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Todd shook his head as he watched Brady slowly curl each dumbbell, silently wishing that the other man’s rotten interior could have matched his pristine exterior.  Instead, there was an inverse relationship, and Brady’s personality only became more grating the bigger he got.  There was no denying that the shirtless stud was a hunk.  With his wide, dimpled chin, pouty lips, dreamy eyes, dark hair, and strapping physique, it was the only word for him.  His voice was deep and booming, and at first glance his easy smile could come off as charming, adding to the aura of confidence that surrounded him.  He was still plenty young and virile at only twenty five, with the tanned, hung, sculpted body of a demi-god.  But if Brady was a deity, he certainly wasn’t a benevolent one.

“So…wait a sec…you mean you KNOW you’re ripping people off,” Todd asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Obviously,” Brady grunted with a nod, his eyes fixed on the way his massive bicep bulged in the mirrored wall as he finished his last rep.  Satisfied, he set the weights back on the rack and proceeded to go through a series of poses, admiring the way the glistening beads of sweat trickled through his rivers of lean definition.  He tugged his tiny shorts low, exposing the elastic waist of his briefs, along with his shredded obliques, and gave his washboard a few flexes for good measure.

Todd had expected a denial, or at least an excuse, but when it became clear that none would be forthcoming the blonde jock let out a long, low sigh.  “And you’re just okay with that,” he asked, folding his own set of sculpted arms across his own set of prominent pecs, not even attempting to conceal the judgment in his voice.  Todd’s shredded, six-foot physique was every bit the equal of Brady’s, save for his wavy golden mane, yet the exasperated blonde had managed to avoid becoming an arrogant monster during his similar span on the planet.

“Dude,” Brady barked, his flat tone making it clear he was willing to argue.  “Don’t get shitty with me.  I just answer the phones...I’m not the one rippin’ anyone off.  It’s a call center.  Aren’t they all shitty?  Take it up with my bosses if you wanna be a bitch.”

“But you are!  And no, they’re not!  Most ‘call centers’ are legit.  You’re working for actual scammers.  You’re also the one getting paid with the money your ‘bosses’ are scamming, so how can you possibly say you’re not..”

“Lemme stop you right there, bro,” Brady said, flashing a deceptively bright smile as he gave Todd’s firm rear a quick swat on the way to a cable machine.  “I just don’t give a shit.”

“Woooowwwwww,” the blonde laughed, genuinely impressed but not in a good way.  He and Brady were mostly lifting buds, not actual friends, and he didn’t know just how callous the pretty hunk could be.

Brady’s eyes were focused on his inflating triceps, not Todd, when he continued. “Go ahead and judge, dude.  No skin off my ass,” he grunted as he steadily pulled the cables down.  “Some’a the best, and easiest, money I’ve ever made.  And I ain’t gotta do shit for most of it.”

“Yeah, sure, just be a total monster,” Todd nodded.

“Boo-fuckin’-hoo,” the arrogant Adonis spat.  “Don’t be jealous.  It’s not a good look, bud.”

Todd was hit with a genuine surge of anger.  Normally he could write Brady off as an oblivious jerk, but it was occurring to him just how calculatingly cruel the other man was.  “Definitely not the emotion at the moment,” he said, looking around at the many other meatheads in the bustling lifter gym that he could be partnering with instead.

“Whatever, man.  It totally is.  You bitch about your job all the time, but I literally don’t have to give a fuck about any of it.  You’ve gotta wear all those fancy polos’n khakis’n shit…you know what my work uniform is?  Nothin’.  I can be sittin’ there with my dick out while I read the stupid script off my laptop, then when they start bitchin’ I can go back to watchin’ porn on my phone since I don’t have to fuckin’ read anymore.  Can’t do that in an office,” Brady shrugged, his tone smug.  “Doesn’t matter how hungover I am…doesn’t matter if I just rolled outta bed…fuck, dude, I even had a chick blowin’ me the other day.  You think I give a shit about some idiot who isn’t smart enough to realize they’re gettin’ fucked?  Not my problem.”

“Okay, so we’ve established that you’re a complete fucking asshole,” Todd said, his short laugh lacking any humor.  “Aren’t you worried about, like, legal drama?”

“No risk, no reward,” Brady said, mid-pose.  “But also, no.  It all goes through VPNs and routers’n shit.  No one knows who I am or where I am.  Most people can do is yell at me, but I’m usually too busy jerkin’ off to hear what they’re sayin’ anyway,” he laughed, making a jerking motion in front of his impressive bulge.  “It’s actually kinda funny listenin’ to ‘em get so mad.  One guy even threatened me with magic.”

“Magic?” Todd asked, wishing the person had actually followed through.

