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*** Haven't seen these guys in a while. ***

Dylan didn’t know what he was getting himself into.  Stumbling through a dark, coastal cave in the middle of the night wearing nothing but a pair of knit, threadbare boxers was far from the smartest or safest thing, but caution and logic went out the window whenever Seth was involved.  Even now, his thick cock twitched and throbbed as it bounced against the worn, navy fabric, the sight of the other man’s neon bubble driving him wild.  Seth’s straining, hot-pink bikini briefs were like a beacon, the bright fabric reflecting what little illumination radiated from the strange moss peppering the damp walls and ceiling of the cave.  Despite his smooth ebony skin, the other man’s perfect physique seemed almost iridescent in the dim light, only adding to Dylan’s confusing arousal.

The boxer-clad blonde still didn’t understand the strange sway that Seth held over him.  Before crossing paths with the impossibly-proportioned stud a few months prior, Dylan hadn’t once thought about fooling around with another man.  But Seth was magnetic.  He had a body the likes of which the blonde jock had never seen before, despite spending plenty of time in gyms and locker rooms over the years, along with a face that was just as chiseled and an abundance of charm to top it all off.  When Seth looked at you and smiled it was like being speared by the lighthouse’s beam, only instead of warning you away from the jutting cliffs that were the gorgeous hunk’s heaping pecs, it pulled you in close.

Dylan had been entirely unprepared.  He’d seen Seth, along with his constant companions Clay and Duncan, strutting around town with their bodies on display, but the brawny blonde never expected to get sucked in.  At first, he’d merely admired their stunning looks from an objective standpoint.  As someone who regularly lifted weights and had always been athletic himself, Dylan marveled at the trio’s measurements.  Their bodies were built like the resulting union from a swimmer and a powerlifter: broad, round shoulders, plump, juicy pecs, and long, massive arms loomed over tight, tapering waists that then curved outward again at their captivatingly thick bottoms and sturdy, supple thighs.  They also sported identical, envious bulges, each of them filling their tiny shorts and skimpy speedos to capacity.

As someone who’d always received their fair share of attention based on looks alone, Dylan wasn’t used to the sensation of feeling ugly that came from being in their presence.  At 24, his own athletic physique was shredded and strapping, maintaining an ample amount of muscle without crossing over into “bulky” territory, the defined frame coated in a light dusting of wiry yellow fur.  He had a slightly above-average endowment, a set of firm, perky cheeks, and a thick head of shaggy, golden hair sat atop his button-nosed, plump-lipped, lantern-jawed face.  Dylan didn’t have the instant, tractor-beam appeal that the curvy trio shared, but neither did he have to put forth much effort.  People came to him, not the other way around.

So when he’d found his thoughts constantly lingering on Seth, when he’d started jerking off to fantasies of the other man, Dylan didn’t know what to make of it.  When he’d actually mustered the nerve to strike up a conversation with the dark-skinned demigod, the flustered blonde realized it was the first time he’d felt nervous while approaching a potential partner.  His stomach had fluttered, his heart had raced, he’d felt bashful and awkward; it had been thrilling.

Their first few encounters had been relatively straightforward.  Seth had been the one to blow him, though Dylan had been caught off guard by just how enthusiastic his new friend was.  The other man hadn’t just sucked his dick, he’d stripped him down and licked him clean first, seeming to savor every second of the experience even more than himself.  It only took until the third time for Dylan to start reciprocating, his head spinning as he strained his jaw around the gorgeous hunk’s fat log, his hands clinging to Seth’s impossibly plump, perfect rear.

The door had been kicked wide open after that.  Dylan only hammered into those oversized cakes once before taking a turn on the receiving end, his straight-boy brain blown by the overwhelming ecstasy.  No matter the task at hand, Seth knew exactly what he was doing, bringing the blonde to the brink of bliss again and again before letting him finally spill over.  And Dylan couldn’t get enough.  Most men in Kingsbury Harbor had the pleasure of crossing paths with a member of the trio at least once, but the addicted Adonis was hooked.  He’d gone from smug lady’s man to eager groupie, even adopting the trio’s signature look.  Like them, he’d started to wear as little as possible, and he’d even started fooling around with other men when they weren’t available.  He may not have had their inherent magnetism, but he had more than enough of his own to fill the gap.

