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Donny groaned, his head falling back on his shoulders while he stroked his fingers through Peter’s soft, copper hair.  The kneeling man’s tongue ran against his long, thick shaft, sending bright darts of bliss through his wiry frame.  “I…love…this…town…” he sighed, torn between the sight of his brawny lover and the sparkling, sunset sea through the windows beyond.

Peter took his time licking around Donny’s bulbous head before answering, working the rest of the other man’s imposing organ with a meaty fist.  “How have we not heard about it until now,” he asked, still sounding surprised.  “Hard to believe a place like this even exists.”

“It’s refreshing, that’s for damn sure,” Donny said with a short laugh.  “I don’t even feel this safe back in the city.  It’s nice to be able to put my arm around you without having to worry, and not be, like, stuck in a resort or on a cruise.”

Peter nodded, still on his knees.  “No one even gave us a second glance today.”

“Don’t sell yourself short,” Donny purred, gently batting his slick log against the side of the ginger’s face.  “I saw plenty of people taking another look.”

Peter’s smile was bashful as he blushed.  “Look who’s talking.  I’m still surprised you could even fit this thing in that little bikini,” he said, giving another flick of his tongue against the looming organ.

“Reeeeeaaaaally glad we took that lady at her word.  We’ll have to stop back tomorrow and pick something else out…gotta take advantage of it while we can, right?”  Like his licking lover, Donny was still processing the unexpected events of the day.  They’d arrived in town the night before, and after christening the cozy, seaside cabin with a romp the previous evening and again that morning, they’d planned to spend the day exploring downtown Kingsbury Harbor.  Donny had covered his toned, wiry frame in his usual attire of chino shorts and a tight t-shirt, while Peter had slipped his more muscular physique into a customary pair of nylon shorts and a loose tank-top.  Both outfits accentuated the pair’s contrasting builds, emphasizing how the taller brunette stood long and lean against the stocky redhead’s sculpted bulk, though their clothing’s efforts in that regard paled in comparison to the skimpy swimwear the duo ended up in.

Trunks was one of the first stores they passed on their stroll into town, and both men had been immediately impressed by the boutique’s curated collection.  Bright speedos, slinky bikinis, muted board shorts, sultry square-cuts; the small space was filled to bursting with everything but the traditional and boring.  Cropped muscle shirts sat next to tank-tops and terry cloth wraps, while sheer sarongs, flip-flops, and sandals rounded out the offerings.  Before they’d even been able to take it all in, Sarah, the disarmingly friendly proprietor, was helping each of them pick a perfect outfit, reassuring the flustered men that no matter what they settled on would be perfectly acceptable around town.  And whether it was due to Sarah’s emphatically genuine sales pitch or the freedom that came with being on vacation in an unfamiliar place, both of the somewhat-modest men went along for the ride.

Peter wound up in a tiny, turquoise speedo and a cropped, magenta muscle shirt with “BEACH BABE” written in matching bubble letters across his prominent pecs.  The revealing outfit left the majority of his short, sculpted frame on display, with the speedo straining around his solid rear and sturdy thighs.  It was a stretch for the stocky stud as, despite his impressive physique and classically handsome features, he didn’t normally flaunt his looks.  Even when they’d gone on gay cruises or had attended week-long parties at dedicated resorts, the pair always opted for more mundane attire.  They weren’t exactly shy or overly prude, but they also didn’t feel the need to be the center of attention.

Which is what made Donny’s pink bikinis and non-existent top all the more surprising.  The lean brunette’s boyish face was blushed and bashful as he slipped into the pointless bottoms, the thin strap of an elastic waist leaving his legs entirely bare while small panels of rosy fabric struggled to contain both his perky bubble and heaping bulge.  The material popped against his tanned skin with its light dusting of chocolate fur, nearly all of which was fully exposed as he pulled on a mesh, cropped tank-top.  The shirt looked like it had been made from an old fishing net, clearly designed for fashion over function as it only served to draw more attention to Donny’s defined torso than actually provide any type of coverage.

But, despite the uncharacteristic choice of attire, the two found themselves stepping out onto the street a short time later with matching fanny packs and flip-flops, their previous outfits tucked neatly away in bags.  And although they experienced some initial, bashful embarrassment, both men quickly forgot that anything out of the ordinary was happening at all.  By the time they’d finished browsing through Bellow’s Antiques next door, strutting down the street in their skimpy swimwear felt entirely natural.  It helped that no one so much as batted an eye or gave them a second glance, unless it was to admire the view, and they passed several other similarly dressed folks during their downtown exploration.  They even encountered people wearing significantly less, and came across a couple actively fucking on the pier, though neither of them found it remarkable until hours later when they were going over the events of the day.  Like themselves, none of the people on the bustling waterfront reacted to the amorous duo the way Donny and Peter expected, and even they later questioned whether it was actually noteworthy or not.  They were more focused on how even the somewhat stereotypical fishermen and rugged, brawny dockworkers seemed perfectly at ease with a flamboyant, nearly-naked duo in their midst.  It was a kind of weightlessness the pair had never experienced before, and they were finding it hard to wrap their heads around.

