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Drew looked around the open field, feeling a bit like they were lost at sea.  The emerald blanket stretched off to the limits of his vision in every direction, the rolling foothills gently swelling like a calm surf.  Unlike the ocean, the only blue in sight loomed above them, an unmarred cerulean ceiling whose only blemish was the blazing yellow midday sun.  The heat was punishing, the humidity oppressive, making Drew wonder if a desert would be a more apt comparison.  He and Shane had been trudging through the overgrown grass for an hour, and even their young, athletic frames were drenched in sweat.  His blonde friend had long ago shucked his muscle-shirt, the other man’s smooth, defined skin baked a shade of gold that complemented his hair.  Drew had reluctantly followed suit, his feelings of foolishness rising in time with his exhaustion.  He didn’t know what they’d say if the property owners discovered a pair of sweaty, shirtless jocks tramping through one of their fields.  He didn’t know how they’d possibly explain Shane’s crazy notion about a magic spot that looked into another reality and could make wishes come true.  He didn’t know why he was even humoring his friend in the first place.  Nearing the tail end of their twenties, they both should have known better than to believe such obvious nonsense, and yet there he was, stumbling along behind the excited man.

“So do I even need to ask at this point,” Drew sighed, his toned arms raised as his hands rested on the top of his hair.  His chocolate mop was soaked with the same sweat that glistened across his lean, ripped frame, the air far too humid to let it evaporate and cool him down.

Shane’s boy-next-door face had the same charming grin when he looked back over a bony shoulder.  “Actually, yeah.  We’re almost there.  Another couple hundred yards,” the wiry blonde said, looking down at the handheld GPS.  There wasn’t much of a cell signal to begin with in the rural area, and they’d lost it completely once they’d ventured from the road, but the satellite-fueled tech was still going strong.  “Just wait’ll you see it, man.  I couldn’t believe it at first…it’s incredible.”

“If it’s so magical, literally, then why didn’t you do this the first time?”  Drew was relieved that their destination was in sight, but the fact that uninterrupted grassland was all he saw for several hundred yards did nothing to instill confidence in his friend.

Shane dropped his head back and let out a long sigh.  “I told you…I didn’t know what I was seeing then.  I didn’t learn about what it was until later.”  He stopped and turned to face the other man, abruptly sticking his fingers into Drew’s exposed armpits before the sweat-soaked brunette could stop him.  “And like a good friend, if it IS real then I want you to get it too,” he laughed as Drew yelped and scampered out of the way.

The chocolate-haired jock reached out and tousled Shane’s blonde crop.  “You didn’t ‘learn’ anything, though.  You just read some crazy shit on the internet.”

“So what?  What else are you going to do with the ass end of August?  Worst case scenario, we took a road trip to middle-of-nowhere southern Ohio and stayed in a creepy little motel and drank at a creepy little bar and got one last tan before Fall hits.  Best case scenario,” he said, pausing to break into a double-bicep pose, “we get fucking jacked and pull in more pussy than we know what to do with.  That’s worth a sweaty hike, right?”

Drew couldn’t help but laugh as he watched Shane’s toned arms break out into lean, modest muscle groups.  Both of them were tight and wiry, with plenty of definition and impressive abs, but no real bulk to speak of.  They’d both tried for years to pack on size the way some of their friends did, and while their tireless hours in the gym left them shredded, they were still on the thin side.  “And why is THAT what we’re wishing for?”

Shane’s tone made it sound like it should have been obvious.  “Well, for starters, why wouldn’t it be?  And it just feels like the safest, you know?  If we came out here and wished for money and power and shit like that it feels like there’s too much wiggle room in there for something to go wrong.  Too many other people are involved in that.  This is just us.  All we’re looking to do is enhance what we’ve already got, not remake the whole world.”

Drew reached out and squeezed the front of his friend’s shorts.  “I’ve seen that dick, dude.  Remaking the world might be easier than making it more impressive.”

“Fuck you,” Shane laughed, his voice dropping into a seductive purr.  “Since you like to look at it so much, you get the first crack afterwards.”

“Ugh, you wish,” Drew scoffed before looking down at himself and shrugging.  “I mean, I’m in the same boat, so let’s hope you’re right.  I wouldn’t mind being able to rub Brad’s face in it for once instead of hearing about all the tail he gets.”

Shane clapped the other man on the back as they started walking again.  “If this works, Brad’ll wish he could be like us.”

