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*** Rough sketch of an idea I wanted to get down ***

Kyle knew he was in trouble the moment he opened the door.  He didn’t recognize the large man seated on the couch in an ill-fitting suit, but the look on Andrew’s face told him it wasn’t a pleasant visit.  Instead of handsome and smug, the other man’s normally confident expression was pale and strained with genuine fear, a sight he’d rarely encountered during their almost two decades of friendship.  Andrew was always getting the two of them into some kind of trouble, but the raven-haired hunk always managed to smile his way out of it.  The pair had been inseparable since meeting in elementary school, they still were even now in their mid-twenties, and during that time Kyle had watched as Andrew’s natural charisma was accentuated by an above-average physique.  In his younger days he could charm his way out of trouble, and as he grew older he’d been able to flirt or flex his way out of it.  Now, however, neither of those options appeared to be on the table.

“Ah, Kyle, we’ve been waiting,” the man said, his voice filling the posh townhouse to an almost supernatural degree.  At first glance he appeared to be middle-aged, but the longer Kyle looked the more he began to doubt that.  Sometimes the stranger seemed older, with thinning salt-and-pepper hair and weathered features, and other times he seemed as fresh-faced as the two roommates.  The only thing consistent about him was his massive size, leaving him looming like a suited boulder on a couch that seemed insubstantial by comparison.  And, like his appearance, the man’s tone was equally hard to pin down, sounding friendly on the surface but making the brunette’s blood run cold.

“Is everything okay,” Kyle asked, searching Andrew’s expression for any clue.

“I’m sorry,” the dark-haired man said, shaking his head.  “I never should have…”

“It’s a little late for that,” the hulking man interrupted, motioning towards Kyle.  “Why don’t you come over here and join us?”

“What do you…hey!  What…what is this?!” Kyle yelped, his fit frame suddenly moving of its own accord.  He strained against the invisible forces, his impressive physique inflating as it tensed in a futile attempt at resistance.  Neither he nor Andrew would classify as a burly meathead, but both of the young men carried an ample amount of lean, precision-sculpted muscle.  Their 5’10” height was the only thing average about either of them, their tight, tapering bodies and stunning, statuesque features turning heads wherever they went.  Other than their varying hair color, jet black for Andrew and an earthy brown for Kyle, the two were strikingly similar, their competitive friendship driving each of them to try and outdo the other.  The end result was a pair of hung, handsome hunks, as even the young mens’ girthy endowments topped out at nearly seven inches.  It was this physical superiority that had always made Andrew in particular feel invulnerable, a mindset which had clearly come to an end.

“This is payback,” the man said before smiling and shaking his head. “Sorry, that sounded more intimidating than intended.  What I mean is, you’ve violated the terms of your loan, and I’m here to collect.”

Now frozen in place like Andrew, Kyle began to share his friend’s anxiety.  He’d been well aware that they’d fallen behind on their payments, too busy partying and throwing their money around to stay on top of things.  The magical agreement hadn’t been a guarantee of endless wealth, simply a head start.  It had taken them from a ratty, one-bedroom apartment where they’d been sharing a bed into their luxurious new townhouse.  It had taken them from their serving and retail jobs and installed them with cake positions at private firms.  It had given them each a fancy car instead of a bus pass.  And it had boosted their bank accounts enough to pay for all of the above while they theoretically accumulated more.

Maintaining that money and lifestyle, especially enough to pay back the loan, had been up to the two of them.  But, being a pair of eager, twenty-six year old jocks with a history of less-than-responsible behavior, their attentions had quickly wandered.  They both knew they’d fallen behind on payments, and they knew that, sooner or later, the rug would be pulled out from under them.  They just thought they had more time, or, when it did finally hit the fan, that they could talk their way out of it.

Now, Kyle regretted that approach.  Being caught in the act with a standard loan would have been bad enough, but Andrew had found a broker with magical abilities.  It wasn’t just money on the line.  “How do we…I mean…we can get it!  We can’t be in that deep, right?  How much are we on the hook for?  Just give us some time and we can…”

“You’re in the hole for thirty percent of the original loan,” the man interrupted, his tone flat.  “There’s no more time.”

