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Hayden could no longer pretend that everything was fine.  The dark-haired hunk had been feeling off for the last hour or so, a sense of sore discomfort draping itself over him out of nowhere.  As someone who worked out daily, often more than once, the athletic young man was used to a certain amount of lingering aches in his ample muscle, but this didn’t seem like the familiar aftermath of intense exercise.  Hadyen’s body felt tight in a way it normally didn’t, the tension not restricted to his joints or muscles, but spread all over.  Worse, the increasing pressure was accompanied by a persistent itching, as if phantom insects crawled beneath his skin.  He’d tried to ignore it at first, telling himself he was just sore, that he’d forgotten to moisturize, or that maybe he was coming down with something.  All of which were perfectly plausible explanations.

Until they weren’t.  As he shifted constantly on the couch, his discomfort growing, Hayden began to notice impossibly external signs of his confusing symptoms.  “Uh…guys?  Do I look weird to you,” he asked, his bright brown eyes fixed on the teal t-shirt clinging to his torso.  The sculpted brunette always wore fitted clothes, he loved nothing more than showing off his enviable build, but it suddenly seemed to him that the tight top was a bit too tight.

The chiseled statue of a man seated at the opposite end of the couch looked over with a raised eyebrow.  “You look the same to me,” Gabe shrugged.  The raven-haired stud sat with his own precision-crafted physique on display, his olive-hued muscle spilling out of a loose muscle shirt.  Other than their differing outfits, khaki shorts and a t-shirt for Hayden and bright nylon shorts to match the athleisure top for Gabe, the athletic pair were cut from the same mold.  Both were broad shouldered and powerfully built, with tapering torsos, prominent pecs, strong arms, nearly a score of abs between them, and both sported perky, ample rears, sturdy thighs, hefty packages, and jawlines that were just as chiseled as the rest of them.  Hayden’s smooth tanned skin and dark brown hair were a slightly different shade than Gabe’s jet black coif and olive undertones, but otherwise the pair were almost identical.

“Yeah, same here,” Ashton said, looking over from his nearby chair.  While the pretty pair seated on the couch could act as stand-ins for one another, the balding boulder took up a spot at the other end of the physical spectrum.  Where Hayden and Gabe were sculpted and smooth, Ashton was thick and hairy, his burly body sporting an excess of furry meat.  He was every bit as strong as the handsome hunks, if not stronger, but there was nothing chiseled or refined about him.  Instead of tapering, he curved, his slab-like pecs resting on the prominent, cresting muscle-gut below.  His beefy arms hung like logs at his sides, fighting for space with his meaty midsection the way his pylon thighs battled with his girthy beast of a package, and the way his oversized cheeks battled with anything that tried to contain them.  And unlike the Adonis duo’s sharp, statuesque looks, Ashton’s face was rugged and round, its full features accentuated by his nearly smooth scalp, the one spot on the hirsute hulk that didn’t sport a pelt.  Where his friends had thick, full heads of hair, Ashton’s sandy mop had begun its departure nearly a decade early as he’d graduated from high school, leaving the rest of his ample frame to pick up the slack.  He was the odd man out amongst his group of gay pretty-boy friends, donning the mantle as the token Bear of the group.  And while his friends would always tell him he was “lucky” for being so butch, Ashton couldn’t help but notice they didn’t try to emulate him, and that they always seemed to either get snatched up first when they were out as a group, or would hook up with each other before considering him as an option.  None of them were ever cruel, but the hairy hunk had borne the brunt of constant “jokes” and plenty of hurtful comments about his appearance over the years, making it hard for him to not be jealous as he eyed the stereotypical studs on the couch.  “What’s up?  You’ve got a weird look on your face,” he said, watching Hayden squirm.

The brunette beauty shook his head and tugged at his t-shirt.  “I don’t know.  I just feel…off,” he said.  “Maybe I fucked up my laundry or something…none of this feels right.”

“Now that you mention it…I didn’t want to say anything, but you were lookin’ a little extra snug,” Gabe grinned.  “I thought you were just letting yourself go.”

