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Michael took another slow sip of his drink, using the motion to hide his grin.  He didn’t want to seem too eager.  He’d gone out to one of his usual hunting spots, a flashy, boutique pub with drinks that cost more than full meals elsewhere, when his new friend began chatting him up.  Luca was like most of the patrons, young and handsome, with a fit body, a full head of jet-black hair, and interests that went far beyond simple conversation.  Michael hadn’t yet made up his mind about Luca, he hadn’t had enough to drink yet, so he’d been prolonging the conversation.  He thought of himself as straight, at least for the most part, but Michael was never one to turn down attention, regardless of the source.

It was one of his directing impulses.  His love of being seen and recognized was the reason he spent more on his clothes than most people did on rent.  It was the reason he flashed his expensive watch and costly shoes, and why he kept his athletic frame immaculately manscaped, and his short, brunette hair perfectly styled.  Lest anyone think that his obsession with appearance crossed into more feminine territory, Michael was covered in tattoos and drove a flashy Porsche he could barely afford, but no cost was too high for his overblown masculinity.  He was a charming “man’s man,” an arrogant stud who’d never outgrown the bed-hopping days of his youth and who had no plans to do so any time soon.  And while Michael had yet to actually cross the line with another man, that didn’t mean he was above flirting.

The rugged hunk actually enjoyed it more when a man hit on him than a woman, especially a man as good looking as Luca.  His new friend had a perfectly stubbled, lantern jaw, and a broad, muscled frame as well dressed as his own.  Luca was clearly well off based on what he’d ordered so far, and he carried himself with a familiar swagger.  This was a man who knew, and could appreciate, how much work it took to look as good as Michael did, giving more weight to his compliments.

“Did I order wrong, Master Chef?  I see judgment in those eyes,” Luca laughed, nudging his small plate in Michael’s direction.  “Let me guess...you’d make it better?”

Michael made sure his hand brushed against Luca’s as he took the fork and stabbed a small bite.  He made a show of wrapping his lips around the fork, slowly pulling it free without breaking eye contact.  “It’s not bad,” he finally shrugged, his expression unimpressed.  “The food’s good here, I mean, I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t, it’s just not as good as mine.”

Luca rolled his eyes.  “Don’t all chefs think they make the best food?”

“But in my case it’s true,” Michael insisted with an arrogant smirk.  “You think I could afford to hang out in a place like this if I wasn’t the best of the best?”  He turned on his stool, his legs brushing against Luca’s, his arm and chest flexing against his tight button down as he leaned against the bar.  “What about you?  You’ve heard all about me and my kitchen...what are you best at?”

The dark-haired man raised an eyebrow, giving Michael a slow look up and down.  He lingered on the open patch of smooth, defined pecs that showed behind the unbuttoned top of the other man’s shirt.  “You’ll have to buy me a few more drinks to find that out,” Luca winked, his hand drifting down to Michael’s meaty thigh.

Michael tossed his head back in a loud laugh and clapped Luca on the shoulder, letting the other man’s hand stay where it was.  “A man of mystery, eh?  Alright, I’m game.  What do you want?”

Luca jerked his head towards the door.  “Not here.  You know food, I know drinks.  There’s a bar a few blocks over that’ll impress even your sensitive palette.  Feel like taking a walk?”

Michael hesitated for the first time.  Normally this would be the point where he’d break it off, opting instead to wait at the bar for an interested woman to inevitably come his way.  But there was something intriguing about Luca.  The more he stared at the other man’s piercing blue eyes the harder it was to look away, and Michael surprised himself by how much he wanted to keep their evening going.  He downed the rest of his drink in one gulp, his leg tingling beneath Luca’s lingering hand.  “Lead on,” he nodded.  Michael tried to stop Luca from paying by flashing his cash-stuffed wallet, but the other man already had a stack of bills on the counter.

“You can handle the next round when we get there,” Luca said, smiling at the look of wounded pride on the other man’s face.  “Not used to someone else getting the bill, are you?  Don’t worry...the night’s still young.  Plenty of opportunities to repay me.”

Michael laughed and shook his head, his shoulder rubbing against Luca’s as they walked.  He stood closer than he needed to, but instead of pulling away he leaned into it, enjoying the flashes of contact with the handsome young man.  “Oh no, I know that trick.  I offered to pay with cash, not with anything else,” he chided, wagging a finger.

