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“But it’s weird, right?  How everyone just, like, goes with it?  I mean, come on!  It was bad enough when it was only the assholes whose eyes would start glowing red, but now this blue shit?  What does it all mean?  Where’s it even come from?  How does the world just…” Connor trailed off, shaking his head.  The dull, sapphire glow emanating from his eyes made it clear the questions weren’t simply rhetorical.  “I can’t wrap my head around it.”

“There’s a shocker,” Tom said, rolling his eyes.  “Don’t strain yourself trying.”

The ocularly-illuminated blonde grinned despite his friend’s snarky comment.  “At least it’s not the magenta ones, right?”

The lean, dark-haired man shrugged as he took another sip from his cocktail.  “Now THAT would be a surprise.  You?  Singled out for being a bad person?  I’d have to appeal that decision.”

Connor reached across the small pub table and squeezed Tom’s hairy forearm.  “That’s what I’m saying!  Appeal it to who?  Who’s making these decisions?  Who decides who’s good and who’s bad?  Why are some people cursed while I’m…”

“Given yet another lucky break,” Tom finished, pulling his arm free.  “Let me know if you figure it out ‘cause I’d like a word with their manager.”

“You don’t have the right haircut for that attitude,” Connor grinned, giving Tom’s short, raven hair a rough tousle.  They’d had this argument many, many times, and while he refused to take his friend’s bait that didn’t mean he wouldn’t egg the other man on.

“Hey!” Tom yelped, blushing.  “Knock it off, Captain Varsity…I’m not one of your gym bros,” he spat, his eyes lingering, despite his protests, on the way Connor’s sculpted pecs strained against his tight t-shirt.  The charming blonde was lantern-jawed, broad-shouldered, boy-next-door beef, an athletic, easy-going jock in the truest sense of the word.  All through high school and then college, Tom had never seen his friend bothered by much of anything.  But, then again, being a varsity athlete with a face and body as superior as Connor’s didn’t leave much to be bothered by.  Even when he’d officially come out just before finishing his degree a few years ago, the process had been a breeze for the handsome hunk, nothing like Tom’s tortured, bully-ridden high school experience.  Instead of being shoved into lockers or called names, everyone just congratulated him.  And, even if someone did have a problem with it, they kept their mouth shut due to Connor’s ample muscle, yet another advantage that the wiry Tom had never been able to access.  The smaller man had finally filled out during college and had put on plenty of lean definition beneath his raven pelt, but he was still more Otter than Bear, and by then the damage had already been done anyway.

Connor sighed and took a long pull from his beer.  “Why are you even upset about this?  I’m the one whose life is about to take a drastic change here.”

“Yeah, for the better!  You already get to just breeze through life with your assumed straight privilege, and now you’re somehow about to get even more of that when you turn into some paragon of masculinity?  How is that fai..mmphh…!”

Tom was cut off when Connor leaned over the table and pulled him close, planting a long kiss right in the middle of the bustling bar.  A few people turned to look as they would at any public display of affection, but no one said anything or hassled the pair.  “What were you saying,” Connor grinned when he finally extricated his tongue from his friend’s mouth.

Tom’s face was beet red as his eyes darted around the bar.  There were few things he loved more than the sensation of Connor’s plump, full lips against his own, but not in the middle of an aggressively straight sports bar.  “Look…I know you’re not doing it on purpose, but you’re just proving my point.  You get to do that because no one’s ever going to mess with you!  No one ever HAS messed with you!  I’m the one who always got singled out, not you.”  Tom gestured to himself, to his curated stubble, fitted, short-sleeve button-down and skinny jeans, his appearance a far cry from the blonde’s straining t-shirt and loose joggers.  “When people see me walking down the street they never stop to wonder if I’m straight or not.  They never have, and I can’t help that.  But you…”

“Can’t help the way I am either, bud,” Connor interrupted.  “You’re not wrong, okay?  People are trash sometimes…even I can admit that.  But I’m not doing this on purpose any more than you are.  Any of it.  I didn’t ask for this blue eye blessing any more than I asked for this privilege…I’m just trying to deal with it.  AND,” he added, grinning, “let me remind you who always looked out for you in high school, and who keeps telling you he’ll look out for you now.  I’m not the one who’d never hold hands or make out in public when we were dating.”

