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Bryce had no idea where he was or how he got there.  The last thing he remembered was being at home.  He was on summer break from his classes at the university and had gone for a visit which, until now, had been unremarkable.  His trips home always were.  They consisted of idle days spent working out, eating forced dinners with the folks, and then washing it all down by hanging out with high school friends he didn’t have much in common with anymore.  If he was really lucky he could manage a lackluster hook up with an old high school fling.

The only thing he really looked forward to was tormenting his scrawny little brother, but even that novelty was starting to wear off.  Alton was growing up and filling out, taking the fun away from pushing around someone smaller.  It wasn’t that he didn’t love his younger sibling, he just hadn’t inherited the instinct to be the “older brother.”  Taking the scrawny brat under his wing was never a priority, especially considering Bryce’s penchant for pushing people around.  He’d done it all through childhood, all through his teenage years, and now, at twenty two, was showing no signs of stopping.  Somewhere along the way he’d learned that his large size could get him what he wanted through intimidation easier than charm or negotiation.

The beefy giant wasn’t wrong.  Standing just shy of 6’3” and weighing in at a sturdy two hundred and seventy pounds, Bryce was a walking slab of thick, brawny muscle.  He wasn’t cut or chiseled, but throbbed with unrefined strength.  A boyish face sat neck-less on bowling ball shoulders, Bryce’s shaggy blonde hair and soft features a sharp contrast to the rest of his masculine bulk.  The hulking man’s nose was closer to a button than a beak, and he had a set of plump, full lips between his high, ruddy cheeks.  But the gentle mask was just that, falling away entirely as soon as Bryce flexed his piston arms or stuck out his hairy shelf of a chest.  His firm, rounded muscle gut was covered in the same dense blonde carpet that sprouted from his pecs, eventually spreading down to cover a set of legs shaped like granite pillars and topped by a heavy, prominent rear.

Bryce had been in the process of using all that bulk to slam Alton against a wall in the hallway.  He’d done it ever since his little brother was big enough to walk, and now that the sixteen year old was finally hitting a growth spurt he wanted to get in as much as he could.

“Move it, runt,” he’d barked.  It was Alton’s nickname for as long as he could remember, ever since he’d told the younger man that their parents would have been better off coming home with a dog than him.  He’d kept sauntering down the hallway, waiting for his brother’s whiny retort, but it never came.  Instead he heard chanting, then felt a topsy turvy vertigo in his stomach, like hurtling downhill on a rollercoaster.  He’d closed his eyes, and when he opened them he was no longer in his parents’ house.  He was in a small, brightly lit room with white walls.

The sensation was disorienting.  Bryce didn’t think he’d fallen asleep or passed out since he came to standing, not laying on the ground.  One moment he’d simply been there, and the next instant he was here, wherever that was.

“Hey...where are my…clothes...” The beefy blonde had been wearing a pair of boxers and a loose muscle shirt, but now stood naked.  The thought wasn’t as alarming as it should have been, filling him more with a dull curiosity than a sense of dread.  Even the sight of his thick, half-hard hose dangling casually exposed didn’t elicit the slightest concern.

“And here we have the ‘bro’ variety.”

Bryce made a slow turn at the voice, coming face to face with a pair of clothed strangers standing on the other side of a clear glass wall.  One of them was a short, lean young man in a tight, bright t-shirt and fitted jeans, while the other, older gentleman wore a red polo, black khakis and carried a tablet of some kind.  Beyond the pair he saw a handful of other people milling about, looking in on a variety of caged men like himself.

The idle crowd came in all shapes and sizes.  There were men, women, parents, and children, all accompanied by one of the tablet-carrying individuals, and each checking out the variety of  caged men who, lIke the crowd, came in all shapes, sizes, and ages.  Directly across from Bryce was a lean, shredded brunette that looked to be about his age, completely nude save for a pair of glasses.  To the left was a short, stocky bulldog of a man with a balding scalp who looked closer to middle age, and on the right was a young, heavy set ginger with a bushy beard.  There was a series of strange symbols above each cell that Bryce didn’t understand, but that the people looking in on them clearly did.

The shorter man in the bright shirt grinned bashfully, looking Bryce up and down.  “Wow...he’s a big one,” he said.  Bryce followed his gaze, feeling a quick rush of embarrassment at the sight of his own bare, twitching girth as he stepped forward.  A part of his brain told him to cover himself, but his limbs didn’t respond.  He was too focused on the rapid, eager beating of his heart.  He wanted these men to look at him.  He didn’t know why, only that it was important for them to like him the way he already liked them.

