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Russ didn’t know how long he’d been staring at his reflection.  He tended to lose track of things like that nowadays, but he felt like it had been a while.  It was just too easy to get sucked in by the weight of it all, and too hard to pull himself away.  Looking at his broad, cresting muscle gut and the thick, bulbous pecs that rested on top, both offset by stubby, piston arms that hung at an awkward angle, Russ still struggled to believe that it was his own reflection he looked at in the first place.  He’d been tall and tapering once, his chiseled body a surgically precise work of art.  Each and every one of his ample muscles had been exactly the size and shape he’d desired, exactly where he’d desired them, with everything proportionally balanced.  Now, there was nothing proportional about him.  His neck-less, bowling ball torso sat on an equally meaty foundation, with squat, stubby legs that were too short, and which sported a plump, ample rear that was too big.  Despite standing firm at an average six inches, even Russ’s rigid log of a cock looked too big, as its girth, along with that of the chuning balls below, was considerable.  And instead of enhancing his superior physique, the light dusting of raven hair that coated the stocky stud’s olive skin now served to accentuate his almost simian appearance, making Russ’s unaltered, handsome face an almost comically jarring contrast to the rest of him.

“Yo…everything okay in here, bud?”  Nick’s gentle tone, along with the sudden appearance of the other man’s bearded face in the mirror, was finally enough to pull Russ’s attention away from himself.  At one time, getting walked in on while staring naked and hard at his reflection would have been embarrassing for the dark-haired hunk, but, like so many other things, those days were gone for good.

Russ’s cock throbbed as he turned to face his friend.  There’d also been a time when the sight of Nick’s lean, toned frame wouldn’t have registered as remarkable in any way.  While fit and defined, the other man’s athletic physique was nowhere near the level of his own, and although the brunette’s trim beard accentuated the other man’s sharp features, Nick had always been more “boy-next-door” than “stunningly handsome.”  His lean body sported a plump rear that seemed slightly too large compared to the rest of his wiry build, and his package sat squarely in the mediocre range, sporting a cock that topped out just under six inches, with a pair of modestly matching balls.  Nick was cute and charming, unthreatening and approachable in a way that Russ and Dave never were, which was one of the reasons the three got along so well.  Their personalities balanced each other, and when they were out on the prowl they all had something unique to offer an interested partner, though Russ never imagined himself being one of those people.  He never imagined a time when the sight of Nick in boxers and a t-shirt would make his mouth water, but he’d also never imagined a time where Nick would be the one towering over him.  Before, Russ’s 6’3” frame had the brunette beat by four inches.  Now, the thinner man loomed over him with a whopping 29 inches to spare.

“You’ve been standing there for a minute,” Nick said, his soft, full lips curling into a grin at the look of undiluted desire on the short little meatball’s face.

“I know,” Russ nodded, the shrill, squeaky voice still catching him off guard.  Once deep and smooth, it now had a cracking, helium edge, bringing him the closest to embarrassment out of all the alterations he’d undergone.  When there was nothing and no one else to compare himself to, Russ could pretend that he really was the burly hulk whose proportions he now possessed, a raw, rugged beast of a man.  As long as he kept his mouth shut.  “How long has it been, again?  Since…this,” he asked, looking down at his meaty frame.  As with how long he’d been standing in front of the mirror, Russ knew the passing of days was something he’d been able to easily keep track of once.  He also knew that Nick had already told him many, many times, but it was all so easy to forget.

“Since the world went crazy?  Like eight months, give or take,” Nick said, reaching down to run a hand through Russ’s wavy hair.  “Since you became fun-sized?  About two.”

The shorter man grinned, both at the sensation of Nick’s long fingers running through his hair and at his friend’s usage of the phrase “fun sized.”  Instead of being embarrassed by it, he liked it.  It made things simple.  Fun was good, fun felt good, and Russ liked it when he, and everyone around him, felt good.  It had been the driving force in his life for the two months that Nick mentioned, the bright spark that caused the individual days to blend into a single giddy haze.

Russ felt like he should be more used to things by now, that he shouldn’t keep having these moments where it all felt so new.  He could still remember how he’d felt before, how he’d felt when he’d first started shrinking, but at a certain point, when his fear and dread and humiliation faded for good, the clock seemed to have stopped.  He was a horny, happy little hunk, forever sealed in a contented case of amber.

“Duh.  I don’t know why I keep forgetting,” Russ said, leaning into Nick’s hand.  “That’s, like, not that long, right?  I know I should…I knew shit like this once, didn’t I?”

“Not long at all, bro.  Especially considering the scale of what happened.  Between everyone being locked down in quarantine and the changes you guys went through…two months is nothing.”  Nick’s smile was sympathetic as he looked down, his gentle stroking turning into a rough tousle of Russ’s hair.  “And, dude, come on…cut yourself some slack.  You still know it.  You guys aren’t dumb, just…distracted.”

