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“‘Sup, man,” Jordan asked, slinging his briefcase onto the table.  The strapping, dark-skinned stud loosened his tie and popped the top button of his fitted dress shirt, the clearly outlined muscles underneath making the clinging top a formality.  Little of Jordan’s tapering torso was left to the imagination, from the thickness of his arms, to the breadth of his shoulders, to the roundness of his pecs, and the same went for the athletic hunk’s meaty thighs, ample rear, and tastefully accentuated bulge.  “How’s it going?”

“How the fuck do you think,” Donny spat, spreading his toned arms wide.  Like his taller friend, little of the brunette’s lean, defined torso was left to the imagination, but that was due more to its exposed state than any tailored clothing.  Practically of Donny’s fit, tight frame was on full display, and while the scowling man usually didn’t mind showing off his modest pecs and impressive abs, the current circumstances were less than ideal.  Normally, at his most relaxed state in a friend’s home, Donny would have been lounging in a pair of boxers, but now the mesh pouch around his package constituted fully clothed.  He gave his trim hips a shake to wag the barely covered equipment, simultaneously sending ripples through the heaping, oversized cheeks hanging off his lower back.  The pillowy pumpkins were comically oversized for someone so tight and wiry otherwise, looking photoshopped as they bounced in defiance gravity.  “I’ve got a see-through sock covering a dick that doesn’t work and my ass is freakishly fat.  I’m fuckin’ great,” he pouted.

Jordan sighed as he slipped his tie free and popped a few more buttons, exposing the deep, ebony valley between his prominent pecs.  “It still works…just not the same way.”

“You know what I mean,” Donny barked, giving the soft hose a tug.  The handsome brunette’s package had an impressive heft, sporting a long, thick cock and a pair of substantial balls, the girthy mass of mesh looking even larger between his lean, solid thighs.  Between his charming face, fit frame, and eye-catching equipment it was immediately clear how the hung hunk had made a name for himself as a sought-after ladies man, though it was equally evident why those days were now behind him.  It wasn’t just the way his above-average cock stayed soft as he pawed at it, or the way his oversized rear rippled at his back, but the way his eyes were glued to Jordan as the larger man undid his shirt.  “This shit doesn’t count,” he said, popping his hips again.  He sent wave after wave through the bouncing cheeks, his eyes going wide and a crimson sheen slowly creeping over him.  While the cock he still clung to stayed soft, increasingly bright bolts of pleasure began shooting through him as his unwieldy cakes clapped and collided.

“Still feels good, right?  Isn’t that the point,” Jordan asked, untucking his shirt and letting it hang open.

Donny stopped twerking and shook his head, his flushed expression a mix of lustful embarrassment.  “That’s easy for you to say,” he grumbled.  “You’re not the one stuck like this.”

“I know, man.  I’m sorry,” Jordan offered.  “I’m not trying to be dismissive…I’m just trying to find whatever silver linings we can, right?”

“There aren’t any!  This is such bullshit!  My life is…it’s fucking ruined, dude!  I can’t believe this shit is even possible!  How are we just doing this to people?!  It’s not fucking fair!  I can’t even…”

“Come here,” Jordan said, his tone gentle as he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around his friend.  “It’s okay.”

“No!  I don’t need you talking down to…down to me…” Donny sputtered, halfheartedly squirming in Jordan’s powerful embrace.  He shivered as their bare skin connected, as he felt his package grinding into the other man’s larger thigh.  As much as he wanted to hate it, his friend’s presence was immediately calming.  Donny knew it was all part of the process, just like the insatiable attraction he felt, but at the moment he didn’t really care.  “It’s just too much,” he finally sighed.

“All we can do is make the most of it.  You know I’m not going to leave you hanging, bud.”  Jordan stroked his friend’s wavy, chocolate mop, unable to keep the condescending tone from slipping into his voice.  He didn’t mean to do it, he and Donny had been like brothers since meeting during their freshman year at college nearly a decade earlier, but ever since his friend had been processed it was like a reflex.  It was just the way things were now.  “How about we get you out of this thing?  Will that help,” Jordan asked, reaching down and plucking Donny’s pouch free.

The brunette blushed, a rush of exposure washing over him.  Despite the fact that his package was clearly visible through the sheer material, having it removed felt like he’d been stripped out of a three-piece suit.  It didn’t help that only Jordan could take it off or put it on, adding another layer of submissive vulnerability to their altered dynamic.  Where once they’d been wingmen conquering campus, now Donny quivered at the thought of Jordan dressing and undressing him, such as it was.

“You are so cute when you blush,” the bigger man laughed, tousling Donny’s hair and tossing the pouch aside.  “Who’s my big blushing boy,” he cooed with an exaggerated tone, giving one of his friend’s hefty cheeks a squeeze.

“Dude…knock it off,” Donny sputtered, his bashful grin betraying the feeble protest.  “I’m just saying…why’d you have to give me an ass like this?”

