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Dave had never felt better.  The combined sensations of the surreal, psychedelic sky swimming before his dazed eyes and the man’s ecstatic grunts left him with a kind of contentment he’d never experienced before.  Ever since the spell had been turned back on him, since his own world had turned into something unrecognizable, the now-sculpted blonde had been inundated with novel encounters.  While some folks who’d known Dave before would likely be horrified at his seemingly reduced mental faculties, the hunky new himbo didn’t see things that way.  His mind hadn’t been limited; it had expanded.  Stripped of all the extraneous barriers like anxiety or embarrassment or inhibition, there was now ample room to experience the full scope of his newfound freedom, and all the ecstasy that it could bring.  Dave’s attention span hadn’t been diminished as much as refocused, his priorities now centered around giving, and receiving, as much pleasure as possible.  If that came across to others as flighty or easily distracted, that was their problem, not his.  And if anyone had doubts about what the abrupt transformation meant for his ability as a caster, they would quickly be put to rest when reality effortlessly warped around them.  Far from diminishing his connection with the arcane, Dave’s unburdened mind magnified it.  The statuesque stud had never been more powerful, now able to change the world on a whim.

Before, he’d required extensive preparation, followed by intricate rituals and exhaustive concentration.  His life had been guided by strict adherence to rules and procedures, following both to the letter.  Dave had been precise and efficient and more than a little uptight.  His world had been black and white and clearly defined, without the slightest shade of gray or blurred lines.  Everything was predictably routine and boring, just the way he liked it.

Now, all Dave needed was an impulse.  Instead of black and white, the blonde beefcake’s eager eyes saw a constantly shifting sea of color.  The misty, multi-hued miasma floated like a fog over everything, each color corresponding to a different desire.  Whereas before he’d had to focus an ironclad will to effect even the slightest change, now it was instinct, not intellect, driving his curious new creativity.  By turning the once-wiry caster into a horny hulk, the would-be pranksters had inadvertently caused Dave to self-actualize, granting him a kind of erotic enlightenment that catapulted him up the magical food chain.  In little more than the blink of an eye, the newly christened Adonis hadn’t just been granted a perfect body; he’d been granted perfect clarity, a potent tool for any magical practitioner.

There’d only been a few moments of fear.  As the formerly thin, formerly bald caster began to swell, as his clothes melted away and his golden mane began to sprout, Dave had been mortified at what he was becoming.  He’d been casting what should have been a run-of-the-mill spell, a better body and increased libido for an older man with more money than time to spend at the gym, when the energies had turned on him without warning.  Dave knew right away that Tom and Nick, two of his fellow casters, were responsible thanks to the mocking, magical calling card they’d left, but he’d been too busy trying to stem the eldritch tide to pay attention to their bodiless voices.  He’d heard them say something about “loosening up” and “learning to have fun,” his scrawny body responding by blossoming with ample, sculpted muscle.  Bony shoulders became broad and round, his flabby chest jutted out as a pair of plump, chiseled mounds, his once-shapeless arms were now brawny, striated pistons, and his waist had settled as an impossibly pinched washboard.  All of that tapering perfection rested on an equally inflated foundation, with Dave’s legs widening into a pair of meaty trunks, while his once-absent ass hung as a set of heaping, gravity-defying globes.

When his pitiful cock ballooned into a ten-inch beast, his churning balls lurking like oranges below, Dave knew that something had gone horribly wrong.  The brawny, lantern-jawed proportions he’d adopted were far more exaggerated than what the original spell had requested, a fate he’d fleetingly attributed to the duo’s lack of preparation with their prank.  As his thoughts began to shift and his desires began to grow, Dave guessed that neither Tom nor Nick had stopped to think about what turning back the spell would really do.  Instead of putting the magical mirror in front of the man who’d bought the spell and bouncing it back from there, they’d put it right at the source, causing the energies to collapse back onto Dave at their full, primal potency.  So instead of simply becoming a horny, hunky pretty-boy, the middle-aged waif had become a cartoonish stud, an erotic drawing made flesh who was endowed with apocalyptic power.

Like his body, Dave’s clothes had become similarly simplified.  Instead of polos and button-downs, the brawny blonde now had bright briefs, baseball caps, and a pair of locker-room slides for his widened, lengthened feet.  He still had the crystal pendant he’d been wearing, only now the purple gem nestled in the deep new valley of his prominent pecs, accentuating their size while simultaneously drawing even more attention to the smooth, muscled mounds than their perpetually exposed state already did.

By the time Dave realized the full extent of what he was becoming, it was already too late.  For a moment he could at least still feel the expectation of embarrassment, could understand that he should be horrified at the thought of strutting around with his perfect physique on display, but even that quickly slipped away.  As his thoughts slowed and his desires grew, as the rainbow haze began to appear before his singularly expanded consciousness, nothing else mattered.  Like a switch being flipped, Dave didn’t long for his life as an unremarkable, boring man pushing fifty.  He barely even remembered it.  Whatever he’d been once, now he was young, hot, hung and horny, barely half his previous age and eager to have some fun.

