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“Rise and shine, fellas!”

“Mmm…come on, man,” Sebastian groaned at the squeaky voice, one eye reluctantly drifting open.  He winced at the bright morning sun filtering in through the open windows, their numerous presence making the slatted walls of the small structure almost pointless.  The air was as warm and perfect as always, and the gentle crashing of the nearby surf was drowned out by Rich’s heavy breathing in his ear.  The groggy, dark-haired man yawned and threw a heavy arm around the smaller figure currently draped against his chest, smiling despite himself when he looked at Brad’s striking, stubble-covered face.  “Dude…what time is it?”

The handsome brunette shrugged.  “How the fuck should I know?  You find a clock somewhere I don’t know about?  Sun’s been up for a bit, though…I’m getting bored,” he whined, sticking out a plump lower lip in an exaggerated pout.  Offset by a thick head of cocoa-colored hair, Brad’s symmetrical, statuesque features were a striking contrast to the squeaky, helium-tinged voice coming out of his shapely mouth, just as those same, stunning features stood out against the rest of his warped frame.  While the handsome hunk had the face of a model from the neck up, from the neck down it was a different story.  Sebastian absolutely believed the other man when he said that, before arriving at the island, he’d had a body that was just as perfect, one that was tall and tapering, sculpted and athletic.  Now, though, the pretty-boy’s frame was a disproportionate mass of misshapen muscle.  Arms and legs were too short and stubby for the length of his now-stocky torso, his perky rear had become overly thick and round, and his formerly proportional equipment had bloated into a swaying snake and a pair of heavy, pendulous balls.  Brad claimed he’d been 6’3” before his arrival, but now those numbers were flipped.

“Bored, or horny,” Sebastian asked, finally registering the rigid log wedged between them.

Brad grinned and sat up, his stubby legs straddling the bigger man’s midsection while he rolled his squat muscle gut, working his oozing log against Sebastian’s torso.  “Same difference,” he said, hefting the oozing organ with a meaty hand that failed to close all the way around it.  The bulbous head nearly reached Brad’s overly-prominent pecs, making the smaller man’s perfect, pretty face seem all the more out of place.

“Bro…you know it takes us a minute to get goin’,” Sebastian yawned, looking over at Rich’s slumbering face.  The blonde jock’s features weren’t as refined as the squat stud’s, but, much like his own, they weren’t far off.  Had their circumstances been different, the group would have made an excellent trio of wingmen for each other, their fit, strapping frames and ruggedly pretty features drawing in potential partners like magnets.  As it stood, Sebastian had no doubt they’d still attract plenty of attention, but not for anything close to the same reason.  “We need our beauty sleep.”

“Which we can’t get if people won’t shut the fuck up,” Rich grumbled, his eyes still closed.

“Mornin’, sunshine,” Sebastian cooed, leaning over to give his friend a quick kiss.  He shivered at the sensation, still not used to feeling his lips press against Rich’s, while also feeling like they pressed against his own.  It was weird enough kissing another man in the first place, let alone feeling like he was kissing himself at the same time.  Considering that each of their unaltered heads were now connected to the same hulking body, it made sense.  But that didn’t make it less jarring.

Rich finally opened his eyes and pulled his face away with a sleepy grin.  “Dude…morning breath,” he yawned.

Sebastian made a face and turned away, unable to escape his friend’s warm exhalation.  “You’re one to talk.”

“Is it not the same for both of you,” Brad asked, cocking his head to the side.  “I just assumed it would be.”

“I wish,” Rich chuckled.  “Fuckin’ dragon breath over there.”

The dark-haired man blushed and reached up to tweak the nubby nipple sticking off the mountainous pec on Rich’s side of their shared frame, feeling the same sharp twinge but less so than his yelping companion.  “There are worse heads you could be stuck with, boss,” he said, feeling the shared shift from pain to pleasure as he kept working the sensitive little mound.  Before their arrival, the handsome duo had worked together at an auto-body franchise.  Rich, a few years older than his dark-haired companion at 30, had been the manager, while Sebastian had been a fresh-faced recruit at 22.  The environment was informal at best, and the athletic pair quickly bonded over their love of the gym, with the younger man looking up to the blonde as a mentoring, big brother figure and friend more than his boss.  “You could be stuck with Tony on this shoulder,” Sebastian said, referencing the surly, over-the-hill, chain-smoking grouch they’d worked with.

“Wouldn’t that be lucky for you,” Rich asked, putting a hand on top of the one Sebastian piloted.

The dark-haired hunk sighed, thinking back to when he’d been a buff, sculpted stud with a socially acceptable amount of raven-haired heads on his broad shoulders.  Like Brad, he’d been chiseled and tapering, honing his body-builder bulk with surgical precision.  Now, he’d reached his long-term goal of becoming massive, but there was nothing precise about it.  “I bet there are some freaks out there who’d like to be in my…our…shoes right now,” Sebastian said.  “I’ve got that pretty face all to myself,” he grinned as Rich blushed.  The blonde had always been a pretty-boy, handsome, hung, and charming, with a solid frame covered in chiseled, granite muscle.  He’d had impressive abs and an impressive ass, equally eager to show off both as the situation dictated.  Like Sebastian, he’d had a life-long love of lifting, but he’d never imagined winding up as the shared mountain of muscle he’d become.