“But you still haven’t heard what I’m best at,” Luca purred, reaching over and giving Michael’s solid rear a squeeze.  “Don’t rule anything out too early.”

Michael felt himself blush at the unexpected contact, a reaction he wasn’t accustomed to.  This was as far as he’d ever taken his flirting with another guy, especially in public.  He looked around to see if anyone was watching and threw an arm around Luca’s shoulders.  He’d meant it to feel imposing, like he was the one doing the holding, but instead it just felt like he was clinging to the other man.  Despite their similar, athletic builds, Luca radiated a strength that exceeded even Michael’s inflated impression of himself.

“It’s this way,” Luca said, nodding down a dark alley and giving the other man’s rear a squeeze.

Michael hesitated, trying not to lose his bearings.  He’d been more focused on the way Luca felt in his arms than the direction they were heading.  They’d already turned off the main drag down an unfamiliar side street, and now they were about to descend further into the labyrinth by heading down another dark alley.  They hadn’t passed anyone else since turning off the main street, leaving only the sound of their shoes echoing off the backs of the buildings that surrounded them.  “What kind of place is this again?”

Luca let go of Michael’s firm bottom, his hand closing around the other man’s.  “Scared?  Or just nervous?  It’s cute either way,” he said, his face a cocky smirk.

Michael pulled his hand away and shoved Luca up against a nearby wall, a flash of anger surging at the man’s condescending tone.  There was a quiet voice in his head warning him against following a strange man down a dark alley, but he was too proud to admit to being afraid.  “How scared do I look nowwwmph…” the blustering hunk was cut off when Luca leaned forward and pressed their lips together.  Michael tensed instinctively, his attempt at pulling away thwarted by Luca’s arm around his waist.  It was the first time he’d ever had another man’s tongue rooting against his own, but it didn’t show as he reflexively ground his solid bulge against Luca, his hands traveling up and down the other man’s broad back as his other instincts took over.

“So just nervous, then,” Luca laughed when Michael finally broke off the kiss.

The flustered brunette’s chest heaved, his breath coming fast and heavy as he clung to the grinning hunk’s solid rear.  That quiet voice in his head grew louder, urging him to turn and walk away before he crossed a line.  Michael could feel himself tottering on the precipice of no return, but in the moment he couldn’t decide if escape was even what he wanted.  Luca’s body was electric in his arms, filling him with sensations he’d never felt before.  It was the kind of opportunity that came less and less as he trudged through his mid-thirties, the chance to experience something totally new.  Michael leaned in for another kiss, this time taking it slow as he worked his lips down Luca’s strong jaw and smooth neck.  “Not nervous.  Excited,” he purred, squeezing the dark-haired hunk’s fat bulge through his pants.

“I could tell you were the adventurous type,” Luca laughed, throwing an arm over Michael’s shoulders and guiding him towards an unmarked, crimson door.  It opened seemingly of its own accord at Luca’s knock, and Michael was surprised to see that there was no bouncer or anyone waiting on the other side.  “This is a member’s only club,” Luca said, anticipating Michael’s question.  “Much better than a crowded pub, with the added benefit that we can do whatever we want,” he grinned, his hand lingering on Michael’s meaty rear as he led the other man down a spiraling marble staircase.

It was surprisingly opulent given the building’s worn exterior and unassuming location, but Michael had been in enough high-end clubs tucked away in crumbling warehouses to know that sometimes hiding in plain sight was the best option.  He could hear the quiet strains of ambient electronic music echoing up to greet them, along with a spicy, dragon’s blood aroma that left him pleasantly dizzy, and made the crimson wallpaper lining the stairwell appear to shift and move, the busy pattern of geometric shapes seeming to spin as they passed.  Michael blamed it on his last drink and eager nerves, telling himself it was nothing more than a trick of the dull red light bleeding up from the approaching landing.

“Here we are.”  Luca made a sweeping motion of his arm when they reached the bottom, gesturing to the dim interior.  It was sparsely lit, casting the room in a crimson haze that was punctuated by deep, impenetrable shadows.  Though they were just beneath a bustling metropolis, Michael was hit with a sense of scale that didn’t match the plush, intimate setting.  He blinked and shook his head as he looked at the sofas and chairs, and the large, pillowy cushions scattered around the room.  Sheer curtains were hung to separate the spaces, but even in the soft glow Michael could see right through them, giving him an unobstructed view of the men around him.  Some were dressed similar to Luca and himself, while others wore considerably less or were in the process of removing what they still had on.  It was mid-century modern mixed with an imperial harem.  Some men simply sat and drank, carrying on conversation while around them others fell on each other in a frenzy.  Weaving their way in between all of them were the scantily clad servers, men of varying shapes and sizes clad in thin sarongs, briefs or thongs.  “What do you think?”