“I still don’t see what the big deal with that dude is.  Other than his dick, I mean.  Guy’s hard as a rock but dumb as one, too.  What do all these chicks see in him?  It’s not like we’re bad looking.  Our faces are…better…whoa…” he trailed off, his eyes going wide when the temperature suddenly dropped without warning.  Nothing about their surroundings had changed, and the sun was just as punishing, but the air felt at least twenty degrees cooler.  “What the fuck?”

“Yes!  Dude!  This means we’re just about there,” Shane cried, his face pivoted towards the sky.  “Keep your eyes up.  Any second now aaaaaand…here!  Right here!”

“Holy…holy shit…” Drew stammered.  He bumped into Shane but didn’t bother to pull away, instead grabbing his friend’s arm as the sky shifted above them.  In the span of a few feet, the deep, daytime blue switched to a swirling, star-peppered black.  After blinking for a few stunned moments Drew stepped back and forth, the sky undergoing the same transition each time.  “But…but how is this even…I mean…ten feet behind us it’s daytime, but right here we’re looking at a night sky?!”

Shane nodded.  “I walked a perimeter last time.  It’s like a forty-foot cylinder.  I don’t know how or why or any of that, but does anything about that sky look funny to you?”

Drew didn’t know how to respond.  Of course the sudden appearance of the night sky in broad daylight looked funny.  The longer he stared, though, the more he understood Shane’s question.  It was a night sky, but it wasn’t their night sky.  There were too many stars, and in the wrong configurations.  In the background of the crowded celestial void loomed swirling, rainbow-hued clouds, sprawling nebulas that had never been seen by the naked eye on any earth-bound sky.  “Okay.  What are we looking at,” he finally whispered.

“I think the more important question is WHERE are we looking?  I couldn’t find much online, but what I did…” Shane trailed off in a whistle.  “It’s a crack, a little bit of somewhere else peeking into our world. They say the frayed edges are what make the, I don’t know…wishing…possible.  There’s just enough juice to make it happen.  Speaking of…you ready?  I don’t think it’s smart to linger unless we risk pulling a Ghostbusters and think the wrong thing.  Start concentrating.”

Drew watched Shane close his eyes, his friend’s expression going slack, before he did the same.  He tried his best to push the fantastic discovery from his mind and focus on what he wanted instead.  He thought about Brad and the hulking, chiseled bodies at the gym.  He thought about the fat, hefty packages he’d secretly envied and the casual ease with which the arrogant meatheads showed them off.  He thought about getting laid as easily as them, and what that would be like.  He pictured himself living that life, of carelessly and confidently strutting his strapping frame around, fucking his days away without a care in the world.

And then Shane was tugging on his arm.  “Alright man…let’s bounce.  Take one last look.”

Drew didn’t want to leave.  He wanted to marvel in the wonder of what he saw, until a small voice in the back of his head raised the important question of who or what might be looking back.  “Alright, I’m good,” he said, shivering and hurrying towards the edge.  The lean hunk was actually grateful for the crush of blazing heat and damp air, feeling a surprising rush of relief at the familiar, endless blue overhead.

The walk back to the car was largely silent.  They were both too embarrassed to get into the details of what they willed into the cosmic abyss, and neither really knew how to describe what they saw.  The shock of it all at least kept the fatigue at bay, a surge of adrenaline that lasted until they pulled back into the narrow parking lot of the motel.  The rundown hovel consisted of a dusty office and a single strip of a half dozen rooms, with a brown and gold exterior that looked like it hadn’t been touched since the seventies.  The interior of the rooms weren’t any better, the faded carpet and wallpaper bearing the same color scheme around a dresser, two small beds, and a mirror.  The bathroom was a matching shade of brown, but whether it had always been so was a mystery buried beneath decades of grime.  It had a sink, a toilet and a small shower, all of which appeared locked in competition to see who could bear the most rust stains.  But it was close to their hike, it had a functioning air conditioner in the window, and ten minutes up the road was what passed for a downtown at the intersection of two state routes.  All they cared about was that the small cluster of ancient buildings had a bar and a diner, which they’d hit tonight and in the morning, respectively.

“You can shower first,” Drew said as they stumbled into the dim room.  His modesty forgotten, he was already unbuttoning his shorts before the door finished closing behind him.  He kicked out of his shoes and let them drop, falling face down on one of the beds in nothing but his sweat-soaked boxer briefs.  The stretched, sopping gray fabric had been pulled low when his shorts fell, but Drew cared more about how good the cool air felt against the exposed segment of his perky bubble than he did the fact that it was exposed in the first place.  Shane had seen it plenty of times, and his friend seemed equally unconcerned as Drew caught the blonde sauntering naked into the bathroom when he lifted his head a few moments later.

