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*** Voting options to come!  Ran out of time and didn't want to hold this up. ***

Everyone with even a partial ear to the ground had heard about Sebastian and the wild happenings that supposedly went on at the handsome hunk’s opulent estate.  The mid-century masterpiece loomed over the quaint college town, its artfully angled walls and slanted roofs looking down from its vantage point high on the hill.  During the day, the sprawling structure was almost a tree-house nestled amongst the cliffside forest, but at night it blazed like a glowing eye, the lights inside shining through the clear glass walls.  The unique architecture alone was enough to generate conversation, and the fact that the house was only accessible via a gated, private road added fuel to the speculative fire.  Given its position on the rocky outcropping, approaching on foot was likewise out of the question as the grounds were surrounded by sheer drops of several hundred feet.  Even the curious voyeurs with binoculars and telescopes found their views thwarted, either by an inconvenient pine or by lenses that stubbornly refused to focus.

The only way to really know what went on at the peculiar property was to be invited by Sebastian himself.  And while there were plenty in town who boasted of having spent time with the unnervingly attractive man, those voices normally dropped to hushed whispers whenever said stud made one of his rare appearances in town.  Other than his radiant looks, his wavy golden hair that seemed to glow in the sun and the eyes that could make a person melt, no one really knew anything about him.  Rumors ran like rivers, but no one knew how he’d acquired his obvious wealth or even how old he was.  His sculpted, strapping frame and smooth, statuesque features gave the initial impression of youth, yet he oozed a kind of commanding confidence that suggested decades of experience.

Aside from a driver, Sebastian was never seen coming or going with another person, but, far from being an awkward hermit, everyone who crossed his path always remarked on how friendly and charming he was, even if they could never quite recall the specifics of their conversation.  The most common explanation for the pretty playboy’s apparent isolation was that he was simply a wealthy jet-setter, a harmless oddity.  And considering the somewhat surprising number of curious residents compared to the small town’s overall population, one more wasn’t going to make or break anything.

Which isn’t to say that people didn’t seek out those rare invitations.  When Troy, Ben and Vince saw Sebastian walk into the bar, the trio immediately shared the same silent goal.  Out of the milling college crowd, they knew they had the best chance, and when they saw the golden-haired hunk returning their interest it felt all but inevitable.  The trio were no longer students themselves, having graduated a few years earlier, but the allure of easy prestige kept them in town.  They’d been the hottest guys on campus during their academic tenure, and, at least for Troy and Ben, the liberal little community was an oasis for the openly gay pair.  They knew they could have found a more welcoming environment with more options in a bigger city, but then they’d be just one of many, facing much steeper competition than they did in their current, quiet hamlet.  Here, their fit frames, their sculpted muscles and perky rears, stood above the rest, leaving them as objects of desire instead of handsome faces in a crowd.  With their similar builds and boy-next-door features the two were often confused for brothers, as Troy’s sandy crop and Ben’s chocolate mop were the only things that set them apart.  With his raven hair, olive hue, and constant stubble, Vince stood out from the nearly identical duo, his brawnier build coated in a jet dusting that added to his masculine aura.  The fact that the smoldering stud was largely considered straight helped fan the flames of arousal that constantly surrounded him, but, as was the case that night, Vince wasn’t above having some group fun with his friends.

They saw themselves as being above such limiting labels.  It wasn’t “gay” when Vince fooled around with Ben and Troy because he and the stunning studs weren’t like everyone else.  They were something more, and their physical superiority elevated them beyond judgment, except from each other.  It was a carefully cultivated equilibrium, an understanding that they all secretly knew they were really the best of the bunch.  Their abs were just a bit more impressive than the others’.  Their cock was just a bit longer and girthier.  Their skin was the most moisturized, their face the prettiest.  The others were absolutely on another level when compared to the general population, but, amongst the three of them, they each knew they were the first choice.  And the struggle to maintain that slight superiority ensured things stayed that way.  Always trying to outdo the others, the quiet competition created a feedback loop that kept them at their prime, making it no surprise that someone like Sebastian finally took notice. Theirs was no petty pulchritude, as they constantly reminded everyone, and the young studs knew it was only a matter of time before they finally got what they felt was owed.

That due had arrived in the form of a coveted invitation.  After some brief, casual conversation and playful flirting at the bar they piled into the back of Sebastian’s stretch SUV to continue the party at the seductive stranger’s house.  Buzzed from both their earlier drinks and the thrill of victory at having secured entrance to the exclusive estate, Troy and Ben sat practically on top of one another, their arms and legs tangled while Vince sat a few feet away.