Which isn’t to say that it was effortless.  While the trio had a way of straddling a line that was both submissive and commanding, Dylan lacked their interpersonal agility.  When they debased themselves it was a thing of beauty.  When he did it, he was just a pretty-boy bottom taking a load to the face.  They were considered beautifully eccentric when they sauntered around town in matching denim cutoffs and nothing else.  Dylan’s friends told him he was desperate.  Where the trio seemed to bask in the demeaning abuse they took, the hunky blonde struggled with embarrassment and humiliation.  He winced internally at being called a freak for asking to huff his friend’s sweaty jockstraps, nor did he feel empowered when those same men taunted him as a thirsty cum slut.  He’d seen it happen to Seth and the others, but they seemed to become more radiant in response.  Even as the taunts and teasing continued, it was as if the trio and their partners were each playing a preordained role.

Dylan just felt dirty.  It was why he spent as much time as possible with the group.  He may have felt unusually inferior in their presence, but that was squarely an issue on his end, not the result of their actions.  The stunning studs never did anything to make him feel less-than, and Dylan was never happier than when he got to fool around with all three of them at the same time.  Closing his eyes, it was like getting fucked by a single body that could be in three places at once.  They weren’t just built the same; they felt the same.  They moved the same.  Only their distinct voices and faces set them apart, but in the heat of the moment, when it was all grunts and groans and half-closed eyes, they blurred into a single, ecstatic entity.

So when Seth suggested a group outing, Dylan didn’t care that it was in a cave.  He didn’t care about the hike through a creepy, coastal forest in the middle of the night.  He didn’t care that Seth had steadily been stripping him down as they ventured further in.  He didn’t even care about the change in his surroundings, how the jagged, rough-hewn cave had given way to a smooth-sided tunnel lined with glowing moss, as if something massive had burrowed through in ancient times.  All he cared about was the impending ecstasy when they reached their destination.

“Is it much farther,” he asked, shivering slightly as a cool breeze wafted down the large tunnel from behind them.  Instead of getting colder as they descended, the air steadily grew warmer, to the point where Dylan was actually glad he’d shed most of his clothes.  “We’ve been going down for a while now.”

“Not yet we haven’t,” Seth grinned over a shoulder.  He stopped and turned to face the other man, giving him a slow look up and down.  “Are you getting scared?”

“Impatient,” Dylan said, nodding down at his half-tented boxers.  He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Seth’s tight waist, gripping the ample cheeks that spilled from the tiny briefs.  “I’ve been staring at these beauties for too long.”

“You should’ve said something earlier,” Seth purred.  He ground his hefty bulge against Dylan while simultaneously reaching down to grab the blonde’s boxers, effortlessly tearing them free with a single tug.

“Hey!” Dylan yelped, his cock rocketing to attention at the primal display.  It was easy to forget that the trio’s muscled curves weren’t just for show, but as he was spun around to face one of the smooth walls, the blonde jock knew that, despite his slight advantage in height, Seth could have thrown him over a shoulder and carried him down the tunnel if he wanted to.

“What?  Not like you’ll need ‘em much longer,” Seth chuckled, grinning at the way Dylan went up on his toes as soon as his strong fingers slipped between the other man’s perky cheeks.

“Fuuuuuuuuuuuck,” Dylan sighed when they slipped inside, his own powerful arms flexing as he pressed against the damp, warm wall for support.  At one point, the thought of getting stripped down and then fingered by another man out in a cave would have struck him as repellent, but now he never wanted it to end.  He was putty in Seth’s capable hands, his fit frame lighting up from the inside every time the other man’s skilled fingers found their mark.  “Come on, man…you’ve gotta give it to me,” he whimpered.

“Not yet,” Seth said, shaking his head and pulling his hand free.  “That was just to tide you over.”