“Fuck you,” Hayden shot back, breaking into a double-bicep pose.  “Does this look like letting go?”  His granite arms inflated to their normally impressive proportions, but the flexing jock was caught off guard by the sudden rush of air he felt at his waist as his shirt rode up.  “This is getting annoying,” he grumbled, hopping to his feet to readjust himself.  “I’m going to be so pissed if I fucked up an entire load of clothes.  You’d think I would have noticed when I…” he trailed off when he saw the way his two friends stared, their shocked expressions doing little to ease is growing nerves.

“Uh, okay…all joking aside, are you feeling alright,” Gabe asked.  “I don’t think it’s your clothes, man.  You look…swollen.”

“I do?  Fuck!”  Hayden yelped when he looked down, the sight of his distending midsection making his stomach drop even as it pressed outwards.  Instead of trim and tight, his core was becoming curvy and round, already having grown enough to push the ill-fitting t-shirt out of its way.  “What…what is this?!”

“It’s okay, it’s okay…you’re probably just having an allergic reaction to something, right?  I’m sure it’s fine,” Gabe offered, trying to keep his tone calm.  He stood and stepped forward to inspect his friend, his hands landing at the exposed strip of the other man’s stomach.  The two hooked up often, and Gabe couldn’t believe how different Hayden’s body already felt as his fingers bit into a soft layer where normally there was only granite muscle.

“But I’m not allergic to anything!  I shouldn’t…be…” Hayden trailed off in a gasp when Gabe stepped close, his jaw dropping.  “Dude!  It’s happening to you too!”

“What?!”  Gabe tore out of his muscle shirt like it was on fire, his shocked yelp joined by the other two at what he saw.  It wasn’t as immediately noticeable due to the looser nature of his outfit, but, as with Hayden, the olive-hued hunk’s formerly trim waist had begun to expand in all directions.  “Oh shit!  What the fuck is happening?!” he cried, a shade of crimson washing over him as he clutched at the softened patch of stomach where his abs should have been.

“I don’t know!  How are we just growwwooohhh!”  Hayden broke off in a grunt as a shudder rippled through him.  His heart started racing faster as he actually felt himself expand in its wake, the impossible sensation followed by the sound of stitches failing.  “Fuck!  I think it just happened again!  Did I get bigger?!”  The stunned stud’s question was answered when his shirt gave out entirely, the too-small top unable to contain the imposing mounds of flesh at Hayden’s chest.  Instead of just his stomach, now his entire torso had begun to inflate, with his precision-pecs adding on a thick, meaty layer.  That extra padding spread up to his shoulders before flowing back down his arms, swallowing much of the striated definition as the limbs went from “chiseled” to “burly.”

Gabe took a reflexive step back, as if the extra distance could stop what was coming, but it was already too late.  Like Hayden, the raven-haired man shuddered and ballooned, his pecs puffing as they rested on a burgeoning muscle-gut now framed by thick, heavy pistons on either side.  “FUCK!  Look at us,” he cried, his trembling hands sliding along the ample, extra flesh.  His muscle was still present underneath, but it was being buried deeper by the second.

“How do we stop this?!  What do we…” Hayden didn’t have time to finish the question before his plastered-on shorts joined his decimated top.  The impossible growth appeared to be picking up steam, and instead of gradually piling on like it had above, the brunette’s lower half erupted all at once.  There was a loud tearing sound as his shorts and briefs gave way, revealing a pair of wide, meaty thighs that had swallowed the pretty-boy’s formerly toned legs.  A pair of round, plump cheeks had likewise consumed his once-perky rear, and Hayden was horrified to discover that he could only partially see the widened beast that had become his cock over the jutting gut he’d acquired.