Tom blushed again and rolled his eyes.  “Can we even really call it ‘dating’?  We only used the label for like three months and we still hook up, so what’s the difference?”

“I guess that’s what I’m trying to figure out,” Connor shrugged, his burly arms inflating as he leaned against the table.  “Red or blue, this ‘glowing eye’ stuff is supposed to really kick off when you’re around the right person.  Call me curious.”

“Wait, you mean you…” Tom trailed off, his eyes wide.  “Oh, honey.  That’s…that's sweet of you, but be real.  What God in their right mind would think we’re a perfect match?  You see the best in literally everyone, and I’m just an asshole.  Honestly, if one of us was going to end up with some glowing eyes I would’ve bet money on me, and not on blue.”

“Maybe they know something we don’t,” Connor said, not buying a second of Tom’s rationale.

The dark-haired man toyed with his empty glass, refusing to let himself acknowledge just how much he wanted his friend to be right.  “I guess we’ll find out.”


The words were still ringing through Tom’s groggy mind as he opened his eyes.  They were the last thing he remembered clearly.  He was certain he’d gone home alone, yet there was no mistaking the familiar sight of Connor’s bedroom, not to mention the naked, slumbering blonde next to him.  Tom let himself enjoy the view of his friend’s rigid cock tenting the thin sheet for a moment before nudging him awake.  “Hey.  Bright eyes.  Wake up.”

“Mmmm…Tom?  What’re you…”  Connor’s mumbling trailed off as his illuminated eyes shot open.  The glow was brighter than ever.  He sprang upright, his expression going confused, then surprised, before settling on excited.  “Wait!  You’re here!  That means I was right,” Connor cheered, hopping out of bed.  He examined his bare, athletic frame for any changes as Tom slumped back down onto his back.  “Do I look any different?  I feel kinda weird…like I’m buzzing.  Oh!  Shit!  Is my…I mean our…place any different?  I heard these things all kinda meld together…”

“Just painting the nursery, aren’t you,” Tom sighed, rubbing his stubble-covered face.  He started when Connor abruptly tore the sheet away and left his furry frame fully exposed, but he didn’t want to give his friend the satisfaction of a reaction.

“Come on, dude.  Get excited!  It’s really happening!  I’m about to get huge,” Connor said, reaching down to give Tom’s thigh a squeeze.

“Again, that’s great for YOU, but what am I supposed to do here?  Don’t I get a say?”  Tom finally rolled off the bed and climbed to his feet, ignoring how much he actually enjoyed waking up next to his friend.

“It’s not like I do either,” Connor countered.  “The difference is that I’m just trying to roll with things, not constantly fight, fight, fight,” he sighed, rolling his eyes.  “No wonder you’re so cranky all the time…shit’s gotta be exhausting.”

Tom fumed.  “Oh, okay, yep, that’s me…the cranky one.  How about we call it realistic instead?  It’s great that you’re so thrilled, but maybe I was perfectly content with my life the way it was?  Did that ever occur to you?”

“Bro…no one that uptight about everything is perfectly content with anything,” Connor said.  “I told you last night…what if this shit knows better than us?”

Tom knew Connor was right.  He wanted to be mad at his friend’s statement, but the other man wasn’t wrong.  And a part of him actually was thrilled at the prospect of their fated pairing, of reality warping to further merge their lives together, but the scowling stud was as stubborn as he was hairy.  “Let’s hope so…’cause it looks like we’re stuck together and you’re about to become an even bigger, dumber jock,” Tom spat, regretting the words even as he said them.

“Hey!  Now you’re just being rude,” Connor barked, his tone more stern than Tom had ever heard as he dropped down to sit on the edge of the bed.  “You know what happens to rude little boys?  Get over here.”