He’d headed out as soon as the eldritch dust had settled, wanting to find Nick and Tom so he could share his enlightened perspective with the pair.  Dave wanted to thank them in person for their efforts, and if he could spread some joy along the way, even better.  Something as complicated as driving was now beyond him, not because he couldn’t work the pedals or turn the wheel, but because multitasking and remembering directions and the rules of the road required too much processing power.  Those mental energies were now being used to fuel his altered perception, and a casual stroll would allow him to take it all in at his leisure.

Dave had barely made it out the front door before his first encounter, crossing paths with a jogger after only a block.  The man was a lean brunette who looked to be about Dave’s new age, with a cute face and a toned body that immediately caught the now-blonde’s attention.  The stranger blushed and quickly looked away when the scantily clad stud saw him staring, a response that made Dave sad.  He didn’t understand why the other man wouldn’t want to look at him, why such a cute young hunk wouldn’t want to be looked at himself.  From Dave’s new perspective, it didn’t make sense.  The stranger was clearly interested in maintaining their fit physique, and they’d clearly been interested in the way Dave showed off his own, so it didn’t seem fair that they felt so stifled and unable to unburden themself in the same way.

Fortunately for them, Dave could do something about it.  With little more than an errant thought, the brawny blonde shifted the swirling colors around the trotting stranger, causing the wiry runner’s tank-top to vanish altogether, while the exterior of the tiny jogging shorts dissolved, leaving only a pair of what appeared to be bikini briefs made of the shorts’ sheer, mesh lining.  The see-through fabric left none of the young man’s perky bubble or impressive package to the imagination, which was all the more reason Dave thought his new friend would be happy to return home and discover that similar items were all he wore.  Now he could look, and be looked at, all he wanted.

Another block brought a middle-aged man walking his dog, until Dave thought how cute it would be if the dog walked the man instead.  The colors that only the brief-clad blonde could see swirled with the same ease as before, and when they settled the bulky, balding man was now naked on his hands and knees, save for pads and a collar, while the golden retriever he’d been walking was now a grinning, golden-haired hunk clad in board shorts and an open button down.  The pup-turned-pretty-boy smiled and waved as they passed, pausing to reach down and pet his hefty companion when the naked man suddenly whimpered and seemed anxious.

Dave didn’t stick around to see how things ended with the pair.  He had no doubt that things would work out for the best, and he had places to be.  He continued his casual stroll, basking in the blissful radiance that swirled around him.  Bodies warped and clothes vanished on a whim wherever he looked, his expanded consciousness now ignorant of the concept of collateral damage.  He wasn’t harming people; he was freeing them.  A set of pecs so large they obstructed someone’s view weren’t a burden, they were a blessing, just like an ass the size of a beach ball or a cock that swung like a pendulum.  Cutting someone’s size in half and giving it to their friend just made sense when it left them as a cute couple instead, and why would anyone complain about not having to wear clothes?

The man currently writhing at the end of Dave’s cock certainly didn’t seem to mind.  Like the jogger earlier, he’d caught the man staring, had been able to feel his desire, and after all the fun Dave had been granting others, he was in the mood for a bit of release himself.  His briefs had been tented for blocks, so when he’d caught an older, unremarkable man with dark-hair eyeing him, it seemed like perfect timing.  Of course, the man had no way of knowing that Dave would think he’d look better a bit shorter.  6’2” didn’t suit him at all when 5’6” was an option, especially when that height could become muscle instead.  And there was no rule that said muscle had to be evenly distributed, letting Dave pile it on at the man’s chest and ass until he was a pinched-waist little muscle-daddy, his hourglass physique formed by heaping, juicy pecs and an ass that bounced like the basketballs its shape mimicked.

“Oh fuck…oh fuck…oh fuck…” the man whimpered, his widened new jaw slack.  He’d been startled and scared at first, but his new friend realized the futility of such sensations as soon as Dave had pulled away the filters.  Now, he could let himself fully enjoy what he’d become and focus on the pure ecstasy ripping through him as Dave’s thick cock pummeled his inflated cheeks right there on the sidewalk.

“Feel good,” the now-taller blonde asked, one hand glued to the strangers bouncing muscle tits while the other wrapped around his still-average cock.  Dave wasn’t overly tall at an even six-feet, but he towered over the shrunken stud in the making, loving how much his new friend seemed to enjoy what he was becoming.

