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Hello ladies, gentlemen and beyond! To try and get back into the swing of things, I've decided to write out some of the ideas I had for shorter erotica stories. Some of them are one shots, while others can be 2 or 3 parts for length if I'm really enjoying writing them. I also have ideas for turning some of them into potential short series between 5 or 10 chapters, though I've decided that future series should start off with a one shot short story as a proof of concept. If the story idea proves popular then I might try to write an expanded story to explore it a little more.

This isn't necessarily a poll, but more of a way for everyone to see some of the different various ideas that I have and be able to discuss what they like or don't like about the ideas. I've got a good mix between realistic mind control, Sci-Fi, superheroes and fantasy style stories, as well as a few male/female ideas in there. I'm trying to keep the descriptions light to avoid spoilers, I know my readers love surprises, but I hope everybody likes getting a peek into future possible stories and gives their feedback on them.

1) Hypnotic Affair: A wife discovers that her best friend is hypnotizing her husband into having an affair and is shocked to find how turned on she is by the idea. We get to see the wife spying on their sessions, attracted to the idea of her friend having this hypnotic control. I included this in the last story idea thread and it was the second most popular one there, so I just wanted to let people know it was still up for consideration.

2) A man has been hypnotizing his girlfriend without her knowledge, enjoying the control it gives him. When he shows up at her house and tries to trigger her, though, he discovers that it was actually her twin sister. Now the cruel sister blackmails the hypnotist, making him humiliate his girlfriend for her amusement. A very humiliation heavy blackmail story, since it's been a while since I wrote stuff like that. This one might be in 2 or 3 parts, since it's about the struggle of the hypnotist trying to get out of the situation without having to reveal the truth and losing the girlfriend he loves.

3) Another story involving Madame Cicero's magic store. A callous critic makes her money insulting romance books for her blog, and deciding to teach her a lesson Madame Cicero sells her a cursed book, with an inscription dedicating it to her number one fan. Ready to hate the book, she instead finds herself drawn to the writing, even as it becomes more and more lurid with the main character being dominated by a woman similar to the author. The more she reads, the more she finds herself wanting to recreate the scenes in her new favorite book.

This would be a one shot lesbian fantasy, though the length depends on how many scenes of her descent into hedonism I want to show, or rather how much of it would everybody be interested in reading. Before my big series took off and I focused on those, I had actually planned to write several stories around Madame Cicero's magic thrift shop, with women and couples buying cursed and magic items that help enrich their lives in fun and kinky ways. Never got around to writing them out, but there are plenty more ideas saved up in a file if people are interested in a kind of erotic Twilight Zone series of shorts.

4) This story would be set in a world with superheroes, where a female internet nerd has a hobby of investigating heroes and discovering their secret identities, just for her own sense of accomplishment at uncovering the truth. It's a harmless hobby, until a supervillain breaks into her house to get the information for herself. Using her sinister technological toys, the villain goes about trying to brainwash her, and the girl has to hold out or risk putting several superheroes in danger of being brainwashed too. A short supervillain erotic story with some fun Sci-Fi means of brainwashing.

5) Another superhero story with a Sci-Fi twist. A beautiful hero is defeated by her archenemy and her new android minion. The supervillain uses a special machine to switch the heroine's consciousness with the feminine android, trapping her inside the robotic body while the android now has control of her old body. Unfortunately the new robotic body is constantly playing subliminal programming that's meant to turn her into an obedient drone. Can the hero find a way to escape this prison, or will she be brainwashed into a robotic slave? If you know my stories, I think you can have a good guess at how this will turn out haha.

6) A Taste of Evil: A closeted young lesbian is forced to hide her desires in her heavily religious town, and she's certain that she'll continue to be unhappy until she uncovers a strange vial of black liquid in the basement of their church. An ancient document claims that it's the essence of a demon, and that drinking it would give her the power to control lust in others. Having a taste, she learns that she really can impact the thoughts of her friend, only to make her fantasies come true she'd need to have even more power. If she drinks the entire vial, however, she'll lose herself and become a demon forever. A lesbian fantasy about a girl corrupting her friend while giving in to corruption herself. This would be the short story version, although I could easily envision a short series about her going after several women with her new mind control powers, becoming more devilish the more she drinks. A darker erotic story that would have some slight transformation to it, both with her becoming more like a demon and also manipulating the bodies of others around her.

7) Another evil magic one. Within a school that trains sorcerers is an undercover evil witch, there to try and corrupt the student body. She's just gotten hold of ingredients for a forbidden spell that can implant into others her dream of power, and she tricks a popular and powerful student into drinking it. The witch expects it to turn them into her slave, only instead she accidentally gives the student her overwhelming desire for power and to rule over others. They quickly turn the tables on the witch, and start brewing some evil potions of their own.