“Leaving isn’t going to be easy,” Peter sighed, shifting his attention to kiss along the interior of Donny’s thigh.

“Dude…don’t even bring that up.  We’ve still got all week,” the wiry man said, grinning at the thought of spending several more days in the unexpected paradise.

Peter returned the grin as he gave Donny’s log a vigorous pumping.  “I like how you turn our anniversary into a week-long event since you can’t remember the exact day. “

“Can’t help but wonder if your refusal to tell me…might be related to a…similar lapse…” the brunette grunted, the pressure rapidly mounting as the kneeling hunk pumped away.

“And give up a week of being spoiled?  Absolutely not,” Peter said, his free hand toying with the small charm nestled at the top of his prominent pecs.  Donny had bought the necklace for him earlier that day when they’d come across a vendor on the boardwalk, an older, surprisingly built man behind a folding table covered in handmade jewelry.  The weathered mountain of muscle, his tanned, leathery bulky spilling out of a loose tank-top, had described how each piece was fashioned from items he found washed ashore on the local beaches.  With his bald head, easy, crinkly smile and trimmed, white beard the man was like a coastal Santa Claus as he referred to each of the “gifts” he’d created.  They all had a specific purpose, he’d said, immediately handing Peter a necklace for “compatibility” when he heard that they were on a trip for their anniversary.  The thin rope cord bore a single, tumbled glass bead of a sea-green hue, the once-transparent crystal now cloudy and opaque from its time tumbling in the surf.

“Should I be worried that you picked out a necklace to…make us…compatible,” Donny asked, doing his best to hold back the imminent eruption.  “Kinda thought we…had that…covered by now.”

“HE picked it out, not me,” Peter corrected, fondling the bead.  “And did you see the way he looked at us?  Don’t think he was talking about our personalities.”

“Guess we…were…making it pretty…obvious, weren’t we?”  Donny chuckled and blushed when he thought back on how the man openly eyed their mismatched bulges.  It was yet another contrasting element between them, though one that was usually less noticeable to the casual observer, and the only one that actually caused a problem in their relationship.  Peter loved Donny’s taller height and tight, wiry build just as much as the thinner man loved the ginger’s stocky, burly bulk.  And as far as their inner workings went, the two lovers had connected on an intimate, fundamental level.  Neither of them had ever been in a relationship as deep or as unconditional before, and only one thing kept it from being perfect.  They both embodied the “vers” lifestyle, loving the acts of giving and receiving in equal measure, but Donny was too big, and Peter was too small.

The lean brunette sported an impressively imposing ten-inch monster that looked even larger against his tight build, and while Donny was normally proud of his superior endowment, since falling for Peter he’d come to see the gargantuan girth as a burden, not a blessing.  No matter how much they prepped or how slow they went, the buff ginger’s stubborn rear just couldn’t accept his hefty log.  Likewise, but at the other end of the spectrum, Peter’s short little rod couldn’t reach where his lover needed it to.  Though he had an abundance of size everywhere else, the sculpted redhead’s cock topped out at barely five inches, a fact that he’d always been embarrassed by but which, in all other respects, Donny found adorable.  So while the two of them knew in their hearts that they were made for each other, their individual parts had yet to reach the same accord.

They’d found ways to make it work.  Donny had become a pro with his fingers while Peter had been entirely willing to experiment with toys and strap-ons.  And there were plenty of ways they could enjoy each other’s body, like now, but even those came with their challenges.  Peter had to practically unhinge his jaw to swallow Donny’s bulbous monster, let alone deftly work anything with his tongue, which likewise deprived the taller man of the encompassing sensations he was able to provide his muscled lover.  As far as complaints went it was a minor hurdle, especially in the otherwise picture-perfect context of their relationship, but neither of them would turn down an easy solution if one presented itself.

Peter ran his tongue along the underside of Donny’s pulsing log in a slow lick.  “Looking at you in those little bikinis…I was having a hard time not making it more obvious,” the kneeling hunk purred.

