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There were several things Andy should, and should not, have been at the moment.  Being fully clothed made the list in the Should column, but there was some flexibility there since he was just lounging around the house with his roommate, Scott.  However, being achingly aroused by that same person was a definite checkmark in the Should Not column, as such a reaction was typically reserved for smaller, softer, feminine individuals.  And while Andy Should possess an impressive abundance of gym-sculpted muscle, its current configuration was another point for the Should Not side, a give-and-take that was mirrored from the neck up.  His face Should be sharp and chiseled, but it Should Not be using those eye-catching features to make such flirtatious, exaggerated expressions, and although his chestnut hair Should be cropped short and stylish, it Should Not be a bright platinum.

“Omigod! Like, bro!  What?!  How could you do this to me,” Andy cried, his face going red at the way he spoke.  His exposed cock hung hard and oozing from the pouch of a skimpy red thong, but he was more embarrassed by the sounds coming out of his persistently pursed lips.  Instead of being deep and intimidating, his voice now carried a pronounced, stereotypical tone, an attribute that was accentuated by his choice of words and the new, animated movements when he spoke.  Even his posture had changed, adopting a slight jutting of the hips and an arching of the spine that emphasized the new shape he’d acquired.

For his part, Scott seemed equally surprised.  The chocolate-haired giant was pale as he gawked at his friend, his own lantern jaw hanging open.  Like the scantily clad blonde, his strapping frame was covered in a dense, broad layer of hard-earned bulk, but unlike his friend it remained in its precision-crafted place, still covered by the kind of draping muscle shirt and mesh shorts that they both should have been wearing.  “I…I didn’t know!  I swear to god, man!  It was just supposed to be a joke!   It’s like I told you…I used one of those AI art things to make a funny picture and then swapped your face in it.  But that’s all!  I didn’t think it would actually…I mean…what the fuck?!  How is this even possible?!”

“Girl…you’re asking me?!” Andy cried, putting a limp-wristed hand on one of his oversized pecs.  “I was minding my own goddamn business when…when…” he trailed off, feeling his heart racing through the muscled mound.  One minute he’d been standing at the island in their kitchen, casually checking his phone, and the next his world had been turned upside down.  The altered man had barely even felt anything happen.  There’d been a strange vibrating sensation, then a wave of vertigo and a rush of air on his newly exposed, newly shaped, body.  Andy was still broad-shouldered and tapering, but now he was too much of both, his already trim hips seeming to have been pinched inward, squeezing his muscle both up and down.  The end result was a set of pecs that now loomed excessively large above, and an ass that hung excessively round below.  He’d been understandably shocked by the sudden, impossible transformation, and that surprise only grew when Scott hurried in at the sound of his friend’s startled cry.  As soon as Andy took one look at the other man his cock had rocketed to life, an overwhelming wave of desire like he’d never felt before slamming into him.  He believed the other man when Scott insisted that he hadn’t done it on purpose, but even his overwhelming anger did nothing to alleviate the sudden lust he felt.  “Bitch, you better fix this!”

“I will!  I promise!  Come on, dude…I’m not just going to leave you like…like this,” Scott said, his eyes wide as they traveled up and down Andy’s altered physique.

“You could stop staring so hard,” the blonde pouted, flirting before he could catch himself.  “If you’re gonna look, least you could do is touch. ”  His body went purple when he heard himself, the embarrassed flushing growing deeper when he saw Scott’s surprised grin.  “Ho, don’t even,” he grumbled, making things worse.

“I’m sorry, I know it’s not funny,” the buff brunette said, his still-smooth, still-deep voice sending a fresh shiver through Andy.  “I’m not laughing at you, bro.  I’m just…this is so much,” he sighed.  After years of shared sports and shared locker rooms, the two jocks were as familiar with each other’s naked bodies as they were with their own, and Scott was struggling to adjust to his friend’s new curves.  Seeing the exaggerated proportions on screen had been one thing, but having the AI-generated caricature come to life was something else entirely.

It was all just supposed to be a joke.  He’d seen people talking about Generbator online, raving about how detailed, life-like, and, most importantly, uncensored its creations were.  In a crowded field of AI art generators, it was quickly rising to the top.  It could create literally anything, or anyone, with just a few descriptors, and you could even upload pictures of people you knew to make your private porn fantasies come to life.  It was almost too good to be true.  Scott even thought he was being extra careful by not using an actual nude of his friend.  In the age of revenge porn and data leaks, he didn’t know enough about HB&L, the company behind the program, to trust it with such sensitive material, so he’d used Generbator to create the base image and then swapped his friend’s face in after.

The end result had been as impressive, and easy to create, as promised.  There was no complicated logic to follow or multiple layers of code.  Scott had simply used “gay blonde power bottom muscle queen wearing a thong getting fucked by another man” as the prompt, and was given exactly what he asked for mere seconds later.  It was like the program had been able to read his mind based solely on the few words he’d provided.  There were no extra fingers or weird teeth, no horrifyingly misshapen cocks, only a vivid, photo-realistic rendering of a pinched-waist platinum blonde with huge muscle tits, an even bigger ass, and an unremarkable package that perfectly reflected their preferred position.