“So are the two of you together,” Sebastian asked, nodding at the distance between the pair and their friend.  He sat on the opposite bench, his charming smile never wavering as he eyed the group.

“Oh, he wishes,” Troy scoffed, giving one of Ben’s chiseled pecs a squeeze.  The muscled mound strained against the brunette’s tight t-shirt, the burgundy fabric stretching like a second skin over the hunk’s impressively sculpted torso.  The sandy-haired stud looked over at Sebastian and grinned, his hand absently drifting towards Ben’s tapering waist as he spoke.  “Wasn’t really much to choose from until you showed up, so I was slumming it with him,” he purred.

“Excuse you,” Ben huffed, pushing Troy’s hand away.  He reached over and squeezed Vince’s thigh, his mischievous grin mirroring his friend’s.  “If you’re wondering why this guy seems so uptight, it’s because of his whole ‘straight’ bit.  Don’t worry, once you get him home he loosens right uummphh…”

Ben was cut off when Vince reached over and pulled him in for a long, rough kiss.  The dark-haired hunk’s hand picked up where Troy’s left off, latching onto the front of the brunette’s chinos and kneading until there was an obviously rigid outline snaking down one leg.  “What were you saying,” Vince asked when he finally let Ben come up for air.

“I certainly picked the right evening for a trip into town,” Sebastian chuckled.

“You certainly did,” Vince nodded, locking eyes with the beautiful blonde.  It had officially just become a competition to see which of the three of them would get to have fun with their new friend first, and the raven-haired man was determined to win.

Sebastian tilted his head towards Ben, not breaking the lingering eye contact.  “We still have a few minutes until we reach the house…are you going to prove your friend wrong?”

Without another word, Vince’s nimble fingers popped Ben’s fly and fished the brunette’s cock free.  After a few quick strokes, he leaned over and swallowed the thick, lengthy rod, his handsome face bobbing like a pro.

“Oooookay,” Ben laughed, his eyes going wide at the unexpected events.  The sculpted young stud wasn’t remotely shy about his body, nor was it the first time they’d fooled around as a group, but he still felt a rush of excitement at being blown in front of such an esteemed stranger.  “Yeah, you picked a winner of a night to…”

Ben was cut off for a second time when Troy leaned in to pick up Vince’s kiss.  Not wanting to be outdone, the sandy-haired Adonis slid his hands up under his friend’s shirt, bunching it at the other man’s shoulders until the brunette finally lifted his arms to let it be pulled free.  Troy followed suit and peeled out of his navy t-shirt once Ben’s smooth, sculpted muscle was fully exposed, their bare bulk flexing as they writhed against each other.  “Care to join,” he asked, batting his eyes at the smiling blonde.

“I’ll wait until we’re at the house,” Sebastian said.  “Speaking of…it’ll just be us, so no need to worry about who might be around when we get there.”

“Even better,” Troy purred again.  In case the other man was testing them, he quickly undid his own pants and pushed them down as a display of his eager willingness.  His stuffed, teal briefs were half-tented by the twitching log that Ben pawed at while Vince went to town on his cock, and there was a moment of silence as Troy toyed with the dazed brunette’s nipples.  Once he felt like he’d put on a good show, he eventually turned his attention back to Sebastian, his expression hesitant.  “I’m sure everyone asks this question, but…”

“What do I do for a living,” the blonde sighed.  “It’s really not that exciting.  But first, you tell me…what are your favorite theories?”

“The one I hear all the time is drug smuggler,” Troy said, looking Sebastian up and down.  “But you don’t really give me that vibe.”

“I could see the art thief one, though,” Ben added.  “Charming smokeshow like you could definitely pull off a high-end heist.” he grinned, his cock glistening when Vince lifted his head.

“Sticking with what I’ve said all along…caster,” the dark-haired man offered, wiping his mouth.

A slightly raised eyebrow was the only outward sign of surprise on the blonde’s blemish-free features.  “We have a winner.”

Troy’s jaw dropped.  “Oh, shit!  Really?!  You work for Casters Inc.?”

“No,” Sebastian said, shaking his head.  “I serve…different masters.  Same general principle, though.  I put my unique talents to work for the highest bidder, which allows a bit of luxury,” he shrugged, motioning around the spacious SUV’s interior.

“So you can do magic,” Ben asked, his own exposure forgotten amidst the exciting revelation.  “Bet that makes things kinky.”

“I don’t need magic for that,” Sebastian grinned, his voice going low and seductive as he nodded down at himself.  “Though it does make maintaining all of this a bit easier.  I bet you’ve never met a ninety-six-year-old who looked like me before, have you?”