Donny tensed, giving a valiant effort but finally losing the battle with the mounting pressure.  He erupted like a geyser, blasting Peter on the neck and chin in an explosion as impressive as the organ that produced it.  “Same here, obviously,” the taller man said with a sheepish grin as he looked at his lover’s dripping face.  The sticky liquid ran down Peter’s broad jaw, trickling along his wide neck and flowing into the valley between his plump pecs in a warm current that Donny never tired of watching.  This time, though, things took a turn when the copious fluid hit the glass bead.  The weathered gem started to glow on contact, illuminated by a sudden internal radiance that seemed to be growing more intense by the moment.  “Uh…should it be doing that?”

“Shit!” Peter yelped, hopping to his feet.  He fumbled with the cord, but before his stubby fingers could undo the knot there was a loud pop, like a shattering lightbulb, followed by a blinding, sea-green flash.  As the two stunned men blinked in a daze, a wave of tingling broke out across both of their staggering frames.

“Baby…what’s happ…” Donny broke off in a gasp as his cock rocketed to attention.  Though the dripping organ had just erupted it shot to its full length in an instant, but only for an instant.  As he looked on in frozen silence, Donny watched the thick club begin to dwindle, remaining hard as ever as ten inches became eight, then six, before finally settling at a thin four.  At the same time, his small, firm cheeks had expanded in the other direction, plumping and swelling into a thick set of round globes.  The meaty cakes hadn’t become freakishly large, but compared to the rest of his long, toned frame, their ample fullness made them seem all the more oversized.

And while Donny’s colossal cock shrank, Peter’s petite member underwent the opposite transformation.  The short, slim organ pulsed and swelled, expanding and lengthening into a girthy log.  The inflated cock and bloated balls didn’t appear to have reached the brunette’s imposing size, but they weren’t far off, appearing all the larger against his shorter, muscular physique.  “Fuck!  What the fuck?!” Peter yelped, his eyes wide as he instinctively clutched his hefty new member.

“Did…did my dick just shrink,” Donny asked, his voice shaking.  His flushed face went pale a moment later when he reached back and felt the full extent of his alterations, the color eventually returning in a crimson flood as he pawed at the supple mounds.  “What the fuck is this?!”

“Oh…oh my god, babe…you…” Peter sputtered, his inflated log surging at the sight of his lover’s altered frame.  “...how did you just get even hotter?”

“Hotter?!  What are you…I’m not…I…” the frantic brunette trailed off as he watched Peter’s cock wag back and forth, the impossible pieces finally fitting together.  “Holy shit.  The necklace.”

It took the flustered ginger a moment to follow.  “What?!  No.  That’s not…I mean…how would a necklace do…this,” he asked, giving his new pole a squeeze.

“You said it yourself…he wasn’t talking about our personalities needing to be compatible.”  Donny gasped when he reached down and gave his own reduced endowment a squeeze, the sensation of the smaller cock and shrunken balls easily filling his large hand making him shiver.

“But…how could he possibly have known,” Peter asked, his mouth watering as he watched Donny paw at himself.  It was taking all of his self control not to reach out and latch onto his lover's inflated rear, but he didn’t want to overwhelm the other man.

“How could any of this happen,” the taller man countered, shaking his head.  He grinned despite his shock and turned his back towards Peter, asking, “does my ass look as big as I think it does?”

The shorter man couldn’t help himself.  He stepped forward and grabbed a plump pillow in each hand, giving a rough squeeze.  “It looks fuckin’ great, babe,” he purred.

Donny groaned and pressed back into the groping grasp, his head spinning and his stomach fluttering at the sudden hunger that shot through him.  “We…we should probably find out…right,” he asked over a shoulder.

Peter didn’t need any further encouragement.  He wrapped his powerful arms around the thinner man as Donny leaned forward, his fattened cock slipping effortlessly inside.  It was as if their bodies had been made for each other, with his inflated organ pumping out a slick coating of lube as soon as he’d even started to press inside.  “Oh fuuuuuuuuuck,” he groaned, burying his head between the other man’s shoulder blades.  “How does it feel?”

“Inc…incredible…” Donny gasped, his jaw dropping.  He’d never felt anything like it.  Peter’s cock hit every spot that needed to be hit, lighting him up from the inside as the invading organ slid back and forth.  Coupled with the new sensation of the added padding rippling upon impact at his backside, the chocolate-haired hunk was quickly overwhelmed.  “Oh my god…oh my god…oh my god…” he whimpered, loving instead of dreading the missing weight between his toned thighs.  He was used to his former log slapping and flopping uncomfortably, but he didn’t have to give his shrunken member a second thought, unless it was to moan as Peter’s meaty paw tugged on it.