Michael didn’t know what to say.  He was too busy trying to process all the incongruent elements.  His first impression of the crowd being mostly men turned out to be inaccurate as he realized it actually was exclusively male, though several of those lithe, slender figures pushed that definition.  Across the room he saw an impossibly muscled hulk draped on a large cushion, with a small, supple man in his arms.  Their mismatched sizes would have been shocking enough, but as Michael stared, he was certain the smaller man wore flat, empty panties.  “It’s...wow…” was all he could manage, his eyes going wide at the thin, androgynous man approaching them with the largest cock he’d ever seen.  The gargantuan organ swayed behind the sheer sarong that rode low on his curvy hips like a loincloth, a jarring contrast to his soft, feminine face.

“Two of the usuals, please,” Luca said, smiling at the look of shock on his friend’s face as the other man watched the server’s supple cheeks bounce when he scurried off to get their drinks.  “I told you it was better than a bar.”

“I’ve never seen...I mean, I’ve been to some...exotic...clubs before, but this is…” Michael trailed off as he stumbled behind Luca, dropping onto one of the sofas.  He was grateful for the dim lighting that obscured his tented pants, though looking at what was going on around him he realized it was most likely a moot point.  He surveyed the crowd, his cock throbbing painfully at both the chiseled, masculine hunks like himself and the softer, smaller twinks peppered throughout.  He felt every teasing, flirty interaction he’d ever had with another man suddenly slap him in the face as they all seemingly caught up with him at once.

“There’s nowhere else like this,” Luca said, settling next to the stunned man on the couch.

“You said it’s members only...what kind of group is this?  Is it..is it a fetish thing?” Michael asked, noting the pride in Luca’s voice.  He hadn’t yet touched a drink but he already felt drunk, his legs taking on the consistency of jello and his arms turning into lead as he propped them up on the back of the couch.  Speech was already becoming difficult, and the voice screaming in his head that he’d wandered into some kind of trap was drifting farther and farther away.

The dark-haired man laughed and leaned in close, slipping his hand beneath the open buttons at the top of Michael’s shirt.  “Fetish?  Nothing as mundane as that,” Luca scoffed.  “Believe it or not, this place is closer to a temple than a bar.”

“Te...temple?”  Michael stammered, gasping at the tendrils of pleasure stabbing into his chest from the other man’s groping hand.  He wanted to protest when Luca began unbuttoning his shirt, but all he could do was whimper when the grinning hunk kneaded his burly pecs and tweaked his nipples.  Crossing the line with Luca was one thing, but he had no desire to strip down and do it in front of everyone in the room.

Luca clearly had other ideas.  “Lean forward...arms up...there you go,” the other man said as Michael numbly obeyed.  The shirtless hunk’s body was on autopilot, ignoring his futile attempts at resistance as he let himself be stripped before settling back against the couch.  “You truly are an impressive specimen.  I can see why she chose you.”  Luca nodded and kept kneading Michael’s brawny chest, his eyes drooping and his fingers tracing a pattern across the muscled mounds.  “I can’t wait to see what you look like when we’re done.”

Michael watched Luca’s eyes snap open as he finished the sentence, the other man’s fingers going tense against his chest.  There was a brief tingling sensation followed by a feeling of pressure, but then there was only horror as the shirtless stud watched his chest inflate.  There was no other word for it.  Like someone had attached a pump to his nipples, Michael’s brawny shelf doubled in size, jutting off his chest as a set of granite, gravity defying mountains.  He wanted to scream, but he could barely manage to slur out a terrified moan, his body spasming, when Luca worked his enlarged, nubby nipples between his fingers.

“Feels wonderful, doesn’t it?” he laughed, looking down at Michael’s twitching pants.  “And we’re just getting started.”