The man in the polo gave a knowing nod.  “The bros tend to run big.  They’re a physical bunch...good for helping out around the house with manual labor.  Simple things only, though, they’re better with their bodies than their brains.  They can’t read or write, but they’re loyal and loveable.  Aren’t you big guy?”

“Yeah...yeah!” Bryce nodded so fast his head bobbed up and down like it was on a spring.  He waved to the smaller man, grinning from ear to ear.  “Hi!”

He was gradually processing what the man had said about him not being able to read and write, but it was taking longer than usual.  It finally occurred to him that the strange symbols above the cages were merely words that he could no longer read, while the small square on the man’s polo he’d been puzzling over was a nametag.  It should have horrified him.  He was about to graduate with a degree in business marketing.  Suddenly waking up naked and illiterate was the stuff of nightmares, but all he felt was a giddy elation at the way the short, lean man looked at him.  Far from wanting to push the smaller man around, Bryce was desperate to please him.

“Uh, hey there.”  The shorter man leaned towards the other, not taking his eyes off Bryce’s beefy frame, and lowered his voice.  “And they’re friendly?”

The man with the tablet laughed.  “Oh, very much so.  Don’t let their size intimidate you.  When someone signs up for this category their aggressive impulses are dialed way, way down.  They love to roughhouse and wrestle but they’re big teddy bears.  Why don’t we go in and say hi?”

Bryce was trembling with excitement when the glass door opened and the men stepped inside.  “Hi,” he said again, fighting the sudden impulses to step forward and hug the smaller man.  Something in him said he shouldn’t do that until he was told it was okay.  Acting on instinct, he stood in place and started flexing as the shorter man walked in a slow circle around him.

“As you can see, the Bro Jock is a physical creature.  They need a lot of exercise and activity.”  He nodded over to the lean, ripped man in the glasses across the way.  “Reading ability aside, they’re not like the Nerd Jocks who are happy spending time with books.  Bros like to play...they like to be outside moving and running around.  They’ll toss a football for hours without getting bored.”

The big blonde could barely contain his excitement.  “Do you have a football?  I love football!”

The man with the tablet laughed and patted Bryce’s arm.  “Not yet, big guy.”  He turned his attention back to the smaller man.  “Give them the chance to run and play, though, and they’re pretty low maintenance, really.”  The man looked down at Bryce’s now solid cock, hesitating.  “As I’m sure you can tell, the Bros do come with a pretty strong libido.  They’re just as eager to please in that regard if you’re interested, or you can always get them fixed if it’s not something you want to deal with.”

The shorter man nodded as he listened, his eyes lingering on Bryce’s fat, seven inches and heavy, hairy balls.  He stepped forward and put a hand on the bare, furry chest, squeezing the firm muscle underneath.  “He is adorable,” the man muttered under his breath.  “He’s kinda like a big puppy, isn’t he?”

“Exactly,” the older man said.  “Bros more or less stay that way, too.  You’re not going to have deep conversations, but you won’t find a more loyal or loveable Jock in the store.”

“He’s excited,” the shorter man laughed as he felt Bryce trembling under his small hand.

“I think he likes you.”

Bryce didn’t understand why the men were talking about him like he wasn’t there, or why he liked it so much.  On a logical level, he knew that he should be terrified and furious and humiliated.  He was standing naked in front of the kind of scrawny pipsqueak he pushed around, eagerly letting the smaller man feel him up.  He was being sold like a pet and he wasn’t just happy about it, he was positively thrilled.

The shorter man pursed his lips and cocked his head from side to side, folding his thin arms across his stomach.  “Okay.  I’ll take him.  What do you say, big guy?  Wanna come home with me?”

Home.  The word broke across Bryce like a wave.  “Really?  Yeah...yeah!  Of course!  Really?!”  The big man couldn’t contain himself.  He wrapped the shorter man in his meaty embrace, his skin tingling when he felt the small hands stroking his back.  He stood a whole head taller but was putty in the shorter man’s hands.

“Okay...okay...let’s get the paperwork done,” the shorter man laughed.  “You give really good hugs,” he said, rubbing Bryce’s back as he stepped away.

Bryce’s eyes lit up with pride.  “Do you want another one?”

The shorter man gave Bryce’s plump rear a quick squeeze.  “When we get home, okay?  Do you have a name, big guy?  I’m Josh.”

“Hi Josh!  I’m…” Bryce trailed off.  The name wouldn’t come.  He wracked his dialed down brain but came up empty.

Josh watched the big man’s expression go confused.  “Hey, it’s okay.  How about Max?  That seems like a good name.”

The big man’s relief was palpable.  He let out a long breath even as he felt his old name slip from his mental grasp.  “Sure!  Max is great,” Bryce, now Max, said.

