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The newest exciting chapter for everyone to enjoy. The lesbians are on the prowl, and they know how badly the audience wants to see every girl turned into a mindless cheerleader. Unfortunately there's still some resistance, so be sure to cheer those brave slaves on as they try to capture their friends! 




A reminder to all that illustrations are available for each chapter at <a href="https://kaywest.deviantart.com/gallery/63360361/COLLEGE-SEDUCTION-SERIES" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://kaywest.deviantart.com/gallery/63360361/COLLEGE-SEDUCTION-SERIES</a> as they are made by the commissioned artist! Rebecca's scene with Ashley was very sweet, both in their interplay and Rebecca's discovery that Maria is free and attempt to save her. Her heroic streak makes her as likely to survive as Maria's newfound dominance. It was also intriguing to see her escape attempt through the mansion, and the curious mention of Heather's insistence on finding Maria covertly, since they clearly share a special bond of sorts. Maybe love will win the day? Amber's scene outside the mansion dropped some interesting details about her abilities I'd love to discuss. The mention that her powers have specific limitations is new, and I'm actually quite surprised that she doesn't have the ability to sense when she has someone entranced. You'd think that would be a given, but I guess all she really does is see her victim's reaction, which is usually enough. Her frustration and fear as her plans are starting to unravel is great, and it really gives us the impression that this is where everything starts to go wrong for her. I really do love it when Amber uses her power on a higher setting, so to speak, so Jade getting a refresh was a scene I will probably re-read a few times. It shows Amber's desperation that she's willing to override her slave's inherent self-preservation instincts in order to be a more efficient hunter, which wasn't something she'd considered earlier. It goes to show that Amber could really be a dangerous villain if her ambitions ever escalated beyond being a cheerleader with straight As. On a personal note, the fact that Rebecca caught Amber in her headlights just as Amber caught Rebecca in her own "headlights" is such an amazing pun.


I am 110% sure, until the next post from our lovely writer, I will have forgotten that information... likely I did that within a few minutes even ^^;


The suspense is KILLING ME!


I was indeed wondering how Rebecca managed to get control of the Panic Room and undo the 'lockdown'. The answer didn't involve Rebecca defeating and tying up Ashley. Quite a sexy and even romantic little steamy time in the Panic Room. There has been speculation about Rebecca's ability to resist since she so nearly fell under in the ball room, and ran away leaving Heather behind. (Just the opposite of what I was suspecting from the self-centered Heather and Heroic sounding Rebecca). Rebecca's tryst with Ashley has almost made me wonder if 'fun with Ashley' would make Rebecca fall under control! Similarly, I've now started to wonder if Heather has become fixated on Maria as a 'True Mistress', or at least willing to overlook? If Jade was the last to be enslaved, and had her extra strong breast whammy, and extra long brainwashing session, yet has fallen out of her extreme and single minded devotion, one might fairly wonder if the other girls are fully converted and loyal as well? Particularly as Maria has somehow managed to confuse their enslavement? I do have to wonder Rebecca REALLY wants to escape? She seems to, but leaving her shoes behind in the Panic Room? Not a good idea if she wants to escape through the woods. The garden suggests that the weather clearly isn't bitterly freezing cold yet, but its cold enough for naked girls. It's bad news for Amber that the girls might have gotten outside, but the garden is just a microcosm for the difficulties of both finding someone (and escaping) though the woods. At least Amber is starting to take things seriously. Suddenly having a quarry that could be anywhere, and the specter of losing her 'golden ticket', has put Amber in a more serious mood. Serious enough to zap Jade over again. It seems that the extra strong whammy that Jade was under did indeed fade in intensity. Quite possibly Jade has already taken some injuries in her 'super stunts' of breaking down doors and 'anime action'. But now, Amber has given Jade an extra-extra strong dose of her breasts to get back her Ace. Jade will likely be a sore, bruised and scratched mess by the time this is over. Poor girl might even be on crutches for awhile as she may have exhausted herself or injured herself already, pushing her out of the earlier 'zone'? Since Amber herself seems to have cringed a bit with the length and potency of the second dose, on top of the first, I wonder if Jade's personality will ever really be back? I'm glad to see the other girls make their appearance. It was only a brief conversation, but at least Amber has heard of what happened while in her solo hunt. Having such power would make it awfully easy to go through life as an adult child, always able to ask for help--and generally getting it and more. But, to truly be effective, the controller has to THINK. She'll have to think not only for herself, but those under her too. The garage was a completely logical way to try and escape. Trying to get away on foot--through the woods--would be quite arduous. Kudos to Amber for thinking of it. One thing is that I'm not certain if the glare of the headlights might obscure as much as reveal? They might blind Amber as well. (It might be dangerous as well, standing in front of a motor vehicle!) But, it seems that Amber might have ended the chapter with Rachel in hand? We shall see. It's also interesting that Amber has no idea if her breast power is working through any mental or 'energy usage' sense? I'm not surprised about the mental thing, clearly Amy and Amber never seemed like telepaths who knew what their victims were thinking or if people were present. Indeed, Amy sort of exasperated me for having the ability to learn stuff from or about most anyone, but not much using it. Just thinking of what her subjects could do for her--if that. But I was wondering if there was a sense of 'power usage' which might be enacted once someone fell under the control of the breast power. It made for quite the scene when Amber doesn't know if Maria is out in the garden or if she's looking at her and possibly even entranced. It would also be nerve wracking for the controller if one's power could be exhausted in an encounter, but not knowing how much was left? Anyway, a nice job of the two hero girls escaping or trying to, and the mind controller and her slaves trying to stop them. It was particularly gratifying for the mansion to suddenly turn from an asset as a trap, to a liability in being so large. Typo: Page 3, the word "Conscious" was used when the correct word should have been "Conscience".