The brunette blamed his exhausted state when he caught himself still staring through the crack in the door as Shane cranked the aged shower on, his eyes glued to his friend’s tight, tapering frame.  He was actually disappointed when the other man slipped behind the plastic curtain, his heat-addled brain quickly filling the vacuum.  Drew started to picture what Shane would look like if their plan actually worked, imagining the wiry man as a hung, brawny meathead behind the thin sheet of plastic.  The images were strikingly vivid, and even from the other room the confusingly aroused young man could practically feel his friend’s phantom muscle against his probing palms as he pictured himself scrubbing a broad, tanned back in the small shower.

“Dude, you look wrecked.”  Shane’s amused tone snapped Drew out of his reverie.  The brunette blushed when he realized he’d been so caught up imagining the buff version of his friend that he hadn’t even noticed the real one finishing his shower and standing in front of him, a small towel wrapped precariously around his trim hips.  “Pressure sucks but she’s all yours.”

“That means I have to get up, doesn’t it,” Drew sighed, reluctantly rolling over.

“Whoa!  Hey there, little guy,” Shane laughed when his friend’s rigid cock sprang into view.  The modest organ had slipped through the fly of the other man’s boxer briefs, and he grinned as he watched Drew frantically try to cover himself.

“Whoops, uh, sorry about that,” the blushing jock laughed awkwardly, quickly scampering into the bathroom.  He took one last look in time to see Shane casually shuck his towel, uncertain whether his friend’s cock actually twitched the way he thought, or if it was just his imagination.  He turned the water nearly all the way cold and tried to force the strange thoughts from his mind, trying instead to focus on the fact that they’d possibly glimpsed into another reality altogether.  The implications were staggering, enough so that he felt more or less in control of himself, at least to the point where he could turn the hot water on.  He cranked it until steam filled the room like a sauna, the contrasting sensations at least partially grounding his frazzled mind.  He still took his time toweling off, blaming the lightheaded rush on a need for food.

“So what do we do with the rest of the day,” Drew asked, his damp skin breaking out in goosebumps as he stepped out of the humid little bathroom and into the frigid time warp of a bedroom.  The ancient air conditioner in the window roared like the dinosaur it was, spewing forth a blessedly frigid stream that left the dim dwelling feeling like a walk-in refrigerator.  Shane was sprawled out on the bed in front of it, one arm folded behind his head, having swapped his towel for only a pair of light blue bikini briefs.  The sandy-haired young man had his eyes half-closed, and Drew paused for a moment as he crossed the threshold.  Something about the sight of his prone friend, and the way Shane’s free hand drifted across his firm abs, the fingers dancing just beneath the low-riding waist of the underwear, struck him as odd.  The other man was obviously half-hard and growing in his skimpy briefs, which was strange enough for the relatively modest blonde, but instead of immediately averting his eyes the way he should have, Drew found them lingering.  Showering and changing in front of each other was one thing, and they’d engaged in some drunken, handsy horseplay in the past, but neither of them had ever been the type to linger nearly naked unless they were sleeping, and certainly never hard.  But now, as he forced his eyes away from Shane’s ripped frame and turned to rummage through his bag on the nearby dresser, he began to wonder why.

Shane’s response was slow in coming, his voice sounding unusually smug when he finally spoke.  “For starters…since you teased me with it earlier, you can bring that juicy cock over here.”

Drew was both certain he’d misheard his friend and grateful he had his back turned so that Shane couldn’t see his shocked expression.  “What the fuck did you just saaaaaAAAYYYYY!”  His crimson face quickly became the least of Drew’s concerns when Shane sprung forward, tearing the towel free from his tight waist and roughly shoving him into the recently vacated spot on the bed.  His friend pounced as soon as he hit the mattress, and before Drew could even begin to protest he felt Shane’s surprisingly soft lips wrap around his twitching cock.  “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck,” he groaned, his fingers biting into the comforter as his cock rocketed to life in his friend’s mouth.  He felt like he should try to pull away, but between his stunned shock and the potent bliss running up his spine, all he could do was sit and watch the blonde head bobbing up and down in his lap.