“N..nnn..no...wait...what are you…” Michael stammered, surprised that there was any room left for embarrassment as he watched a crowd begin to form behind Luca.  He tried to stand when the other man closed his eyes and began making sweeping passes with his hands in the air, but he was little more than a passenger in a body he no longer recognized as his own.  At Luca’s touch, his shoulders had pushed outwards, shoving extra layers of muscle down onto his already sizable arms and leaving him with a top-heavy appearance.  The oversized new proportions were further accentuated, becoming a caricature when the other man grabbed his waist and literally pushed it inwards.  Michael felt his pants pull away from his hips as his athletic taper became an impossibly pinched midsection, but he was more concerned with what was going to happen when Luca finished undoing his fly.  He looked at the crowd with pleading, desperate eyes while the other man tugged his pants down his thighs, getting only hungry stares in return when his fat cock sprung free.  Michael was mortified at his bellowing groan when Luca wrapped his hand around the throbbing, seven inch pole, but despite his terror, whatever the other man was doing to him left him in a state of ecstasy.  His body wasn’t just taking on an exaggerated shape, it was adopting equally exaggerated responses, turning the slightest sensation into a punch of bliss.

“Not bad, but I think we can do bigger, right?” Luca said, laughing at the look on Michael’s face when the cock in his hand pulsed and expanded.  “You strike me as the kind of guy who likes to brag about his size...let’s give you something to really be proud of.”  Michael nearly blacked out from the overwhelming intensity when his aching organ pulsed again.  The girthy monster had already thickened to the point where it was starting to spread Luca’s fingers apart and was at least two inches longer.  As it reached nearly a foot in length, with an equally impractical width and a set of plump, oversized balls, Michael had no idea how he hadn’t cum yet.  His body was on fire, the pressure building to the point where he thought he’d physically explode, but something was keeping him from crossing the line.  “There we go, that’s a real showpiece, yeah?  But I think we should keep it just for show.”

“NNNNggg….no...no!”  Michael croaked out a hoarse gasp when the monster in Luca’s hand went limp.  It stayed the same size, and the pressure was as strong as ever, but there was a loud slap as the beastly hose fell heavily on his thigh.

Luca leaned over and nuzzled Michael’s neck.  “I didn’t say we were done,” he purred, shoving the stunned man down onto the couch.  “Trust me.”

Michael’s oversized pecs heaved as he struggled for breath, his eyes wild with fear as he looked at the grinning faces all around him.  Nothing that was happening should have been possible.  He hoped it was all a nightmare, or some drug-induced hallucination, but it all felt horrifyingly real as his pants were pulled free.  He gave Luca a pleading look when the other man began to fondle his thighs, a familiar tingling sensation spreading across his firm quads.  He didn’t need to struggle upright to see what was happening.  There was the same sense of pressure he’d felt at his chest, an expansion that lifted his lower half higher off the couch as his already-meaty cheeks inflated.  His thighs began to press more firmly together, and Michael finally got a sight of the thick trunks when Luca hefted them onto his shoulders.  “Oh...oh god…” he moaned, feeling his expanded cheeks shake with the motion while his useless cock slammed against his pinched stomach.

“Are you ready to find out what I’m best at,” Luca grinned, biting one of Michael’s widened thighs as he reached down and swirled a finger around the prone stud’s tight hole.

Michael spasmed and roared when the digits slipped effortlessly inside, forgetting his humiliation at being fingered in front of the gawking crowd.  Against the unrelenting tides of bliss coursing up his spine, even his fear was an afterthought.  All that mattered was relieving the unbearable pressure.  He watched Luca open his pants and fish out a cock that would have looked impressive if his own monstrous organ hadn’t been looming in front of it, but at least the dark-haired stud’s was hard.  Even in his dazed state Michael knew the other man shouldn’t have been able to slip inside so easily.  There was no pain like he’d expected, only an intensifying of the horrible ecstasy that made his vision blur.  With each thrust the dam was starting to break, and the last thing Michael heard was his own desperate, animalistic grunting as his lifeless cock began to ooze, the world going dark around him.


“MMMmmhmm….” Michael stirred, the bright light against his eyelids pulling him from his dreamless slumber.  “Wait...where the hell…?  Fuck...I don’t remember anything about last night…” he mumbled, blinking the sleep from his eyes.  It wasn’t the first time he’d woken up in an unfamiliar bed, and his body buzzed with the kind of contentment that usually followed a fun evening.  “Hope they still look as...good…” Michael’s laughter trailed off as he rolled over beneath the thin sheet, seeing his oversized pecs at the same time that he felt his unwieldy cock flop over a thigh.  “Shit!  What the fuck?!  What happened to...to…” he gasped, hazy, crimson coated memories slowly surfacing.  He gradually remembered the strange club, and his body changing under Luca’s hands while the crowd watched.  His heart raced as he tore the sheet aside, the sight of his tight waist, plump thighs, and limp monster making him nauseous.  He scrambled off the bed, immediately wishing he’d stayed in place when he came face-to-face with his altered reflection.