Like a man facing a firing squad, Gabe took a deep breath and braced himself.  He thought about trying to remove his shorts and underwear, but there wasn’t time before they fell away in tatters.  Like Hayden, his sturdy legs ballooned into a matched set of chunky trunks, his already-ample rear looking even larger as it became full and heavy.  And just like the ballooning brunette, Gabe’s log of a cock took on its own extra girth to match, not growing any longer but easily doubling in width while his churning balls swelled in time.  “Oh fuck…oh fuck…” Gabe panted, shivering as he felt himself rubbing together.  The unfamiliar sensation was joined by a sudden crawling of his skin, and he understood why when he saw the chocolate pelt sprouting from Hayden’s expansive body.  The silky strands started at his friend’s chest, flowing across the plump pecs before spilling down in a straight line and splashing out at the brunette’s protruding navel.  The phantom follicles were slower in their upward climb but no less persistent, steadily coating Hayden’s brawny new shoulders before waterfalling down his broadened back and burly arms.  As quickly as he’d acquired the impossible bulk, the stunned brunette’s tanned, once-smooth skin was left covered in a matching carpet.  Gabe knew the same thing was happening to himself, but, as he stared at his friend, he was having an increasingly hard time looking away.  Normally, the sculpted stud went for guys like himself.  He liked smooth abs and chiseled muscle, not beefy, hairy bulk.  Yet, despite his terror and confusion, his fattened cock had already gone rock hard, and the sight of Hayden’s furry, meaty frame suddenly turned him on like never before.  As he watched his friend’s pudgy cock follow suit, he knew he wasn’t alone in his odd new feelings.

“Is it…is it over,” Hayden finally asked.  He winced as he ran his hands along his furry new frame and up to his stubble-covered face, blushing as he felt the way his formerly sharp features had filled out.  They were still clearly recognizable as his own and still plenty handsome, only they’d shifted closer to “rugged” than “pretty.”

“I…I think so,” Gabe stammered, his expansive pecs heaving as he gawked back and forth between their bulky, furry new bodies.  Where once there’d been a pair of sculpted pretty-boys, trim, chiseled and tapering, now stood a pair of brawny bruisers, thick, round and hairy.  “What the fuck just happened?”

“I think I know.”  Ashton’s meek tone cut through the altered duo’s surprise, their friend having been forgotten in the terror of their transformation.  The balding bear blushed at the way the pair now looked at him, the twitching of their exposed cocks matching the new hunger blazing in their eyes.  “Guys…I’m so sorry.”

“For what,” Hayden asked, shaking his head.  Now that the changes had settled the fear was rapidly fading, making plenty of room for the equally expanded lust he felt as he looked at the other man.  Like Gabe, the formerly sculpted brunette normally went for gym-bunnies like himself, but the sight of Ashton’s ample frame now hit him like a punch in his new gut.

“I…” The balding blonde swallowed hard as he hesitated.  “Okay, don’t judge me, but I went online and found one of those cheap-ass casters.  I know it’s against the law, and I know I could get in trouble, but let’s be honest.  I’m never going to be able to afford the real thing.”

“YOU did this to us,” Gabe barked, the surprised exclamation sounding half amused, half angry.

“No!  Of course not!  At least, not on purpose.  I was just tired of being the token ‘big guy’.  You guys always treated me like I was some kind of mascot or whatever, not like I was actually part of the group.  I just wanted to fit in more,” Ashton said, going quiet.  “That’s why I wanted to hang out with everyone tonight.  I wanted you all to watch when it…” he trailed off again.  “But I thought it was going to make ME like you guys, not the other way around!  Please…you have to believe me…I never, ever would have done something like this to…”

“Dude, we know,” Gabe interrupted, putting a hand on Ashton’s shoulder.  “Yeah, this was a pretty big fuck up, but we know you wouldn’t do it on purpose.”

Hayden nodded in agreement.  “It feels…weirdly okay,” he said, shrugging.  “I don’t know how casters work, but doesn’t it normally just, like, become the way things are,” he asked, trying to wrap his head around exactly how different his coming years were going to be from the twenty-eight that preceded them.

“Fuck, I think you’re right,” Gabe said, doing the same mental assessment as his friend.  “Does that mean we’re stuck like this?”

“Guys, I swear, I’ll find a way to…”

“No, it’s okay,” Hayden said, interrupting Ashton’s stammering.  “I mean, we’re all fine, everyone’s still in one piece.  We’ll figure it out.  It’s wild,” he laughed, his expression going distant.  “All of a sudden I can remember when things changed.  Like, everything up until twenty-four is pretty much the same, but then I went on this gainer binge.”