The man in the polo clapped.  “Perfect!  If you two will follow me, we’ll get you out of here in no time.”  He led the pair through a door in one of the white walls to what looked like a small physician’s office.  “Hop on up, Max,” he said, patting the exam table in the middle.

Max jumped up, his bare, meaty legs hanging over the edge.  Watching the man in the polo prepare several needles made him nervous, but Josh’s hand on his thigh was comforting.

The smaller man softly rubbed Max’s powerful, hairy leg.  “It’s okay buddy, this won’t hurt.”

“Not at all!”  The man in the polo’s tone was friendly as he came over with the small tray.  “Just a couple little pinches.  You’ll actually probably enjoy the last one.  Speaking of,” he turned to Josh, a small needle in his hand, “I need to do a quick finger prick for the bonding serum.”

“Ow,” Josh yelped at the sharp stab on his finger.  The sound of pain in the smaller man’s voice obliterated Max’s fear, replacing it with an overwhelming, protective instinct.

“Are you okay,” he asked, putting a burly arm around Josh’s thin shoulders.

The smaller man’s smile was like the sun beaming down on him.  “Yeah, it was nothing,” he said, leaning into the embrace before pulling away.  “Thanks, though,” he added.

“Alright, Max, lay back for me.”  The man in the polo patted the table and guided Max flat onto his back.  “You’ll feel a little pinch in your arm, okay?”  As he rubbed an alcohol swab on Max’s arm, the man looked over to Josh.  “This first injection is for disease prevention.  Makes him immune to most communicable diseases, STIs...things like that.  You won’t have to worry if he plays with the other Jocks.”

“Oh, that’s great!” Josh stood next to the table, a hand on Max’s furry pec.  “You hear that, dude?  You won’t have to worry about getting sick anymore.”  He laughed when he looked down and saw the pained expression on the big man’s face, staring back up at him with big, helpless eyes.  “Oh, buddy, you’re doing just fine!  Look, he’s already done with that one!”

Max felt his muscle relax as Josh started stroking his chest.  The remains of Bryce recoiled at the condescending tones, and the gradual recognition of the setting.  This wasn’t a physician’s office, it was a veterinarian’s.  They weren’t just talking to him like a dog, they were treating him like one.  He wished more than anything that the thought of “playing with other Jocks” didn’t make his already-aching cock throb.

Josh stroked through Bryce’s shaggy blonde hair with the other hand.  “You doing okay?”

“Uh-huh,” the big jock said timidly.  “Can...can we go now?”

The man in the polo laughed at Max’s nervousness.  “Almost.  This is the important one.”  He rubbed Max’s neck with the swab this time, looking back to Josh again.  “This is the bonding serum...we used your DNA to tailor it.  Once this is in his system he’ll be programmed to you as his primary.  You’re sure about this?  He can be unprogrammed if things don’t work out, but it’s not so great for their brains, and the Bros don’t have much to begin with.”

“I’m sure,” Josh said before Max’s fear at the thought of the other man leaving him could show.  “I’ve been researching Bros for a while and he’s exactly what I’ve been looking for.”

“Great!  Okay, Max,” he said as he lined the needle up the thick neck.  “You’ll feel a little dizzy, then really good,” he laughed.

Max didn’t know what that meant, but Josh didn’t seem concerned.  He winced at the burning sensation coursing up his neck, but it was short lived, fading into a dull, drunkenness.  The room around him became fluid, the exam table bobbing on the sudden ocean.  He looked to Josh for support, the other man the only stable object in the room.

“Oh!” Max gasped.  His thick, stout cock twitched and spasmed.  The big man’s mouth opened wordlessly as the wide member throbbed, his strange new feelings for the smaller man ratcheting up to another level.  He’d been excited about being near Josh from the start, but he was excited at the thought of being around anyone.  He liked people and he wanted them to like him.

He still felt that way, but Josh was becoming his priority.  His world.  As the serum worked its way over his addled brain, Josh became the most beautiful, perfect being Max had ever seen.  Just being in the lean man’s presence was overwhelming.  Max couldn’t believe how lucky he was.  Josh’s hand gently stroking his hairy chest was electric.  He started to imagine how it would feel rubbing his muscled stomach, then how it would feel wrapped around his oozing pole.  Then he started imagining what Josh’s body would feel like against his own hands, and how it would feel to be on all fours in front of his new best friend, presenting his plump rear for the taking.

“OOHHHHH!”  The big man arched his back and sprayed, his fat cock launching a sticky rain all over his hairy torso.

“There we go,” the man in the polo said, winking at Josh.  “It’s pretty clear if it works or not.”  He looked down at Max with a broad smile.  “Alright buddy, let’s get you some clothes and then you’re on your way to your new home.”

