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The action keeps coming as we continue this thrilling story! Who will make it out? Do we even want anyone to escape? Stay tuned to find out!




You accidentally put the EPR link


So I did! Should be the right link now, thanks for letting me know!


As per usual, a fun chapter! Maria in the 'training room' was amusing! It does occur to me that Amber might have made the training video earlier? Maria was thinking in terms that Amber's breasts can't hypnotize over video, but it wouldn't be impossible if just the memory of them would place Amber's brainwashed slaves into a sort of reinforcement hypnosis with Amber not being present? This made me wonder if Amber might well have a cadre of slaves in her hometown that have a 'favorite video' to watch to keep their conditioning strong? Why not take some slaves to college with her? I'm reminded of "Pokémon", the season when Ash takes on May and her brother as traveling companions. More importantly for comparison to the story, Ash gave up using all of his pokemon except Pikachu. Amber might have decided she should put into effect in college what she learned in high school? Also, interestingly enough, Amber reveals that her motivations for joining the cheerleaders and putting a whammy on them was benign. So, now, it would appear that she's not particularly worse than Amy in the other story. Or, in both cases, it might be whatever story that the two well endowed girls tell each other. But Amber originally just wanting to use her breasts to suck the meanness out the mean girl cheerleaders. Replacing meanness for good cheer, naturally? In this case, because they humiliated her in the tryouts, they are also getting more than an average young woman's daily allotted amount of lesbian lust? But, that might well just come mostly as a side effect of her breasts? Jade was the heroic, bad ass bruiser in this chapter! In a real way, Amber has gone a long way to bringing out the best in the mean cheerleaders WITHOUT directly brainwashing them? Heather, now Jade, both went beyond the call of duty? Jade using regular items as weapons clearly shows how even in a 'horror flick' situation, frightened quarry can be more dangerous than the monsters! Anyway, it has been revealed that tactile sensations of Amber's paranormal breasts are of an effect perhaps as great as sight. Sight being most powerful for freezing quarry, but touch might actually be more powerful for brainwashing? It would make some sense, touch being more intimate after all. Plus, the idea of having will power 'smothered' between two hot and heavy breasts is pretty sexy! I liked how Emma repeated much of the mantra from the training video! The slave-girls might be more single minded and devoted to their tasks, but clearly, a lot of their original emotions show through. Jade's use of the golf club could have really hurt the two, but despite their brainwashing, they ran away rather than take injuries like some mindless undead in a 'Zombie Apocalypse' scenario. A little more backbone might have made the two more effective against Jade, but might have also resulted in them getting hurt. Certainly the interaction of devotion and fright was quite fun! Again, Amber is taking some surprising risks! She proves that she is actually quite spry on her feet and athletic enough to avoid the golf club and plow into a tough girl like Jade. She takes a hit for that though. Plus, she continues alone despite her earlier scare of acting alone, underestimating Rachel. She might well like the edge of taking such chances? Amber attempting to make Jade the 'most devoted slave of all' was quite exciting to read! It also makes me wonder if Amber might reprogram each girl with some new personality tweaks?


There's a lot of good analysis there, hard to unpack it all, but Rachel?


Again, just to keep the link going, illustrations for each chapter will be found here as they are completed: <a href="https://kaywest.deviantart.com/gallery/63360361/COLLEGE-SEDUCTION-SERIES" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://kaywest.deviantart.com/gallery/63360361/COLLEGE-SEDUCTION-SERIES</a>


The idea of Amber setting up a training video wasn't in the original story concept, but leave it to Sammy to expand on the original idea in a fun way. It certainly makes sense, given that Amber wouldn't be able to devote the time required to indoctrinate each girl personally. If she came up with this plan on short notice, she probably filmed the video with Ashley shortly before the party started. Maria's plan was clever, in theory. If the tape contains info that only Amber's slaves are supposed to know, then she could probably glean some info that could help her, like how to disable the locks or escape the mansion. The only downside is that even if Amber's power doesn't work on video, being forced to watch it while she gets eaten out might still have an effect on Maria. This could be her undoing. Amber's speech to Jade about her motivations lends credence to my theory that Amber only uses her powers when she feels she has to. She might have hypnotized her teachers for a good grade because she assumed (correctly, in Petra's case) that they'd take one look at her and assume she's a bimbo who doesn't deserve a good grade. It's why she put real effort into the cheerleader tryouts and probably why she still drives a beat up car. She's not looking to coast through her life, but she'll take advantage of her abilities when she feels she has to. There hasn't been a chapter from her point of view, so it's hard to say just how villainous she really is, at least in comparison to most of the cheer squad. Jade sure went out like a boss. She was probably the most violent and willful of the group, so it was sad to see her go, but it did give us a ton of new insights. For one, we see that Amber's control is not total. Her slaves will avoid danger, like when Emma and Ginger ran from the golf club, or earlier when Emma avoided the broken glass at the pool. Their personalities are mostly intact, just altered. This is also our first time seeing the perspective of someone being smothered since the very first chapter. Watching the thought process of Jade as she tries to resist and slowly changes her mind was suitably exciting and scary. If Jade fought that hard against Amber, now she'll fight just as hard for her. Good thing Rebecca has a head start. Looking forward to Chapter 9, however long that may take. :)


Thanks for the insights. I originally liked the idea of Amber recording the training video in the mansion, but I also have really come to like the idea that she came with the tape as it is useful to have. Plus, she didn't know what she'd find in the mansion. Maria seems to be taking Heather's attentions very well! She's been zapped once by Amber, maybe more, but at least once. So we will have to see if the training video puts her under, but I'm thinking she'll be fine, but will have to deal with three new girls who will be arriving. Some of them might be quite curious as to when Amber zapped her? So Maria will have some more fast talking to do? Yeah, I think that Amber thinks that she's reasonably benign and ethical--considering. Let's face it: if someone has mind control powers, it would be really hard not to abuse them. An average person would probably just decide that they will use them, and sometimes abuse them, but they'd draw the line at mentally screwing people up or otherwise turning them into nonproductive wrecks, or ruining lives through more mundane abuses. But Amber clearly was willing to zap her teachers and probably intended to get some hanky panky. She probably has some internal balance sheet where she uses her powers to help some people, and make some bad people good, and in this way, she uses what her power constructively but 'pays herself back' for it.. I suspect that the car is a good sign of her discipline in that she won't steal money from people and/or she doesn't want to appear too extraordinary by taking a flash car to college. Besides, if she's living on campus, her car sits in the school parking lot--not really a good place for an expensive car given jealous classmates, or kids whose driving and backing out skills are not always the best. Or drinking a lot at parties and well, driving the Honda to school just makes a lot of sense. They actually are supposed to be reliable cars even after they are several years old, and are just what one would expect parents to get for a college girl, or what she could afford for herself. Even so, there does seem to be something of arrogance or a vindictive temper given Amber's desire to pay them back for her tryouts humiliation, and to take a fair amount of risks about doing it. I wonder if Amber craves the danger and excitement? Taking a chance at the tryouts? Then taking this chance for higher stakes? Yeah, Amber's slaves are charming! LoL Jade really did give Amber a lot of trouble, perhaps as much trouble by herself than Heather did with two others? And for hitting her and giving her so much trouble, and just for being quite capable perhaps, she selects a special role for Jade? Truly, that is a good observation, although, given the previous story, it perhaps ought to have been obvious that the breast touching thing, smothering thing, was always in effect and produced the strongest effects.


Finally caught up on this series, and really loving it. Your patreon and works in general have inspired me with my own.