“Come on,” Andrew said, breaking his silence as he tried to inject the usual confidence into his voice.  He was still pale, but Kyle could tell that his friend was trying to regain the ground his initial, frightened apology had lost.  “Thirty percent isn’t that bad, right?  We can make that up in no time!”

“Not that bad,” the man asked, raising an eyebrow.  “Would you say that to your friend?”

It happened so fast that Kyle barely had time to gasp.  A wave of pressure washed over him, his whole body suddenly feeling like it was being clamped in a vice.  His vision blurred as the room seemed to spin around him, and he would have been knocked off his feet if he hadn’t been frozen in place.  As it was, he still swayed against the invisible tides, his balance taking a hit as his center of gravity shifted.  Kyle felt the rush of air and heard the loud tearing sounds, but his dazed mind was slow in putting all the pieces together.

“What…what just…” Kyle said, his eyes going wide when it occurred to him that he was suddenly looking up at Andrew for the first time.  He instinctively cleared his throat, thinking his voice sounded odd, the color draining from his face when he turned his gaze down on himself.  “FUCK!  WHAT THE FUCK?!” he cried at the sight of his bulky new shape.  Instead of long and lean he was short and squat, his tapering torso now a broad, burly beachball.  His shoulders were thick and huge, his arms looking like muscled logs as they hung at an angle in their tattered sleeves. The fitted dress shirt never stood a chance, the buttons popping off like bullets as his pecs inflated and his formerly trim washboard bloated out into a lumpy muscle gut.  Below, Kyle could feel his widened thighs rubbing together and he gawked at the tip of a fattened cock that he could just barely see over his cresting midsection, his slim chinos and small boxer-briefs in tatters at his shortened, widened feet.  “Did I…shrink?!”

“It’s just thirty percent,” the man said, still seated casually on the couch.  “You were 5’10” before?  Seventy inches, give or take?  Now you’re forty nine.  Same weight, though,” he shrugged.

Kyle swooned, his head spinning as he tried to process the fact that he’d just lost nearly two feet in height.  Instead of being almost six feet tall he was now barely four, the lean muscle that once sat so perfectly now piled on in bulky excess.  He looked like a puny powerlifter, the squeaky new edge to his voice making it sound all the more jarring coming out of his wide little frame.  “But…you…you can’t just…” he stammered, his stomach dropping when he looked over and caught sight of his altered reflection in a nearby window.  His neck was missing, making his equally blunted, widened features appear as if they sat directly on the mountain range of muscle that was his upper back.  The vain hunk was mortified at the thought of becoming a meathead in miniature, more concerned about how he looked than his awkward gait or his limited range of motion.  “We’ll pay you back!  With interest!  Just tell us how much you want and we’ll…”

“That’s not how this works,” the man said, turning his attention to Andrew.  “Didn’t you pay attention to the terms?  You both signed the paperwork.”

The dark-haired hunk was too stunned by Kyle’s transformation to make excuses.  “I…I didn’t think…”

“Clearly,” the man sighed, waving a hand.  “But what are you worried about?  It’s just thirty percent.  That’s not a big deal.”

“Wait!  Don’t…!”  Andrew broke off in a gasp when his body began to tingle, fearing he’d end up like Kyle but quickly realizing that it wasn’t height he was losing.  Like a punctured balloon, his gym-sculpted muscle began to deflate.  Broad shoulders drew closer together, prominent pecs flattened, and powerful arms withered, a reduction that became all the more apparent from the waist down when Andrew’s now-baggy pants gave up and landed at his ankles, taking the loose boxers underneath with them.  Instead of being meaty and mighty, the former hunk’s legs were thin and toned at best, his once-ample rear now a petite, perky bubble.  “SHIT!  No!  No no no no…” Andrew cried, his voice still deep and smooth and seeming just as out of place against his slender new build as Kyle’s helium chirp did against his squat bulk.  Movement returned to his reduced torso, he flexed his shapeless arms in a futile search for his missing muscle before frantically tearing out of the now-draping polo.  “Oh fuck…oh fuck…oh fuck…” Andrew sputtered as he stared down at his slight, twinkish new body.