The slack-jawed pretty-boy appeared to be getting hammered by a traditionally-shaped meathead in an equally realistic locker room, but the real magic happened when Scott uploaded a picture of his friend’s face.  Though they were facing different directions under different lighting, the brunette hunk watched the penetrated stranger’s features subtly shift and morph until he was looking at an uncanny rendering of his roommate’s handsome, ecstatic visage, only now adorned by a platinum crown.  The connection to the rest of the uniquely proportioned body was just as seamless, looking like an actual photo of his friend’s multiversal doppelganger.  Downloading the image required payment, but Scott thought a mere $20 was a deal for such incredibly embarrassing ammunition.

He’d confirmed the preview image and sent the money, Andy’s startled yelp occurring as soon as the final product had finished downloading.  Even before seeing his friend, Scott felt like something was wrong.  He’d never imagined exactly how wrong, but there was something odd in Andy’s voice, as well as a strange weight to the atmosphere.  His ears had actually popped while the file processed, his stomach dropping in roller coaster fashion, like he’d suddenly shifted altitudes.  Still, the impossibly familiar sight of a blonde Andy with heaping muscle tits and a pillowy, gravity defying ass, his cock springing out of a tiny thong, was the last thing he’d ever expected.   Scott had immediately stammered out an explanation, but even as he spoke the words he realized how nonsensical they were.  None of it made sense, and none of it should have been possible.  “But, I mean, dude…come on,” Scott said, trying to tamp down on the surging geyser of guilt threatening to overtake him.  “It’s objectively funny, right?  You’ve gotta admit, if all…this…hadn’t happened, it’s a killer prank.  You would’ve done the same thing to me!”

Andy didn’t know how to respond.  He was too busy trying to muster some sense of modesty, even a remote inkling that he should put himself away or try to cover his throbbing organ.  Instead, all he wanted to do was grab it and start stroking while Scott watched, or, better yet, start pumping away on the other man’s thicker, larger member.  “You sure it was just a prank,” he purred, stepping close to his friend.  “You find a site that lets you make, like, the nastiest shit possible, and the first person you think of is little ol’ me?”  The bottom-heavy blonde put a pair of coy hands on Scott’s chest, the tip of his rigid cock hovering inches from his friend’s midsection.  “You know…I’m having a hard time seeing it over these juicy new tits you gave me,” he pouted again, jamming his cock into the other man’s abs, “but did you give me a smaller dick?  Or does it just look that way with these thick thighs?”  Before Scott could respond, Andy grabbed his friend’s hands and pulled them around to his fattened rear.

“Uh, hey now,” the blushing brunette sputtered, his fingers instinctively clutching the firm-yet-yielding cheeks.  They felt incredible.  Scott didn’t know why he was surprised, but there was a part of his brain that still expected it all to be fake, despite what his eyes were telling him.  He’d purposely avoided contact because that would make it real, and now, with his hands glued to Andy’s new pumpkins while the other man’s heaping pecs and rigid cock pressed into him, there was no denying what he’d unintentionally wrought.  “It really was just a joke, man.  I didn’t actually want to…I’d never do this on purpose, you know that, right?  I don’t know if you’re just fucking with me to get even, but we don’t actually have to do…this…” he said, giving his friend’s altered ass another squeeze.

“I wish,” Andy sighed with a roll of his eyes.  His hands had drifted to Scott’s waist, slipping up under the other man’s shirt to run his thumbs along his friend’s abs.  He already knew how impressive they were, the two of them had spent years trying to outdo each other in the gym, but he’d never felt it like this before.  “I don’t know where I end and your ‘joke’ begins anymore.  All I know for sure right now is that I need…like, NEED…a dick, and yours is the only one around at the moment.”

“Hey!”  Scott yelped when Andy abruptly shoved his shorts and briefs down in one motion.  He pried himself out of the blonde’s impressive embrace and staggered back, stepping out of the discarded shorts and leaving the bottom of the draping muscle shirt to brush against the base of his exposed, swaying log.

“Awww, so shy all of a sudden,” Andy cooed, his stomach fluttering at the site of his friend’s girthy package.  “What’s wrong?  Too good to play with the toy YOU made?”

“No, it’s…it’s not that,” Scott stammered, his thick log already twitching.  The buff jock had no problem getting off with just about anyone, man or woman, and he’d actually jerked off with Andy multiple times over the years, but this was different.  When they’d gotten off together in the past, they’d simply shared the same space, not the same desire.  They weren’t the focus of each other’s arousal at that time, and while it was thrilling to share such an intimate experience, it was very different than what Andy now proposed.  “I told you, dude.  I DIDN’T know I was making anything, and I’m sure as hell not trying to take advantage of the situation.”