Jordan’s lingering squeeze turned into a slow stroke of the cresting mound, his soft lips pursed as the other hand followed suit.  “I did that for both of us.  You know I’m an ass man…if you’re going to be thirsty for this, I need something to work with.  It was either that or give you tits and an actual pussy,” he chuckled, running his hands up Donny’s slim sides to tweak the other man’s nipples.

The bottom-heavy brunette gasped, his crimson face going a deeper shade when it was followed by a helpless whimper.  He wanted to be furious with his friend for altering his body, regardless of the reason, but all he could muster was the same aroused affection he always felt for the other man now.  He’d been bonded to the chiseled hunk as part of his processing, their friendship as skewed as his body now that Jordan held all the power.  ‘It’s just…embarrassing,” Donny said, his own hands reaching out to toy with the waist of his friend’s pants.  “Bad enough I’m basically naked all the time now…”

“Boy, you could hardly ever keep your clothes on back in the day,” Jordan said, rolling his eyes.  “Don’t act like a part of you doesn’t love this.”

“Horsing around when I’m drunk is one thing, but this is messed up.  I mean…what the fuck?  How did we all just become okay with people being forced to walk around naked all the time,” Donny asked again, though the frustration from his previous attempt had been replaced by a helpless confusion.  “It’s like that medieval shit when people would have to stand in the middle of town with their head and arms through those boards.”

Jordan shrugged.  “It’s supposed to be a deterrent.  Not saying it’s right, but it actually seems like it’s working.  You’ve seen what they say in the news…crime is waaaaay down all over the place.  Guess people don’t want to find out when their ass is literally on the line,” the bigger man said, giving Donny’s melons another squeeze.  “MOST people, anyway.”

The wiry brunette groaned, his head still spinning over the fact that his shapely cock was as soft as ever despite burning with lust.  “But actually changing someone’s body?  What’s the point of that?  Isn’t parading us around with our dicks out bad enough?”

“Not everyone’s lucky enough to get scooped up by a friend.  The people who agree to take you guys in should get something out of it, right?”  Jordan heard the way he referred to his friend as if Donny was suddenly less human than himself, but he couldn’t help it.  Like his condescending tone, the perspective of his friend as “less than” constantly tried to worm its way into his thoughts.  Jordan had to fight to remind himself that Donny was still a peer and not some kind of pet, and it was a battle he didn’t always win.  They both knew it was part of the processing, that people who underwent the transformation gave off a strange aura that made people view them a certain way.  It was the real reason people like Donny were able to walk around naked.  For the most part, people didn’t view them any different than they did someone’s dog.  “And it’s not like this is just happening to random people, bud.  Did you have to get into a fight EVERY time you went to the bar?  You’ve already had two warnings.  If I wasn’t literally right there with you this last time, who knows who you would’ve ended up with.”

Donny sighed.  Jordan wasn’t wrong, he’d had a nasty habit of getting drunk and picking a fight with bigger guys at the bar, but he’d never taken the time to hash out his insecurities.  Despite a charmingly cute face and an above-average amount of defined muscle, Donny had always resented his inability to bulk up.  Guys like Jordan and the jocks he’d grown up with seemed to pack it on without trying, but all he could manage was staying thin and shredded.  So as soon as he reached a certain threshold of inebriation, he had to prove himself.    “Don’t have to worry about that anymore,” he pouted.  The very concept of aggression had been programmed out of him, meaning that whenever he was around those bigger, brawny guys now, all he felt was aroused.

“Good,” Jordan laughed, tousling his friend’s hair.  “You always ended up getting your ass kicked.”

“Hey!  Not all the time,” Donny said, grinning despite himself.  “It was at least fifty fifty.”

“Seventy thirty at best, bro,” Jordan grunted, a moment of silence lingering while he looked down at Donny’s hands still lingering at his fly.  His smile grew in time with his friend’s bashful blushing, but he wasn’t going to make it easy.

“Can I…take these off,” Donny finally asked.  “I…I really want to suck your dick right now.”

The bigger man raised an eyebrow.  “Is that how we ask?”

“Can I please suck your dick,” Donny quickly responded, biting his lower lip as he asked.

Jordan made a show of thinking about it, slowly shrugging out of his shirt under the brunette’s hungry eyes.  He made a point of flexing in the process, twisting the lustful knife even more.  “Tell you what…you can take my pants off, and if that ass can get me started, your mouth can finish the job.”

“O…okay!  Thank you!”  Donny still couldn’t believe the way he gushed as he frantically undid Jordan’s pants and pulled them down, but the sight of the other man’s stuffed boxer briefs drove away any other thoughts.  The heather bulge was like a beacon, and more than anything Donny wished he could grab and knead it.  In his previous life he could have torn the underwear free and dropped to his knees, but now he couldn’t even give the girthy equipment a gentle squeeze.  Not until Jordan told him to.  Instead, he savored the sensation of the other man’s meaty thighs against his hands, of the way his friend towered over him as he bent to gently pull the bunched up pants from each foot.  Being physically smaller than the dark-skinned, of everyone, really, just felt right now, and Donny had to fight to force himself upright.