“Somethin’ like that.  Dude was goin’ on about havin’ some fuckin’ wizard or someone ‘rewrite my code’,” Brady said, complete with air quotes.  “Whatever the fuck that’s supposed to mean.  Maybe don’t watch so many movies and pay more attention to who you’re givin’ your money to, right?”

“I don’t know how you do it,” Todd sighed again, stepping up to take the other man’s place at the cable machine.  “I definitely wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”

“That’s the difference between me’n you,” Brady said, turning away from the mirror.  “I couldn’t care less, and you’ve got that big, juicy cock.”  The dark-haired hunk froze when he heard the words leave his mouth.  They weren’t at all what he’d intended to say, and on top of their jarring content they literally didn’t sound right.  Halfway through the sentence his deep, grunting rumble had smoothed at the edges, not so much raising in pitch as much as seeming to have been polished.

“I’m sorry…what did you just say,” Todd laughed, looking over a broad shoulder as he went through his set.

Brady cleared his throat, hoping to make a joke of the odd occurrence.  “You heard me, baby,” he purred instead, his voice sounding as unnaturally sultry as it just had.  “Why don’t you turn around and let me see it?  Or at least flex that ass for me.”  Brady screamed at himself internally, but he couldn’t keep himself from speaking.  The words seemed to have a mind and intent of their own, slipping out no matter how much he tried to will himself into silence.  More alarming, though, was the way his body had started to respond to the incongruent speech.  He caught himself biting at his lower lip as he stared at Todd’s broad, tapering back, the sight of the other man’s flexing triceps sending a pulse of authentic arousal through him.  Brady’s heart raced as the silence lingered, his head spinning as he tried to process what was happening.

“Like this,” Todd asked, tensing his ample, muscled globes without looking back.  This time there was no confusion in his voice, only an unusual note of arrogance.

“MMMmmmm…oh yeah, just like that,” Brady moaned with a loud, exaggerated groan.  He desperately tried to tell himself that Todd was just playing along with what the other man must have thought was a joke, but that hope turned to dust as he looked in the mirror.  Not only did Brady see his reflection lustily groping its plump pecs, his first sign that he’d even started doing it, he saw an entirely unbothered crowd.  Despite having just groaned at the top of his lungs, despite his voice’s unnatural new tone, and despite his pained expression and hungry hands, everyone continued about their business as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening.  “That gets me so fuckin’ hot I can’t stand it,” he whimpered, trying in vain to at least keep his hands at his chest instead of sliding down his tight washboard.

“What doesn’t,” Todd chuckled as he finally turned away from the machine.  He looked Brady up and down, grinning as the other man’s hands hovered at the waist of his shorts, but just nodded over to a nearby bench.  “Squats or bench press next?”

“Whatever makes you feel good,” Brady cooed, pursing his lips and writhing in place.  At first he’d dreaded what he’d assumed to be Todd’s mocking response, but now he longed for it, wishing that someone, anyone, would call out his behavior so that he wasn’t the only one who knew it wasn’t right.  “Do you want ME to make you feel good,” Brady asked, one hand locked at the waist of his shorts while the other slid through his cropped, raven hair.  He kissed and bit at his bicep in the process, his chiseled features hovering moments away from turning into a flushed frenzy.  “That body’s makin’ me feel greeeeeaaaaat,” he groaned again, drawing out the last word.

“I can see that,” Todd said, nodding down at Brady’s twitching bulge as he headed for the bench.

The dark-haired man was mortified at the thought of getting hard right there on the floor.  In his tight, tiny shorts it would be immediately obvious, especially considering the girthy nature of his equipment.  “Do you want to see more,” he asked instead of trying to cover himself, batting his eyes as he hooked his thumbs in the waist of his shorts.  Brady was certain that someone would finally respond when he teasingly tugged them down, exposing his stuffed briefs, but still no one batted an eye.  Even when he finally pushed them down altogether and stepped out of them, the rest of the gym acted as if a whimpering hunk in tented briefs was an everyday occurrence.

Todd just rolled his eyes.  “I don’t know why I expected you to actually wait for an answer.  We’re not getting through the rest of the workout until afterwards, are we?”

“Oh, it’ll be a workout, baby,” Brady practically snarled.

The blonde jock took a deep breath and grabbed a pair of dumbbells.  “I’m going to at least knock these out first.  Why don’t you go ahead and get yourself ready?  Don’t worry…you can tell me all about it while I’m doing this.  I know you’re going to anyway.”

