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Matt hesitated at the top of the small hill, his heart racing as he looked down at the crowded field below.  He flushed slightly, the crimson sheen spreading down from his square-cut, stubble-covered jaw and across his exposed slab of a chest.  The stocky jock’s prominent pecs were mostly on display beneath his thin tank-top, the bright, sky-blue fabric popping against his olive skin and the wiry dusting of raven hair that coated it.  “I don’t know, man,” he said, one of his piston arms inflating as he reached up to nervously scratch at his short, dark hair.  “This feels weird.”

Brad sighed and gave the shorter man a backhanded slap on a broad shoulder.  Despite their similar outfits of thin, colorful tank-tops, muted nylon shorts, and bright sneakers, the pair couldn’t have been more different from one another.  Matt was short and wide, a bulky ball of sculpted Mediterranean muscle, while Brad was long and lean, his tanned skin naturally smooth save for the short chestnut beard that matched his wavy hair.  Where the brawny bruiser’s midsection crested out in a lumpy muscle-gut, the shredded brunette’s pinched inward, emphasizing his broad shoulders while simultaneously making his pecs and arms seem larger than they were.  The tightness at his waist also accentuated his perky rear, though the solid bubble was a far cry from the meaty globes straining against the back of Matt’s shorts.  “Don’t be a homophobe, bro,” Brad said, giving himself a quick once-over.

“Don’t be a…” Matt’s brooding features turned into a scowl as he glared at his friend.  “Fuck you, dude!  That’s not what feels weird about this.  The shit you’re trying to pull is the homophobic nonsense,” he scoffed, folding his massive arms across his chest.

“What?!  No it’s not,” Brad said, looking genuinely offended.  His sharp features, bright eyes and easy, bearded smile oozed charm even now.  “How could you possibly even spin it that way?”

“Are you for real,” Matt asked with a short laugh.  “Your sole reason for wanting to come to Pride was so you could, and I quote, ‘pick up women while their guard’s down.’  Kinda feels misogynistic too now that I’m saying it out loud.”

“Well yeah, when you say it like that,” Brad countered, shaking his head.

“I said it exactly how you said it.  Did I leave something out?”  Matt raised an eyebrow, fixing his friend with an expectant stare.

Brad squirmed.  “You’re taking it out of context!  It’s not like I want us to go in there and be creeps or anything.  I’m just sayin’...there are a lotta single girls here with their gay friends who’d be happy to see a pair of hot dudes who’re actually available.  And their gay friends get to look at those same hot dudes,” he said, his tone cheerful as he motioned back and forth between them.  “You know how crazy those guys are for some straight meat.”

It was Matt’s turn to sigh.  “Okay, this was a bad idea.  Pulling this shit at the gay bar in college was one thing, man, but we’re almost thirty.  Kinda feels like we’re too old to be…”

“Hey, don’t try and put this on me just ‘cause you’re uncomfortable with the thought of dudes checking you out,” Brad interrupted.  “THAT kinda feels homo…”

The brunette pretty-boy was cut off when, without warning, Matt reached out and grabbed the back of his head, pulling him in for a rough kiss.  No mere peck on the lips, the oral embrace lingered long enough to draw the attention of several passersby, but considering that they were at a Pride festival, the sight of two handsome men making out was far from remarkable.

“What were you saying?”  Matt’s soft, full lips curled into a smug, smirking smile when he finally let Brad go, though he hadn’t actually had to do anything to keep the other man in place.  Whether out of surprise, reflex, or something else altogether, his friend had returned the gesture with as much force as Matt had delivered it.

“What…what the fuck was that,” Brad asked with a shocked laugh, his face going purple.

“Still think I care about dudes checkin’ me out?”  Matt cocked his head to the side and gave his friend a slow, purposeful look up and down.  “Damn…didn’t think you’d actually be that good a kisser.”

“Could we change the subject please,” Brad sputtered, his normally unflappable demeanor clearly rattled by the surprise exchange.

“Why?  You’re the one with a halfer,” Matt laughed, reaching out to squeeze the brunette’s bulge.  Brad’s hefty cock actually was semi-firm, but they both knew it didn’t take much for the taller man to reach such a state.