“Well…aren’t you just a sweetheart.  And a gentleman, too,” Andy purred, biting back a groan.  He toyed with his lower lip with one hand, the other drifting across a firm, thick pec.  “But you’re not taking advantage of anything.  I mean it, baby.  Regardless of who did what to who, I’m not kidding when I say I NEED it.  Bad.  And if you won’t help a girl out, I’m gonna have to go get it somewhere else, okay?”

Scott sighed, the sincere look in Andy’s ravenous eyes making it clear that his friend was being genuine.  Telling himself that he owed his friend, and ignoring the almost overwhelming awkwardness involved, he reached out and grabbed the blonde by the waist, pulling him close.  In that intimate moment, Scott tried not to think about Andy as his bro and wingman of fifteen years, but as someone as strange and unfamiliar as the odd proportions pressing into him.  “Dude…I’m not going to leave you hanging if you’re being serious.  I just wanted to make sure you weren’t…you know, that I wasn’t being a total creep by…” The stammering stud was cut off when Andy leaned in for a long, rough kiss.  The oral exchange was passionate and intense, catching Scott off guard both by how genuine his friend’s arousal was, and how good Andy was at making out.  “Whoa…” was all he managed when the other man broke it off, his head spinning.

“Oh please,” Andy laughed, running a finger along Scott’s lantern, stubble-covered jaw.  “Don’t act so surprised.  Bitch, you know how hot you are,” he said, squeezing his friend’s proportionally-prominent pecs as the other man stripped out of his shirt.

Scott blushed at Andy’s words.  He was trying to act as confident and casual as always when his clothes came off, but the novelty of the situation had him spinning.  “Well, yeah, obviously.  I’m just not used to YOU being the one to say that,” he chuckled, feeling an extra swell of pride as he looked down at his sculpted, naked frame.  He’d spent years competing with Andy to see who could have the better body, and while they’d both objectively known how good looking they were, hearing such genuine, lustful praise from the other man carried extra weight.

“You think I’m used to saying it?  Shit,” Andy whimpered, leaning in to lick at one of Scott’s perky little nipples.  “Never thought I’d wind up on your list.”

“Lucky me, though, right, ” Scott groaned, running his fingers through Andy’s lightened hair as he held his friend’s face to his chest.

“You’re not charming your way out of this one,” the bottom-heavy hunk chided, replacing his tongue for a pair of pinching fingers.  The brunette yelped but didn’t pull away, his eyes locked with his friend’s while he reached out to explore the massive mounds he’d created.

“I’m honestly a little jealous of these,” he said, running his thumbs over the prominent, nubby nipples on the other man’s mountains.  He bounced each heavy slab and laughed when Andy flexed them in staccato fashion against his probing palms.  “I wonder what you bench now?”

“Of course THAT’S what you wonder about,” Andy laughed, grabbing Scott by the back of his head and pulling the other man’s face against the heaping piles.  He groaned when his friend’s tongue began lapping at the deep valley between them, the scruffy stubble sending bright bolts of pleasure down his arched spine.

“Curious about your squat, too,” the brunette grinned, giving Andy’s plump cheeks a loud swat.

“My gut tells me you’ve been curious about a lot of things,” The curvy blonde said as he reached down and tugged on Scott’s thick cock, his head spinning at how much it turned him on.  He’d never thought about jerking off another man before, let alone his friend, but now it seemed entirely appropriate.  Mundane, even.  The sensation of the hung hunk’s warm, wide log gliding through his palm  was so natural that Andy didn’t even stop to give it a second thought when he let go and started to drop to his knees, leaving a sputtering Scott as the only surprised one.

“HOOOOOOoookay,” the brawny jock groaned when his friend’s lips made contact.  He tensed and fell against the back of the couch for support as Andy swallowed him whole, the other man’s platinum head bobbing back and forth in practiced, rhythmic fashion.  The sight of his friend eagerly going to town on his cock was almost too much for his guilty conscience, but the immediate waves of pleasure helped to mitigate things.  “Are you…are we really…”

“Catch up, baby,” Andy moaned, running his tongue along his friend’s churning balls.  He was too enthralled with the musky, pungent aroma to focus on how things should have felt, to think about being embarrassed or wonder at how good he suddenly was at performing what should have been a foreign act.  With the stunned, striking stud looming over him, Scott’s slick, delicious cock bobbing before his lips, all Andy felt was lucky.  He latched onto his friend’s granite globes and went in for another round, only reluctantly pulling his face away a few minutes later.  “Fuuuuuuuck…I, like, really, REALLY want this inside me,” he pouted, giving the glistening head another quick lick.  “But I also really want you to cum on my tits right now.”  The kneeling blonde’s eyes went wide at Scott’s shocked laugh, the faintest hint at the expected embarrassment finally punching through the lustful haze.  “Omigod…did I really just say that,” Andy squeaked.



Really hope Andy tries out the generbator on scott...


Part two will be up next Monday! Andy doesn't get a chance to use the Generbator on Scott in this installment, but (spoiler alert) that's absolutely the plan. It was just already going long and I didn't want to rush it.