“Mmmmm…” Shane moaned around the invading organ, a dazed smile on his face when he finally took a breather.  “Fuckin’ love how you taste fresh outta the shower,” he purred, pumping on Drew’s slick organ before dropping his face once again.

“NNNnhhhnnn…Shane…dude…dude!  What…what the fuck are you doing, man?!”  The whimpering brunette’s protests were sputtering and nowhere near as forceful as he’d hoped, but they had the intended effect.  After a few more bobs of his head, Shane’s eyes went from drooping to wide, his whole body going crimson as he seemed to suddenly become aware of his actions.

“Mmppphh…mmmppphhh!” he hummed, eliciting a fresh groan from Drew before thinking to pull his mouth away.  “What the fuck, bro?!  Why was your dick in my mouth?!” Shane cried as he sat back on his knees, pinning the other man’s legs beneath him.

“Why are you asking me?  You’re the one who put it there,” Drew spat, propping himself up on his elbows.  “All I did was come out of the shower to find you throwing a bone in your little man panties, and next thing I know you’re suckin’ away like you’re dying of thirst.”

“In my…” Shane trailed off, the crimson, whole-body hue fading to a light pink as he looked down and paled.  “Where the fuck did these even…are these yours?!”  His normally charming expression was desperate as he gawked at the rigid cock that had escaped from the small pouch.

Drew shook his head.  “Mine?  No, of course not.  I don’t wear…” It was his turn to trail off as the realization washed over him.  It wasn’t just the sight of Shane absently fondling himself that had struck him as odd earlier, but the other man’s choice of wardrobe.  In all their years of friendship he’d never known the blonde to wear anything other than boxers or boxer briefs, so the sight of Shane in a pair of pastel bikinis should have been glaringly obvious, and yet even now Drew had to force the thought.  “Dude…what is happening right now?”

The frantic blonde swallowed and shook his head.  “I don’t…I don’t know.  My head feels real weird,” he groaned, reaching up to run his hands through his golden mop.

“Fuck!  Shane…bro…your…your arms are…have they always been that big?”  Drew’s cock throbbed as he watched his friend’s biceps inflate with the motion.  He felt like the athletic appendages should have been toned and defined, but not nearly as thick as they appeared at the moment.

Shane gasped, his jaw dropping while he looked back and forth between the enlarged arms.  His triceps had inflated to a considerable degree, nearly matching the cresting biceps that loomed in opposition.  “Oh.  Oh shit.  It’s…it’s real, man!  It’s real!  It’s working!”  He gasped again, letting out an almost drunken chuckle when he finally noticed the odd sensation against his palms.  Instead of a thick mane his hair had become a short buzz cut, provoking a fresh round of blushing at the discovery.  “What happened to my hair?!’

“Your hair?  That’s what you’re worried about?  Dude, look at yourself!  You’re…you’re getting huge!”  Drew’s tone hovered between elation and terror, riding the edge of a hysteria that had yet to decide which direction it wanted to go.  The budding muscle sprouting across Shane’s broadening frame was exactly what they’d longed for, but the impossible scenario wasn't unfolding in as clear cut a manner as they’d expected.

The buzzed blonde appeared far less conflicted.  Shane’s beaming expression was one of pure triumph as he gazed down at his inflating pecs, the increasingly plump, juicy mounds steadily expanding outward between shoulders that suddenly found each other repellant.  Below, his firm abs erupted into a bumpy, narrow avenue of muscle that pinched at his waist before expanding out again at his widened thighs, the skimpy bikinis looking increasingly pointless as they failed to even remotely contain the blonde’s girthy new equipment.  A cock that had once barely topped five inches now jutted out at a proud, thick nine, with a pair of full, heavy balls churning beneath.  “This is fuckin’ incredible,” Shane grunted, reaching around to palm the heavy globes he knelt on before breaking into another double-bicep pose.

Drew licked his lips, his stomach fluttering at the sight of the freshly grown Adonis pinning him to the bed.  “Dude…you…holy fuck, man!  I…I don’t even know what to say…”

Shane raised an eyebrow, his broad grin turning into a smirk.  “I do.  Welcome to the club.”