It was worse than he’d thought.  Seeing his new shape all at once, Michael discovered that, despite the extra muscle, his exaggerated proportions left him with a body that was more curvy than athletic.  His masculine taper had been turned into a chiseled hourglass as his lower half exploded outwards at the inflated melons that were his plump cheeks.  Everything about him had been twisted into a caricature.  His features from the neck up hadn’t been spared, and Michael found himself staring at a vastly different face.  He still had his lantern jaw, but his cheekbones were razor sharp, his lips were plump and full, and his nose had softened, leaving him with a face that was pretty, not ruggedly handsome.  Even his tattoos had changed, and what had been a mix of tribal patterns, suns, and other basic designs were now a collection of naked sailors, beefy hula dancers, and the swirling, geometric shapes he’d seen in the club’s wallpaper.

“I was wondering when you’d finally wake up.”

Michael spun at the unexpected voice, feeling the full dread of his situation as he felt his cheeks shift and his hulking cock remain lifeless despite the throb he felt at the sight of Luca’s naked, dripping frame.  He watched the handsome man finish toweling himself off, his stomach fluttering at the memory of Luca’s cock thrusting into him.  “Luca?  What...what is this?  What’d you do to me?!”  Instead of charging across the room and throwing the naked hunk through the window, Michael could only stand and squirm as the other man stared.

“I told you the club was only for members.  Now you’re a member,” he shrugged, dropping his damp towel onto the bed.

“I’m a freak!” Michael cried.  He shivered as he grabbed his oversized muscle tits, noticing for the first time that his skin was softer and smoother than it should have been.

“You’re a work of art,” Luca corrected.  Michael wanted to pull away when Luca crossed the room and wrapped his arms around his impossibly trim waist, but all he could do was stand in the other man’s grip and gasp at how small, and wonderful, Luca’s hands felt on his expanded rear.  “You’ve been given a gift, not a curse.  They don’t share their power with just anyone, you know.”

“Not a curse?  Look at what you did to my face!  And my fucking cock doesn’t work!  You’ve turned me into some limp-dicked pretty booooiiiieeee...!”  Michael squealed and went up on his toes when Luca’s fingers pressed against his hole.  He hated how good it felt as they wormed inside, and the other man’s smug grin at his desperate clinging.

“I know this is a lot to absorb all at once, and you were understandably out of it last night,” Luca said, guiding Michael back to the bed.  “I really do have to be going, but I suppose we have time for a bit of an explanation.”  The altered stud gasped and clung to the sheets, trying his best to pay attention as his body lit up under Luca’s probing fingers.  “You’ve been chosen.  And don’t bother asking me why because I don’t get to know those things.  Only a select few ever make it to that level.  All I know is that they wanted you, so here you are.  I don’t have time to explain the forces that make all this possible, but you’ll learn.  What happened to you is nothing but a fraction of our...their...power.  You’ve been reborn in the image of their choosing, and just like this lovely new frame is now your body, this,” he said, gesturing around the plush studio apartment with his free hand, “is now your home.  If you look out the window you’ll see we’re still in town, you’ll just be experiencing a different side of it going forward.”  Luca laughed as he tugged on Michael’s limp, oozing hose, the prone man’s tensing spasm making it clear the soft organ was still every bit as sensitive.  “You’ll be experiencing quite a few different sides in the coming days, but that’s part of the joy, isn’t it?  The truth should leave you changed, and you’ve just been given the slightest glimpse behind the curtain.  Just wait until you see what’s coming.”  Luca sighed and shook his head.  “But I’m getting ahead of myself.  What you need to know right now is that you’ll find everything you need has been provided.  You work at the club beneath this apartment, and no, it’s not the one you were at last night.  That’s for special occasions.  This is a bar I’m sure you’ve passed many times, you may have even been inside, but either way you’ll be a hit.  Your days as a chef are over, but you can still make and serve drinks.  That’s close, right?  Geoff will be up in a bit to help get you situated for your first night.”  Luca pulled his hand free and patted Michael’s oversized chest with a sympathetic smile.  “Sorry I can’t continue, but I really do have to get going.”