The flustered, furry man was too caught off guard to resist when Connor grabbed him by the arm and roughly manhandled him off his feet.  Before he knew what was happening, Tom found himself pulled across the blonde’s broad lap, realization arriving at the exact same moment as a large, stinging hand on his ass.  “Hey!  What the fuck are you…” Tom yelped in surprise, but it didn’t hurt, not really.  Despite his embarrassment, his cock rocketed to attention as he was held in place, his furry bubble steadily going a shade of red to match his face.  He couldn’t believe how turned on he was by his friend’s firm tone, and Tom actually felt a stab of disappointment when the swatting blows finally ceased, though it was quickly outweighed by surprise when he felt the reason.  Connor’s calloused, jock hands always felt big and strong, but the clasping mitt palming one of his cheeks suddenly seemed massive.  “Did…is your hand bigger?”

“I…I think it’s starting,” Connor stammered, a shocked grin on his face as he flipped Tom over on his lap.  “Look at these things!  They’re huge,” the blonde said, using one of the oversized limbs to playfully palm Tom’s flustered face while the other dropped to the hairy hunk’s cock.

“Maybe I was wrong about you not deserving the magenta eyes,” Tom panted, his whole body flushed that very color.  With anyone other than Connor he would have been mortified, but, cradled on the bigger man’s lap while his aching cock was stroked by a massive fist, he was merely flustered.

“Oh, don’t pout,” Connor cooed, his enlarged hand gently gliding up and down his friend’s aching rod.  “I’m just trying to get you out of your head, and it looks like it’s working.”

“Is that…how big you’re going to get?  Is this like a puppy’s paw situation,” Tom asked, trying to do the mental math based on his friend’s comically large new hands.  “Gotta be honest…I don’t hate the way this feels,” he sighed, pumping his hips into the fleshy fist.

“Right?  Same…hey!  Wait!   I’m supposed to be mad at you for being a jerk,” Connor said, abruptly shifting Tom off his lap and sending the smaller man tumbling to the floor.  Before the dazed otter could get his bearings he was hauled to his feet again, stumbling along as the growing jock pulled him to the bathroom.  “You can make it up to me in here,” Connor purred, cranking the shower to life and shoving Tom under the stream.

The hairy man was grateful that they were in the blonde’s wet room-style bathroom and not his own, as the compact shower stall at his place wouldn’t have been able to contain his expanding friend.  As he lathered the expanding hunk, it was clear that Connor had already become noticeably bigger.  His broad shoulders had thickened and pushed farther apart, while the arms hanging off them raced to catch up.  They’d all heard stories about what happened to people with the blessed blue eyes, how they became horny, musclebound meatheads, but nothing could have prepared either of them for the reality.  No one really mentioned that the muscle growth wasn’t always proportional, that instead of looking like a stage-ready bodybuilder it was possible to wind up more like an erotic caricature.

“Fuck, man, look at those tits,” Connor laughed, flexing the juicy, jutting mounds.  His already-impressive pecs had swollen with an overabundance of firm flesh, managing to look huge even when contrasted against the cannonball shoulders and piston arms on either side.  Coupled with the fact that his waist was still as tapering as ever, the blonde jock was quickly becoming noticeably top-heavy.  Not that he seemed to mind.  Connor flexed one of his powerful new arms, the bicep inflating like a melon before Tom’s wide, hungry eyes.  “Get in on this, bud,” he said with a smug grin, palming the back of his friend’s head and guiding it to the deepened crevice of his armpit.

Between Connor’s increased muscle and the massive size of the blonde’s new hands, there was no way Tom could have resisted even if he’d wanted to.  It certainly helped matters that he didn’t.  Pulling away was the last thing on the addled otter’s mind as he set his tongue to work, feeling like he could cum just from the steadily increasing size difference between them.  Though they still stood roughly the same height, just under six feet, Connor suddenly seemed massive.  The thick, muscled slab that had replaced the blonde’s chest was endless as Tom’s fingers groped their way across it, unable to decide whether they wanted to cling to the heaping bicep instead, or drop south altogether to Connor’s wide cock.  “This is…I don’t even know what to say,” the dripping, dark-haired hunk sputtered between long, lingering licks.

