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“Dude!  Where have you been?!”

Turner braced himself for impact, but Dan’s lengthy, well-muscled arms still succeeded in shoving him back against the wall.  Even if the blonde hadn’t been caught in the middle of removing his shoes, the bigger man still would have sent him reeling.  Turner thought the physical vertigo was at least appropriate since it mirrored the mental sensation that followed the sight of his sculpted, handsome friend charging at him in nothing but a pair of bright yellow panties.  “Bro!  You’ve gotta let me get in the door, man,” Turner said with an awkward laugh.  Even after so many weeks, he still felt the same strange mixture of excitement and embarrassment at the way Dan so desperately fumbled with his pants.

“I’m fuckin’ dyin’ over here, dude,” the taller brunette whimpered, his huge hands making short work of Turner’s fly.  He popped the button and pulled the zipper, sending the slate slacks to the floor before slipping a hand into the front of his friend’s stuffed, navy briefs.  His towering, tapering frame was as red as Turner’s, the blushing all the more noticeable since the sculpted stud wore nothing but the pointlessly small underwear to obscure it.  His broad shoulders and chiseled pecs looked as impressive as ever, his firm abs popped with the same prominence, and his sturdy thighs still sported a set of surprisingly plump, meaty cheeks.  It wasn’t the exposure, but instead what Dan lacked that sparked the handsome hunk’s current embarrassment, the achingly empty orifice where his fat log and heavy balls should have been.  “It’s been, like, ten hours!”

“I told you I had a meeting this afternoon.  Then I got stuck in traffic since I got out so late,” Turner sighed, his exasperation turning to sympathy at the pained look on his friend’s equally-striking face.  As Dan massaged his rapidly-hardening rod, the fit blonde loosened his tie and undid the buttons on his shirt, revealing a body that rivaled the taller brunette’s.  Due to his slightly shorter stature, Turner sported a stockier, bulkier shape compared to Dan’s longer, leaner muscle, but their competitive crossfit obsessions kept them largely on equal footing.  “I thought we were trying to work on your control, anyway?”

“I made it ‘til three before I was just down to the panties today,” Dan said, his face flushing a deeper shade when he heard what he said.  The fact that he was eagerly fishing Turner’s thick cock free didn’t help either, nor did the fact that he was already on the way to his knees.

The buff blonde let out a low groan when his friend’s head started bobbing, the sight of the sought-after-stud desperately going to town on his cock making his stomach flutter.  They’d done this even before the onset of the impossible events, it had actually been part of the cause, but Dan’s frenzied state was more of a turn on than Turner expected.  He ran a hand through his friend’s wavy chocolate hair, watching as the frantic rhythm slowed to a steady pace.  “That’s progress at least,” he said, trying his best not to sound patronizing.

“It’s bullshit is what it is,” Dan grunted, his impressive pecs heaving as he caught his breath.  He was mortified at the wave of relief washing over him from having Turner’s cock in his mouth, still trying to process exactly what he’d become.  A few weeks ago he’d been one of the town’s top dogs, a preeminent pretty-boy whose surgical precision in the bedroom was legendary amongst the local ladies.  After all, Dan wasn’t just built, he was beautiful, with sharp, symmetrical features, piercingly bright eyes, plump lips, and a strong jaw.  He’d also been hung like a horse, with a virile, potent rod that could go for hours, and churning balls that could launch load after load with hardly any recharging required.  People longed to be wrapped in his strong, sculpted arms, to be taken by the charming young jock over and over again.  It helped that Dan’s personality was as sparkling as the rest of him, and while he’d always had more body than brains, he was more than happy to don the mantle of a laidback himbo.  He liked to have fun and feel good, and he liked when others did the same.

It was that last bit that had unknowingly caught him in his current trap.  As someone who let his body’s desires largely dictate his actions, Dan wasn’t above fooling around with other men.  He viewed himself as primarily straight, or at least he had, but pleasure always outweighed labels in his mind.  So when he and Turner’s gym-fueled friendship had taken on a physical aspect during college, Dan simply rolled with it.  People joked about the two of them, especially since they still lived together, but considering the number of women they hooked up with, Dan specifically, no one really thought the burly brunette actually loved having Turner’s cock in his mouth.  And no one at all suspected that the tall, horse-hung hunk was actually a secret bottom.  As much as he enjoyed burying himself to the hilt between an eager woman’s thighs, what Dan really loved was taking a ride on Turner’s wide, capable cock.  The stocky blonde wasn’t quite as large as himself, but his friend was every bit as skilled, taking the bigger brunette to heights of pleasure that he could only experience with someone he trusted as implicitly as Turner.