“Cruel,” Dylan pouted, his oozing cock feeling like it was about to rocket off his body.  “That’s what you are.  Cruel.  You can at least let me have this, then,” he said, dropping to his knees before Seth could stop him.  He had the other man’s underwear down in a flash, his lips wrapped around the hardening rod in an instant.  He sighed against the invading organ, pleased at the way his gag reflex had finally learned to accommodate the girthy monster as it hit the back of his throat.

“Rude to keep everyone waiting,” Seth finally said, his fingers stroking through Dylan’s wavy hair.  “We can do this with the others once we get there.  I promise…it’s just around the next curve.”

Dylan pulled his mouth free and ran his tongue along the wide shaft.  “If someone didn’t take forever, we could do this now AND do it then,” he grinned.

Seth shrugged.  “Are you seriously complaining that I last too long?  I’ll have to remember that next time you’re bouncing up and down on my lap,” he said, pulling the blonde to his feet.

“No, no…no complaints,” Dylan added quickly, giving the spit-slick log a tug as Seth stepped free of his underwear.  “It’s perfect just the way it is.”

“Thought so,” the dark-skin stud said, tousling the other man’s hair before draping an arm over his shoulders.  “Come on.”

They walked the rest of the way in each other’s arms, though, as promised, the now-naked pair only had to trek a bit further before the tunnel came to an abrupt halt, terminating in a spacious, spherical chamber.  The walls were as smooth as the rest of the tunnel and peppered with the same glowing growths, but Dylan was much more interested in the naked blonde and naked brunette that awaited them.

“Took you long enough,” Clay said, raising an eyebrow as he looked at the recently arrived pair.

“How many times did you stop to play,” Duncan asked, stepping forward to give Dylan’s cock a quick tug.  The brunette grinned at the way the blonde’s cock oozed as he ran a finger through the clear fluid and licked it clean.  “Someone’s in a good mood.  Did you tell him?”

Seth shook his head.  “Thought I’d wait until we were all together.”

Dylan’s heart started racing as Seth stepped over to join the other two.  “Tell me what?”

“How’d you like to join us?”  Seth motioned to the nearly identical men on either side, grinning.  “He’s seen your devotion.  There’s room in His Court if you’d like to serve for real.”

“He?  ‘He’ who,” Dylan asked, his excitement quickly overpowering his confusion.

“On your knees,” Seth said, his gentle tone in no way masking the fact that it was a command.

Dylan did as he was told, eagerly picking up where he’d left off on the other man’s fat cock.  His hands reached out to work Clay and Duncan while his head bobbed, but as soon as he made contact with all three, his vision blurred.  The dim light from the glowing moss began to flicker, shifting from a dull yellow to an iridescent rainbow.  At the same time, the wall at the far end blinked in and out of existence, the stone being replaced by a pair of towering, ornate metal doors.  The bronze-like material was oxidized and tarnished, appearing to have fused with the intricate seal that sat in the center, bridging the seam that ran vertically between them.  Dylan’s head spun as the images flashed in zoetropic fashion, his kneeling frame starting to vibrate as a deep, bone-shaking tone began to rattle through him.  He didn’t hear the sound, he felt it, and though it didn’t register as words, he had no doubt that something was speaking to him.

He had flashes of a cyclopean, coiled shape and a single, massive eye.  He felt the word King, realized where the town’s name came from, and understood what Seth meant about a Court and servitude.  Dylan didn’t know what the thing was but he knew what he was being offered, just as they all knew there was no way he’d turn it down.

His assent was as wordless as everything else, save for a sharp, hissing gasp when his whole body began to throb.  He pulled his face away from Seth’s hulking organ just as the trio erupted, his aching frame shifting beneath their warm deluge.  The sense of vertigo increased as Dylan watched his shoulders and arms begin to expand, the pecs between them puffing off his body into a familiar, plump shelf.  Before his view of it was obstructed, the warping blonde watched his cock inflate in a similar manner, his churning balls swelling as his thickening rear did the same.  Through his fog of pain and ecstasy, Dylan was thrilled at the thought of what he was becoming.