Josh took the offered wipes and cleaned the addled hunk off.  “You okay?  Ready to get outta here?”  Max could only nod, too captivated by the way Josh was cleaning him to say anything.  Though he’d just shot a sizeable load, he could already feel the dull ache returning to his softening hose as he sat up and hopped off the table.

The man with the tablet led them into another room, this one filled with other jocks and their new owners.  Max gave his fellow naked studs a broad, smug smile, letting them all know that he’d clearly gotten a better deal with Josh than any of them.

“Bros tend to have a hard time keeping anything on.  They’re physical creatures, so they like to feel the sun and air on their skin.  Athletic clothing is usually the best, and as little possible.”  The man with the tablet turned to a rack that was covered in strips of bright elastic and plastic.  He pulled one down and held up what looked like a jockstrap, with a hard, plastic cup in place of the pouch.  “We highly recommend these for the Bros.  They have a hard time keeping themselves under control,” he said, nodding down towards Max’s twitching beast, “so this keeps them out of trouble until they’re in an appropriate setting.  Of course there are the Jock Parks where they can strip down and play, but outside of that you don’t want the big guy getting you kicked out of anywhere.  Do you have a color preference?”

Josh looked over at Max and at the rainbow of elastic.  “Red.”

“Excellent choice!” The man handed Max the cherry red garment, who eagerly pulled it up his thick thighs.  The big man’s expression soured at the sensation of his hefty package being contained.

Josh rubbed the beefy blonde’s lower back, just above the tops of the ample cheeks currently accentuated by the jockstrap.  “It’s just while we’re in public.”

“I don’t like it.”  Max squirmed and pawed at the plastic cup that was frustratingly preventing him from getting hard.

Josh gave the plump cheeks a pat.  “I know, but when we’re at home you can let it all hang out, I promise.”  Max nodded at the smaller man while the tiny remains of Bryce retreated further and further into his shattered brain.

“These shorts are usually a hit,” the man said, next handing Josh a pair of small, white running shorts.  The thin nylon garment was considerably smaller than the boxers he used to wear, but that didn’t stop Max from pulling the shorts on.  They split around his wide, furry thighs and left the bright red jock clearly visible underneath the flimsy material.  Instead of being embarrassed, Max was just grateful that he wasn’t too covered.

“And for a shirt…” The man tossed him a matching red muscle shirt, which Max snatched from the air with a broad grin.  It was all spaghetti straps, scoop necks, and open sides, leaving his hairy, barrel torso mostly bare.

Though he never would have even thought of leaving the house dressed in so little in his old life, Max felt like he was wrapped in a straightjacket that was then covered by a down comforter.  The worst was when they shoved his long, wide feet into a pair of shoes.

“Oh, buddy, you look so cute!”  Josh wrapped his arms around Max’s firm midsection and rested his head on the big man’s massive chest.

“I do?” Max asked, willing to believe it if Josh said so.

“Of course!”  Josh cupped Max’s square jaw, running a thumb along his stubbled cheeks until the big man was smiling again.  “You wanna go look at the balls?”

“Yeah!”  Max would have bounded away if Josh hadn’t been holding his hand.  As it was, he was practically pulling the smaller man along behind him to the rack of footballs and baseballs.  Just the simple act of watching Josh grab one for him was like every birthday and christmas rolled into one.

“Eric is going to love you,” Josh said.  “Oh, yeah, Eric’s my roommate,” he added when Max cocked a confused head.  “He doesn’t know I’m bringing you home, but he’ll be fine with it.  I think.”

Before Josh could elaborate the man with the tablet came back to ring them out.  Max watched but couldn’t keep up with the rapid transaction.  He felt like he should know what was happening, but as long as Josh seemed happy he was okay with it.  “Oh, and we can’t forget this,” the man said, handing Josh a matching red collar with a small silver tag on it.  “I’ll let you do the honors.”

Max bent down when Josh motioned, letting his new friend fasten the collar into place around his wide neck.  Like the rest of his clothing, he didn’t like it, but he liked the way Josh looked at him in it.  Though he couldn’t read them, he knew the markings on the silver tag were his name.

He followed Josh out of the Jock Store and into the mall proper, the old Bryce surfacing long enough to leave a lingering fear rattling in Max’s empty brain.  The confused jock looked around and saw other men like himself, clad in strange clothing with collars on.  They were everywhere, happily tagging along behind non-collared shoppers.  More alarming, though, was the growing realization of just how limited he was.  He knew that he was looking at stores, and that those stores had names, he just couldn’t read them.  He saw signs with things he knew were numbers, but that knowledge was suddenly meaningless.  He looked down at the smaller man and knew just how helpless he’d be without him.  He huddled close.