The bottom-heavy brunette needed to be standing for what came next.  He turned his back and started swaying, slowly at first but gradually building up steam, his inflated cheeks swaying like a pair of plump pendulums.  When sufficient momentum had been built, Donny abruptly altered his technique, bending his knees and popping his hips to turn the meaty inertia on itself.  He let out a series of hissing gasps as the bouncing balloons began colliding against each other, a small part of himself still painfully aware that he’d been reduced to desperately debasing himself, dancing and twerking his fattened ass in the hopes of sucking off his friend.  That same part questioned whether the word even really applied to Jordan, and whether they’d ever been friends at all.  They’d known each other for years, and they’d been in the same social circle, but a part of Donny kept catching himself thinking of the other man more as a rival than anything else.  There’d been bad blood over the brunette’s stealing of Jordan’s girlfriend years before, but they’d patched that up.  Hadn’t they?  Had it really been a “lucky break” that Jordan was there that final, fateful night?  After all, the bigger man had been the one pumping him full of drinks and egging him on, despite knowing how little room Donny had to fuck up.  And it had been Jordan who’d warped his once-perky bubble into an oversized trunk, who’d taken advantage of the situation to turn him into a uselessly hung, perpetually horny power-bottom.

But Donny knew that had to be his imagination.  Jordan told him over and over again that he was his “bud”, that he was going to take care of him.  When he walked him around in a crowd, collared and on a leash as required, that wasn’t his friend trying to embarrass him, but to get him out of the house.  When he talked down to him and encouraged the rest of their friends to do the same, he did that because he had to, not because he wanted to.  And when he made him put on a show for his former peers, he did it because he knew deep down that it’s what Donny really wanted but wouldn’t bring himself to ask for.  It had to be that way.  Jordan told him so.

Donny bounced and popped and swayed until he felt like he was going to burst, every jarring ripple making his knees go weak.  He was so desperate by the time he looked back over a shoulder that he would have done anything Jordan wanted, but fortunately for him the hungry expression on the other man’s face, along with the tented underwear, told him they wanted the same thing.

“Damn,” Jordan whistled, giving his rigid bulge a squeeze.  “That never gets old.  Kinda think that ass is going to have to finish what it started, not your mouth.  You can get me good and slick, though.”

Donny didn’t hesitate.  He was on his knees in a flash, taking Jordan’s underwear to his ankles before impaling his eager mouth on the other mans’ thick, wide cock.  His friend was every bit as long and wide as himself, with the added bonus of still being able to get hard.  Donny savored every musky moment as he slobbered along the delicious organ until his friend reached down and pulled him to his feet.

“Good job, bud,” Jordan mockingly cooed as he spun Donny around.  He grabbed his friend’s trim hips and pulled him back with a quick tug, expertly entering the brunette’s eager hole.  Jordan’s laugh was drowned out by Donny’s howling when he started pumping away, his hands slowly gliding up to the lean man’s chest.  “How do we ask,” he grunted, his fingers hovering just above Donny’s perky little nipples.

“Pl…please play with my tits,” the writhing pretty-boy groaned.  “Oh…oh fuck…please pound this pussy and…and play with my tits…” Donny begged, that same small part of himself wondering if a friend would really make him go through such embarrassing motions every time.

“Since you asked so nice,” Jordan sneered, elicting another series of sharp, cracking wails when he started tweaking Donny’s sensitive nipples.  He paused after a few moments to reach down and tug on his friend’s limp, leaking hose, pulling out a load of pre-cum like he was milking a cow.  He smeared the fluid around the little nubs when he resumed toying with them, his thrusts slowing to long, deep plunges to emphasize just how hard he was.  “Looks like the big guy sprung a leak,” he chuckled.

Donny knew his friend was mocking him, but he was beyond words.  Beyond doubts.  Whether Jordan had done this to him on purpose or was being genuine in what he said didn’t matter.  All that mattered was getting the relief he so desperately needed.  Luckily, he didn’t have long to wait as the building eruption finally forced itself free a few moments later.  Donny’s vision blurred and the world seemed to fade as he felt the torrent spilling from his untouched organ, his senses coming back to him just as Jordan’s rigid log did the same.

As he basked in the buzzing afterglow and the warmth of his friend’s spurting loads splashing against his insides, Donny chided himself for ever doubting the other man.  Jordan was right; he’d done this to himself and didn’t have anyone else to blame.  He really was lucky to have such a caring friend looking out for him.  But Donny also knew he couldn’t be too hard on himself for having doubts.  It was a big adjustment, after all, and it was all part of the process.


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