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The latest chapter in the series, where things really start to come to a head. Can our girls fight back, or is there too much temptation to overcome? Read on and find out!




Wow! Here I thought this would be a breather chapter, but was I ever wrong. Great job! I like how we're seeing the strain both of the remaining girls are under. Maria and Rebecca are both having trouble keeping themselves together, but still resolved to continue in their own ways. Bit of a tragedy that couldn't reunite, but totally understandable in the circumstances. It's darkly hilarious that if Rebecca had stuck around another ten seconds she'd have heard Maria verbally affirming her desire to escape. Oh well... Rebecca sure went through a roller-coaster of emotion in this chapter. Afraid, then depressed, then content, then angry, then hopeful. That little moment where she's admiring the artwork and feeling so hopeless was really quite poignant. It really helped the shock of Amber's appearance, as much as surprise to us as it was to the characters. Side note: Anyone else curious what color Rebecca's undies would be? It was an odd thought, but I was picturing the scene and couldn't come up with a color. She doesn't seem the type to go white or black, but maybe I'm the only one thinking about this. The image of Rebecca literally jerseying Amber was hilarious. For any non-Hockey fans, to jersey someone is to pull their shirt up over their head to blind them, then get a few cheap shots in. It doesn't really happen anymore, but it was a thing back in the day. It looks like Amber's flair for the theatrical finally caught up with her, since she seems to have insisted on sticking with the cloak all night. Who knows what kind of insane costume she'd have put together if she had more time to plan this... It's nice that Rebecca stops to check on Amber's condition before locking her in the (locking?) closet. It's a tense situation, but it's not like anyone's really out for blood here. I'm not sure what Amber was talking about with the orgy though. Did she know what was going on in that bedroom? Was she on her way to join in? The utility belt gave me pause at first, but I guess since cloaks don't have pockets, Amber would need a way to hold all the gear she's carrying around. My imagination conjured up the image of Rebecca gaining an inventory screen like a survival-horror game. Especially the hand-drawn map complete with illustrations, like something out of Silent Hill. A bit late in the game for it, but very interesting to see her getting some advantages. The tide might be turning now, and I'm excited to see how it turns out. Ashley's been out of the game since Chapter 4, and she's been built up nicely as a serious threat. Rebecca's got her work cut out for her, but if Maria could turn on the charm, maybe Rebecca can too. That'll be fun to see.


Great new chapter, and a nice reversal of fortune! Again, it seems that once someone gets a 'taste' of the breasts, they'll be tempted for more. Both Rachel and Maria being dogged by that temptation. Amber might be nothing special in herself, but her breasts are divine! LoL Rachel and Maria very nearly were able to 'team up', but, not quite, as Maria seemed to have been taken over. Which was pretty reasonable, and maybe not so far removed from reality. But, it might have been just as well, as a changed situation might have altered things. Rachel clearly lucked out in her encounter with Amber, while Amber's luck finally ran out. As this is what typically happens when the scary 'killer' goes after the 'final' victim, Amber should have thought of this in sticking with her cloak and hood costume theme! LoL More to the point, Amber's fall might have been unlucky, but it was wholly realistic. Especially as Amber was taking silly risks in hunting her prey by herself when she has accumulated many slaves. Again, I almost wonder if she WANTS to lose? Or is attracted to the danger of giving her prey many chances and advantages? There IS still Ashley, whom we haven't seen in awhile. There must be large holes in the camera coverage as Ashley's overview of the mansion doesn't seem to be very effective, and Maria seems to have avoided detection, so there doesn't seem to have been any cameras in the brainwashing room. Ashley's obsession was really hot! Amber must have had plenty of time to work on her and plan, or had a great deal of power to 'breast blast' Ashley really hard. Ashley seems far more crushed and twisted than the other slaves, and primed especially to enjoy compliments. Of course, she's the one that most deserved Amber's revenge. So interesting that Rachel was in a 'no win' scenario, and she now has a real chance to win. Dealing with Ashley will be difficult, but might be do-able. The locking closet was a bit convenient. If Rachel had managed to shove something into the door handles, or tied them together, she might have accomplished the same thing.

Chris Wiley

After all that has been said, I still hope Amber wins in the end. And that Rebecca falls prey to Amber with no choice but to obey and lust after her breasts, but still have full knowledge of what she's doing.


I've liked how the unexpected direction of Maria's experiences, but I too hope that all the cheerleaders do end up enslaved in the end


As a reminder, illustrations for each chapter will go up here: <a href="https://kaywest.deviantart.com/gallery/63360361/COLLEGE-SEDUCTION-SERIES" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://kaywest.deviantart.com/gallery/63360361/COLLEGE-SEDUCTION-SERIES</a>


new patron love the series. how many chapters do u think it will go on for?


I kind of hope they all escape at some point but all of them being capture for a time would be fun as well.


Welcome to the club! Enslave all Cheerleaders should go for about 15 or 16 chapters, so we're moving into the final third of the story