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Hey everyone, I'm sorry for the radio silence lately. I had a lot of personal things all come up at once and it put me into a pretty bad rut. The days just kind of blended together and I lost track of time and people. I didn't even realize that I never posted the last story for last month. I'm working my way through things now and trying to get back on track, so I apologize for letting things get that bad and not saying anything. I'm doing my best to get the next batch of stories ready, and to get back around to emailing people and working on commissions. I started off February strong with a lot of work done fast and that's what I'm striving to be full time. We'll see how it goes


Simon Shaw

Best of luck!

Reed James

Did that a few months back. Realzied I never posted a reward story. Hope you get out of your rut.


Be healthy!

Dorian Alton

Thanks for the heads up. I've definitely had times like that too. Hope you're doing better.


Thank you everyone, I appreciate all the well wishes. It's hard sitting down to write and getting more than a few hundred words down. I'm going to the NEEHU conference this weekend so hopefully getting away for a bit and talking to some hypnosis people will help me get some energy back. Stories may be a few days past the 10th since I won't be back until the 12th


Well since Feb only has 28 days I wasn't expecting a post on the 30th for February anyway. But I look forward to you being invigorated and energized. I know after a conference I always feel inspired myself. So it should be a good experience.