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“Bro…look at me!”

Eric could only blink in stunned silence as Billy spread his sculpted arms, the other man’s naked, perfect frame slowly rotating before him.  The blonde hunk was objectively gorgeous, with broad shoulders, a wide back, and heavy pecs looming above his pinched, tapering waist.  The rigid log of a cock and churning balls looked equally impressive, as did the meaty thighs framing in the girthy equipment on either side, though Billy’s ample, gravity defying globes fought for attention from behind.  They faced stiff competition against the rest of the blonde’s chiseled physique, especially considering the dimpled chin, pouty lips, and thick, golden mop completing the pulchritudinous package that was the improbable stud.  Billy had the kind of youthful, athletic looks that people dreamed of, that they spent hours in the gym trying to build or entire fortunes trying to buy, and Eric could easily understand his friend’s eagerness to show them off.

What he couldn’t wrap his head around was where they’d come from in the first place.  Will had been balding and heavyset less than a week ago, with sagging tits, a doughy midsection and no ass to speak of.  His face had been round and full and unremarkable, and the bronzed beauty’s smooth, tanned skin had been pasty at best.  And while Eric had never actually seen Will in any state of undress, he doubted that his friend had ever sported the kind of thick, virile club currently bobbing long and large as the other man finished turning.  Yet there he stood, his below average body and lackluster personality somehow transformed into an arousing, effervescent archetype.

“Oh, I’m looking,” Eric said with a short, shocked laugh.  He could feel himself blushing as he stared, but he wasn’t sure if he felt more awkward gawking at the other man’s exposed package or meeting Billy’s bright, eager gaze.

“Fuckin’ awesome, right,” Billy asked, breaking into a proud double-bicep pose.  “I look siiiiiiiiiiiiick, dude!  This body is F-I-R-E,” he beamed, pursing his pouty lips as one arm remained flexed while the other hand slid across his prominent pecs.

“Well, yeah, obviously,” Eric said, his stomach fluttering as he watched Billy absently tweak one of his hard little nipples.  The wiry brunette thought of himself as largely straight, but he doubted there was a man alive who wouldn’t be turned on by the sight of the blonde’s giddy groping.  Billy’s mere presence had become electrifying, his radiant looks having an actual, physical effect on those around him.  “But you still haven’t answered me.  How?  How is any of this even possible?!  Three days ago you liked like…you…and now you show up looking like this, insisting on being called Billy?  What the fuck, man?”

“Do you like it,” Billy asked, ignoring the question.  “Oh!  Bro!  Wait’ll you see this shit,” he said, his face lighting up as he abruptly changed the subject.  He stopped flexing and dropped both hands to his hefty eight-inches, one gliding along the wide shaft while the other kneaded the heavy balls below.  “Fuuuuuuck yeah,” he grunted, his voice a low purr as he pumped his hips in time with his tugging.  The unexpected display caught Eric so off guard that all he could do was watch while Billy jerked himself, fighting the sudden urge to join in.  The spindly brunette was mesmerized to the point where he barely managed to step out of the way when his whimpering friend erupted a few moments later, the copious load missing him by inches.  “See?!”

Eric licked his lips and swallowed hard.  Between the size of the load, the size of Billy’s cock, and the speed with which he exploded, the smaller man wasn’t sure what he was supposed to comment on.  “Uh…see what?”

“It’s still hard, dude!  I can do that, like, three more times, easy,” Billy boasted, a broad grin on his face.  “My old shit could barely squeeze out one!”

“I…I think I need to sit down,” Eric stammered, a wave of dizziness washing over him.  The shock of it all was starting to set in, and he could feel his knees going weak.

“Oh, fuck!  I got you, bud,” Billy said, darting forward and throwing an arm around the other man’s thin frame.  “This better?”

Being pressed against the blonde’s bare, ample brawn was far from helpful, but Eric was in no position to try and pull away.  Nor did he want to.  Being effortlessly held in Billy’s powerful arms was a surprising turn on, the sensation only enhanced by the look of genuine concern in his friend’s eyes.  “Will…Billy…please.  Just tell me…how the fuck did this happen?”

“Aww, sorry, bro.  This was probably, like, totally fucked, wasn’t it?  Too much too soon?  I just can’t wait for you to…” Billy paused, a bashful grin spreading across his charming features as he shook his head.  “Okay, okay, so, like, I was workin’ a gig at this boring-ass office park last week, right?  They needed me to troubleshoot their network or some shit…I don’t remember, really…something totally lame.  So I’m out there doin’ my thing and I decide to take a break, right?  It’s like fuckin’ two in the morning at this point and I’m starving, so I go lookin’ for a vending machine, and I find one at the end of this super creepy hallway, but it doesn’t have food in it.”  Billy paused again, his expression going distant.  “Dude, it was sooooo creepy.  The hallway went on, like, forever, and it didn’t even look like it was finished.  It just had, like, bare fluorescent bulbs and white walls with no doors…just this busted little vending machine at the end.  You know those old-school cigarette ones?  It was like that, but instead of smokes it had these little dudes in it.”