“God yes,” the man groaned.  “I wanted you to fuck me the second I saw you, but I didn’t think you actually would.  And I didn’t think I’d become…become…” his wide-eyed expression fell for a moment, a scrap of his former self still lingering.  “Oh…oh no…what are we…what am I…”

“Dude, you’re, like, cute as hell is what you are,” Dave cooed, the man’s six-inch pole inflating in his hand.  He let it double in size, the colossal organ looking comically large against the stranger’s compact frame.  It was so long and thick as to be almost useless, and it would certainly be difficult to conceal, but that latter point was already moot.

“Is that…is that my dick?!” the man croaked with a hoarse, shocked laugh.  His giddy grin was making a slow return, and this time it would be a permanent fixture.  “What am I supposed to do with that?!”

“Anything you want, bud,” Dave shrugged, making it so.  Whatever his life had been before, now the man existed as a naked seed of desire, able to indulge his, and others’, fantasies whenever, and wherever, he wanted.  Like his current pounding on the sidewalk, he could, and would, put his clapping cakes and mammoth log to work anywhere at any time.  Since he seemed to be enjoying himself so much, Dave made sure that his new friend would always be ready and raring to go, his thickened club springing to life at a moment’s notice and able to shoot load after load without stopping to rest.

The shortened, salt-and-pepper stud shot the first of those loads as soon as Dave had finished his alterations, his compact frame quaking and spasming as he exploded like a sticky shotgun.  “Holy…shit this…feels…fantastic…” he panted, his oozing log only softening slightly.

“I know, right,” Dave laughed, his ample cheeks dimpling as he picked up the pace of his thrusting.  He was having fun, but Nick and Tom were so close he could feel them, the impulse he’d been following since leaving his house telling him he only had a bit farther to go.  “Thanks for helping me out,” he sighed, his eyes drooping as he unloaded into the smaller man.  He loved the way his new friend gasped and groaned in response, adding in a final tweak to make sure that the stranger would always sound like he was on the verge of rapturous release whenever he spoke.

And then Dave was on the move again.  He’d never be able to retrace his steps back to his own home, but that didn’t matter.  A house seemed as restrictive as clothes, and it occurred to him how much easier it would be to let someone else worry about unimportant details like that.  He tried to keep it in mind as he walked up the short driveway to the place that had been calling him this whole time.  Dave had never actually known where Tom or Nick lived, and he still didn’t know which of their houses he approached, but when magic was involved things as simple as directions didn’t matter.  He’d wanted to find his two friends, so finding them was inevitable.  Even now, Dave still knew that he could have simply willed himself to appear at the location without physically making the journey, but the walk had been so much fun.

“Dave!  Is that…oh, shit,” Nick yelped when the front door suddenly flew open and a strapping blonde in nothing but a pair of stuffed purple briefs and a backwards baseball cap sauntered inside.  The sandy-haired man quickly looked to his friend, a stocky ginger frantically grabbing for a golden crystal, and tried to sound calm.  “We’ve been trying to find you all night!  You weren’t answering your phone, and Tom’s scrying wasn’t turning up anything.  Are you…okay?”

“Dudes, I’m great,” Dave sighed, his head falling back on his broadened shoulders.  One hand absently ran along his tapering washboard while the other reached up to toy with the bill of the hat, his powerful arm flexing in the process.  “It was such a killer walk over here.  I made, like, soooo many new friends,” he grinned.

Tom and Nick paled as they exchanged another glance.  “That’s…that’s good to hear,” Tom stammered, his hand tightening on the crystal equivalent of a magical grenade.  He knew he was only going to get one shot to put down the gorgeous monster they’d inadvertently created.  If they could stop Dave, they could then spin the story to make it look like the other man had simply gone out of control on his own, absolving themselves of any responsibility for the damage he’d already caused.  It spoke to the blonde’s immense power that his subconscious desire to keep having fun was enough on its own to prevent any of the many magical detection systems from catching on, a fact that didn’t bode well for their chances.  But they had to try.  All Tom needed to do was keep Dave talking long enough for the crystal to charge.  “Look, we’re sorry about the, uh, prank going so haywire.  We’ll get you fixed back up in no time, though!  Seriously….we never meant to…”

“Oh, dude, whatever,” Dave chuckled, waving a hand.  The duo’s clothing, as well as the crystal Tom had been hoping to use, vanished in the process.  “I told you.  This is fuckin’ awesome.  You dudes are about to be so stoked.  I mean, maybe like, not as stoked as me ‘cause we, like, need an adult, you know?  But like, that adult doesn’t need pants,” Dave cheered.

He didn’t understand why Tom and Nick looked so nervous about the gift he was giving them.  When he was done, they’d be a trio of happy, horny hunks with nothing to be nervous about.  He didn’t know if his two friends would still be able to tap into magic afterwards the way he could, but he doubted it.  He didn’t really want them to, not when their focus could be better spent putting their new bodies to use.  But that was okay.  There’d be plenty of other things, and people, they’d be tapping into instead.


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