One of them was supposed to be like Brad.  Their memories of the experiment were all equally hazy, but the idea had been to pull the mass from two of them and put it onto one of them.  Clearly, something had gone wrong.  Instead of distributing the mass from Rich to Sebastian, or vice-versa, the two had merged into one burly brute from the shoulders down.  They would have been huge even if it had just been the two of them, but whoever ran the place had decided to continue with the experiment, dumping Brad’s mass into the mix.  The end result was a beefy, brutish body, with piston arms, a slab of a chest, lumpy muscle gut, and legs like marble columns.  Both Rich and Sebastian had already been well endowed, now leaving them with a fat, foot-long monster and grapefruit balls to contend with, while Brad’s purloined height had taken their own formerly short statures to a combined 6’6”.  They were triple the mass and twice as horny, their rewired lust resting at a constant simmer.  Like all of the altered men on the island they didn’t know why the mere thought of masculine flesh had become irresistible, but they assumed it was a byproduct of the impossible procedures.

Considering the rest of their circumstances, it was the least of their worries.  They had no idea where they were, or who’d snatched them from their previous lives.  The last thing Rich and Sebastian remembered clearly was closing up the shop one night.  Then came a hazy cluster of terrifying images, of people in lab coats and hazmat suits, of confining cylinders, strange substances, and impossible sensations.  They had no idea how long they’d been poked and prodded and left on display in the nightmare laboratory.  At some point Brad had been added to the mix, but neither of them could remember what their new friend looked like before.  All they knew of him was how he appeared when they finally awoke in one of the small huts, but they’d been much more focused on their own monstrous new body.

It had been a rough and rapid adjustment for all of them.  They’d come to suspect that the mild panic they’d experienced was yet another result of whatever had been done to them, as they all knew that they should have been much more alarmed.  As it was, other than some embarrassment and frustration, the altered trio viewed their circumstances from a contented perspective.  Whenever they did think back to their previous lives and what it was they were missing, the thoughts never lingered for long, nor did the accompanying emotions overwhelm them the way they should have.  It was like they were all on vacation, enjoying a tropical paradise as opposed to a mysterious prison.

That was how Rich was able to smile at his friend’s compliment, to bashfully blush at being called “pretty” by the other man.  Sebastian had always given him a hard time for his handsome face, only now the other man was being genuine, not mocking, when he pointed it out.  “Smooth, bro,” Rich said, turning his attention to the hung little hunk sitting on their stomach.  While he and Sebastian had been taken at the same time, Brad was a total stranger who’d been living on the other side of the country, though the trio had quickly become inseparable since their arrival.  “Alright…so we’re awake.  Now what?”

The stocky little hunk flashed a coy smile and looked down at his oversized cock.  “Two heads are better than one, right,” he asked, his churning balls dragging as he scooted forward.

“And what do we get out of this,” Sebastian asked, even as he reached up and began stroking the smaller man’s club.

“Yeah…you wake us up just to blow you?  Seems rude,” Rich nodded, a hand finding its way to Brad’s plump rear.

The shrunken stud squirmed when a strong finger found its way to his hole.  “iiiIIIEEE…I woke you up…so you can… be ready for the new arrival,” he sputtered.  “AND so you can blow me,” he finished when the pair just looked at him expectantly.  “Guys…come on!  It’s not like I’m going to leave you hanging.”

The shared studs exchanged a quick glance.  “Fine,” Sebastian sighed, shivering as his and Rich’s cock surged excitedly.  The dark-haired young hunk never imagined a time when he’d be eagerly lapping at another man’s cock, let alone that his tongue would be mingling with Rich’s while he did so, but he couldn’t deny how good it felt.  As with everything they experienced, Sebastian not only felt it himself, he could feel Rich feeling it, which created an intense feedback loop.  All of their responses had been heightened, from physical stimuli to their shared emotions, meaning that even mundane tasks were nearly overwhelming, to say nothing of the blissfully arousing ones.

“Fuuuuuuck,” Brad squeaked, folding his stubby arms behind his head and rocking his hips while the two furiously went at his leaking girder.  They were like a pair possessed, their strong, warm tongues and soft lips working him with a surprising amount of coordination.  When the two didn’t overthink it, they’d learned how to get around and move with more or less the same ease as when they’d been separated.  But the smaller man had been invaluable in the early days, when Rich and Sebastian had been an uncoordinated mass of flailing muscle.  “You two are so…fucking hot…when you do this…” he grunted, his stomach fluttering at the sight of the handsome heads while he writhed on their broad bulk.