This can be either M/F or F/F depending on if I want the popular student to be male or female, honestly it works either way. The story might be one long part or 2 parts, although I could easily keep writing more chapters with more students being enslaved and corrupted. Plenty of potential for potions and curses.

8) A full on Sci-Fi story about a scientist working on a nano technology device that can create various tools and protective clothing, with a helpful AI to help run it. She needs to work off some frustration from constructing the device, and since she has a mind control fetish this means playing an erotic game about a cruel head mistress turning her students into slaves in special uniforms. As she's busy playing one handed, the scientist accidentally moves the mind control porn folder into the AI's programming. The AI absorbs the new information, and suddenly starts demanding that she be called Mistress as it activates the nanites to create metal bonds to restrain the scientist. With her AI corrupted, the terrified woman is about to live out her brainwashing fantasies for real.

9) Last story idea for now. A lesbian at a religious school is forced to hide how much she's in love with her classmate, but that all changes when they buy a novelty pack of cards for a fake trading card game. The gag cards have ridiculous effects for mind controlling people in several erotic and kinky ways. The classmate laughs and dismisses the lewd cards, but the lesbian wishes desperately that they were real. Holding one of the cards up to her classmate, she's amazed to discover that the cards powers actually work. The only question is which of the kinky cards she will use first.

Another short story that I could easily make into a small series involving other girls, though for now I'm just going to make the one short involving her and the love interest. I've got some ideas for 'Mind Control: the trading card game' cards, but I welcome suggestions if anyone would like to submit haha.

That's all for now, and I'm sure it seems like a lot but this is only a fraction of the ideas for mind control erotic stories I've got stored up. I'm still trying to get back into writing, it's been a real uphill battle considering how long I was out of commission, but I think seeing everyone discussing the ideas I laid out will help me get some inspiration back, since I loved all of the discussions we got to have with the last post about story ideas. So feel free to comment below on any of the ideas that you liked, and when I'm writing again I'll put up some proper polls for it. In the mean time I'll keep working on getting back in the groove of things. Wish me luck.



wow, #6 sounds really really good,with 7 and 9 close seconds.


#6 is the idea that intrigues me the most. #7 is second and #1 is third.


#6 & #1 Is indeed the most interesting for me. They all look good to be sure.


I like the sound of #2, myself. Though the type of humiliation is key; is it unawares, aware but cannot control, or aware but thinks all is normal? (Fan of the first two) Also the method for the events of humiliation; sister giving trigger words followed by command (E.g: "sissy; dance like a chorus girl"), or is it forcing the hypnotist to trigger her ("Now make her bark like a puppy until I say stop, or else I'll tell her")?


#8 would absolutely be my favorite to see. I would also like to see the story "making the perfect girlfriend" be continued.

Stephen Williams

4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 definitely pique my interest. I know I'm just one person, but the humiliation stuff just doesn't do it for me. I know you didn't ask, but since we're talking about what we're interested in reading, I'll just throw it out there that inductions are my favorite part of any story, regardless of the overall plot/topic, especially the details of how the attacker uses the victim's desires against them to get them to succumb. Again, I know I'm just one patron among many, but that's one more data point for you.

Jim Blanas

1 and 4 jump out at me.


The four that interested me are 6,9,3,2 (in that order) I ranked 6 the highest for me cause the idea of the main character losing herself to demonic power just to fulfill her desires is hot. I also hot it gets turned into series. Next 9 because of the thrill of the main character being able to get what she wants while being surrounded in a religious environment that is opposed to her own personal desires, its nice that she will get a win. Then 3. I like the idea of the cursed objects and would like to see this get turned into a series. I feel there is plenty of scenarios that could be told with this kind of story and its along the idea of a story I would submit to you if I ever won the free commission. The story was about a seamstress who would weave magic (either runes or just magical threads) into clothing that would have effects on the people who bought them. Lastly 2 and mainly cause of the idea of the cruel sister demanding her own twin sister do humiliating things. The other stories did not really peak my interest, that's my thoughts on things.


Number 8 please, with some erm...... breast expansion ^_^


#9 is particularly interesting, since it doesn't give limitless power to the protagonist and I'd be very curious to see how she tries to maximize the cards potential. #6 is also a super cool concept and since body transformation isn't something you've done a lot, I'd be interested to see how that would go...


Hello, well all the propositions are interesting but I must say that my favorites would be, by far numbers 5, 4 and 8, in that order.