“Daaaaaddddy,” Troy whistled, his eyes wide.  “Are you serious?  I’ve never actually met one of you guys in person at all before.  Can you, like, do a trick or something?”

“Dude,” Ben barked, giving Troy’s chest a back-handed slap.  “Don’t be rude.”

“It’s fine.  I get that one all the time,” Sebastian said, giving a little wave of his hand.  “I don’t mind a little demonstration.”  There was a trio of gasps as the group’s clothes vanished in an instant, reappearing as neatly folded piles on the far bench.

“Well that’s convenient,” Vince stammered with an awkward laugh.  Though they were the same six-foot height, his thicker, bulkier build made Troy and Ben’s precision physiques seem small by comparison, as did his soda-can cock and heavy, churning balls.

“Just in time,” Sebastian nodded as the car came to a halt.  The door opened with another flick of his wrist, and he motioned for the three to go first, waiting until last so he could watch as the naked trio scampered outside.

“Never thought I’d see this view,” Troy said, his heart racing as he stood naked and hard, looking down from a vantage point he’d only ever imagined.  The dim lights of the town twinkled in the distance, and the smug stud felt a rush of victory, as if he’d personally conquered the mountain they’d just driven up.

Ben wrapped his arms around the other man from behind, grinding his cock against Troy’s back as he reached down and tugged on his friend’s aching member.  “Lots of people down there who’d love to see this one,” he purred, nibbling on the sandy-haired hunk’s ear.  “Might be a Peeping Tom with a telescope right now.”

“Lucky them,” Troy sighed, leaning into Ben’s embrace.  He was turned on in a way he’d never been before, the sense of triumph he felt at standing in front of the looming house more arousing than the naked hunk draped against him.

“Shall we,” Sebastian asked, waving an arm towards the door.  As with the car it opened by itself, allowing the older man to knead Vince’s thick shoulders as they walked.

“I don’t know all the rules, but I thought you had to work for Casters Inc., if you did this sort of thing,” the dark-haired man said, suddenly unsure if he liked being the center of the blonde’s attention.  Hearing about people with incredible magic power was one thing; being naked in their hands was another.

“Always shop talk,” Sebastian sighed.  “Is that really what you’re interested in right now?”

The brawny hunk shivered as he crossed the threshold, his head spinning from the rush of it all.  “Guess not,” he said, his tone sheepish when he turned and saw the blonde in all his glory.  The older man’s clothes had vanished as easily as his own, revealing a smooth, sculpted frame that was almost angelic in its perfection.  Vince had always known how good he looked.  Ever since puberty’s awkward taint had left him, he’d always thought of himself as the pinnacle of attraction.  But, in an instant, Sebastian’s bare beauty had punched a hole in the dark-haired hunk’s concept of self.  The blonde beefcake was like nothing he’d ever seen before, sparking a kind of desire that made Vince question whether he’d ever truly felt the emotion before.

Without another word he was in Sebastian’s arms, lips pressed together as the older man guided their stumbling steps over to a nearby couch.  Troy and Ben followed suit, their tangled frames landing at the other end in a writhing mass.  Any thoughts of continuing the conversation or sating their curiosity with a tour had been promptly pushed aside to make room for the evening’s true activities.  Everything else could wait.

“Fuuuuuck you feel good tonight,” Ben groaned, pressing Troy down onto the couch as he hammered into his friend.  His rhythmic hips rolled with effortless ease, showing off his flexing abs and dimpled rear with each thrust.

“Sa…same…” Troy sputtered, his eyes wide while he writhed in time with his friend.  “You’ve never felt like…this…” he grunted, a bolt of ecstasy rocketing up his spine.  “You’re in…deep…”

“Let’s flip you over,” Ben grunted, slowly opening his half-closed eyes.  “I want to look at you when…I…when…”

Troy waited a moment for the brunette to continue before looking back over his shoulder.  “When you what?  What’s wrong,” he asked, his heart racing at the other man’s stunned, pale expression.  “Why’d you stooooOHHHHH FUCK!  WHAT THE FUCK?!”  Troy shrieked when it finally registered that he couldn’t see Ben’s hands.  Looking back, he couldn’t see his friend’s legs behind him, either.  It was as if the brunette was melting into him, his shocked face growing closer as Ben’s arms were steadily absorbed into his expanding frame.  “What is this?!”

