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This isn't exactly a vote for this months stories, but it would be helpful to see which stories everyone wants to see come up so I can make sure to devote time to it. Everyone who enjoys the less popular series doesn't have to worry though, I intend to try and finish everything I start on here, although they may take more time to get to. This isn't limited to one vote, so pick every story on here that you would enjoy reading, even if you end up picking every single one. I can have worse problems then people enjoying everything I put out haha. Feel free to comment below about your favorite stories as well, or the types of stories that you are looking forward to seeing me write.


Stephen Williams

Why is Falling for her Tits in the list?


Because I still want to write an extended ending to go with it, to fully wrap up the series. I wasn't in a place to work on it with everything going on last year but it's one of my goals for this year to finish the story up properly. So depending on how much love it gets in the poll I'll start working on that again


Falling for her Tits will always be a favorite of mine, the first series of yours I finished (even if it's not quite done) and a delicious story in general. That said, I love anything you do that's lesbian, even though some of it I'm still catching up on. (I respect your ability to write het; it's one I've lost. Still, it just doesn't do anything for me, so I've been pushing off the stories with M/F in them until the end.)


"Falling for her Tits" was quite the draw for me; particularly in that the opening scenes, and conflict between Amy, the cheerleader with seemingly everything, Beth, the nerd girl possessive about the year book, and Cathy, the flat track star really pushed my buttons. "Enslave All Cheerleaders" has predictably been a big draw for me as well. I wouldn't mind seeing some efforts at superhero themed stories, because the differences between subjects and potential subjects and types of girls help bring me in. Interactions and trying to bring down women who might really be extra large, super strong, hyper athletic, super fast, super smart and so on would exaggerate and amplify the sort of archetypes seen in Enslave all Cheerleaders. I like "It Runs in the Family", it wouldn't have been enough to draw me in, but it has developed well enough to keep me interested. You have a way of stirring developments to keep things from getting boring. I've been pulled back to It Runs in the Family a couple times now. Plus, I like how a wistful fantasy directed at a best friend and her family seems to be slowly finding its way to reality, especially as it has the additional spice of lesbian incest. I wouldn't mind seeing similar offerings in the future. The story of the boyfriend and the twin sisters is playing that up pretty well. Plus, I like themes of humiliation.


I mostly enjoy slow, seductive hypnotism, ideally with the victim aware of it and trying to fight it. That's why i like Falling for her Tits and Enslave all Cheerleaders the least out of your stories. The whole enslavement is handled in about two paragraphs usually. For the same reason i very much enjoy Runs in the family, thanks to its ultra slow burn, with connie slowly corrupting the family piece by piece. It's also way less about the actual sex for me and way more about the lead-in. The sex-scenes themselves are a nice payoff sometimes, but as i said, the lead-in and seducing/convincing/overcoming the victim is way more important to me than the sex itself.

Ian Graham

Falling For Her Tits is why i came here in the first place, would like to see that continue, or wrap up, very soon


Sibling Rivalry. I just like how it has two dominants vying for control. I'm hoping he gets the sister too but leaves her believing she's still in charge. That's my vote. I also want to say that I find the longer chapter after chapter stories in general good but it seems like the formulas just repeat from chapter to chapter so I always prefer shorter stories.


Shame Succubus Cheat Sheet is not there, but ah well, would've liked that continued.


Geo, I've asked about it a couple times. It's on pause due to a bad case of writer's block. They really want to write more, but have absolutely no idea where to go with it.


I actually am working on working on Succubus Cheat Sheet, but it's not included in the list because I'm working on something special with it. I plan to discuss it in the future, but I promise that you'll see Dizzy again in the future


Don't worry, I don't expect everyone to enjoy every story I write. I figure that branching out into different fetishes, fantasies and set ups will allow me to have more stories where people can find something they love about it. I'm just glad my stories can be considered someone's favorite :)


It definitely still seems to be popular. I'll work to get the time together so that I can do the ending properly


I still enjoy the story I wrote, since it's definitely fun, but I realized pretty quickly that it didn't set up the story I wanted to tell for it. Reina herself wasn't really a character, just a stand in for someone who loves MC, and we never actually got to see her meaningfully interact with Dizzy. I'm reworking it, hoping to change some things up so the story comes together better. All in all, I want this series to be the best it can be since Dizzy is probably one of my favorite characters that I've created

Devi Lacroix

Doomed To Fail fans, there are dozens of us! Dozens!

Zelkova Tatl

I like all of your stories :D especially any breast related ^-^

Trixie Adara

I can vote for multiple things, but not Doomed to Fail multiple times? Unfortunate.


Amen, sister. Once my EAC commission is over, I'll probably come up with a new one. Most likely a couple one-shots rather than a new multi-parter, but who knows.