Drew gasped when his friend reached out and cupped the heavy, slab-like pecs hanging off his chest.  He’d been so focused on the other man’s transformation that he’d failed to notice his own body undergoing a similar metamorphosis.  Like Shane, the dazed brunette found himself gawking down at a widened wall of muscle that had consumed his formerly trim frame.  The arms that held him upright were like concrete pylons, with every inch of him now consisting of rippling, shredded bulk that popped and flexed with the slightest motion.  They’d each at least doubled in size, if not tripled, and even prone on the bed Drew could feel himself rubbing together in unfamiliar ways.  The sensation wasn’t unpleasant, though there was a brief flash of claustrophobia when it occurred to the addled hulk just how heavy his limbs felt, but it passed quickly, replaced by a rush of power.  “Oh…oh my god…” Drew sputtered, his jaw dropping when he saw the fat log that had replaced his cock.  His seven inches had always been bigger than Shane’s, and that still appeared to be the case as he gawked at the eleven-inch girder begging for attention.  The fat organ pulsed and oozed when Shane stopped kneading Drew’s pecs and began tweaking the brawny brunette’s enlarged nipples, the potent sensation jarring the pinned man back to attention.  “Okay…okay…so we’re getting the bodies we wanted.  But why did your clothes change and why were you sucking my dick and why are you so fuckin’ hot right now,” Drew asked, his frantic tone turning into a lustful growl at the end.

“Who fuckin’ cares, bro,” Shane grunted as he leaned in to plant a long, passionate kiss.

Drew felt another rush of embarrassment at the simultaneous sensations of his friend’s tongue in his mouth and his friend’s fingers brushing along his own equally buzzed scalp.  He knew they should stop and try to figure out exactly what they’d become, and who they were still becoming, but he couldn’t bring himself to pull away.  His hands seemed to have a mind of their own as they reached down and gripped Shane’s ample, granite globes, his stubby fingers slipping beneath the brief’s pointlessly small back panel that failed to provide any coverage at all.  He could hear the bed groaning and squeaking beneath them as they writhed together, the mingled sensory input striking him as both entirely new and entirely familiar.  Shane’s mountain of a body felt perfectly natural beneath his hands.  The way their thickened rods ground together between their ripped washboards, the way his friend’s tongue tasted, the heaviness of the blonde’s body pressing down on him; it was all impossibly normal.

Except for the voice in Drew’s head that kept insisting it wasn’t.  “Wait…dude…just…let’s just take a second,” the broadened brunette finally panted, reluctantly pulling his head away.

“Fine,” Shane relented, sticking his puffy lower lip out in a mock-pout before sliding off the other man’s inflated frame and nestling into a beefy shoulder.  “Not like we’re in a hurry,” he grinned, reaching over to absently tug on Drew’s club of a cock.

The addled brunette gasped, but he could at least focus a little more without his friend squirming on top of him.  “O…okay.  Let’s talk this out.  Something clearly isn’t happening the way we…we thought it would…” he stammered, his slab of a chest still heaving.  “I don’t get it.  I focused on the muscle and the cock and the guys I wanted to look like, and that part clearly worked, but I don’t get why we’re…why I’m…suddenly so…” he choked off in a gasp, the mistake hitting him like a punch in his shredded new gut.  It was so obvious in retrospect that Drew couldn’t believe he hadn’t caught it beforehand, but now they were both learning what happened when they mingled together thoughts of men, muscles, cock, and fucking while trying to manifest a new reality.  In their minds the desired outcome had been crystal clear, though it had apparently been considerably less so to whatever forces they’d meddled with.  “I…I think we got some wires crossed,” he said with an awkward laugh, the humor quickly fading.  “Wait.  Oh…oh no…what the fuck…?!”  Drew’s heart hammered against Shane’s hand as it rested on his protruding shelf of a chest, his stomach dropping.  He’d tried to imagine his last hookup in an attempt to find out whether or not women still aroused him at all, but he couldn’t remember it.  He couldn’t remember any of them.  Drew suddenly couldn’t remember ever having been attracted to, or having been intimate with, a woman.  “Shane…bro…do you remember being with a girl at all?”

“Fuck no,” the blonde barked a bit too quickly.  His eyes widened when he realized what he’d said, a stunned smile spreading above his widened jaw.  “Oh.  Oh!  Whoa.  Guess that explains why I was so quick to blow you,” he said, a lifetime of new memories flooding in.

“You…you didn’t say we’d become new people,” Drew stammered, unsure how to feel as he suddenly saw himself with man after man over the years.  “I thought we were just changing our bodies, not…not everything.”

It was Shane’s turn to gasp.  The blonde’s smile faded, his pumping fist resting at the base of Drew’s monolithic rod.  “Bro.  Bro!  Do you remember…didn’t we do some dumb school shit or somethin’?”