“Wai...wait...you can’t leave me like this…” Michael whimpered, his eyes glued to Luca’s perky bubble as the other man pulled on a pair of small, crimson briefs.

“I told you...everything you’ll need is here.”  Luca walked over to the dresser and pulled out a massive vibrator, tossing it onto the bed.  “You can practice, though you’ll find you don’t really need to.  Your body knows what to do.  Any shape or size...they’ll all feel fantastic.”

Michael hated the frantic way he grabbed the vibrator, but he marveled at how his body swallowed the thick club. It was significantly larger than Luca’s lovely cock, but the gasping hunk’s altered bottom took it as if it was perfectly lubed and tailor made just for him.  “HHHHOOOhhhhoouuuhHHHH!” he howled as he turned it on, his back arching off the bed.  A part of him was humiliated at the way he writhed, forced to fuck himself with a vibrator while another man watched, but a bigger part of him was turned on by the thought.  He toyed with his nipples and squirmed, a slack-jawed grin on his face as he stared up at Luca.

“Enjoy yourself.  We’ll be seeing plenty of each other from now on,” he said, bending down to give Michael a quick peck on the forehead before leaving.

Michael knew he should get up and try to flee, or at least explore his new surroundings, but his body was insatiable.  Even after he came, his soft cock no longer erupting but flowing like a faucet, he still needed more.  His stomach was soaked in the sticky deluge as he bucked and squirmed and groped his warped muscles, but he couldn’t bring himself to pull the vibrating bliss free.

“Oooof, Luca told me you might be a mess.  He wasn’t kidding.”

Michael lifted his head in a daze at the sound of the man’s voice, blushing at having been caught in such a state.  He didn’t recognize the handsome young stranger, but the sight of his lean frame straining against a tight t-shirt and small pair of chino shorts made Michael’s cock ooze harder.  “Who...who are…” he managed, noting the other man’s short, auburn hair and boyish face.

“Geoff.  And you’re clearly Michael,” he grinned, shaking his head.  “Sorry, you’ll have to play later.  We need to get you cleaned up.”  He reached down and pulled the vibrator free, tossing it aside as he surveyed the soaked sheets.  Michael couldn’t tell if he was relieved or disappointed.  His body was sore and he was drenched in sweat, and his disoriented state was slow in fading.  “Luca told me he gave you a basic rundown, so why don’t you go clean yourself up and I’ll take care of this?”

Instead of asking any of the thousands of questions running through his head, Michael simply nodded and lumbered into the bathroom.  He showered in a numb daze, surprised at how normal his body’s altered movements already felt.  He was equally surprised when he finished toweling off and grabbed one of the many bottles of lotion on reflex, covering every inch of himself in moisturizer.  Normally his bathroom counter had only deodorant, toothpaste and shaving cream, but this one was covered in lotions, masks, and beauty products that the old Michael never would have dreamed of purchasing.  He was both shocked and a little humiliated to discover that he even knew what they were, let alone how and when to use them.

He stumbled out of the bathroom just as Geoff finished making the bed, feeling none of the embarrassment he thought he should at standing naked in front of a stranger.  All he felt when he looked at the smiling young man was the same insatiable ache he’d had since waking up.  “There we go,” Geoff said, nodding at the freshly showered Michael.  “So what do you want to wear for your first shift?”

Michael walked over after he watched Geoff open a drawer and pull out a series of small briefs, his stomach sinking to discover nothing but underwear inside.  He pulled open the remaining three drawers but all they contained were a variety of briefs, thongs, and jockstraps, either covered in couture prints or made of expensive silk.  There was no closet in the studio that he could see, nor was there any other furniture that could hold clothing.  “Is this...where’s the rest?” Michael asked, dreading the thought of parading his altered body around in nothing but the skimpy underwear.  He’d always been a flashy dresser, and while the underwear certainly met that criteria, he hoped for something more.

“Oh, honey, this is plenty, trust me,” Geoff laughed.  He pulled out a pair of bikini briefs covered in a floral Hawaiian print of pink and green and tossed them to the other man, who slowly worked them up his chunky thighs.  The old Michael felt a stab of horror at the way his oversized cheeks spilled out the back, and the way his heavy package filled the pouch to capacity, causing the elastic band to pull away from his tiny waist.  He was mortified at the thought of being seen in such a state, but instead of saying that he cocked his head and grinned.  “They look...cute?”

