciate physically strong women in general! On a somewhat related subject, big and strong Emma being evoked to as being needy and submissive was a lot of fun too. I'm a big fan of 'superwomen' lording over submissive, or unwillingly submissive skinny and flat or petite pettanko girls; but a smaller girl with a towering or otherwise large and physically powerful woman as a slave is great turn-on as well! ___________________________ I really appreciate both the tender scenes in the dining room, and the two dealing with their recent experiences with lesbianism. Maria may or may not have already been gay or bisexual, Rebecca taking this harder now that she's had time to stop and think about it. The 'Conversion Process' as a mind controlled subject grapples with a shifted sexual orientation is, and ought to be, a major theme in itself. _________________ Again, I have to wonder if the Breast Power's true potency is to turn girls gay! LoL More likely, it probably compels any subject to want those breasts and 'get it on' with the owner? Almost immediately flipping sexual orientation to make that happen. Though imprecise, that would represent power indeed. The mind control aspects being almost a secondary byproduct?


It's a big mansion, but if you search long enough you'll end up retracing your steps eventually. Heather might have gone back to the lounge because, in her mind at least, Maria isn't out to escape but is trying to reconnect with Heather because of the bond they share, imagined or not. Heather's mental state is something that we could debate all day, because it's hard to say how much of her emotions are really hers or the product of Amber's power working on her. Heather might not have had lesbian urges prior to this, and for that matter she might not have been so submissive either. Amber's power doesn't just make you gay, it makes you subordinate. The surprise for Amber is that apparently the submission is not specific to Amber, which is a problem for her. You have a point that Amber has changed her usual MO for the mansion hunt. We saw with Petra (the teacher) and Latrice (the roommate) that she usually devotes a significant amount of time to conditioning the subject. It's possible that the brainwashing room isn't enforcing the control to the same extent, so the slaves aren't operating at 100% efficiency, so to speak. Or maybe this is happening to all her slaves after enough time passes or with enough mental stress. Amber might need to check up on her 'slave staff' after all this, see if anyone's gone nuts and started a weird sex cult in her absence. Amber doesn't see herself as a cruel person, so she does make at least a token effort to understand and relate to her slaves. The knee-jerk outrage at being challenged by Maria quickly gave way to a question of "what does she do that I don't?", as if she's feeling insecure. I would bet that Amber doesn't often feel inadequate, since this entire scenario is the result of Amber being humiliated. If she had a thicker skin, she wouldn't have needed to hatch such an elaborate revenge plot. This is probably good for her to broaden her perpsective and gain some empathy, assuming she learns the lesson. Maria and Rebecca are worn-down, but so is everyone else. Nobody's had much time to stop and rest, except for the brainwashing sessions. Everyone's running on fumes, so it's not like the odds are any worse for the survivors. It just makes them more desperate to escape. The friendship between Maria and Rebecca was established early in the story and these two are arguably the "protagonist" characters of the story, so it makes sense for them to have lasted the longest. Now it just comes down to who, if either of them, is actually going to escape. I doubt that Amber's power completely changes one's sexual orientation. If she were to use it on a gay man, they would probably still be gay, but still have the same effect with regards to Amber herself. More than likely, anyone who is now craving lesbian affection had those cravings prior to the enslavement but has had those feelings "unlocked" so to speak. It's possible some of these women might go on to date men, but still be bi-sexual or at least just attracted to Amber specifically.


Yes, Heather seems to be almost the opposite of what her persona was before enslavement. That's largely been true of everyone, really. Subjects generally becoming more pleasant once a need to 'look after number one', and protective 'shells' are dissolved and ambitions are redirected. Ginger seems the most same to her pre-slave self. Emma, the angry and ambitious big girl was almost completely subverted, Ashley had this incredible ego that fell away, and Heather's pre-slave self almost sounded like a 'team up with a villain' before the encounter in the party room. College is a growing experience! Hopefully for more than just the 'Freshman 10'. Big fish from small ponds suddenly finding that they aren't so amazing after all. Even with (nearly) unique super abilities, Amber has been stretching herself, and has been learning new things about herself and her powers. Amber found that she was sort of 'co-opted' by the nerd! In its own way, Maria's taking on the role of mistress to Amber's brainwashed girls was something entirely unexpected and as amazing as Rebecca's getting away. again and again. The Breast Power does seem to dissolve attitudes, mental blocks, and aspects of belief systems and values. Which perhaps shouldn't be surprising as the subjects lose their egos and personal perspective in favor of Amber's. That certain mental connections aren't there anymore might explain why the girls do 'go gay' and not worry about it until after the fact, where one might expect a more visceral reaction? How the gay question operates is, of course, open to debate. The breasts do seem to work on going for a hyper-sexual attractiveness. It works on men just fine, and presumably gay men would 'suddenly go straight', at least as far as Amber is concerned. Straight girls becoming bisexual for Amber. And, indeed, we have two college roommates who both have had gay encounters with girls who were NOT Amber. That suggests to me that exposure does indeed automatically 'trip the switches' to broader sexual horizons, as well as amping up the arousal in the subjects.