“Yeah, right!  Bruh, only reason we graduated high school was wrestlin’,” Drew spat.  He caught the change to his speech as he said it, feeling a stab of dread when he had to struggle to remember that it was odd.  “Wait.  That’s not…that’s not right?  Is it?  Why do I just remember liftin’ and fuckin’?”

“What else is there,” Shane chuckled before shaking his head.  “Hold up.  Didn’t I have, like, a job and shit?  Didn’t you?”

Drew groaned and blinked, feeling like he was falling.  As he’d just mentioned, all he could recall was countless hours either lifting in the gym or putting his body to work with an endless array of men.  His early memories were more or less the same, though considerably more hazy, until high school, at which point things started to feel off.  Instead of straight-A’s and a scholarship, Drew now recalled failing grades and an interest in nothing but sports, specifically lifting.  There were no more college years and a corporate ladder, just the gym and men.  After barely graduating from high school the pair had put their bodies to work through manual labor, until they’d learned how much money those bodies could make if they put them to use in much more enjoyable ways.  “Of course we have a job, bruh.  Fuck you think we’re out here in the middle of nowhere for?”  Drew wanted to be horrified at the new memories of himself and Shane publicly debasing themselves for crowds, cameras, and paying customers, but there wasn’t enough of his previous life left to muster the emotion.  They’d both wanted people to see them and be jealous when they’d thought about their manifestations, and a career in sex work made that easy.

“Like you’re some big brain, bro,” Shane grunted defensively.  “So I fuckin’ forgot.  Big deal.”

“Don’t pout, bud.  Wasn’t bein’ a dick.  Like I got room to talk shit about somethin’ like that?  Nah,” Drew said, turning to give the blonde a quick peck on the forehead.  He had a vague notion that the idea of them as a pair of dull, distracted meatheads was wrong, but, like most thoughts that flashed through their brains, it didn’t linger.  He knew they weren’t entirely stupid, and between the two of them they could largely stay on task, as long as there was some wiggle room built into the plans for when they got sidetracked.  But since a large part of their appeal was their image as a pair of meathead morons, people knew what they were getting into with them in the first place.  Drew had a fleeting memory of a time when he wished he could have been more relaxed and laid back, but it didn’t make sense.  He’d never been anything close to uptight.  “Here.  This’ll make you feel better,” he said, abruptly hefting his tree-trunk legs into the air and holding them against his torso.

“We got time for this?” Shane asked as he quickly slid into position.  He lined himself up with Drew’s legs on his shoulders, his fat, oozing head already pressed against the prone hulk’s eager hole.

“We’re not supposed to be there til at least eight.  Don’t think we have to start dancin’ til ten.  Who cares if we’re a little late?  Cousin-fuckin’ farm bar ain’t payin’ us that much anyway,” Drew sighed, increasigly desperate to have Shane inside.  “Matty and Tom were out here a couple’a months ago and said the guys at least tip real good if you let ‘em touch, so…” he shrugged and nodded, his head falling back as the blonde slowly wormed his way between the firm melons that had replaced his perky little bubble.  “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck yeeessssss bro…” he moaned, wondering whether the cacophonous air conditioner would be loud enough to drown out the impending din.

Not that either of them cared.  “That’s right…” Shane grunted, his hips falling into a deep, slow rhythm.  “You like that?”

“Di…dick me down…daddy…” Drew begged, his juicy pecs slamming up and down while his club of a cock slapped loudly against his stomach.  He loved that Shane still had his bikinis on, the pouch pushed off the side while his friend hammered into him.  The burly brunette loved being naked and getting fucked by guys who were still clothed.  Something about being exposed and objectified while they were still covered turned him on like nothing else.  He dimly remembered a time when he wished he could be an object of desire, but he could also hardly remember a time when he wasn’t one to begin with.  It’s why he and Shane went around in as little as possible as often as possible.  The less they wore around others, the better.

The blonde bull rode him until well after he’d blasted all over his own face.  Twice.  Normally they both had impressive stamina, but for some reason Drew felt like it was his first time all over again.  He kept having flashes of the two of them as wiry and lean while they went at it, wondering the whole time where the image of the two cute little twunks came from.

“Guess I did reeeaaaaal good,” Shane purred when he finally let Drew’s legs drop.  He leaned in and licked the drying cum from the addled, dozing man’s chiseled jaw, giving his friend’s juicy muscle tits a rough squeeze.  “Don’t fall asleep on me, bro.  It’s after seven already.”


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