“It’s a lot to take in, huh?”  Josh rubbed Max’s back, his tone condescending.  The big man nodded.

“Uh-huh.  I don’t know why I can’t…” he almost got the words out before they fled, trailing off into silence.

“You can take the clothes off when we get home,” Josh laughed, misreading the big man’s concern.  “Come on...sooner we get there, sooner you can get comfortable.”

The thought of getting out of the clothes was enough to drive the fear away.  Max draped an arm over Josh’s thin shoulders and let the smaller man lead the way, grinning from ear to ear.


The ride back to Josh’s apartment passed in an eager, confused blur for Max.  He didn’t recognize any of the landmarks they drove by or have any idea where he was.  It didn’t help that he couldn’t read any of the street signs or highway exits, and it never fully occurred to him to ask Josh what town or state they were in.  It didn’t seem to matter as much anymore.  What mattered was Josh sitting next to him, and that was all he really needed.

He focused instead on the sensation of the wind rushing in through the open window and how it felt against the bare patches of his sensitive skin.  Though his brain was moving at half speed, Max felt like his body was on overdrive.  All the sights and smells, the slightest sensation of fabric shifting against his hairy, burly frame, was in hyperfocus.  The big man found himself fidgeting and shifting in his seat constantly, having a harder and harder time sitting still.

“It’s okay big guy,” Josh said, reaching over to rub one of his bare thighs.  “We’re almost home.”  The bigger man shivered at the touch and felt his confined cock give a frustrated throb against its plastic prison.  “When we get there Eric might be a little surprised that I brought you home, but don’t worry, he’s a nice guy.  We’ve been talking about getting a jock...this just happened a little quicker than expected is all.”

Max placed a wide hand over Josh’s, holding it against his leg.  “You said he likes to play?”

Josh grinned, seemingly surprised that the collared stud remembered.  “Good job!”  He pulled his hand free and rubbed the back of Max’s buzzed head, eliciting a beaming grin from the other man.  “Yeah, Eric is a sports nut.  You guys should hit it off.  He’s not as big as you, but he looooves working out.  You like to run?”

“Uh-huh!  And lift, and football, and baseball, and catch, and frisbee, and swimming and…”

“Whoa, whoa,” Josh laughed.  “I get it!  That’s good...you can come with me on my runs and you can roughhouse with Eric.”

“Okay!” Max chirped, his heart starting to race as they pulled into the apartment complex.  They’d made a stop on the way, Max feeling like he was lost at sea when Josh left him in the car by himself for a few minutes to run into a store, coming out with a big box that filled the back of the car.  His excitement over going to his new home was turning into nerves at being in an unfamiliar setting.  None of the shapes and symbols he saw above the doors and on cars made any sense to him, and even though he knew it was something he should be able to do, watching Josh drive the car on the way home from the mall had been like watching someone perform brain surgery.

He followed hesitantly behind the smaller man, squeezing Josh’s hand every time they passed a stranger.  Max would give each of them a bright, excited smile, dimly aware that people were looking at him the same way they looked at a dog being walked.  The small part of him that was still Bryce cringed at the condescending smiles, but Max’s boisterous personality made any display of resistance impossible.

“It’s okay, come on in...this is your new home.”  Josh’s tone was calm as he pulled the tentative wall of muscle in behind him.  He gave Max’s ample rear a reassuring squeeze as the bigger man looked around and took in the relatively small apartment.  It wasn’t much bigger than the college housing he could barely recall, but it might as well have been a palace.

“This place is great!” He beamed.

Josh shrugged.  “It’s actually pretty shitty, but it’ll do for now.  Yo, Eric!  We’re home.”

There was a slight pause before Max heard a door open at the far end of the hallway, followed by approaching feet.  “We?  You royalty all of a...sudden…”

Like in the store, Max puffed his bulging pecs out and tried to make himself look impressive as the shirtless young man turned the corner and saw him.  Josh had been right that his friend wasn’t as big as Max, but the dark haired adonis was far from small.  Eric’s bare torso was a map of chiseled pecs and washboard abs that tapered downwards to a tiny waist and a set of firm, muscular legs that strained against his small black gym shorts.  His smooth skin was covered in a golden tan that popped against the thick, jet black hair on top of his boyish face.

“Duuuuude...what did you do,” Eric laughed, his impressive arms flexing as he placed his hands on his trim hips and looked Max up and down.

“Don’t get mad,” Josh said quickly.  “I know I didn’t run this by you first but I saw him at the mall and, I mean, come on….just look at him.”  Josh reached up and patted Max’s furry pecs, stroking the back of his head with his other hand.  “He’s adorable!”