“Wait…you found a weird hallway and a vending machine with people in it?”  Eric fought the urge to cling to Billy when his friend loosened his grip and stepped away.  Instead, he was gifted with a view of the blonde’s tight hole when the other man bent and rummaged through the small fanny pack he’d been wearing.  Along with a pair of neon-striped nylon shorts that were both plastered on and tissue thin, not to mention so revealing as to be nearly pointless, it was all his friend had shown up in, save for some equally bright sneakers.

“Not, like, ‘real’ people,” Billy said when he righted himself.  “These little toy bros.”  He held out a small plastic sleeve whose top had been ripped off, the holo-foil exterior adorned with a sticker on each side.  On the front was simply a large pink question mark with “Party Boyz” written in matching bubble letters, while the sticker on the back had drawings of scantily clad men, each bearing their own unique proportions.  One of the men was clad in a pink thong and built like Billy, but the one to the right was a bald, beefy furball in a jockstrap, while the one to the left was a sculpted, square-jawed stud of significantly shorter stature in a mostly-discarded singlet.  Below that was another row, starting with a lean hunk whose impressive swimmer’s build was offset by a comically large bulge in his speedo, followed by a wiry man with an exaggeratedly large bottom spilling out of his bright little briefs, and finished off by a rugged meathead who appeared to be wearing a pair of women’s lace panties.  Beneath each picture was a fraction meant to indicate how frequently each of the men appeared in the collection, with Billy’s doppelganger seeming to be the most prominent.  “The little guys were on display in the window, and when you pulled one of the knobs,” the blonde said, mimicking the motion on his still-rigid cock, “it spit one of ‘em out.  But you don’t know which one you’re gonna get!  It’s like a…what do you call it?  A blind box?”

Eric’s hands shook as he took the sleeve from Billy.  Inside was a small plastic figure and a trading card with a larger version of the artwork from packaging.  On the back of the card was a description which he absently read aloud.  “Meet Himbo Hank - Hard as a rock and half as smart, the only thing bigger than this horny hunk’s muscle is his heart.  Wind him up and go for a ride!”  His stomach dropped when he looked back up and saw the proud grin on Billy’s face, the full extent of the other man’s personality changes now clear.  “So this…is you,” Eric asked, holding up the tiny figure.

Billy nodded, once again breaking into a double bicep pose to match his plastic partner.  “I guess?  Wild, right?  One second I’m this miserable boring dude, and the next I’m him!  Fuckin’ rad as hell,” he laughed, running both hands down his tapering washboard.  “Soon as I popped the top and pulled him out..boom!  Goodbye Will, hello Billy.”

Eric didn’t know what to say.  “But…but how is that even…” he stammered, his head spinning from the implications.  They both worked as IT techs, that’s how they knew each other to begin with, and both of them were largely pragmatic.  Throughout the course of his twenty eight years Eric had never been a believer in magic or the supernatural, and he knew Will had been the same, so to be confronted with such irrefutable evidence was more than he could process.  “And what about your life?!  Aren’t you worried about this ‘half as smart’ line?  You had a career and a…”

“Oh who gives a fuck,” Billy interrupted with a roll of the eyes and a wave of the hand.  “Half as smart?  Try ‘half as worried.’  This is greeeeeaaaaat,” he laughed, running a hand through his golden coif.  “And, I mean, no offense, bro, but that job sucked.”

“No argument there,” Eric sighed.  “So you opened the package, turned into…this…” he said, motioning to the naked stud, “...and then what?  What have you been doing since?”

Billy shrugged.  “I don’t know.  Livin’ life?  Shit’s just kinda fallin’ into place, man.  I set up one of those OnlyFriends pages and I’m already makin’ money, dude.  It’s crazy.  Been suckin’ a lotta dick, too,” he grinned, giving himself another tug.  “Speaking of…”

“Hey!”  Eric yelped and went crimson when Billy reached out and unzipped his fly, but he didn’t pull away.  The thin, five-inch rod that sprang free was meager by comparison, but the blonde stud didn’t seem to mind.  “What…what’re you doing…” the thin brunette gasped, his knees threatening to give out once again.  He hadn’t been with a partner, man or woman, in nearly a year, and he’d almost forgotten what it felt like to have a hand that wasn’t his own wrapped around his cock.