“Dude, me too,” Gabe laughed.  “It’s so weird to think that just a minute ago we were all small and scrawny.”

“And smooth?  Like we hadn’t hit puberty yet?  Fuck that,” Hayden spat, shaking his head.

Ashton didn’t know how to respond as he watched the hairy hulks settle into their new lives so quickly.  A part of him was wracked with guilt, but another part had never been more turned on.  “I mean it, guys.  I’ll do whatever I have to if you want me to fix this.  If I have to go down to the BMR and turn myself in, I will.”

Hayden smirked and shot Gabe a quick glance before turning his attention back to Ashton.  “You want to make this up to us?  Okay,” he said, stepping forward and grabbing the balding man’s shirt by the collar.  He gave a rough tug and tore it free the way his own had exploded, repeating the experience with his friend’s shorts and briefs.  “That makes us even for the clothes.”

“Since we can probably fit into yours now, we’ll be too busy wearing them for you to worry about it,” Gabe purred.  He stepped forward and tugged on Ashton’s squat club of a cock, his other hand lacing through the golden fur on his friend’s chest.  “At least for the foreseeable future, this is your uniform whenever we’re all together.”

Hayden slipped behind and wrapped his arms around Ashton’s stomach, wedging his thick girder between the balding bear’s plump cheeks.  “Yeah, since we’re new to these bodies you can show us how they work,” he chuckled, tweaking his friend’s nubby nipples.

“What…whatever you guys want…” Ashton stammered, overwhelmed as he squirmed in the duo’s arms.  Though their appearance had changed, the pair was just as magnetic as ever, their rugged new features and ample builds only enhancing their appeal.

“Right now, I want this,” Gabe grunted, dropping to his knees.  He swallowed Ashton’s cock in one gulp, his hands gliding along his firm, furry new gut as his filled out face bobbed.

“Guess that leaves this for me,” Hayden shrugged, lubing himself with the copious pre-cum that had begun to ooze incessantly from his expanded organ.  He gave Ashton a slight bend and then plunged inside, loving the way it felt to have his heavy new body draped against the other man’s.  They were like colliding boulders as he thrust his widened hips, the newly acquired carpet on his thickened chest mingling with the pelt on Ashton’s back while they writhed.

The trio lost themselves for hours in their explorations, with Gabe and Hayden reeling from the simultaneous novelty and familiarity of it all.  It seemed as if they were experiencing their altered bodies for the first time and the thousandth, the overwhelming pleasure they felt entirely unaffected by the ambivalence of its frequency.  After Hayden had his way, Gabe took a turn at Ashton’s plump rear before they switched yet again, with the balding blonde hammering into the ballooning brunette while he rode the raven haired hulk.  By the time they wore themselves out they were a spent, sticky mass of meat and hair in the middle of the floor, making it hard to distinguish where one of their burly frames ended and the others’ began.

“That was…incredible…” Hayden panted.  “This body is a beast.”

“I say you still count as a beauty,” Gabe purred, leaning over to give Ashton’s shiny scalp a kiss.  “I can’t wait to see how the other guys react to the new us.”

“Will they, though,” Hayden asked.  “If I remember being this way for at least the last few years, won’t everyone else?  I think it’ll be business as…”

“Oh shit!”  Ashton interrupted his friend, abruptly bolting upright and untangling himself from the furry pile.

“What?  What’s wrong,” Gabe asked, quickly following suit.

“I didn’t even think…I was so busy watching you two change that I…I didn’t think about how many people it would…” Ashton sputtered, grabbing his phone.  He held out the screen to show the hairy pair the dozens of frantic text messages on the thread they shared with the five other members of their close-knit group.  “You guys were the only ones free to come over here tonight, but I don’t think that mattered to the magic…”

“Oh…oh!” Hayden gasped, realization slow in dawning that they weren’t the only newborn bears in the group.

Gabe just shrugged.  “Guess we don’t need to worry about that reaction after all.”


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