“Hey!  Knock it off,” the frazzled hunk yelped, swatting Matt’s hand away.  “Fine.  You made your point.  But if you’re so opposed to this plan, why’d you even come?”

“Because I thought I could talk you out of it,” Matt shrugged.  “But since you’re so determined, I’m not going to miss a trainwreck like this.”

“You’re too kind,” Brad said, rolling his eyes again as he headed down the hill.  He tried to ignore the pleasant tingling that lingered at his lips from the unexpected kiss, but it had been surprisingly intense, as had his reaction to it.  His eager cock wasn’t just twitching as a reflex; he was legitimately, confusingly, turned on.

Brad actually did start to second guess his plan when they reached the main area of the event.  Being surrounded by a sea of attractive men in various states of undress only emphasized his odd reaction to Matt, especially as he watched them being similarly intimate with each other.  And, aside from the confusing arousal, the bearded brunette didn’t see nearly as many “eligible” women as he’d hoped.  There were plenty of women in attendance, but almost all of them were either obviously partnered, or obviously looking for a partner that wasn’t a man based on their immediate disinterest in his advances.  So far, his status as eye candy was the only part of the day that was going according to plan, as he caught many, many men giving him an interested eye.

“Something wrong,” Matt finally asked when they completed a second lap of the bustling field.  They’d passed vendors and food trucks and dance floors, but no matter where they ended up, the women Brad sought were inevitably elsewhere.

The pretty-boy shrugged.  “Not really the crowd I was expecting.”

“You mean a bunch’a gay dudes at a Gay Pride event?  Yeah, real shocking,” the shorter man laughed, gesturing around at the sun-soaked field.  “Whatever, dude.  At least it’s fuckin’ gorgeous out…and there’s beer.  Let’s make the most of it.”

“Hey!  What’re you…” Brad yelped when Matt came up from behind and grabbed the bottom of his shirt, but he still obediently raised his arms to let the other man pull it free.

“When in Rome, bro,” Matt grinned, wedging the shirt into the waist of Brad’s shorts before giving his friend’s ass a squeeze.

“I notice you still have yours on,” the taller man said, surprised at how good he suddenly felt.  A part of him was slightly embarrassed and self conscious to be walking through a crowd of gay guys with his tanned, chiseled torso on display, but a larger, growing part was excited by the idea.

Matt flexed his heaping chest, the granite mounds making his friend’s impressive shelf seem small.  “Don’t want to steal the spotlight.  We’re trying to get you laid, remember?”

“Gee, thanks,” Brad said, taking a deep breath as he forced his eyes away from Matt’s suddenly perfect pecs to look around.  “Might as well keep circling…see what’s what.”

The shorter man just nodded and fell in behind as they weaved their way through the crowd.  There was no destination, leaving them to ride the human current like a lustful lazy river.  They stopped to check out the various tables, they stood in lines that were too long for lackluster beer, and they hovered at the edge of the dance floor but never actually made their way on.  The whole time, Brad seemed either increasingly oblivious or increasingly at ease with the open stares, returning more than a few of them himself as he absently shimmied and swayed to the omnipresent music while they stood in line or checked out one of the vendors.

He’d also stopped looking for, and even talking about, any potential women, opting instead to find ways to get closer to Matt.  He’d “bump” into his friend while navigating the crowd, or stand as close as he could so that their bare arms brushed together in the small artist tents.  And whenever he thought Matt wasn’t looking, Brad’s eyes were glued to his friend, lingering on the stocky hunk’s meaty globes or truly appreciating the shorter man’s brooding features for the first time.  His friend caught him on more than one occasion, but Matt would only grin and pose.

“This ended up being more fun than I thought,” Brad said as the sun started to dip.  He stretched his bronzed arms overhead and fought the urge to bring one of them down around his friend’s broad shoulders.

“You make it sound like it’s over.  Night’s still young, man…the fun hasn’t even started yet.”  Matt surprised his friend by wrapping a brawny arm around his waist and pulling him in as they walked, leaving a hand resting on one of the other man’s trim hips.

Instead of tensing or pulling away, Brad just laughed and leaned into the embrace, making it a few steps before he realized he didn’t feel his tank-top hitting the back of his legs.  “Oh, shit.  Did my shirt fall out somewhere,” he asked, reaching around for where the top should have hung.