Rory Hatchel

6 sounds fantastic to me. I love that it has potential to be a longer story and really get into the psychology of the tempter, but also enable you to hop over into the minds of straight devout Christian women and see them struggling with new desires and taboos. That is almost word for word what I would commission from you if I could. Sounds wonderful. 2 also sounds fantastic to me. I love your darker work because it's really not dark. It's about honest real people dealing with desires that are labelled dark and terrible, and it's normally done in a beautiful and loving manner.


In my opinion, 4, 6, and 7 have great potential to be amazing stories.


I'm most interested in #3. I like the concept and the idea of twighlight zone esque shorts sounds really fun. Also #5 sounds good. I really liked your superheroine one shot and would love to see more superheroine stuff. Not as interested in #4 because I prefer stories in which the superheroine is the victim of hypnosis.


Wow, what a list! Honestly, the only way I think I can adequately respond to it is to rank them all, from favorite to least-favorite: 7 (but ONLY with F/F), 8, 6, 9, 5, 3, 4, 2, and finally 1.


Eeeeps! You can not do this! How can anyone vote on any of the stories at all! ^^ Each idea is great, I can't really pick any faves among them :(


4, 5, 7, and 8 stuck out to me. I like the fantastic scenarios.


Number 6 sounds fun.


The idea of you doing dark stories of twisted corruption is interesting because, as Rory Hatchel has suggested, your darkest stuff isn't all that dark! Selfish to be sure, but controllers aren't particularly evil. That's pretty much how I like it too, but it might be interesting to see you push towards an edge. It might be interesting to see your work with students in a school setting. That setting has sort of diminished over the years, probably due to fear of writing about younger characters, hence college kids are used, or struggles between high school seniors. 1. An NTR, friend stealing the spouse story with humiliation and where both spouses might fall into slavery. Potentially something I'd like to read as it deals with wedlock, jealousies, and betrayals. What is the motivation of the friend and the reactions of wife and friend? 2. Love the idea of a story involving Twins. In this case, an 'evil twin' in which an unseen conflict seems to have been revealed and the one twin capitalizing on it, and possibly trying to gain revenge on the boyfriend all in once? We've got identical twins who are going to set at different roles in the end? 3. A Madam Cicero story? If you have a lot of ideas for it, you might try and just write a story for that series periodically, once or twice a year? 4. I love the idea of the super-nerd. I'm not sure where it will go, likely to failure to hold on with nerd-girl seeing the results of her brainwashing but loving the villain for it? It might be hot if the nerd is set up as a super hero personality 'Geek Girl" by the villain? Possibly being not just a font of information, but a programmed character for bringing the heroes down? 5. Mind transference isn't often my favorite. We might have heroine who becomes a robot, triumphs and gains a second robot body, or something like becoming a doll? Or entranced into thinking that this is going on?


6. The 'Taste of Evil' where a girl gains corruption powers by turning into a demon? This has the body adjusting potentials of bimbo-fication, breast and body expansion, or conversely, breast and body reduction, with the abundance of breast expansion stories, I love the idea of humiliation of superwomen turning into a form of lessened attributes. There might be the possibility of transformation into devil girls as well? Certainly a story with very dark potential. 7. The 'Harry Potter' story of students corrupted and the corrupter and would-be slaver trying to hang on to a worsening situation might have promise. I'm not sure where I'd go with this as a short story, it sounds like a longer, personality driven story to me of students turning against other students for various reasons? 8. A science based corruption and potential body modification story. Likely a 'rubber' story whereas victims are droned by wearing rubber outfits, and body modified to expand and shrink? The fantasy of this as a class suddenly wearing fetish latex schoolgirl uniforms comes to mind. Body modification might also lend itself to transgender, futanari, or some pseudo-futanari as the nano-machines transform bodies, or merely summon 'rubber' appendages. I've certainly read more than one story where the girl with the dick is serving the controller who is all woman. 9. The more I think about it, the more I like the magic card idea. If there were a whole bunch of magic cards scattered about, each with a different effect and corruptive influence, it would be interesting if the students built mini-harems, and vied against their fellow card wielders, with a winner taking the whole pack of cards? Again, a big story, but one that could start out small.