They may not have had any idea where they were, or if they’d ever get off the island, but, like all of them, Brad wasn’t sure if that was a bad thing.  The thought of being around “normal” people in his current state was mortifying, but on the island he didn’t have to give it a second thought.  Compared to some of his neighbors, he was far from remarkable.  Like Rich and Sebastian, there were a few other couples on the island that had been fused at different points on their now-shared bodies.  There were men who had too many limbs, or limbs that were too long, or too short, or absent altogether.  There were men who were short like himself, but still perfectly proportional, and there were men whose knuckles dragged because only their legs had shrunk.  There were men with an impossibly cumbersome amount of muscle and slender twinks.  There were soft, heavyset mountains, and horse-hung hunks, micro-dicked meatheads and pussy-wielding pretty-boys.  They were a menagerie of twisted meat, plucked from their previous lives and dropped into a warped paradise for reasons unknown.

They never saw any of the lab workers again, nor were there any indications of who’d taken them.  The island itself was large enough that it couldn’t be traversed in a single day, with dense tropical jungles filling in the areas around the beach and huts.  No one saw any wildlife to speak of, including insects, and other than the occasional, pleasant rain showers every few days, the weather was abnormally perfect.  While there was electricity on the island and in the small huts, there was no wifi, radio or television.  As Brad mentioned, there weren’t even any clocks.  There weren’t even any clothes, though, given the perpetually temperate climate, they didn’t need them.  In addition to the individual dwellings, there was a squat, cinder block structure that had shared showers and bathrooms like those at a campground, along with vending machines that were always somehow well-stocked with a rotating array of meals.  All of their basic necessities were met, which left the altered men with plenty of time to lounge, fuck, or frolick in the waves.  They had each other for company, and every so often a new hut would mysteriously appear overnight, with new members of the community following shortly after.

One of those huts had appeared the previous day, and Brad wanted to make sure they were ready to welcome their new neighbor.  Given the eager attention Rich and Sebastian’s tongues were providing, it didn’t take long before he tensed and spasmed, letting out a squeaky howl as he erupted all over his friends’ faces.  “Ohhhh…fuuuuuck…that…that was great…” he panted in a daze.

Sebastian licked at the cum trailing down Rich’s broad nose before looking back over his shoulder.  The blonde nodded, and they shifted Brad off their chest as if he weighed nothing.  “Glad you liked it. Your turn,” Sebastian said as they rolled over and presented their meaty globes.  There was a quick pause as Brad lubed himself up, and then the young stud’s vision went white.  “FUUUUUUCCKKKMmmphh…” his howling moan was swallowed by Rich’s soft lips when the blonde leaned over for another kiss, both of their heads spinning from the overwhelming ecstasy of Brad’s stubby arm splitting them open.  Neither of the joined duo had ever given much thought to anal activities before, but they’d quickly discovered that the intensity of the experience paired well with their simultaneous sensory loops.  On some level, Rich and Sebastian still felt like they should be embarrassed at the thought of their massive frame getting fisted by the tiny titan Brad had become, but, like the smaller man’s, their unique, ecstatic cries were just one of many in the terrible, tropical paradise.

The squat stud worked them with his stubby arm until his cock surged back to life, at which point he switched positions and began riding the broad, bucking boulder. Rich and Sebastian kept their lips locked the entire time, swallowing each other’s ecstasy as their untouched cock throbbed, pulsed, and finally exploded.  The release was all encompassing, blasting their combined senses beyond the point of comprehension and leaving them a grunting, gasping duo as Brad pulled his spent log from their leaking hole.

“You guys good,” the brunette squeaked, giving their ass a rough swat.

Rich swallowed and nodded, shaking his head.  “That…that never gets old,” he said with a short, stunned laugh.

“No…no it sure doesn’t,” Sebastian concurred, his eyes wide as they lingered on the blonde’s.  As horrifying an adjustment as it had required, there was a part of him that had grown to love the intimacy, the perpetual vulnerability and inability to hide anything from his former boss.  He knew Rich was in the same boat, that they were each an open book to the other, and it was a kind of unconditional acceptance that neither of them had ever felt before.  Not that they had any choice, but they were eager for silver linings wherever they could find them.

“Okay…now I’m fucking starving,” Rich grunted, the bed creaking as they rolled over and lurched to their feet.  He absently rubbed at their rumbling muscle gut while Sebastian reached down and scooped Brad up.

“I don’t hear any commotion, so I’m guessing the newbie’s either not here yet or they’re still asleep,” Sebastian said, he and Rich ducking under the door in unison as they stepped out of their hut.  There’d been a time when venturing out naked had felt odd, but now none of the trio even gave it a second thought.

“Good.  Breakfast first,” the blonde said, his single-minded focus eliciting a grin from his friends.  Sebastian was just as hungry, but Rich was more set in his priorities.

“Any bets on what shape they’ll be in,” Brad asked, nestling against the pair’s plump pecs as they trotted across the soft sand.

Sebastian shrugged for both of them.  “In this place?  Who knows.  Guess we’ll find out soon enough.”