“It’s okay, bud.  You don’t need to say anything,” Connor purred, his enlarged fingers stroking down Tom’s trim sides.  “Your mouth is doing just fine.”

Tom bristled at the way the other man’s condescending tone made him squirm.  He’d always made a fuss about Connor not calling him “bud,” despite secretly loving it.  He’d never say it out loud, he was far too independent to ever admit it, but there was a part of Tom that relished the idea of being taken care of by a big, strong Connor.  Though he may have resented his friend’s ability to pass for a straight jock, Tom wasn’t immune to being turned on by the thought of that very jock looking out for him, or coming to his rescue, or lording his size over him.

“You’re having fun, aren’t you, big guy?”  Tom’s face went red when he finally pulled it free and realized that he’d completely lost track of himself.  He hadn’t even noticed that Connor had turned the shower off, let alone that he was grinding his aching cock against the blonde’s slowly growing thigh.  The inflation seemed to be taking its time, flowing down from Connor’s now-comically square-jawed face to gradually encompass every inch of his athletic frame.  “Awww, you don’t have to be embarrassed, baby.  I want my lil’ bud to have a good time,” Connor cooed, giving the smaller man’s hairy bubble a squeeze.

Tom bit back a groan, his stomach feeling like it was hurtling down the tracks of a roller coaster as he stared into the blonde’s glowing, sapphire eyes.  His first instinct was to argue, to push back against the other man’s humiliating condescension.  Connor had never once spoken to him like this before, no matter how much Tom secretly wished he would.  “Oh…oh fuck…” the lean, furry man stammered, realization slapping him in the face.  Connor wasn’t just on an arrogant power trip.  Somehow, his friend knew exactly what he wanted and was eagerly giving it to him, which only left Tom with the difficult task of letting himself enjoy it.  He gasped when the other man began roughly toweling him off, loving how easily his friend was able to hold him in place.

“Just my furry lil’ dude,” Connor chuckled to himself.  When Tom’s toned pecs were dry he gave his friend’s hairy torso a thorough rub down, his massive hands exploring every inch of the smaller man’s wiry frame.  “Kinda called it last night, didn’t I, bud?  Guess I’m not so dumb after all.”

Tom’s guilt was immediate.  “Yeah… sorry about that.  I didn’t mean it…you know I can just be an asshole sometimes, especially when I’m in a mood.”  Instead of pulling away as he had the night before, Tom leaned into Connor’s hand when the bigger man ruffled his damp hair.

“One of the things I love about you, bud,” the swelling stud said, pulling his friend back out into the bedroom.  He climbed up onto the bed on his hands and knees and wagged his expanding rear, a smug grin on his face.  “But since you brought up assholes…why don’t you make it up to this one?  I’m not gettin’ dumb, but I am gettin’ reeeeeeeaaaaaaal horny.”

Tom couldn’t help but return his friend’s smile as he clambered up behind and eagerly went to work.  He could feel Connor’s muscled rear inflating against his palms as he spread the meaty cheeks and let his tongue pick up where it left off in the other man’s pit.  His friend was the top, that had always been their dynamic, but he loved it whenever Tom licked him clean.

“Fuuuuuck yes, bud,” Connor groaned, arching his widened back.  “Get in there real good…that’s it…fuck, dude, is my ass getting huge?  It looks like it’s gettin’ nice and thick from here.”

“Looks like it from here, too,” Tom laughed, giving one of the muscled globes a slap when he reluctantly lifted his face free.  Connor’s ass had always been impressive, but now it was just as impossibly round and juicy as his upper half, leaving the inflated jock with plenty of eye-catching, muscled curves.  His upper-body exploded out at his shoulders and pecs before narrowing into a pinched washboard, only to now erupt outward again at his thickened thighs and hefty, gravity-defying globes.  There was only one thing left to change on the misproportioned pretty-boy, but Tom wasn’t going to get to watch it happen.

