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I'm incredibly sorry that I wasn't able to get the stories out as promised. All of you who support me deserve better than that. I clawed as hard as I could to make it back from the writers block I had at the start of the month, but I just wasn't able to finish them.  Those stories should be done in a few days, and I'll publish them as soon as they're done, and I'm putting everything I have into getting as much writing done as I possibly can this month. It's inexcusable for me to fall behind when all of you support me so much. I need to get ahead and create a buffer of stories so I can ensure that I don't fail like this again and let you all down. You deserve better, and I promise to be better.

Please feel free to suggest any ways I can help to make up for letting you all down. I'm racking my brain for a way to apologize to everyone



hey. as someone that enjoys writing myself, writer's block sucks. not upset with you, personally. i hope you feel better asap. thanks for all you do and the wonderful entertainment you provide everyone. you are appreciated.


Don't worry about it. Stuff happens! Deadlines come and go, quality is all that matters. If you're not feeling it you're not feeling it. Happens to everyone.


Life happens. At least you're honest about it, and for me that's all I need. I feel just admitting to it is better than trying to force yourself to meet certain goals at the risk of quality. Situations change, and I'm sure before long you'll be able to put your troubles in the past. I'm sure many of us will continue to support you while that happens.


Sammy, I've been writing professionally for three decades now. I can provide you some tips for getting around writer's block, if you're interested. I love your imagination and your writing style, and would love to help.

Dorian Alton

No worries for me. Appreciate that you're concerned about us though :D


What's your least favorite hand? 🤣


Love your writing and stories and I hope you will be able to keep going. Apprecciate your concern for your readers. Considering that you have been having a bit of difficulty to meet your objectives, maybe you could consider changing your pledge structure to a « per story contribution » rather than « per month contribution »

Madam Kistulot

For my sake? Give yourself a break :)

Emily Bostic

Take care of yourself.


I think in order to make it up to us, we're going to need to see a story where you are enslaved by one of your characters ;-)

Paul Maxey

Don't worry yourself too much duck, after the last few months you have had I am sure we all understand and can give you some leeway. The quality of your work makes it quite easy to forgive you occasionally missing your deadlines. If you can manage to build your buffer back up it will take the pressure off you a little for when you have bouts of writers block or personal issues. If I was you instead of doing the stories we like the most, do the ones you enjoy writing and find the easiest for a couple of months. That way you might be able to build your stories and start a buffer more quicker. As for a way to apologise for missing your deadline, I think you should promise us all that you will have a glass or two of wine and a Easter Egg (or two :P) and relax and clear your mind a bit ;) x


I, for one, always thought you were at least a chapter or two ahead of us. I thought you had the story pretty much thought thru and done. that, for instance, Connie ends up with three obedient slaves in family, that amber has the girls at her feet in cheerleaders. i understand you might 'tweak' it here or there, but i figured they were pretty much written. My favorites are family, cheerleaders and rivalry. I guess it is something of a double edge sword for you. you are a very good writer so we all want the next chapter of our favorite stories. I do like the idea of putting you in one of your stories and being enslaved by one of your own characters, DEFINITELY be an original angle!! anyway, chill darlin, maybe have a good meal then sit back with a cold, stiff drink!?! love you and looking forward to what's coming!


i love this idea!! i said as much to Sammy, see below.

Ian Graham

Maybe a yet-to-be commissioned art piece released for everyone that we vote on the content? For instance, i vote for Michelle from IRITF getting hypnotized by Amber's boobs


Tbh I can't say that I don't miss your writings, but your welfare is a priority

Zelkova Tatl

I personally always recommend to people to create a buffer in whatever they do just in case of events like this occur. Its always good to have just in case. :) I did miss your breast hypnosis related stories as well as It Runs in the Family ^-^


Thank you everyone for all the kind comments. I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that I get ahead on my writing and stop myself from falling behind like this again.

Abby Gail

Today being the 21st of the month it would be a great time to take a quick break from your creative efforts to update us (unless, of course, you're about to upload several more of this month's quota today). After all, to just keep up with this month's commitment and to begin chipping away at last month's deficit, we should see at least 4 more stories/chapters published within the next 9 days and you normally publish on the 10th and the 20th. Having seen only two chapters uploaded in the past 20 days, one might begin to get concerned without a note from you letting us know how it's going and what to expect going forward.


I apologize for the lack of an update yesterday! One of my closest friends got married and I planned to upload the stories after the wedding, but the reception went on for six hours and I just crashed when I got home. I'm doing some last little editing but I'll have a story or two up within the hour. The only thing not done this month is the last fifth story, which the idea has been giving me a little trouble on. I'm gonna work on something else and see if that comes easier, so that should be ready by the 30th. I apologize for not giving an update earlier, it kept slipping my mind getting ready for the wedding


Two new stories are up. Both of them are for the $5 patrons, and I'll have the last story for all patrons up by the end of the month. That's the last one I have to finish. The one shot I was writing is giving me a little creative trouble, so I'll spend this week trying to work that one out or working on a different idea, but I'll make sure to come up with something :)