“He’s certainly big,” Eric said as he stepped forward to inspect the burly stranger.

“Hi!  I’m Max!”

“Hey big guy. Eric,” the raven haired man said, patting Max on a broad shoulder.  “A bro, though?  Really,” he asked Josh as if Max wasn’t standing directly in front of him.

“They’re big teddy bears.  Good at doing stuff around the house AND he’s super into sports, so you’ll have someone to throw a football and wrestle with and stuff.”

Eric couldn’t help but smile at the look of excitement on Max’s face.  “But do we really want some big naked guy in the apartment?”

“I live with you, don’t I?”  Josh nodded towards Eric’s small shorts.  “That’s the most I’ve seen you wear around here all week…afraid of a little competition?”

The dark haired man laughed and shrugged.  “Fair point,” he said as he finished his inspection and stroked the small of Max’s back.  “Welcome aboard then, I guess.”

Eric barely had the words out of his mouth before Max wrapped him in a beefy embrace.  The big man noted how different Eric’s athletic frame felt in his arms from Josh’s lean little body, but he enjoyed them both the same.  He broke off the hug and stood grinning and squirming in front of his two new owners.

“Oh, you probably want out of those clothes, don’t you?”  Josh laughed at Max’s eager nodding and stepped forward to lift the muscle shirt free.  The big man fumbled out of his shoes at the same time and could barely contain himself when the tiny shorts were pulled down his tree trunk thighs.  The lingering Bryce was mortified at being stripped down in front of two strange men, but Max had never felt happier than when the unwanted jockstrap was pulled down and his imprisoned package was allowed to swing free.

“I can see why you liked him,” Eric laughed as he watched the big man’s thick hose twitch and harden.  He grabbed his own sizeable bulge through his shorts.  “Gonna give me an inferiority complex.”

“I don’t think he cares, dude.  Do you, big guy?”  Josh rubbed Max’s hairy abs, his tone chipper and demeaning.  “It doesn’t matter how small Eric’s dick is, right?”

“Nope!” Max shook his head, not picking up on the joke.

“Fuck you,” Eric laughed at Josh.  “Just don’t expect him to sleep in my bed.”

“Whatever, man.  Two days from now you two are gonna be inseparable.  And I already got him his own bed.”  He pointed over at the large box, a picture of a round beanbag chair on the outside.  “It’s specifically designed for bros, too.”

Eric knelt down to look at the packaging.  “Are those...fleshlight holes?”

“He’s a horny thing,” Josh shrugged, nodding over his shoulder at Max’s long, rigid cock.  “Supposed to help keep that in check.”

“After he wears you out, you mean?”  Eric punched his roommate in the shoulder when Josh blushed, getting a stern look from Max in the process.  “It’s cool, man.  No judging.  You picked one with a good ass, too.  I mean, he DID sign up for this, right?”

Max followed Josh and Eric’s conversation as best he could while the two men unboxed his new bed, but mostly the hairy beefcake was simply excited at the prospect of having something of his own.  It was HIS bed.  He wanted to throw himself on the plush cushion almost as much as he wanted to go outside and run around.  By the time his two new friends had it open and ready he was shifting his weight from foot to foot excitedly.

“Okay, big guy, she’s all…” Josh didn’t get a chance to complete the sentence before Max threw himself down on the thick cushion, rolling his brawny frame all over until he came to a stop spread eagle on his back.  His hairy shelf of a chest rose and fell quickly as he panted, his thick club-like cock standing straight up from between his sprawling thighs.

“Guess he likes it,” Eric laughed as he watched the big man squirm.  Far from being embarrassed as he should have been, Max felt nothing but contentment as he gazed longingly up at the two men.  Clad only in a collar, his aching cock and the exposed state of his heavy, hairy balls never once crossed his mind.  “You like it?”

“Uh-huh!” Max said, his massive triceps flexing as he propped himself upright.  “Can we go play outside now?”

Josh looked over at his shirtless roommate, already seeing his friend’s reluctance starting to fade in the face of Max’s cheerful excitement.  “Feel like breaking in his football?”

Eric crossed his arms over his ripped stomach and shrugged.  “Sure.  Can he go out like that, though,” he asked, nodding towards the solid, bobbing pole.

“You’re gonna have to take care of that before we can go outside, buddy,” Josh said, eyeing the thick rod.  “You’ll at least have to wear your shorts.  You can skip the shirt, though.”

