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God I hate insomnia. Messes with your head real bad, and not in the fun way lol. Sorry for the long delay but I can finally present you guys with 'Dream a little dream for me Part 2!' In which Connie and Michelle do some fun hypno stuffs and flirt. Oh no, I've spoiled it. Anyway, hope you all enjoy. I'm gonna go lay down now



Great chapter, looking forward to things escalating further!


ooh! tantalizing ending!


always eager for next chapter, but this one.......!!

Dorian Alton

That was a pretty fantastic chapter. One of my personal hot buttons with erotic MC is a subject who becomes aware of their own control, and comes to like it. Michelle of course doesn't know the extent of what Connie has done to her yet, but it is getting close. I'm really enjoying seeing how Connie's relationships with all three ladies are developing, and I'll be looking forward to seeing how she uses the dream trigger.


Interesting twist in this new chapter. I was surprised how much Connie revealed to Michele. I think it helps show the continued maturation of Connie as a character. At the beginning her fantasy was so simple, and had the feel of a child’s fantasy. Now, Connie hasn’t given up the basic idea, but it has evolved, because she truly loves this family.


My my only disappointment with this chapter was again the lack of Tara. If I was asked st the beginning of this story about Connie’s feelings for the characters, I would have said she had crushes on Jane and Michele, but was truly in love with Tara. Yet twenty chapters into the story, Tara is barely in the story. Connie has relationships with both Michele and Jane, albeit quite unique relationships, but Tara has remained elusive. I was hoping you might expand upon the revelation in chapter 19. Is Connie giving up on Tara? Because she loves Tara, is she going to let her go?


I think the reason the relationships break down like that is because in story, Connie has been best friends with Tara for years, whereas she has only crushed on Michelle and Jane from afar. So being able to live and play with them leads her to discover more about the rest of the family over Tara. But yes, I really should have done a bit more with Tara in hindsight haha