The two told themselves they were keeping it casual.  Until recently, there’d been no declarations of love or any expressed vulnerability beyond what two heter-bros would normally state to one another, despite the fact that Turner had been fucking Dan senseless for years.  Neither of them was ignorant to the irony of the timing, that the impossible transformation hadn’t occurred until immediately after they’d finally crossed that line, but they had no idea of the real cause.  Not being versed in the arcane or the supernatural, they had no way of knowing how sex magic worked, or how thin the walls between worlds became during certain celestial alignments.  They’d simply had the misfortune, or possibly good fortune, to stumble into things.  When Turner finally said “I fuckin’ love you so much, man.  I never want to stop looking at you,” after their bodies had writhed in just the right configurations, he didn’t realize he was opening a door.  And when Dan responded with “I never want you not inside me,” he couldn’t even begin to guess at what he was really manifesting.

They’d both been understandably shocked and horrified when they’d woken up to discover Dan sleepily swallowing Turner’s thick rod with his eager new orifice.  For his part, the penetrated pretty-boy had simply thought he was having a strange dream when he’d felt his friend slip into the tight pussy where his plump package should have been, but he’d quickly discovered that he was terrifyingly awake.

Things only became worse from there.  Not only had Dan somehow lost his impressive endowment, his statement from the night before had apparently been taken literally.  Whatever the cause, he now needed Turner inside him.  Literally.  Dan didn’t just become overly aroused if too much time passed; it started to become physically painful.  Whether he used his mouth, his muscled globes, or his out-of-place opening, the tall stud could only find relief if his friend entered one of them.  And the more he tried to fight it, the worse his need became.  Dan first thought that his inability to stay clothed was simply a side effect of being so horny, but, as with his physical alterations, it appeared to have more to do with the magical forces at play.  Turner had said he “never wanted to stop looking,” which translated to Dan needing to be on display.  He could still dress himself, but it wouldn’t be long before his shirt came off, followed by whatever pants he was wearing.  The smaller the underwear the longer he could keep them on, though it was only a matter of time before, much to the humiliated hunk’s dread, it all came off.  Not surprisingly, skimpy panties seemed to provide the greatest longevity so, as much as he hated the implications, Dan had reluctantly swapped out his boxer-briefs.

Unfortunately, the rest of the world remained unaffected, providing a unique challenge for a horny, cock-hungry hunk whose new pussy constantly needed pounding.  Turner had burned through all his vacation time in the first pair of weeks following the transformation as they’d experimented with time frames and learned that, with practice, they could increase the time limit, but Dan had been reduced to the role of horny houseboy.  Fortunately for both of them Turner had been the one with the “real” job anyway, so it wasn’t much of an adjustment, other than the social stud going increasingly stir crazy.  He was still mortified at the thought of anyone else finding out about what happened, but Dan was starting to think that his friends seeing his flat crotch in panties would be worth it if it meant ending his self-imposed isolation.  Whether he saw it that way or not, the fact that the altered Adonis had made it nearly seven hours without fully disrobing actually was significant progress, especially considering that he’d barely been able to make it an hour when they’d started.

Turner gave Dan’s soft hair another gentle stroke.  “I mean it, man.  I know it’s frustrating as all hell, but we really are getting somewhere.”

“But that’s the problem!  Where the fuck are we even going?!  Look at me, bro…I’m down here fingering my pussy,” Dan whimpered, nodding down at the strong fingers vanishing into his yellow panties.  “Do you hear how weird that sounds?!”

“Do you hear how hot that sounds,” Turner countered, his eyes fixed on his friend’s rooting hand.  “My dick was just in your mouth, bro.  You know how hard I am right now.  Do you need to feel it everywhere else just to be sure?”  The blonde beefcake grinned as he gently batted his slick cock against his friend’s flushed, handsome face before slowly running it down Dan’s neck.  He bent his knees to continue its journey, running the rigid organ along the top of his friend’s shoulders and chest.  Turner slid it down between the brunette’s muscled mounds as he dropped to his own knees, grinding it along Dan’s abs on the way.  “I always was better at this than you,” he said, pulling his friend’s hand away and replacing it with his own.

Dan let out a hissing gasp as Turner’s fingers slipped inside, his wide jaw going slack.  “Fuuuuuuck bro…” he groaned, a shocked grin slowly forming.  “I’d say you’re full’a shit but…it’s kinda hard to…argue right now…”

“Come here.”  Turner grabbed Dan’s head and pulled it in for a long, deep kiss, adding his tongue to the parts of his body currently invading the other man.  The oral exchange was an element they’d only recently added as it always felt too intimate before, and they both kicked themselves for having waited so long.

“You’re not a bad kisser, either,” Dan said with another flushed, bashful grin.  He would have felt fantastic under the current circumstances regardless, but the extra relief he felt at finally having his ravenous needs met only accentuated the ecstasy.  He felt like each of his ample muscles was melting away, taking his anxiety and embarrassment with them.  Whether he had a rigid cock or a warm, wet pussy didn’t matter at the moment, as long as Turner was the one exploring either.