Max’s brow furrowed.  The big man liked the idea of going outside, but he hated the idea of having to put clothes on again.  But if it meant he could play with his new friends, he was willing to suffer through it.  Acting on a new instinct, the beefy man rolled over to one of the open ports and casually slid himself inside.  Under the watchful eyes of the other two, he let out a series of quiet grunts as he thrust himself in and out rapidly.  It wasn’t the kind of planned, intentional fucking Bryce was used to, but a reflexive, jackrabbit humping.  The sensation of his large cheeks and thick muscles bouncing in time with the forceful thrusts let the old Bryce surface just long enough to feel a fresh wave of horror before his explosive cumming forced him under again.

“Looks like that’ll be a hell of a ride,” Eric laughed, giving Josh a backhanded slap in the stomach as Max finished.

Josh ignored his friend.  “Okay buddy, you ready to go?”

Max sprang to his feet and bounded over so fast he nearly tripped in the process, like his legs couldn’t keep up.  “Yep!” he beamed, his recent orgasm already a distant memory.

“You’ve gotta hold still,” Josh laughed as he struggled to get the jockstrap up Max’s squirming legs.  The big man couldn’t keep himself steady.  He tried his best, but could barely hold it together long enough for Josh to put the shorts back on.  “I’m not gonna worry about the shoes,” the smaller man said to Eric, Max already waiting eagerly by the door.

Once the other two were ready, the big man practically sprinted down the hall, only slowing a little when Josh called out behind him.  He knew he couldn’t get too far away but already his muscles burned with anticipation.  As soon as they made it to the large grassy field behind the building Max was running in circles.  He just needed to move.  The sun on his skin and the grass beneath his feet were like a drug, and when he leapt to pluck the football from mid air it was an ecstatic rush.  The simple act of tossing a ball back and forth between his two new friends left him feeling happier than he could ever remember.

“Having a good time,” Josh asked, jogging over to the shirtless, hairy man after he’d just lobbed the ball to Eric.

“Yeah!  This is great!” Max panted.  His beefy frame glistened with sweat but he showed no signs of stopping any time soon.

“You know what would be even more fun?  Eric’s got the ball, right?  You should go tackle him.”

“Okay!”  With a look of determination, Max bounded off towards Eric, his long legs devouring the field beneath him.

“Hey!  Wait a sec...what’re you…” Eric turned and ran at the last second, but Max gave chase, quickly closing the distance between them.  With a powerful leap he swallowed Eric in his grip and took them both to the ground, careful to absorb the brunt of the impact and not hurt the other man.

Josh watched the two men writhe on the ground, their laughter echoing off the buildings behind them.  “Not so bad, right,” he asked when the tangle of arms and legs had finally stopped moving.  Eric was flat on his back with Max draped over him.  Both men were covered in mud and grass stains and grinning from ear to ear.

“I think we can keep him,” the tanned man said, rubbing Max’s broad back as the two men caught their breath.

“That was fun!” Max said, shifting so that his head was resting on Eric’s chest.

“I knew the two of you would hit it off,” Josh said, loving the smitten look on his roommate’s face as Eric stroked the back of Max’s head.  He’d only been half joking when he’d said that Eric and Max were basically the same.  They were both athletic, physical creatures who clearly spoke the same language.  “Come on...let’s get you cleaned up and figure out dinner.  I bet you’re hungry.”

“Food?”  In another surprising blur of motion, Max was on his feet and helping Eric up.  “I’m starving!”  The big man bounded just as eagerly back to the apartment as he had out of it, careful again not to get too far ahead of the other two.  When they were back inside he found his shorts and jock tugged down without having to ask this time, once again loving the feeling of freedom his naked body brought him.

“Come on, big guy,” Eric said, clapping Max on the back.  “Let’s shower up.”  The chiseled man led his naked new friend into the bathroom and casually stripped down, pausing to remove the larger man’s collar before hissing the shower to life.

Max couldn’t take his eyes off the other man.  He was used to sizing guys up in the locker room, but this was different.  The sight of Eric’s perfectly muscled body standing naked before him was overwhelming and, for the first time, he felt exposed.  Despite his entire lack of clothes, it wasn’t until the collar was removed that Max actually felt naked.  He stumbled in behind the other man when directed, standing bashfully under the warm stream.

“Let’s get you scrubbed down,” Eric said as he began lathering up Max’s beefy torso.  The bigger man felt like he should be doing this himself, but as with his clothes, something was keeping his body from responding.  All he could do was stand and smile at the naked hunk, his thick cock growing achingly hard.  When Eric spun him around to start scrubbing his back he found himself instinctively pushing his meaty cheeks backwards, pressing them against the other man’s thick, heavy package.  “You tryin’ to tell me something,” Eric laughed after the third time, his own cock finally starting to twitch in response.