It's worth remembering that most of these girls are at or near peak physical fitness as cheerleaders, so they're not to be taken lightly. Ashley in particular has been head cheerleader for years and that's a demanding role. She wouldn't be easy to subdue with violence, so Rebecca was smart to use the brainwashing to her advantage as a manipulation tactic. It is a dangerous ploy though, since even brief exposure to Amber's power in the parlor and later the ballroom sticks with you, which makes her vulnerable to the same seduction tactics. If it had continued much longer, Ashley might very well have converted Rebecca by proxy. As for their heroic qualities, it's worth remembering that Rebecca is really only friends with Maria, while Heather is a team veteran. So when Maria broke and ran away, Rebecca would have lost the one person she felt personally responsible for, since it's her fault Maria's even here. Heather, conversely, would have a personal stake in saving her friends from Amber and would have felt the need to push on. Though that does raise an interesting point. Heather was treated poorly by Ashley in the first chapter, and it's implied that the other cheerleaders followed suit to avoid upsetting Ashley, so she might not have felt that strong sense of companionship with any of them. Amber's brainwashing might have broken a dam in Heather's mind and gave her something she hadn't ever felt before, which meant that when Maria gave her more of the same, it was like relapsing on a drug. Hard to tell if this makes Maria a threat to Amber's dominance, but it does mean there's a connection there deeper than with any of Heather's fellow cheerleaders. Amber's still comparitively young and while she's comfortable with her powers, it's unlikely she's ever had to really push them to their limits before. Jade's probably the deepest she's ever put someone before, and while it's a bit scary to see what she's capable of, it's necessary with the stakes as high as they are. Jade's personality will probably come back, but it might take the rest of the weekend. It's worth remembering that all this started only a few hours ago, and they're supposed to be at the mansion for a couple days more. Amber was probably counting on taking the extra time to actually get to know her fellow teammates and maybe do some actual behavioral correction like she claimed at the start. The garage is definitely the primary egress route from the mansion, short of getting out a call for help somehow. Whether or not Amber is blinded would depend on if Rebecca immediately flipped on the high-beams, which she might if it's dark enough. I would really hope that the sudden freeze would keep Rebecca from stepping on the gas pedal. There's a couple ways I could think of Rebecca getting away, but I don't want to start listing them in case one is correct and I spoil the cliffhanger. The mental aspect would be quite overpowered if she could instantly sense the power working on someone. Amy was probably just too self-centered to actually ask anything about her slaves, since the whole point is for them to serve her, not the other way around. Cathy's time as a master gave her perspective and made her more thoughtful, but it doesn't look like Amber's going to have that insight since the mirror trick didn't work on her. Hell, she could probably make a killing as a spy for the public or private sector. Get your target alone, use your powers to get all their secrets. Intelligence agencies do tend to recruit from colleges and universities, so it's possible a future sequel might be Secret Agent Amber if it's not Supervillainess Amber. :D It's hard to say if Amber's power has an energy limit. She used it quite rapidly in the ballroom, entrancing three girls in succession, and the encounter did wear her out a bit. Presumably with a large enough mob, she could be easily subdued. Who knows, maybe that's what happened to the original Goddess in ancient times and why modern day people aren't currently serving under a Matriarchical Theocracy. If it didn't have a one-person limit, Amber would just walk around topless and enslave armies. The tension is definitely ramping up. I was worried when Emma, Ginger, and Heather all went down one chapter after another that the story would end too quickly, but stacking the deck early just raises the tension for the second half as things start to go sideways for everyone. And as always, your analysis is very well done Larqven. :)