“There she is!” Geoff cheered, giving Michael’s ample bottom a squeeze.

“Wait...why did I say...goddamn my head hurts…” Michael stammered, closing his eyes and rubbing his temples.  “Why does this all feel so...normal?”

“Because it is.  At least, it is now,” Geoff said, as if it should have been obvious.  “Sweety, listen to me.  Whatever...whoever...you were before?  You need to let that shit go.  Tell that little voice in your head to fuck right off ‘cause this fabulous new you is here to stay.”  Michael grinned despite himself as the exuberant young man hefted his useless bulge, his addled brain latching onto the message that everything was exactly as it should be.  “You are hot, hung, and eager to please...those boys downstairs are going to eat you up and you are going to love it.”

Michael smiled and nodded excitedly even as he slowly began to understand why he was so quick to agree to everything.  Whatever had been done clearly went more than skin deep, leaving him cheerfully submissive instead of cocky and confident.  As Geoff stared at him, all Michael wanted was to do whatever made the young man happy.  It didn’t matter that the wiry twink was half his size; Geoff was fully in control, just as Michael knew any other man would be.

“Now finish getting dressed so we can get you situated downstairs,” Geoff clapped.  Michael looked at the top of the dresser, normally where he kept his large, expensive watches, and saw a series of gold cuffs and bracelets instead.  He slid a few on, giggling at the way they jangled together when he moved his arms, something he caught himself doing more and more as he talked.  He slid on a pair of bright sneakers and followed Geoff down the stairs, his new proportions causing him to fall into an arched-back, hip-swaying saunter that showed off his oversized chest and oversized bottom in equal measure.

Michael braced himself, expecting to feel horrified as he followed Geoff through the door at the bottom of the stairs and into the bar, but like everything else, it all seemed impossibly commonplace, like he’d done it hundreds of times.  Walking into the bar in nothing but his underwear felt the same as when he’d walked into the kitchen in his chef’s coat.  It was just part of the job.  As Luca mentioned, he immediately recognized the club as one of the city’s more popular gay spots, a place he’d never thought he’d find himself, especially in such circumstances.  The old Michael wanted to scream at the thought of prancing around in his current state, helpless to refuse the whims of the hungry crowd, but the new Michael couldn’t wait.

The longer he was up and around the more he noticed the way his body buzzed with a constant, insatiable hunger.  While he was being introduced, Michael found himself grinning bashfully and checking out every man in sight, finding each one equally desirable regardless of their appearance.  Small and thin, short and heavy, tall and built; they were all perfect.  He didn’t understand how the gay bar fit into the bigger picture of whatever group Luca was a part of, but as they opened for business and the men started pouring in, he didn’t really care.

Michael was still well aware of his change in status.  He knew he’d gone from a prestigious chef who ran a kitchen to a glorified go-go boy serving drinks, he just hadn’t expected to enjoy it so much.  He had to consciously force himself to try and feel anything other than a dull giddiness as he flitted around the club with his colossal cheeks bouncing and countless men pawing at his girthy package.  More than one let it flop free when they wedged a tip in the waistband of his briefs, but instead of hurriedly stuffing himself away, Michael would let it swing like a pendulum before slowly pulling his underwear back into place.  It occurred to him that he was still flirting with and teasing other men, only now they were the ones in control.  And he loved it.

Michael actually started to hate the idea of the club closing for the night and taking away his audience.  He was enjoying the view just as much as they were, and he took just as many opportunities to grope them as they did him.  He loved the sea of hungry faces and the feeling of new bodies against his own.  The growing lust had completely overridden what remained of his inhibitions, letting the giddy, flamboyant new Michael out in full.  He swished and swayed and sauntered through the crowd without a care, his joy only fading when he saw a familiar face.

The sight of Riccardo was a punch in the gut.  Michael had worked with the wiry brunette at his previous job, and Riccardo had been one of those men he’d flirted with but never acted on.  He’d gone so far as to exchange explicit texts with the other man, and had even extended an invitation to hook up one drunken evening, only to retract it at the last minute when he sobered back up.  Looking at the man’s stunned expression, Michael knew there’d be no retracting anything this time.