“What’s it look like,” Billy grinned, using his free hand to fully undo Eric’s pants.  He paused his stroking to strip his friend’s bottoms away before tugging on the brunette’s shirt.  “Arms up, bud.”

Eric did as he was instructed, a wave of embarrassment adding to the tides of shock that had already been buffeting his lithe frame.  He felt ridiculous to be standing with his shapeless, bony build on display next to Billy’s chiseled physique, but it was quickly apparent that he was the only one to feel that way.

“Fuck yeah, dude,” the blonde cheered, pulling Eric in for a surprising kiss.  “Isn’t this better?  This is so great!  We’ve been fuckin’ up, man,” he laughed, batting his thick log against the brunette’s smaller member.  “It’s cool…you can touch it,” he added when he saw the way his friend stared.

Eric swallowed hard and reached out, drunk on Billy’s sincere enthusiasm.  There was no hidden judgment in the other man’s eyes, only pure, authentic excitement.  The muscled blonde was like a puppy, eager to please and bursting with energy.  “What is even happening,” Eric sputtered with an awkward laugh, his stomach fluttering as he tugged on Billy’s warm, oozing log.

“Tell you what’s about to happen,” the blonde grunted with a bashful grin.  “You’ve got some soft hands, bro.  Want me to flex for you?”  Billy broke into a series of poses as soon as Eric’s head tilted, pausing only to grope or tweak or otherwise knead himself in an uninhibited, erotic display.  He pumped his hips to match his friend’s gliding fist, a growing expression of ecstasy spreading across his statuesque features.  “Oh…oh fuck, bro…gonna cum…gonna cum so hard…fuuuuck you feel good…you feel so gooOOOHHHH…!”  Billy broke off in a whimpering yelp, his thick rod exploding like a shotgun.  Eric didn’t have a chance to get out of the line of fire this time, and he was surprised by how much he enjoyed the sensation of his friend’s warm load splashing against his slender torso.  He kept tugging until Billy stopped spasming, at which point the bigger man quickly scooped up a few fingerfuls of the copious release and used them to lube Eric’s aching organ.  “Don’t wanna waste it,” he winked.

“Whoa!”  The smaller brunette yelped again when he found himself unceremoniously shoved prone onto the nearby couch.  He started to sit up, but only managed to raise his shoulders off the cushions before Billy was on him, straddling his tight waist with his muscled thighs.  “What’re yooooOOUUUHHH…!” he howled, falling onto his arched back when the bigger man popped his hips and impaled himself on the cum-slick cock.

“Theeeeeere we go,” Billy grinned, running his hands along Eric’s bony chest.  “How’s that feel,” he asked as he rocked and swiveled his hips.

“Gr…great…” Eric moaned, his eyes wide.  Despite being the one inside his friend, it felt more like Billy was fucking him than the other way around.

The bigger blonde’s smile grew, his eyes never leaving Eric’s.  “I know I said I’d suck your dick, but this seemed like more fun.  Also, dude, you are SO cute right now, oh my god,” Billy said, nodding encouragingly when Eric’s hands found their way to his meaty thighs.  He folded his powerful arms behind his head and writhed in silence for a moment before his eyes went wide, like he was surprised by something.  “Oh!  Shit!  I never finished my story,” he said, never breaking his swiveling stride.  “So I kinda freak out after I change, right?  And the first thing I think to do is go back to the machine, but it was fuckin’ gone, bro!  Like, entirely.  Not just the machine, either, but the whole damn hallway.  Poof!  Not there anymore.  I don’t even…” Billy paused and grinned when he finally registered the pained look on Eric’s face.  “Oh, sorry bro…you about to cum?  Give me that load, dude.  I’ll wait,” he said, rocking faster and faster until Eric finally tensed and let out a choking, guttural grunt.  The blonde sighed and let his head fall back on his broad shoulders, slowly coming to a rest on the smaller man’s lap.  “Felt like a big one, bro.  Good job,” he cheered, leaning in for another kiss.  “What were we just talkin’ about,” he asked when they came up for air, looking confused.  “Oh!  Right!  Yeah, dude.  It was just gone.  I looked for, like, twenty minutes and couldn’t find shit.”

Eric only half heard what Billy said, but he’d picked up enough to get the gist.  As surprising as a magic machine and a vanishing hallway were, he was equally stunned by the friendly stranger who’d just fucked him senseless.  Will had always been quiet and reserved, so to hear his friend talking about cumming and the size of loads and encouraging him like some kind of hunky mentor was as surprising as the fact that they’d fucked in the first place.  “And you’re sure you went back to the right place?  I mean, you said it was late and you didn’t really know the building,” Eric finally said when he’d regained enough of his senses.