“Not bad,” the blonde scoffed, rolling his eyes.  “Guess we’ll just have to try harder.”  He pulled his hand free and gave Dan a gentle shove onto his back, his eyes blazing as he slowly slipped his friend’s panties free.  The sight of the feminine slit between the brunette’s muscled, masculine thighs still looked out of place after so many years of seeing the other man’s heavy balls and banana hang, but as far as he was concerned they’d both lucked out.  He’d gotten access to the best of both worlds and now Dan, whether he wanted to or not, had no choice but to pursue the pleasures he really craved.  Turner realized it was easier said than done, and he understood that he’d likely have just as hard a time flaunting a pussy instead of a package, but, like his friend, he knew that Dan was going to have to come out of hiding at some point.  And he’d have to come with him.  Turner slowly worked his mouth up from his friend’s pulsing gash and along the trail that bisected his abs and chest before arriving at the other man’s lips again.  They brushed together as their eyes met, his eager cock hovering just above Dan’s aching opening.  “I was thinking,” he purred, pausing for another quick kiss.  “Maybe it’s time we make this official?”

Dan raised an eyebrow, his expression hardening slightly.  “Wait…what?”

“Come on, man.  You know what I mean.  This.  Us,” Turner said, letting his forehead fall against his friend’s.  “Look at us!  We’re so crazy for each other that we’re fucking on the foyer floor ‘cause that’s as far as we made it.”

“But…but that’s because I…”

“Am I not on top of you right now,” Turner interrupted.  “Our circumstances might be different, but do you really think I’m NOT thinking about this all day too?  Fuck, dude…you drive me wild.  You always have!  You’re fuckin’ incredible, man.  And hot.  And sweet.  And I don’t care if you have a dick or a pussy, and I don’t care who knows that I don’t care!  It’s fucked up that I’d even think about hiding this.  And maybe that’s part of our problem?  Maybe you wouldn’t be so pressed if we weren’t holed up in hiding.”

Dan didn’t know how to respond.  He’d been understandably focused on the changes to his own life, and he hadn’t really considered what any of this meant for Turner.  He’d been thinking of himself as a burden this whole time, so to hear that the reality was actually the opposite caught him completely off guard.  “Fuck…you’re serious, aren’t you?  So you want to, like, what?  Tell people we’re boyfriends?”

“We don’t have to tell people shit,” Turner shrugged.  “But if I want to kiss you in front of Steve and Tony, I want to kiss you.  And if you want to hang out in panties and a t-shirt when the boys come over the way you used to in your boxer-briefs, you should be able to.  I don’t want things to go back to the way they were…I want them to go back to the way they SHOULD have been.  I mean, we don’t hang out with assholes, dude.  I kinda feel like we’ve been making this harder than it needs to be.”

“But how do we explain this,” Dan asked, popping his hips to grind his hungry slit against Turner’s frustratingly elusive cock.

“Hell if I know, but we’ll think of something.  People will get over it,” Turner said, lining himself up for entry.  “And if they don’t, they suck anyway so who cares?”

Dan arched his back and groaned when the blonde pushed inside, his fingers digging into the smooth wood floor.  Suddenly, the thought of revealing his altered self to the world seemed far less terrible than it had only minutes before.  He knew Turner was right, the majority of their friends were kind, open-minded guys like themselves, so while there would be an initial adjustment to the formerly hung hunk’s new look, it wouldn’t be a deal breaker.  Nor would the reveal of his and Turner’s relationship.  It could only make their lives easier, and though it was far too early to tell, Dan thought he could already feel his insatiable needs starting to settle, as if the thought of hanging out half naked with his friends the way he used to, or lounging on the beach in a bikini bottom, provided the same relief as actually doing so.

Of course, it also could have been due to Turner’s expertly timed thrusts slipping in and out of him.  The blonde beefcake rolled his hips like a machine, his solid rear dimpling and flexing as he alternated between short, quick jabs and slow, deep plunges.  He’d always been able to read the bigger brunette like a well-built book, and that hadn’t changed simply because he was fucking a different hole.  Normally, Dan tried to hold back on his helpless howling, he always had even when he’d merely been bottoming, but now it felt wrong.  Now, he let the increasingly loud whimpers fall free of their own accord, giving himself over fully for the first time.  Even before he’d always had a secret fear of discovery, but now that weight had been lifted, leaving more room for the mind-melting pleasure that he’d wrongly assumed had reached its apex.  Turner clearly felt the same, as the stocky stud delivered a passionate performance so potent it left them both dazed and gasping long after they’d finally worn each other out.

“We should keep doing this, though,” the blonde finally said, holding Dan against him as they lay in a tangled heap on the floor just inside the front door.  “Fuck making it all the way to the bedroom.”

“Bro…if that dick’s in the door, it’s in me,” Dan laughed.  “Don’t expect that to change just ‘cause the guys get to watch us make out.”

“Speaking of…Steve was bugging me early about how long it's been since anyone’s seen you.  Want to put this to the test?”

Dan blushed, his heart racing at the thought of it all becoming real, but he nodded.  “We might need to do this again before he gets here, but yeah, sure.  Let’s go for it.”


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