Brady had no idea what Todd meant until his hands and mouth started moving of their own accord again.  The suddenly sultry stud didn’t know why he was slipping a pair of fingers into his mouth, but his ignorance only lasted until they slipped into the back of his straining, sweat-soaked briefs.  “OOOOOHHHhhhhHHHH…” Brady howled, the strong digits probing his hole while his other hand slipped into the front to begin tugging on his aching club.  “That’s right…get those tits nice’n juicy baby…gonna suck ‘em dry in a minute,” he purred, his eyes glued to Todd’s flexing muscle as the bare-chested blonde went through his sets.  Despite the exaggerated nature of his speech, there was nothing performative about the genuine lust coursing through Brady’s burning frame.  The dazed stud was just as confused about the shift in his desires as he was about the way he vocally, and constantly, expressed them.  “Oh you get me so hot…so fuckin’ hot…I’m so hard right now,” Brady moaned, a fresh wave of embarrassment washing over him when he literally tore his briefs free.  Standing in nothing but his worn sneakers, jerking himself off and borderline fingering himself in public, Brady knew something impossible was happening.  There was no way he ever should have gotten this far.  People should have been doing something other than eyeing him in their customarily hungry fashion.  His voice shouldn’t have sounded so processed.  But it all felt terrifyingly normal.  “Oh fuck…oh fuck…could blow my load right now, baby,” he said, his voice pained.  “Do you want it?  I’m gettin’ it good an’ ready for you, just like you told me to” he purred, pumping his hips to work the seven-inch log through his fist.

“I’m good,” Todd said, hefting himself upright after finishing his last rep.  He started to stand, but instead let the weights clang loudly to the floor when Brady straddled the bench in front of him.

“It sure is,” the naked Adonis winked, shoving the other man prone onto the bench before grabbing Todd’s shorts.  Without another word he jerked them down, letting the blonde’s twitching cock flop free.  “We can get it harder than that, though,” Brady pouted, dropping to the floor and burying his face in Todd’s lap.  He was acutely aware that he was kneeling naked and hard in the middle of the gym, now actively blowing another man, but despite his confusion and embarrassment, the dark-haired hunk had never felt better.  As Todd’s lengthy cock swelled between his soft lips, Brady knew he was fulfilling his life’s purpose.

That’s when it hit him.  The man who’d threatened him on the phone, the one who’d talked about rewriting his code, had warned him that he’d find another use for his mouth, and for his deep, smug voice.  The stranger had even somehow known that the young jock was naked and hard at the time, engaging in his usual work activities, and had told him that he’d undoubtedly be happier in his new role.  He’d be making others happy, too, the man had said, and Brady tried to deny the memories that began filtering in.  The slobbering stud saw himself in scenes just like this one, with man after man, seemingly anywhere and everywhere, as they took him up on the erotic opportunities he ceaselessly offered.  His altered voice and strange speech weren’t a fluke at all; they were now his only means of communication.  Brady was mortified when he realized that a “normal” conversation for himself consisted of whimpers, moans, and offers to either blow someone or finger himself.  To make them feel good the way they made him feel good.

“Looooooove the way you taste,” Brady purred, nuzzling Todd’s spit-slick rod when he finally came up for air.  “It’s sooooo big…gonna feel sooooo good.”

“Don’t…don’t leave me hangin’,” Todd said, his face flushed and his eyes wide.  “Uh, I’m going to need you to point that thing the other way,” he laughed when the other man started to straddle his lap with the dark-haired hunk facing him.  He sat up instead, his sculpted arms flexing as he grabbed the sides of the bench to support himself while Brady turned the other direction.  “Thaaaaat’s better,” Todd sighed, letting out a quiet grunt when the other man’s granite globes swallowed him.

“YYYYeeeEEEEEeeSSsssSSSS,” Brady howled as soon as the blonde slipped inside, his back arching and his head falling back on his shoulders.  His naked, bouncing bulk became a beacon of ecstasy as he writhed and moaned, staring at himself in the mirror the whole time.  Brady saw each of his pained expressions, each open-mouthed whimper and slack-jawed gasp, while his desperate wailing echoed around the gym.  Gone was the arrogant, self-controlled stud who was mostly silent in the sack, replaced by a sultry siren who literally couldn’t keep his mouth shut.  “Fill…fill me up, baby…pound this load…right…right outta me…” Brady begged, momentarily surprised at how natural it felt to be twerking on Todd’s lap until he remembered how often it happened now.  “Gonna cum so hard…make it fuckin’….rain in here…”

Brady lived up to his boasting when he finally erupted.  His untouched cock sprayed like a hose, blasting all over his reflection in a release that normally would have been humiliating, but now only filled him with an overwhelming sense of contentment.  That internal warmth grew when Todd added his own juices to the mix, leaving Brady spent and satisfied.

At least until he caught his breath and started another conversation.



Pretty hot. I think he will have a hard time getting a stable relationship. Kinda petty him for that.

Hugh Michelsen

This was hot! I kind of wished I knew who’d hired the code breaker. Was it Todd? Kind of seemed implied it was someone at the gym but the story also made it seem that Todd didn’t realize how much of an asshole Brady was until the start of the story. Also it seemed like Todd was straight.


In my head, it was one of the people who'd been ripped off by the scam call center that hired the Code Breaker. Glad you liked it!