“Shirt?  What are you talking about?”

Matt’s tone sounded genuinely confused, but Brad wasn’t buying it.  “Very funny.  Did you take it?  I could’ve sworn it was…just…” the brunette trailed off when he finally looked down, the sight of the tiny, aqua jogging shorts striking him as entirely wrong.  He thought he should have been wearing a pair of charcoal nylon shorts.  The loose bottoms should have fit like swim trunks, reaching his mid-thigh, not stopping well above a point that his boxer-briefs should have reached.  And to that point, Brad kept thinking he should have had on a pair of black, modest underwear, but as he gawked at the bright bottoms with their rainbow piping he could clearly see a detailed outline of his thick cock against the thin material.  “Did…wait…what happened to my shorts,” he asked, feeling like he should be mortified at how low the skimpy bottoms rode on his tapering waist.  They showed off his firm washboard and chiseled obliques, but they also came to a stop just above the base of his plump package.

Matt merely raised an eyebrow.  “Uh…what are you talking about?”

“My shorts,” Brad insisted, finally registering the sensation of the thin material against his bare cheeks.  “These…these aren’t the ones I was wearing,” he said, pausing.  “Are they?”

“You doin’ okay, babe?  Those are the shorts you’ve had on all day.  Maybe you got too much sun?”

Brad felt like he should be irritated at his friend’s condescending tone, but instead his stomach fluttered.  “No!  No they’re…wait…what did you just call me?”  The taller man’s heart started racing as he looked at his friend.  All of the confusing emotions he’d been wrestling with suddenly coiled into a horny fist that punched him right in the gut.  Brad actually gasped, his head spinning as he looked around at a crowd that he now saw in an entirely different light.  The men weren’t just attractive; they were familiar.  And it wasn’t a kind of familiarity that came from actually knowing all of them, but from being one of them.  Brad felt like that wasn’t right, like he shouldn’t have much in common at all with a crowd of gay men, but he knew that wasn’t right, either.  He might be able to pass at first glance, but the second he opened his mouth or was around someone long enough, his flamboyance was entirely obvious.  “Ohhh, like, fuck me, baby,” he groaned, shaking his head and clinging to Matt to stay upright.  “Maybe I did go a teensy bit hard today,” Brad giggled, the foreign sound as impossibly familiar as everything else.

“Your teensy is going a bit hard right now,” the stocky stud laughed, nodding down at the front of Brad’s twitching shorts.

The dazed brunette gave another little giggle as he looked down, but the chirping laugh soon came to an abrupt stop as his thick, seven-inch club pulsed to its full length.  Though rigid the spasming didn’t stop, and with each twitch, Brad began to notice a horrifying alteration.  Seven inches became six, which then became five, then four, before finally settling at a short, stubby three, his once-impressive member going from an outlined log in the shorts to a petite tent.  He wanted to scream, but in the span of a few blinks he already had to struggle to remember that the tiny rod hadn’t always been that way.  He looked back up at Matt in the hopes that his friend would at least notice the difference, but as soon as he met the dark-haired hunk’s hungry gaze he forgot about it entirely.  “Hoooooly shit,” he giggled again, a muscled arm flailing.  “Like, how many of those seltzers did you let me drink?!”

“Let you,” Matt scoffed, his smooth, deep voice now seeming comically masculine by comparison.  “Baby, I learned a long time ago not to get in your way.”

“What can I say?  I like to have a good time,” Brad purred, turning in Matt’s grip so that he faced his friend.  He threw his arms across the stocky jock’s shoulders and ground his shrunken package against the other man’s hefty bulge before leaning in for a kiss.  Though Brad quickly lost himself in the embrace, he was still coherent enough to feel the unfamiliar ways in which Matt’s hands bit into his rear when his friend latched on.  Instead of small and firm, he could feel the too-soft mounds squish against and fill the other man’s calloused palms.  He could feel Matt kneading and bouncing them as they strained against the now ill-fitting shorts, and, most importantly, he could feel the unfamiliar throb that shot through them.  “Oh…oh god…Daddy… this…this is too much,” Brad groaned, biting his pouting lower lip.  For just a moment he realized what he was doing.  He was painfully aware of what had happened to his formerly proportional frame, just as he was painfully aware that he’d whimperingly called his supposedly straight friend “daddy” while writhing in the other man’s arms.