“What’s wrong?  It’s just thirty percent, remember?  Sure, that was fifty pounds or so, but it’s not a big deal!”  The man sighed and shook his head, his friendly tone going flustered.  “It’s not like I enjoy this, you know?  Garnishing like this is my least favorite part of things.  I was really hoping you two would get it together.  You seem like fun guys!  If it’s any consolation, I’m sure you lived it up for a while, yeah?”

“Fuck you!” Kyle roared, his anger momentarily overtaking his fear.  “You can’t just come in here and…and…” he trailed off when the man’s eyes landed on him, the fear rapidly fighting back against the impotent fury.

“I can’t do what, now?”  The man raised an eyebrow, but he was interrupted by Andrew before things could go any further.

“Wait!  No, look, it’s not his fault,” the skinny, former stud said.  “I’m the one who talked him into going with a magical loan.  This was all my plan!  He didn’t have anything to do with it, so just…just leave him alone, alright?”

“Touching, really, but that’s not how this works.  You both signed the papers.  You both spent the money.  You both benefited from all this,” the man said, motioning around the well-appointed townhouse.  “Buuuuutttttt, I suppose I could bend the rules, just this once.  Instead of thirty percent from each, I can do sixty from you.”  Andrew gasped again when his cock rocketed to attention.  The throbbing pillar looked huge against his diminished frame, but it was only a temporary state as the aching organ rapidly receded, settling at just under three inches instead of its former seven.  “There we go,” the man nodded.

Andrew’s slender new hand shook as he reached down and swallowed his shrunken equipment, the formerly heavy balls now barely present lumps.  The once-mighty organ had been his pride and joy, and he’d put it to frequent use with both men and women over the years, but those days were likely a thing of the past.  He looked over at his seemingly squished friend, feeling a stab of regret for leaping to Kyle’s defense when he saw the shorter man’s squat, fat log.  “How…how much are you going to take?!  This feels like a lot more than thirty percent,” Andrew whimpered, trying not to sound like he was arguing.

“Kid, this ain’t a bank,” the man said.  “You two barked up a risky tree by taking this loan...then you went and pissed off the wrong people by not taking it seriously.  So there’s a certain amount of ‘learning your lesson’ involved here.  Speaking of…”  The man waved a hand again, eliciting another pair of gasps from the stunned duo.  He watched them sway and blink, their expressions going dazed.  “Hope you had more smarts than you showed, ‘cause there went thirty percent of those.  But don’t worry, we’re almost done.”

Kyle and Andrew could only gawk at each other while the man stood, their altered frames tingling.  The muddy quagmire that had become of their brains made it difficult to focus, and to process what the man was saying on his way out, especially when their wide eyes began to linger on each other.  At least until the man gave a final nod and stepped through the front door, at which point the world went dark, a sensation of falling overtaking both of them.

They tumbled through the void for what felt like hours, their startled cries swallowed by the inky darkness as they plummeted.  Kyle searched for Andrew, but he couldn’t even see himself, or feel himself.  There was only the rush of air and the sickening expectation of a painful impact.

“FUCK!”  Kyle’s eyes shot open, his heart racing as he stared up at an unfamiliar ceiling.  His first thought was that it had all been a horrible nightmare, but as soon as he lifted his head he felt the bulky, cumbersome new proportions waiting for him.  The painful collision with the ground had never arrived, though at the moment he wasn’t sure whether that was a mercy or not.

“Oh fuck…oh fuck…it was real…”

The shortened stud struggled upright at Andrew’s panicked voice, his stomach dropping at how difficult the formerly simple motion had become.  He looked over, his fattened cock throbbing confusingly when he saw his friend’s slender, naked new frame.  “Dude…what…what just happened,” he asked, lumbering to his feet.  He blushed at the sound of his altered voice and at his equally altered movements, not having had the opportunity to experience much of either up until now.

