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Here it is, last story for July and it's (just nearly) on time. Going off of everyone's suggestions I decided to write the story about Daisy and Ellen, two roommates who don't get along. Their nerdy neighbor gives Ellen a CD of 'Relaxation Music', only for Daisy to realize that it's actually meant to brainwash Ellen into being more submissive. Except Daisy wonders if that would really be such a bad thing.

This story was a lot of fun to write, and you can see that because it came out to nearly 10,000 words long. I thought of trying to break it up, but that wouldn't make for a satisfying story. I am going to try to regulate my word count a little better, as I discussed in the last update post, and if I decide to change up the system a little I'll be sure to let everyone know in advance.

Also, this is a strictly lesbian piece. The neighbor Stephen who creates the CD is male, but (slight spoiler) isn't involved in the story except as the person who brought the CD into the apartment. I may possibly try to expand the story more in the future as a series of short chapters for mcstories, and if I do I may have Stephen play a role in that. But since the overwhelming majority asked to see a lesbian piece, this story only stars Ellen and Daisy. Hope you all enjoy!



Jim Blanas

Hey, if they play the music at NIGHT, that could tie into something...


Honestly that kept running through my head but I couldn't come up with any other fitting names haha. I still need to catch up with A Little Night Music on mcstories. Also everybody should go check that story out, it's quite fun

Abby Gail

Speaking of fun stories.. this was great Samantha... loved when it turned back around on Daisy.

Zyzzyva Nineteen-Thirty-Six

That was pretty hilariously overclocked. XD ;) 0 to sex slave in like an hour and a half! But fun. And "alter someone to be a domme" is a like of mine, so can't complain on that front.

Dorian Alton

This was definitely a fun one! That said, as others have mentioned, the mind control pace definitely blazed by on this one. Ellen was completely changed by a single listen, and Daisy was changed by a single listen, even though she was just listening to the messages out loud (so...just liminal), and the messages were directed at Ellen by name. It also felt a little odd for Daisy to narrate the part where Ellen was able to wipe the memory of her commands, since that should be a gap in her memory. The ability to wipe memory for someone that's been listening to the subliminals also seems very powerful, beyond what is normally covered with a hypnotic tape/CD/MP3/etc as a control device. Still, was fast, fun and sexy :D


As you saw this story really got ahead of me and became pretty long. My choice was to either cut it up and expand it into a limited series, where the sex wouldn't come in until later on, or jumpstart their sex drives and give everyone a satisfying conclusion. My answer as always is that there was underlying sexual tension and both girls were freed up by the mind control to recognize that the situation could give them each something that they were craving so they jumped headlong into it


While I agree the changes were pretty fast, I enjoyed it and do hope you come back to this at some point.

Devi Lacroix

Every story of yours is my favorite one. Sometimes all you need is a solid "one-shot." Even if this doesn't become a series, I thought it was solid and well-paced. Yes, the sex happened fast, but again -- sometimes that's what a story needs.