“Bro, please.  I might be kinda dumb now but I can still find a fuckin’ door,” Billy said as he slid off the smaller man’s lap.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that you…”

“Nah, I’m just fuckin’ with you, bro,” Billy grinned.  “Probably couldn’t find the damn thing now anyway.  But that’s not the point,” he said, flashing his now-dripping hole again as he rummaged through the nearby fanny pack.  “THIS is the point.  When I pulled the knob, it spit out two of ‘em.”

Eric’s spent frame trembled as he sat up and stared at the unopened foil sleeve in his friend’s hand.  He suddenly felt like he was dangling over the edge of a great height, and he was rapidly losing his grip.  “Is that…for me?”

“Fuck yeah it is!  We’ve been buds for years, man.  Who else would I give it to?  Come on!  Get in on this,” Billy said, tossing the package to his friend.

Eric caught it, his hands instantly wanting to tear the top open.  “I…I don’t know, man.  This is a lot to think about.  I don’t even know which one’s in here!  And…and I’ve got a life already…I don’t know if I want to…”

“Broooooooooo,” I’m tellin’ you,” Billy interrupted, once again posing.  “There’s no losing here.  Just look at those dudes.  You’re fuckin’ hot as hell already, but it’s not even about the looks, man.  It’s just fun.  It feels good, you know?  I want you to feel it too.  I want you to do this with me.”

The combined effect of Billy’s final words, along with his puppy-dog eyes and chiseled, naked perfection, was more than Eric could resist.  He was on his feet before he even realized he was moving, his hands already tearing the package open.  “Let’s see who I…”

He broke off in a short grunt, his question answered when clumps of hair fell past his wide eyes and his whole body suddenly felt like it was being squeezed in a vice.  Just as rapidly as Billy had described, Eric watched his frame inflate, packing on pound after impossible pound.  Bony shoulders became broad and round, missing pecs grew thick and heavy, spindly arms bulked into burly pistons, and a formerly flat midsection ballooned into a brawny muscle gut above tree-trunk thighs and colossal cakes.  Eric’s short cock only lengthened slightly, but widened exponentially, along with the comically large balls that now fought for space between the beefy brunette’s smashed together thighs.

“WHAT THE FUCK,” Eric roared as the hair that had vanished from his now-shiny scalp began to sprout across the rest of his formerly smooth skin in a dense chocolate pelt.  “LOOKIT THIS SHIT!  I’M A GODDAMN BEAST,” he bellowed, his formerly light voice now deep and gruff.  He blinked and shook his head as the changes settled, a dazed grin spreading across his rounder, stubble-covered features.  “Helluva gut,” he laughed, gripping the sides of his furry, meaty midsection.  “Wait…am I talkin’ funny?  Head feels weird…” he muttered, only able to wedge a pair of stubby new fingers inside the half-forgotten sleeve to fish out the contents.  As expected, he pulled out a furry plastic brute bearing a similar shape to the one he’d adopted, but he was more interested in the details he read off the card.  “Meet Bobby Bear - This Crude Dude likes it rough!  He’s hairy and horny, but just rub his belly to make him loyal and loveable,” Eric said, raising an eyebrow.  “Crude?  That’s some bullshit,” he barked, tossing the card aside.  “Just ‘cause I don’t fuck around with all that fake fuckin’ nonsense don’t make me some kinda…” he paused and shook his head again.  “I’m just sayin…eatin’ ass for breakfast, lunch and dinner don’t mean…” Another pause.  “So I stay a lil’ ripe?  So what?  You got a tongue, don’t ya?  These balls ain’t gonna clean themselves,” he barked, his eyes going wide.  What little remained of the old Eric hadn’t intended to say any of it, but every time he opened his mouth the words spilled out of their own volition.  He ran a meaty new paw nervously over his bare scalp, taking a deep breath of the manly musk emanating from his hairy armpit in the process.  “Fuck, boy.  You were right…this IS wild,” he said, his free hand sliding down his broad belly to grip his thickened pudge.  “Lookit this meat!”

“Oh, I’m, looking” Billy said, mimicking Eric’s role in their earlier conversation.  “You gonna bring it over here, daddy,” he purred, pursing his lips.

The bald bruiser turned around instead and dropped back down onto the couch on his hands and knees.  “Fuck that,” he spat over a hairy shoulder.  “You already got it…it’s my turn.  Bring that pretty pink dick over here and give it to me good.”