“They…they took it back.  And then some,” Andrew said, motioning around what appeared to be a ratty studio apartment.  Prior to the loan they’d at least shared a one-bedroom, but that had apparently been reduced by a similar percentage.

“But we can’t just be….stuck like this…” Kyle insisted, spreading his stubby, piston arms wide.  His tattered shirt had vanished, leaving his burly bulk as exposed as his friend, but he didn’t seem to notice.  “I look like a fucking freak!”

“You?!  Look at me,” Andrew cried, climbing to his feet.  He thrust his trim hips forward to emphasize his petite new package as he ran his hands along his waifish body in search of his missing muscle.  “I’m so…small…”

“YOU’RE small?!  I’m fuckin’ fun-sized over here, man!  And…and…wait…are we, like, stupid now or something?  Why does my head feel so funny?  What’d he say about smarts?”  Kyle stopped and ran a hand through his hair, feeling like he was forgetting something important even as his thoughts increasingly lingered on how cute Andrew’s new button cock was.

“I don’t fuckin’ know, man!  I can’t…can’t…” Andrew shook his head, his own limited new attention focusing on Kyle’s stocky new shape.  There was a moment of silence as they stared at each other before the taller man finally seemed to notice what they were doing.  “Dude!  Stop staring at my junk,” he said with an awkward laugh, not at all sounding like he actually wanted his friend to do what he was told.

“Me?  You’re, like, drooling up there,” Kyle shot back, clearing his throat.  “Fuck, man…I sound like I’ve been sucking on…on…” he paused, unable to find the word.  “...on that balloon shit.”

“It’s not that bad,” Andrew said, trying to sound sympathetic.  “It’s cute.”  They both blushed when they realized what the now-twinkish man said, but Andrew’s fumbling attempts at backpedaling only made it worse.  “I mean…it’s hot, you know?  You’re like this jacked little meatball!  Bet you can’t even close your hand around that cock, right?  You’re…you’re…wait…what the fuck am I saying…” Andrew laughed, his eyes wide.  He shook his head, but his amorphous thoughts refused to congeal. “Shit, dude…I think they really did do something up here,” he said, tapping the side of his head.  “All I want to do right now is…is…”

Kyle wanted the same, and he acted on it by lumbering forward and swallowing all of Andrew’s shrunken equipment.  They’d both regularly fooled around with men over the years, and had they still been able they might have stopped to think about their sexuality being on a spectrum, and how they’d been shifted by a certain percentage towards the other end.  As it was, all either of the altered men could think about was how much they enjoyed the current sensations ripping through them.  Kyle loved having Andrew’s diminished equipment in his mouth, loved having the taller man writhing in his arms, while the skinny once-hunk couldn’t believe how good it felt to have all of himself worked at once.  Though he was shorter, Kyle’s bulky little arms were like a vice holding him in place, the other man’s stubby fingers latched onto the perky little bubble that remained of Andrew’s ass.

“It’s so cute, dude,” Kyle finally said, pulling his face away and giving his friend’s little cock a lick.

“Is not!” the taller man demanded.  “What the fuck am I supposed to do with it?  It’s too small!”

“Still works, doesn’t it,” Kyle asked, tweaking the slick organ between a pair of squat fingers.  He’d started pumping on his own log at the same time, proving Andrew right when his hand failed to close all the way around the widened member.  “Fuck, dude…feel like I’m about to pop…”

“Me…me too…” Andrew sputtered, desperately trying to tell himself he wasn’t being jerked off by only a few fingers.  Regardless of the cause, the end result was the same, with the spasming new twink spurting out an equally diminished load all over Kyle’s blunted features.  For his part, the shortened stud’s explosion a few moments later was as meaty as the rest of him, though Kyle’s whole body went crimson at the sound of his squeaky bellow as it happened.

There was another moment of stunned silence as the pair tried to process what they’d just done, as well as what, exactly, had become of their lives.  With the confusing new lust fading their thoughts were a bit easier to wrangle, but not by much.

Kyle blinked and looked around at their ramshackle new home, the memories of their recent townhouse feeling like a fading dream.  “Dude…what did we get ourselves into?”


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