“Ma...Michael?  Is that...holy shit!  Look at you!”  Riccardo laughed, his eyes wide.  He ran a hand through his thick brown hair, his face turning red enough for the both of them.

Michael wanted to turn and run.  The sight of a familiar face was enough to bring his old self back to the surface, which made his obvious ogling feel all that much worse.  He couldn’t stop himself from staring openly at the front of Riccardo’s pants as he stepped forward and wrapped his overly-muscled arms around the smaller man.  “Riccardo!” he said cheerfully, grinding his thick bulge against his friend.

The flustered man didn’t know what to say.  His hands hovered just above Michael’s plump cheeks before finally dropping onto the supple shelf.  “I don’t...I don’t even know what to say.  This is a new look for you, yeah?”

“I...had some work done,” Michael said, the words leaving his mouth before he could think about them.  He knew it was impossible to try and explain what really happened, but masking it as something he’d done to himself somehow felt worse.  “You like it?” he asked, batting his eyes.

Riccardo nodded, his wide-eyed surprise settling into a hungry stare.  “I mean, I liked the old Michael too, but this is…” he whistled and shook his head.  “You’re gorgeous.  So, uh, does this mean you’d be interested in picking up where we left off?  If I remember right, you owe me a raincheck.”

Michael’s stomach fluttered at the thought, his burning lust drowning out the old Michael’s meager protests.  He looked over at Geoff, but he didn’t have to say anything.  The other man just rolled his eyes and nodded, mouthing the word “hurry” over the noisy crowd.  He didn’t need to be told to move quickly.  Michael grabbed Riccardo’s hand and pulled him out the back door and up the stairs, loving the other man’s shocked laugh as his cheeks bounced wildly.  “I don’t have a lot of time, so we have to be quiiimmphh…” He was cut off when Riccardo slammed him up against the wall and pressed their lips together.  Michael remembered being in a similar situation the night before when he’d been the one doing the slamming, and it surprised him how much he enjoyed being on the receiving end.

He fumbled with Riccardo’s pants as he fished the other man’s rigid cock free, gasping as his own soft monster was kneaded and tugged.  He smiled bashfully when Riccardo pulled his briefs down and stepped back to look at the swaying club with a raised eyebrow.

“You always used to brag about what a stallion you were...was that just a line?” he asked, tugging on the limp organ.

It was a blow to the old Michael’s pride, but the new Michael just grinned and shrugged.  “Turns out I like being ridden better.”

“That works out for both of us,” Riccardo purred, pulling Michael along by his soft cock and shoving him down onto the bed.

There were no words after that, just the sounds of grunting and slamming as the lean man lined himself up and plunged inside.  Michael had just enough awareness left to appreciate the irony.  When he’d pictured this scenario before, he’d imagined himself as the one slamming into Riccardo.  He’d never thought that his face would be buried against the bed, his fattened cheeks and heavy muscle tits bouncing, his huge, lifeless cock winging strands of cum as the thin stud jackhammered into him.

More than with Luca earlier in the day, Riccardo’s pounding drove home the reality of his situation, and Michael knew he’d be spending plenty of time in just such a position.  Whatever impossible circumstance he’d been sucked into had twisted his mind just as much as his body, and this was as much a part of his humiliating new role as his job downstairs, but instead of dread, the thought filled him with excitement.  Beneath the encompassing haze of lust, behind the humiliating shreds of his former pride, Michael felt the stirrings of a bigger picture.  He didn’t know what any of it meant, but through his ecstatically blurred vision he saw flashes of something vast and incredible watching him with a multitude of approving eyes.

It was more than he could process, and the vision only lasted until Riccardo pushed him over the edge.  Michael whimpered and howled into the mattress as his tight hole pulled out every last drop of Riccardo’s copious explosion, swiveling his hips and bucking like a beast until the spent man slipped out and fell on top of him.

“Not how I pictured this playing out, but I’m not complaining,” Riccardo laughed, hefting Michael’s soft snake as they collapsed together on the bed.  He tapped a finger against the panting stud’s overly-puffed lips and ran it along his razor cheekbones with an admiring grin.  “This is a good look for you.  I’m glad you came to your senses and ditched that macho act.”

Michael smiled bashfully and blinked up at Riccardo, surprised at how small and secure he felt in the other man’s slender grip.  His former self would have been vying for control, but he was more than content to lay there and let the smaller man take charge.  “Me too,” he winked.


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