“Do...do you want to?”  Max asked, a pleading look washing over his face.  Now that they were both naked his need to be dominated by the other man was as sudden as it was desperate.  Eric was in better shape than him.  Eric was better hung than him.  Eric was in charge, and he needed to make it clear that he was subservient.

The dark haired man gave each of Max’s plump, hairy cheeks a squeeze.  “Do you WANT me to?”

“Uh-huh!”  Max nodded with a quick whimper.

The ripped hunk hesitated.  He thought of himself as straight, but something about Max made it seem like this wasn’t crossing a line.  “This is kinda weird, but I guess that’s the point of getting a jock, right?  You guys are into this sorta thing...” He pressed his hardening rod close, working it against Max until it was firm and ready.

The part of him that was still Bryce couldn’t believe what was about to happen until he felt Eric’s long, thick rod slide in.  He let out a loud, blissful whimper, burying his face against the tiled wall while the young stud behind him thrust in and out.  He sprayed after only a few thrusts but stayed in position while Eric pumped harder and harder until he felt a burst of warm liquid hit his insides.

“Hooookay,” Eric laughed, resting against Max’s broad back as he caught his breath.  “I can officially see why Josh wanted to get one of you guys”

Max couldn’t stop smiling while Eric toweled them both off, feeling like an excited kid when he burst out of the bathroom without his collar.

“Sounded like you two had a good time,” Josh laughed at his blushing, towel-clad friend.

“Uh...I mean...he wanted me to... “ Eric stammered, running a hand through his wet hair awkwardly.

“It was fun!” Max chirped, flopping down onto his bed.  “Is there food?”

On cue, there was a knock at the door and Max found himself sprawled naked in front of a pizza delivery man.  Instead of being embarrassed Max hopped up excitedly, his heavy package swinging wildly with the movement.  The young man at the door didn’t so much as give the naked giant a second glance other than to flash a condescending smile.

“He’s a big one,” the man laughed as Max bounded over.

“Just got him today,” Josh said as he took the small stack of pizzas and handed the man a tip.

As the evening passed, Max felt like he was in heaven.  His belly was full, he was curled up on his soft new bed, and his two new friends were sitting near him watching TV.  He tried to follow along with what they were talking about and what was on the screen, but his brain couldn’t keep up.  They were watching football, but to Max it was all moving at lightning speed.  He eventually gave up and let his heavy eyelids drift shut, falling into a deep sleep filled with dreams of his old life.

In his dreams, Bryce saw himself as he’d become.  He knew it was all wrong, that this wasn’t his life, it wasn’t really anyone’s life, but he was helpless to do anything about it.  He relived the events of the day, but with his old personality.  All of the embarrassment he hadn’t felt at parading around naked in front of everyone, at cumming uncontrollably in the vet’s office, at humping his bed in front of two strangers; it all hit him like a wave.  He wanted to scream as he thought back to how good it had felt to be fucked by Eric in the shower, and how eager he was to do it again. For the first time in his life he didn’t want to push another man around, but to be pushed around by him.  It was humiliating and confusing and arousing all at once.  He thought back to the simple days of pushing around his brother and how different things would be from now on.

“Hey...hey…” Max slowly opened his eyes on Josh’s gentle smile.  The smaller man had a hand on his shoulder and was rubbing it softly.  “You were just having a bad dream.”

“I...was?”  Max grumbled sleepily.  He didn’t know how long he’d been asleep but Eric was gone and it was dark outside.  He tried to remember what he’d been dreaming about, but as soon as he opened his eyes all he could focus on was Josh’s smiling face.  He was still sprawled on his back, his thick pole as rigid as ever.

“Come on,” Josh said, pulling him to his feet.  “You can sleep in my bed if you want.”

“I can?!”  Even in his sleepy haze Max’s heart started beating faster at the thought of wrapping himself around the smaller man.  He hoped Josh would fuck him like Eric had, but the smaller man had something else in mind.

“Feel like putting that to use first?” Josh asked, nodding down at Max’s throbbing pole.

The naked man blushed and looked down bashfully.  “Sure!  I don’t know if I’m good at it…” The remains of Bryce didn’t know what would be worse, getting fucked by a guy, or helplessly humping one like he had the bed.  His anxiety fled when Josh’s small hand started stroking his chest.

“Don’t worry about it…that’s what training is for.  We’ll get you there, buddy.”

Max grinned from ear to ear when the smaller man took him by the hand and led him down the hallway.  He had a flash of memory, of being in a hallway with another person smaller than him, but it hadn’t felt as good as this.  It faded quickly as he trotted eagerly behind his new owner, not mattering one way or the other.  Max couldn’t imagine wanting to be anywhere else.



That story really turn out right 👍