“Fuck!  Guys!”  Vince shoved Sebastian away at Troy’s startled cry, his stomach both dropping and turning at what he saw.  Most of Ben had already vanished into the prone man, with only a bit of the brunette’s torso and arms yet to be absorbed.  It was the only word Vince could think of to describe what was happening, as Troy’s frame had already increased significantly.  Instead of precision-sculpted, the sandy-haired man’s lower half had become thick and meaty.  His calves were small boulders, his thighs like concrete pillars, his perky cheeks now meaty mountains, and, as Vince watched, his friend’s upper body was racing to catch up.  While Ben steadily sank into the expanding sea of flesh, Troy’s once-tapering waist ballooned into a lumpy muscle gut, the arms holding him up expanding into hulking pistons as his back widened.  The gasping former pretty-boy wasn’t growing any taller, leaving his frame excessively bloated and bulky as it now carried the muscle of two men.

“Guuhhnn…” Ben groaned, his stunned expression going wild.  “What just…why do I feel so…dude…get off me…” he grunted over at Troy, who’s head now rested inches from his own.  The excessive breadth of the merged men’s shoulders at least provided room for the two to turn and look at each other, though they both regretted the decision.

“You get off me!” Troy cried, collapsing onto the couch as two brains vied for control of their shared limbs.  The most they managed was to roll over and slide onto the floor, revealing the gargantuan club of a cock and grapefruit balls that jutted from their unwieldy legs.  Where once sat two sculpted studs, there was now a single, massive meathead made from both of them, the distended, oversized muscle looking nearly as freakish as the two heads gawking from their perch above the mammoth pecs.  “What did you do to us?!”

“Gu…guys…guys!”  Vince had been so focused on his altered friends that he didn’t immediately notice the changes taking place across his own beefy body.  Sebastian stood off to the side, his gorgeous face unreadable, but as the dark-haired hunk glared up at him, he noticed that the blonde seemed to be growing.  Everything did.  When it finally occurred to Vince that he was, in fact, shrinking, the realization was accompanied by a sensation of being punched in the stomach so hard that he doubled over off the couch.  The uncomfortable sensation of pressure was fortunately short lived, though what grew in its wake was no less horrifying.  As he started to right himself, Vince’s first thought was that he’d been on hands and knees, until he lifted both sets of hands along with his torso.  When that vantage point still left him looking up at the others, he reluctantly forced himself to look back down, the sight making his knees go weak.  All four of them.  Though he’d shrunk overall, his midsection had elongated and twisted, with his original legs now joined by a second pair that had sprouted just above them, leaving him looking like a human centaur.  “What…what did you do?!” he cried, his hands shaking as he reached around and felt the exposed position his muscled bubble had been forced into.  Though it was hard to see from his current vantage point, his package felt abnormally large and heavy as it swung between the altered limbs.

“Me?  Nothing.  I told you in the car that I serve different masters,” Sebastian said, his tone as friendly and charming as ever as he motioned around the house.  “And you’re in one of them right now.”  There was another trio of gasps as the walls wavered like hot air above pavement, the illusion of posh furniture and tasteful decorations fading to reveal the dwelling’s true interior.  Instead of clean lines and sharp angles, everything was soft and fleshy.  Walls the color of a deep bruise glistened with putrid moisture, the entire structure steadily undulating and pulsing as if it breathed.

“Wh…where are we…” Troy asked, trying desperately to convince himself they weren’t in something’s stomach.

“We haven’t gone anywhere,” Sebastian shrugged.  “You’re just seeing It for what It is.”

“Oh my god,” Ben sputtered, his head spinning as his memories of the house were replaced by its true image.  The artful estate wasn’t some mid-century mansion; it was a cosmic growth.  All three of them could see it now for what it was, looming over the town like a gigantic, festering boil.  It wasn’t light shining through a glass wall that glowed at night, but an actual, massive eye that stared perpetually in unblinking silence.

“You three should still be flattered…this is still an exclusive invitation.  It saw you, and It's rather particular in Its choice of meals,” Sebastian said, smiling at the trio’s stricken expressions.  “Don’t worry, It doesn’t eat like that.  It actually already fed, which is what led to the three of you becoming the unique creations that you have.”

“What?!  I don’t understand…how did it…how are we…” Ben sputtered, managing to lift a hand and prod at his and Troy’s shared, awkward frame.

“It feeds on beauty, and in return it makes things beautiful.”  Sebastian reached down and stroked Vince’s hair, letting his hand slide down the shrunken stud’s back and along his new haunches.  Instead of just over six feet, the multi-limbed man now topped out around four.  “Like our little pony here.  It can’t create something from nothing, but you had plenty extra to build those lovely new legs,” he cooed, his hand slipping under to tug on Vince’s rigid log.  The girthy package remained unaltered, but given the olive-hued heartthrob’s overall reduction, it looked excessively large.  “Or maybe I should say our little colt,” he grinned.

