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Hi Everyone,

I've been trying to think of ways to make this page more interactive, and I think I came up with one that could be fun.  

What if we made a completely randomized story generator?  I have all of the tags from all of the stories (and then some) in a list, and it feels like it could be fun to just roll the dice and see what subjects come up.  Might end up with something that everyone's into, or it could be something totally off the wall.  Maybe it gives birth to a whole new genre?  Either way, it seems like it has the potential to be entertaining.  

As far as the rules, this is what I was thinking: 

- Participation would be totally voluntary. 

- I'd put up a post saying we were ready to do it, and then anyone who was interested in rolling the dice would "like" that post. 

- I'll randomly choose one person from the people who liked it. 

- That person would then give me a number between 1 - 4 for how many characters.  It'll correspond to a random table, so a "1" might actually mean three people, for example.  (It would max out at 4, though.)

- That person would then give me another number between 1 - 4 for how many changes are involved in the story.  Again, it'll correspond to a random table, so a "4" might only be one change.  (It would also max out at 4).

- Finally, they'd give me four random numbers between 1 - 75 (just an example, I'm still making the total list of options), and I'll use however many of them I can based on the number of changes that got picked in the previous step.  

Then the story gets written based off whatever comes up.  The choosing of the numbers would all be happening through messages, so if you're worried about your privacy, no one would know who you were unless you wanted to reveal yourself. 

Does that sound like something people would be into?  I'm certainly going to give it a shot on my end regardless, but it sounded like a fun way to get folks involved.  After well over 500 stories at this point, I like the challenge of sometimes leaving it entirely up to chance.  We've got a massive pool of subjects to dive into, so I'm sure the end product will be interesting at the very least.  



Sounds fun!


Sounds great , only critique I would say is why not let the 4 pick their category rather than role random , that way they don’t know how it will mix with the other 3 picks but know it will atleast have something that will interest them


I thought about putting up the list and letting people choose, but the thing that seems most fun about this (at least to me) is the completely random nature of it. I've been playing around with it on my end to see what comes up, and some of these combinations are truly inspired. Some have been pretty straightforward, like "muscle", "bear", & "orgy" for one, but then I also got "2-Heads", "Vampire", & "Panties" for another. The latter is a combination that I probably wouldn't have ever put together on my own, but it's already got the creative juices flowing trying to figure it out.