For his part, the thrusting redhead worked himself into a steady rhythm, his muscled rear dimpling as he rolled his hips with surgical precision.  It was as if his body was communicating with Donny’s on a primitive level, automatically responding to the other man’s desire.  He sped up and slowed down on instinct, varying the force and the pace until his lover finally erupted.  The shrunken cock still produced a sizable load, though it paled in comparison to the deluge that poured out from between his plumped cheeks when Peter quickly followed suit.

There was a prolonged silence, punctuated only by the pair’s breathless panting, as they struggled to process what just happened.  On one hand, they knew their bodies had been impossibly warped without warning, but on the other, they’d been warped to give them exactly what they’d wanted for so long.

“I…I can’t believe we actually just did that,” Donny finally said, his eyes wide.

“We’re not done yet,” Peter grinned, spinning the other man around to face him before once more dropping to his knees.  This time, he had no difficulty at all in swallowing Donny’s twitching member, the half-hard organ reversing course and starting to harden again as he eagerly swallowed it whole.  “Oh my god I love this so much,” he said around the compact organ, his hands glued to Donny’s meaty cheeks.

“No…complaints here…” the taller man grunted.  His own mouth watered as he thought about how long it would be until he could get his lips around Peter’s thickened cock.  Based on its size he didn’t anticipate the same struggles his lover had experienced, though there was only one way to find out for sure.  It would have to wait.  As soon as Peter’s soft lips had him recharged and ready, Donny spun the shorter stud around, latched onto his pecs from behind, and worked his little rod inside.

“HHHOOOUUUHHHnnnnNNHHHH!”  Peter arched his back and howled as soon as the other man entered, his unexpectedly intense reaction causing his lover to instantly pull out.

“Are you okay?  Did it hurt?  I’m sorry, I…”

“It was amazing,” Peter said, his voice low and surprised.  “I…I couldn’t help it.  It just came outta me…”

“Wait…like this,” Donny asked, once again pressing inside.

“NNNHHHGGGgggooOOOUUHHHH!”  Peter howled again, his whole body going crimson.  “YEEESSSS….oh my god yessss…” he groaned, his handsome face an ecstatic mask.

Donny couldn’t help but grin.  Peter was normally reserved in the bedroom, and he’d always wished the other man would let loose a little.  Now, as he hammered into the solid cheeks with his mighty little rod and played the other man like a moaning, muscled instrument, the sound was music to his ears.  “I…wondered why I…got a fat ass…and a tiny dick…but you just…got big…” he grunted between thrusts.  “Now I…get it…you’re cute…as a…screamer…”

Peter responded with another wail, throwing his ass back and bucking like an animal.  The two went at it again and again, exploring this new facet of their relationship until they were an exhausted tangle of sticky limbs.  They took their time cleaning up afterwards, enjoying the lingering buzz along with the new view of each other’s body as they rinsed off and slipped back into their skimpy swimwear.

“Well that’s embarrassing,” Donny said, wincing as he looked down at the tiny nub where his girthy package used to be.  Soft, the shrunken organ was barely a pair of inches, but the brunette’s swollen rear made up for it and then some.  The enlarged cheeks swallowed nearly all of the bikini’s back panel, proudly refusing to be obscured.

“Don’t think anyone’s going to be looking at your dick, babe,” Peter laughed, reaching out to give the little bulge a squeeze.  “And I think it’s just perfect.  Is there someone besides you and me whose opinion on the subject matters more here?”

Donny grinned and blushed, his little cock twitching as he looked at the apparent grapefruit wedged into the front of the ginger’s speedo. “How’s that feel?”

It was Peter’s turn to blush as he looked down, feeling an unaccustomed rush of air against the slides of his inflated, barely-covered balls.  “Tight,” he said, tugging on the tiny swimwear in a futile attempt at getting it to provide more coverage.  “How did you deal with this all the time?”

“You get used to it,” Donny shrugged, fighting the urge to fish the fat log free and start all over again.  “So what now?”

Peter rubbed his abs and nodded towards the door.  “I’m starving.  I think that Clamshell place said it was open 24 hours?”

Donny still didn’t relish the idea of being seen in public in his altered frame, but even as he hesitated he could feel the anxiety beginning to thaw.  “Fuck it.  We’re going to have to rip this bandaid off at some point, aren’t we?”

Peter gave one of Donny’s cheeks a loud, ripple-inducing slap before slipping into his tank-top and flip-flops.  “Let’s go before I rip something else off,” he winked.