“You can’t leave us like this!  Please,” Troy begged, still instinctively trying to pull away from the brunette on his shoulder.

“Unfortunately, it’s not up to me,” Sebastian said, his tone sympathetic.  “You were asking about my work earlier?  I’m not a caster in the traditional sense.  I wasn’t lucky enough to be born with magical abilities, but I’ve always been good at making friends,” he smiled, reaching over and rubbing one of the sweating walls like he was petting a dog.  “I feed It, and in return It grants me a fraction of Its power.  I won’t bore you with all the details about the rules and people having to be willing to come inside.  Suffice to say, that last part takes care of itself.  A little mystery, a few parties every now and then, some simple illusions, and people are clamoring to come inside, aren’t they?  Sorry it didn’t live up to your expectations, but don’t panic.  I’m not going to leave you like this,” Sebastian said, gesturing to the terrified trio.  “I can’t undo what remains after It feeds.  No one can.  Your threads have been well and truly knotted into what you’ve become, but that doesn’t mean we’re without options.  Surely you’ve noticed some of your more…unique…neighbors?”

“Oh…oh no…” Vince sputtered, realization slowly dawning.  He’d seen the other people in town with too many arms, odd proportions, or even people who’d been joined together like Ben and Troy.  But other than a smug sense of superiority at not being one of them, he’d never stopped to consider how impossible it should have been.  No one did.  The three-armed man at the grocery store was no different than someone left with a scar after a car accident.  Just like a short, four-legged little stud or a hulking heap of muscle with two heads would be.

Sebastian shrugged.  “It’s the best I can do.  I’ll make sure you’re all as spry and coordinated as before, like you’ve always been this way.  Which, as far as everyone else is concerned, is exactly how they’ll think of you.  They might have vague memories of a time when you weren’t like this, but no one will think too much about it.  This is simply how you three, or technically two, I guess, should be.  You won’t remember any of this, so you’ll even see it that way yourself.”

“But…no!  You…you can’t do this,” Ben sputtered, his stomach dropping when Sebastian’s eyes began to glow.  “Wait!  Don’t…!”  The brunette was cut off by a blinding flash, followed by a sensation of falling.  And though the vertigo was short lived, the disorientation lingered even when Ben’s vision cleared.  He was wracked by a wave of ecstasy, his addled brain slow in distinguishing the source.

“Don’t what,” Troy asked, nibbling on his friend’s ear while he reached up and tweaked a shared nipple.

“Yeah, are you okay,” Vince asked from behind, his front legs straddling the beefy brute’s overly muscled midsection while he thrust into the kneeling giant’s heaping rear.  “Should I stop?”

“No,” Troy groaned for both of them before shaking his head.  “Wait…were we just…what are we doing,” he asked, slowly sharing his partner’s confusion.

“What’s it look like,” Vince laughed.  “We got tired of getting gawked at, so we left the bar to come back to your guys’ place for some group…fun…” He trailed off, unconvinced even as he said the words.  For a blessedly brief moment everything seemed horribly wrong.  His excess of short, stubby legs, his oversized cock, Ben and Troy’s two-headed bulk; it shouldn’t have been possible.  They’d somehow gone from sought-after studs to a family of freaks.  It was a nightmare.

It was a regular Friday night.  As quickly as it came, the shared anxiety vanished, leaving in its wake only a grudging acceptance of their unique features.

“Oh.  Right,” Ben said, his frantic expression softening.  “Sorry…you know how it goes.  With both of us wired in over here, sometimes things get mixed up.”

“Don’t blame me for that,” Troy protested.  “My brain isn’t the one sandbagging.”

“Fuck you,” Ben laughed.  “You’re the one who can’t stop thinking about dick all day, not me.  And don’t even try to deny it, ‘cause I’ll know if you’re lying.”

Troy rolled his eyes. “Of course you’ll know if I’m lying.  We’re the same person, dude.  Literally.  I…I…ohhh…fuuuuuuuck…”

Vince started thrusting again, abruptly ending the argument.  “If one of you is big, dumb and horny, that means you both are.  How many times do we have to go over this,” he laughed.  “I swear…you two just argue so you can jerk it out later.”

“Unless you’re around,” Ben groaned, a spasm running through their shared bulk as the short stud mounted them.

“What are friends for,” Vince sighed, clamping on with his new legs while he flexed his arms behind his head.  “We’re not like those super hot guys…us weirdos have to stick together.”



That was great! I love a good merging story and you didn’t disappoint!