The brawny little beefcake beamed.  “Really?  ‘Cause I feel dumb as fuck,” Russ chuckled, shaking his head.  “I mean…I know me an’ Dave used to, like, have jobs and stuff, but that’s just, like, wild now,” he said, his eyes going wide as he trailed off.  “If you didn’t look after us we wouldn’t even be able to live here.”

“Like I’d let you guys get shipped off to one of those buildings,” Nick said, folding his toned arms across his modest pecs.

Though the exact cause of the outbreak remained a mystery, a vaccine had finally been developed once the specific genetic trigger had been identified.  Some men were naturally immune, but for those who weren’t, there was now a way to keep their bodies locked in their natural state.  And while it didn’t do anything for the men who’d already changed, or started to change, it at least let the process of cleaning up begin.  Given the vast scope and scale of the outbreak, an international benefits fund had been set up for the men who could no longer work the way they’d used to, and specific colonies were established for the men who didn’t have friends or family to look after them.  Given their distractible new nature and lack of inhibitions, most of the affected men required at least a minor level of supervision to stay out of trouble, though the lines around what was considered “socially acceptable behavior” had shifted considerably.  Still, a guiding hand to remind them to put pants on before leaving the house never hurt.  Fortunately for Russ and Dave, Nick had already been looking for a new place before the quarantine hit, and he made more than enough to support the three of them even without the shrunken studs’ new monthly benefits.  The formerly strapping studs’ two bedroom would have been tight for the trio before, but at their new sizes, and with two of the three no longer being concerned about privacy, it was a perfect fit.  And while Russ and Dave likely would have been just as happy in one of the horny highrises, they felt like they’d hit the jackpot with a tall, bearded hunk like their friend Nick to look after them.

“Oh, dude, I know,” Russ said, his expression serious as he nodded like a bobblehead.  “You’re, like, so great.  I can’t even handle how hot you are,” he groaned, one hand absently drifting to a plump pec while the other fell to his fat log.  “It would’ve been real weird if I just, like, stared at you and jerked it before, right?”

Nick blushed, his smile going bashful.  He knew that the shrunken men were hyper attracted to those who were unaffected, but he still enjoyed the ego boost provided by his friends’ infatuation with him.  He’d always been well aware that he was at least slightly more handsome than most, yet, as far as Russ and Dave were concerned, he was the hottest thing on the planet.  Even when other unaffected men were around, the shrunken studs remained extra smitten with him, and it was hard for Nick to wrap his head around the notion of his formerly straight bros being in love with him, as he wasn’t willing to ignore the responsibilities that came with such a connection.  Given their ravenous new appetites and lack of filters, it hadn’t taken long at all for Nick to be roped into the fun, but, like everyone else, the supposedly straight man was trying to figure out what that meant about his place in the world.  Even though the old traditions and social norms were quickly becoming irrelevant, it was still a long leap to think of himself as being in a throuple with a pair of men, regardless of how good it felt or how much fun they were having.  Still, the brunette’s cock twitched as he watched the beefy little hunk work himself, a reaction that he’d never imagined the sight of hairy, muscled flesh causing.  “Not gonna lie…it’s still a little weird, bro.”

Russ raised an eyebrow as he pondered.  “Oh…oh!  Right!  You should be doin’ it too,” he cheerfully squeaked, as if that was the only answer and it should have been obvious.  His stubby, piston arms shot out with surprising speed and tugged Nick’s boxers down, a meaty paw latching onto the taller man’s package.  “Fuck I love your dick, dude,” Russ laughed as he tugged Nick’s twitching cock to life.  “It’s all pink an’ cute an’ shit.  I used to think it was funny ‘cause it was smaller’n mine, but it’s, like, so perfect.”

Nick gasped, both from the sensation of Russ’s stubby fingers and from the effusive praise.  It was at least a daily occurrence, but it still took him by surprise every time.  “It’s technically still smaller,” he said, stepping out of the discarded boxers and peeling out of his tight t-shirt.  Nick knew it was only a matter of time before the top came off, and he’d learned that it was easier to simply cut to the chase.

“Doesn’t look that way from here,” Russ shrugged as he hungrily eyed the other man’s rigid cock.  It loomed at almost exactly face level, giving the shortened stud a convenient angle of approach.  His own log momentarily forgotten, Russ leaned in and swallowed Nick to the hilt, his stubby fingers latching onto the brunette’s plump bubble.

“Have at it, I guess,” the taller man chuckled, his stomach still fluttering from the strange thrill of it all even after so many weeks.  He’d felt guilty at first, like he was taking advantage of his friends’ situation, but Nick had come to realize that he was letting them use him as much as he was using them.  Though, to be fair, he’d started to wonder if “use” was the right word.  As odd as it was to think of the shortened studs being in love with him, it was even stranger to think of himself as returning the emotion.  Like everyone else, he’d previously been locked into the rigid categories of straight, gay, or bi, where everything had to be labeled and clearly defined.  But since the world had gone haywire, Nick had begun to toy with the idea of genuine affection.  He’d already loved the pair as his friends; why couldn’t he love them as something more?