He’d feel it, though.  The toned hunk let out an excited yelp when Connor spun with surprising speed given his new size and flipped him onto his back, his hairy legs thrust into the air.  “I know what my bud likes,” Connor cooed again, slowly working a pair of slick, imposing digits into Tom’s aching hole.  “These bigger fingers feel good?”

The prone man licked his lips and groaned, nodding.  “Gr…great, actually…” he whimpered, his furry pecs heaving as his fingers bit into the bedding.  He’d had enough experience with his friend’s cock to know the impressive organ had already grown significantly larger as soon as it slipped inside, and the sensation of fullness only continued to grow.  Tom could actually feel the other man’s cock getting bigger as the blonde hyper-hunk began pumping his hips, finally pulling a lustful howl from his slack jaw when the ecstasy spilled over the edges of his self control.  “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck…oh fuck…oh fuck…this is…I can’t even…” he stammered, his sharp features twisted by the blissful agony.  He worried for a moment that it would grow too large while still inside him, but then he thought back to what Connor said about the strange, supernatural forces knowing better.  His friend had been right about everything so far, and Tom didn’t see a reason to start second guessing now.

“That’s right bud…you’re takin’ this big boy like a champ,” Connor grinned, clutching the smaller man’s legs to his cannonball shoulders.  “Fuck you’re tight at this size…”

Tom literally couldn’t respond.  The thick log inside him no longer felt like it was growing larger, but it had still stopped at a size that was like nothing he’d ever felt before.  Connor’s cock was lighting him up from the inside, its heightened girth seemingly activating every pleasure receptor in the smaller man’s nervous system.  Coupled with the blonde’s looming new stature and condescending role play, it was all Tom could do to keep from blacking out from the sheer ecstasy of it all.  Unsurprisingly, the penetrated man didn’t last long, his hoarse moans breaking off in a cracking grunt when his untouched cock erupted like a shotgun, leaving glistening puddles in the forest of his chest.

Connor whistled and raised an eyebrow.  “That’s a big load, bud.  Guess I did a good job, huh?  That’s okay…you don’t need to say anything…just lay there and let me look after you.”

The beefy blonde looked after Tom for hours, in several different positions and locations throughout their now-shared apartment.  By the time they’d finally worn each other out the altered reality had finished settling in, though aside from Connor’s striking new look, things didn’t feel all that different.  They’d essentially already been a couple, so the only other major change was their current cohabitation.  The resulting apartment was nicer than either of their individual ones had been, with plenty of open space for the beefy, beautiful blonde.

“And you’re really okay with all this,” Tom asked, his head resting on one of Connor’s mountainous new muscle tits as they lay in a tangled heap on the living room floor.

The blonde nodded and grinned, absently stroking a finger through the other man’s dark hair.  “I mean, I think so?  It’s pretty wild,” he chuckled, flexing the pec against Tom’s face, “but it feels great, honestly.  Might be a little weird in public, especially with this thing,” he said, nodding down at the spent, eight-inch log and heavy balls flopped against a thickened thigh.  Hard, the imposing organ topped out at a foot, but luckily Tom’s nimble frame was able to take it like a pro.  “Not much I can do about it either way, so…” he trailed off and shrugged, his tone no longer dripping with condescension now that they were taking a break.  “I’m just glad you’re here.  Are you?”

“Absolutely,” Tom sighed, his hirsute frame still feeling like a melted puddle in Connor’s arms after the blissful working over he’d received.  “I’m very much willing to admit that I was wrong about this situation.”

“Wooooowwww,” Connor laughed, his widened features wearing a look of surprise.  “Guess I’m not the only one who went through an impossible change here.”

“Don’t get used to it,” the dark-haired man grumbled, unable to hold back a satisfied smile.

Connor pulled Tom fully on top of him, his inflated arms swallowing his friend like a teddy bear as he leaned down and began kissing along his lover’s neck.  “Awww, whatever you say, bud.”


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