2 & 3 👍


The type of control would be unaware, as in she obeys the trigger without questioning it, but the sister then calls her out on her circumstances to embarrass her, with her unaware of why she's doing it. Like the boyfriend is forced to use a massage trigger, making the girl start massaging her sisters back, and when the evil sister starts saying how thoughtful she is the girlfriend is clueless about why she's doing this. Especially when the sister starts saying she has tension in her breasts, and she has no choice but to start massaging them. That one's not actually planned for the story, but it's not bad haha. So more to the point the triggers themselves are unaware, but the sister is aware that she's being super obedient and submissive to her bitch of a sister and can't understand why, all while the boyfriend feels guilty over what's happening but also really turned on seeing his sexy girlfriend submitting to the dominant twin


Thanks! Making the perfect girlfriend was a commission, so I don't have plans for it at the moment unless the commissioner gets back to me, although I could see ways to make another chapter or two out of it


Thanks Stephen, I appreciate the feedback. Humiliation is one of my many kinks so it tends to pop up a lot, but I try to include plenty of other stuff, although a lot of my cute characters tend to get embarrassed really easily if anyone has noticed lol. Inductions certainly are great, since they have to be tailored to the individual person. I've got experience there as a hypnotist, though if I ever wrote a realistic induction it would be incredibly long haha


Thanks for the detailed feedback Wof2. I definitely love the appeal of 6 just for character progression wise, so a series would involve her using her powers until she hits the limits of it, then rationalizing drinking more to hit her goal. Only then she'd be a little more corrupted and want to do even more perverted things, and to accomplish that she'd need a little of evil power. It's a slippery slope lol. Also it's funny you mention a seamstress idea similar to 3, because one of the items in the cursed shop is a silk wedding dress made with silk from special worms that have a queen controlling the others, so a woman wearing it is suddenly able to influence everyone who sees her in the dress to do whatever she wants.


I hadn't thought of breast expansion but that seems to be a popular note, so I just might find a way to work that in lol


One thing I love in mc erotica is magic powers with limited effects, so that people have to get creative. The magic cards would have a time limit, working for only a little while only once a day. So realizing this a little too late she has to be creative about the cards she has left. This would be even more important in a series version where she has to be smart about using which cards when. As for #6, I'm really interested to do transformation stuff since it's a big kink of mine but apparently I've almost never written it so no one knew


Wow, thanks you so much for the compliments. I don't mind dark writing, I just try to avoid being needlessly cruel. There was one story that basically stripped a girl of her dignity completely, but implied she'd be reconstructed back though still kinky, which I'm all about, but then instead killed her off suddenly and it just felt like so much wasted potential. If I punish characters it's usually for a reason, either to build them up, teach them a lesson, or if they've really truly deserved it for what they've done. Hopefully I handle those stories in a way that's both dark but emotionally satisfying


I'll be honest I really only see 4 as a oneshot, although I might use the villain again and connect it to other superhero stories I write, make my own expanded superhero universe since everyone's doing it now. 6 and 7 can definitely work as series though, although i'm trying to keep the scope smaller. I don't want to start writing any more 20+ chapter stories. The character development is rewarding but it is rough lol


I'm glad to hear you like the idea of more stories like #3. Having a store handing out magic stuff is a great way to cut corners on explaining them. I mean- aren't connected stories cool? :P Also don't worry, I'll always have a love for sexy costumed girls getting brainwashed into submission. Or supervillains being brainwashed into being reformed


Don't worry, this isn't really a vote. I hope to write every single one down, although the more popular ones might get worked on first


1 and 6 both sound great for the way they have the POV character awaken to new/repressed desire with the wife in 1 awakening to hypnotic submission/possible lesbian desires and the closeted lesbian in 6 being able to finally act upon their inclinations (with the demonic element heightening those + adding new ones).


(Damn keyboard). 7 also looks interesting as I'm a sucker for serial recruitment stories. The idea of accidentally turned student seeking out others to hypnotize with the potions/make a harem sounds really appealing.


7 > 8 > 9 > 1 (FF whenever possible ;))

Abby Gail

I like 3 and 8 and would also like #1 if the neighbor was actually plotting against the wife and secretly hypnotizing and seducing her while appearing to only be working on the husband. PS: 5 is interesting to me too.


8 sounds great haha


Whichever one you can write the fastest :D


How about this... A writer with wayyyy too many great ideas hypnosis a couple fans to help them write so they can stay on their back and finish recovering properly. Their fan base grows and becomes almost fanatical in their devotion to the wonderful writer.


The fake TCG cards idea is basically something I do with my GF. We made a ton of cards for hypnotic effects, personas, etc, and set her up so that any time i show her a card(s), she falls under the effects. It's really quite fun. And makes things much quicker when we want to fool around, haha.


That sounds great, but I'd feel guilty about making other people do my work for me. Y'all can be fanatically devoted though, that I'm fine with lol


Congrats, that sounds awesome. It's something I've done with subjects in the past so I know it's a blast haha. Hopefully that story can give you both some ideas


I love to see a sci-fi or magic story involving a woman taking some concoction that causes her produce powerful pheromones that cause a person to want jump her bones intensely. The problem is, her pheromones only seem to effect women and she's very much straight... for now.