But he couldn’t do anything with the knowledge.  He didn’t want to.  What he wanted to do was strip out of his shorts, then strip Matt out of his, and then let the other man fuck his fattened ass senseless.  Fortunately, a nearby vendor who’d shut down their booth saw the pair’s predicament, and, with a wink of solidarity, motioned to the curtained tent.

Brad certainly didn’t need any additional encouragement.  He had his shorts off as soon as they’d slipped behind the dangling tarp, the sight of his shrunken little rod not striking him as odd or terrifying, but as wholly commonplace.  The same went for the sensation of his clapping melons as he hurriedly stripped Matt naked, his whole body quivering at the sight of the shorter man’s bare, sculpted bulk.  His friend’s wide, imposing cock was especially captivating, and Brad found himself eagerly dropping to his knees to inspect it further.  He swallowed the beast to the hilt, knowing that Matt loved the way his beard tickled against his churning balls and muscled thighs.  He thought about tweaking his own little cock while he choked on the thick club, but that would have meant letting go of Matt’s ample, rock-solid rear, which simply wasn’t an option.

After a few minutes of vigorous gagging, Brad was forcefully sent sprawling onto his back on the grass.  He had just enough time for a final, appreciative glance at Matt’s spit-slick monster before his toned legs were hefted into the air and he was pulled back onto the waiting pole.  Luckily, the stocky stud managed to clamp a hand over Brad’s mouth just before the penetrated pretty-boy started howling, a position they had to maintain for the duration.

Brad couldn't help it.  With his fattened cheeks rippling from the force of Matt’s thrusting and his tiny cock oozing while the other man loomed over him like a compact mountain of muscle, he felt like he was in paradise.  The pulsing music and the sound of the milling crowd just on the other side of the plastic sheet were thrilling, as were the sensations of the open air and soft grass against his skin.  He was still confused, and he still felt like he was forgetting something important, but at the moment the only thing that mattered was the handsome hunk erupting inside him.

For his part, as soon as he’d finished spraying, Matt pulled out and fell forward to swallow Brad’s miniature member in its entirety.  He loved the way the bearded bottom squirmed and moaned, more happy than ever that he’d decided to go through with his plan.  When they were out at the bar earlier that week, when Brad had originally told him about his idea for the day, the smug stud had been oblivious to the man who’d overheard their conversation.  That same man had later cornered Matt in the bathroom and told him exactly what would happen to Brad if his friend went through with it, but he left it up to the stocky jock as to whether or not he’d say anything.  Matt didn’t know for sure that the stranger had been able to read his desire, but, considering the strange scenario that Brad now found himself in, he didn’t doubt it.  The man, whose features he could no longer recall but whose voice still rang in his head, clearly had access to forces that shouldn’t have been possible.  Either way, the thought of his friend as an eager, thick-bottomed queen with a tiny cock was more than Matt could pass up.  After years of watching Brad flaunt his looks and endowment while secretly longing to experience both, it was an opportunity that the brawny jock felt he had to take advantage of.  After all, he told himself he wasn’t the one actually doing anything, and he really had tried to stop Brad.  If the other man decided to go through with it anyway, he got what he got.

At the moment, what Brad got was a back-arching orgasm that rocketed down Matt’s throat.  The bearded brunette’s diminished equipment still produced a sizable load, a load that the stocky jock sucked dry.  “Omigod yeeeeeeesssssssss,” Brad sighed when they collapsed in each other's arms to catch their breath.  “We absolutely HAVE to do this more often.”

“No arguments here,” Matt grinned.  “Just wait’ll we get back home.”  He didn’t know how far the alterations went, whether the whole world had changed or whether everyone was about to meet the new Brad for the first time, and he was excited to find out.

“Ummmm, not so fast mister,” the brunette bottom chided.  He tossed a flailing hand over his shoulder as he climbed to his feet, giving Matt an unobstructed view of his jiggling new curves and the way his expanded thighs made his tiny cock look even smaller.  “You said it yourself daddy…the night’s still young and there’s still a party out there.”



There's something about a hot jock turning into a microdicked bottom that's really fun to read!