Again, thanks for the great reply. You're right about the cheerleaders. Generations ago, the athletic girls were the ones who became cheerleaders, but then, with the rise of more and more serious girl school sports, it was more pretty and glamorous girls who became cheerleaders. Nowadays, though, there are enough girl athletes to go around. Thanks for the thoughts on Rebecca and Maria. Particularly how the two are caught in an insane situation, and Rebecca is feeling responsible for getting Maria into the mess. I also liked your reasoning that Maria suddenly became a substitute 'drug' for the girls' new addiction. Heather might have an especially close connection to Maria. It's hard to know how experienced Amber is, but she clearly seemed an old and confident hand at using her powers what with programming her teachers. I would expect that she has several slaves in her old neighborhood or home town. Although she might have set most free as those of her peers went off to college and such. I also wonder if she decided to 'test herself' by 'starting all over again'. It's hard to know what effect her power has. She does seem to be able to use her power at different intensities. Or perhaps that is just a function of how close to her breasts her victims' faces and heads get? I expect that she's hit all the girls 'pretty hard' given the situation and her vindictiveness. Jade even more so. Now, maybe triply or 'redoubled' so? Enough that Amber herself seems a bit worried, suggesting that she knows she can overdo it? It might well be, though, that it takes multiple encounters over multiple days to properly mind-bend and condition a lasting and true effect on a slave? Or, to do it safely? You make an excellent point about the weekend, there is still a lot of potential time to fill. Amber will have a lot to think about given what has happened to give her an unexpected perspective regardless of what happens. The breast power could allow the holder to make a killing without even being terribly nefarious. By becoming a psychologist, Amber could help her clients enormously, while making a great deal. Or, she could become a cult leader. Or figure behind such a leader. That might well be where the 'goddess' thing came from as well as a true super natural origin? Oh, certainly there seems to be some power limit. Not only is there the one person at a time rule, but problems with trying to engage with multiple people at once. No, playing supervillain doesn't seem like a good idea if she were having to switch from one target to another. And, I have to question if Amber is subconsciously 'playing to lose', or a danger seeker. The idea of dressing up to scare the mob of girls, confronting most of them at once openly, with only Ashley as her slave. They COULD have stopped her right there if they hadn't been so frightened. Confronting the three girls in the ball room where she came awfully close to being overwhelmed even with Maria chickening out. Jade came close enough to braining Amber with the golf club, and punched her hard. Then Amber got knocked out by Rebecca and was imprisoned for a short time, and could have been killed while she was helpless. She's probably got half her face swollen in these encounters. Even after all that, she was still playing games until the lockdown suddenly ended. That Maria suddenly did the unexpected and Jade and Rebecca had their team-up in the garage really changed the dynamics of the story. The brainwashing room explained why the slaves had such a low participation early on and raises more questions. But certainly, the tension and the cliff hangers have been coming throughout the story in the mansion. Thanks for the kind compliment!


Going back to earlier work, Jade is described as having shorter black hair and fairly modest sized breasts, which makes sense for a 'high octane' action junkie she seems to be. Somewhat at odds with her depiction in the pics. I also re-read how much of a bad-ass Rebecca can be. In her case, beating a couple guys up and breaking three bones between them. I'd forgotten that. With the right motivation, Rebecca might well have given Jade a run for her money in the 'Crazy Bad Ass' department. I wonder if she's an actual fighter or has enough fire in her to deliver a surprising amount of violence? Getting knocked out by Rebecca isn't so strange, and Amber had been lucky not to be more beat up!


Back to the 'Breast Power' question; the "Falling For Her Tits" story at least strongly implied that Amy had different levels of 'breast force' she could bring to bear. Certainly when she was enslaved by Cathy and fighting, her power was inhibited and became more so the more she fought or more selfish she was. Being chained down in her own mind. That would seem to suggest that the power can be 'dialed' up and down, rather than being all or nothing. Although, it might be that such nuances existed largely in Amy's mind and / or didn't apply once the limitations of the mental blocks were lifted?