“Um…hello?  Rude.”  Dave’s chipper voice chirped from the hallway, and Nick looked over his shoulder to see the naked little blonde standing with his chiseled arms folded, an expectant look on his face.  As had been the case throughout his transformation, the sculpted pretty-boy had maintained his previously perfect proportions all the way down to his new, 4’3” height, now standing in the middle of their motley trio.  Nick was tall and lean, he was short and sculpted, while Russ rounded things out as a burly little beachball of a man.  Despite being over a foot and a half shorter than the bearded brunette, the giddy blonde still acted as if he was the tallest due to the nine inch advantage he now held over Russ.  “You guys are in here having fun without me?”

“Wasn’t planned,” Nick said, nodding down at Russ.  “I just came in here to check on the big guy, and now here we are.”  It was a constant hazard of living with the pair of horny little hunks, an omnipresent threat that erotic activities could break out at any given moment.  Nick had quickly gotten used to the shorter duo scampering around wearing nothing, or at most one of their previous, now gown-like t-shirts, but he was surprised by how quickly he’d followed suit.  He’d always been relatively modest, but now the wiry brunette spent his days wearing little more than a pair of baggy boxers.  His addition of a t-shirt on that specific afternoon had been a rarity, and it’s near immediate removal simply reminded him why.

“Well, yeah.  Where else would we be,” Dave asked, his own lightened voice not quite as shrill and squeaky as Russ’s.  “We, like, live here.”

Nick sighed when the shorter blonde’s deceptively strong arms wrapped around him from behind, Dave’s soft lips working their way across his back.  He could feel the miniature meathead’s rigid cock poking against the back of his thigh, and he was still surprised at how quickly he not only accepted, but looked forward to, what he knew was about to happen.  He reached down and stroked Russ’s hair, gently pulling the slurping stud’s mouth away.  “Since Dave’s here, do we want to take this over to the bed,” he asked, nodding over at the modest double.  It was more than big enough for the two shrunken men to share, though more often than not all three of them wound up in Nick’s room anyway.

“Hold on…just another sec…” Russ mumbled, leaning in for another round of vigorous bobbing that made Nick’s knees go weak.  “Okay!  Let’s get this thing in me,” the dark-haired hunk beamed before scampering over and hauling himself up onto the bed.  He wagged his meaty bubble while Nick and Dave followed behind, his brawny frame practically vibrating with excitement.  “Oh man…can’t fuckin’ wait, dude…I love it when you’re inside,” he squeaked as Nick draped himself against his broad back and lined up for entry.  “Yeeeeeesssss,” Russ groaned, thrusting his hips back to impale himself as soon as the other man had slipped into his eager hole.

“My turn!”  Without waiting for Nick to respond, Dave grabbed the brunette’s trim hips and jammed himself inside, eliciting a howling yelp from his taller friend.

“Fuuuuuuuuuck,” Nick moaned, his lean frame spasming as Russ writhed on his own cock while he did the same on Dave’s.  “You…you gotta…give me a…minute…” he whimpered as they fell into rhythm.

“Sorry,” Dave said, his tone sheepish.  “I just get excited.”

“I know, bud,” Nick sighed, his head spinning.  “It’s cool.”

“I just love how big your butt is,” the blonde giggled.  “You’re all tight everywhere else, but then it’s just, like, so bouncy.”

Nick blushed, but he couldn’t exactly argue with the other man.  Each hammering impact from the blonde sent ripples through the bouncing bubble, along with bright bolts of pleasure racing up Nick’s spine that added to his own eager thrusts.  By comparison, slamming into Russ was like pounding a pair of meaty boulders, the muscled mounds nowhere near as yielding as his own supple rear.  Not that Nick minded.  With one hand clinging to Russ’s slab of a chest and the other wrapped around the shorter stud’s fat log, the bearded brunette couldn’t imagine anywhere he’d rather be than writhing between the tiny titans.  It was still odd to find himself so thoroughly enjoying the act of getting fucked by another man after so many years of rejecting the notion, but now that he’d come to accept it, Nick knew there was no going back.  The size differences between the three of them, his friends’ uninhibited ecstasy, the lack of judgment or embarrassment; it was all too much of a turn on.  Nick felt a kind of weightless freedom with his friends that he’d never felt anywhere else, which, when coupled with his growing affection, made him grateful for the strange epidemic.

It was clear that the other two felt the same, even if they couldn’t put it into words.  As Dave grunted and thrust into Nick, who then thrust into himself, Russ had already forgotten his dazed spell in front of the mirror.  Nothing about his stocky new body felt odd or out of place, nor his lightened voice too high or squeaky.  He didn’t care about his goldfish attention span or the things he could no longer do.  He only cared about the two grunting hunks behind him, and how long he could hold back his building eruption.


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