Until the growth kept going.  When his prominent pecs reached the proportions of the other three, they swelled further.  Already he could feel that his piston arms would hang at an awkward angle, and the shifting weight at his lower back as he lost his balance and stumbled made it clear that his rippling backside had reached a truly colossal state.

But it was the stumble that truly bothered him.  In his overwhelmed state, Dylan didn’t realize that he no longer knelt, but stood fully erect, though he still stared squarely at the trio’s midsections.  “Wait…what…what just happened…” he asked, his eyes going wide when he heard the helium squeak his voice had taken.  It was all too obvious what had occurred, but his brain refused to accept it.  His now-stubby hands shook as he palmed the heaping pecs that jutted off his compact torso, before running them down a cresting muscle-gut in a vain attempt at grasping the obscene log that hung like a third leg between his squat, meaty thighs.  In his overly muscled state, Dylan no longer had the range of motion to fully reach behind and grasp them, but what he could feel of the plump pumpkins told him everything he needed to know about just how impossibly large his ass had become.  He’d adopted the trio’s improbable proportions, but on his newly-shortened frame they’d officially become impossible.  He was a horse-hung caricature, no longer even reaching the four-foot mark, let alone his previous 6’2” height.  “What is this?!” he squeaked, his stomach fluttering while the group gazed down at him.

“Welcome to the Court,” Duncan said, his smile warm and genuine as he reached down to ruffle Dylan’s cum-matted hair.  The shrunken stud groaned, his obscene log of a cock pulsing at the touch.

“I know it’s an adjustment,” Clay nodded, motioning to the other two.  “We all went through it.  You…get used to it pretty quick.”

“Used to it?!  Used to this?!”  Dylan’s shrill new voice echoed around the chamber, sounding more excited than frightened.  “How?!  You guys look like…like that!  And I look like a…a freak!”

“You’re not a freak,” Seth finally said, his tone stern.  “But every Court needs a Jester.”

Dylan gasped when the now-taller man reached down and scooped him up.  His whole body quivered at the sensation of Seth’s seemingly massive hands clamping onto his oversized bubble as he wrapped his stubby legs as best he could around the other man’s tight waist, his log of a cock now wedged between them.  He leaned in for a kiss, his comically large pecs pressing against the other man’s as Clay stepped up behind.

As soon as the other man was inside, Dylan didn’t care what he looked like.  Being held aloft in Seth’s powerful arms, wedged between the two perfect hunks while one of them wore him like a glove was a kind of bliss he’d never even imagined possible.  He was still well aware that his formerly sculpted body had just been squished and warped into a mockery of that very perfection, but there was nothing “mocking” about what he currently experienced.  There was no humor or cruelty in Seth’s face, or in Clay’s thrusting hips, or Duncan’s hungry eyes.

As they literally passed him around, there was only joy.  Dylan was thrilled that he could now serve the trio like never before.  While they served the men around town, thereby feeding their master, he would serve them.  They brought everyone else joy, and he would bring it to them.  Compared to that, whatever anyone else thought of his unique new voice or his meaty, misproportioned curves and squat new stature, didn’t matter.

Dylan didn’t know how long they all went at it in the cave, but by the time they were done he was already starting to feel at home in his altered form.  He was quickly adjusting to the lumbering little waddle that had replaced his easy strut, though keeping up with the longer-legged trio still proved to be a challenge.  It didn’t help that his fattened ass shook like jello with each step, and that the cock hanging almost to his knees swung like a pendulum as he scampered.

“Huh,” he squeaked when they reached the tattered remains of his boxers.  “Is that why you said I wouldn’t need them?  Oh…fuck!  None of my stuff is going to fit me anymore, is it?  What am I going to wear?”

Seth grinned as he bent to give Dylan’s dangling new log a tug.  “What do you think?”



Love these compression transformations!


This was a wonderful continuation of the story! I have to agree that the compression tifs are unfailingly hot.