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Colby was growing both impatient and increasingly nervous.  He’d given the Code Breaker everything he had, draining his savings down to the last penny and maxing out his credit cards, but although he’d been with Lance nearly all day, the irritatingly attractive man was as irritating and attractive as ever.  They hadn’t actually set a specific time for events to occur, just that they would happen while they were together on set, a detail Colby now regretted overlooking.  Still, he couldn’t blame himself too much.  It had all been so overwhelming, on so many levels, that it was easy for something as minor as timing to slip through the cracks.  Compared to rewriting reality itself with a computer, an extra half hour was nothing.  The anxious hunk had been worried that he’d feel guilty, or be plagued by second thoughts, but after spending the past several hours with his “friend,” he was more certain of his decision than ever.

Lance was infuriatingly perfect.  His wavy golden hair, his stunning face, his chiseled muscle, his unblemished tan; he was the mold from which all societal expectations of beauty were formed.  He was effortlessly charming, magnetic and effervescent, the kind of person who made people feel special just by turning his piercing brown eyes in their direction.  At twenty seven he already seemed ageless, exuding virile youth and mature masculinity in equal measure.  To anyone other than Colby, it was obvious why such a spectacular specimen would easily land starring role after starring role.  His mere presence lit up a scene, and if things continued on their current trajectory it was only a matter of time before Lance broke out of the indie circuit and became a household name.

Colby hoped to alter that trajectory.  He and Lance had been in each other’s orbit for years, getting their start at the same time and working on many of the same projects.  On the surface, the two were friends.  They hung out together both during and after filming, they rehearsed lines, they worked out, they critiqued their techniques; they did all the things “friends” did together.  Colby was even certain that Lance actually thought of them that way, too caught up in his own beauty and ambition to recognize the smoldering resentment the other man could barely contain.

To be fair, he’d never actually said anything about his frustrations, and he didn’t think Lance was undermining him on purpose, but that did nothing to change the fact that he was constantly coming in second.  Colby knew he was just as handsome, just as fit, and just as talented as his “friend.”  They were the same age, the same height, had the same hair color, and the same build.  Having seen each other naked on several occasions, they were even hung the same.  They could, and often did, pass for brothers.  Any differences that existed between them were miniscule at best, yet something about Lance always made him the first choice.  Colby was sick of it.  He was tired of watching lead role after lead role get snatched up by the other man while he was relegated to lesser parts.  If he was ever going to have a shot at the future he wanted, something would need to be done about Lance.

He’d been understandably dubious about the Code Breaker at first.  He’d heard a passing reference on set, though from who he’d never been able to determine.  The phrase had jumped out at him from the white noise of conversation happening between takes, something about a computer that could grant wishes, but he hadn’t been able to pinpoint who said it to try and learn more.  Luckily a quick internet search filled in the gaps, and only a few days later the anxious actor found himself sitting in a nondescript office downtown, staring in wide-eyed silence at a pair of jeans that had gone from gray to purple after a quick flurry of the Code Breaker’s fingers.  Colby wouldn’t learn the true extent of what happened until he returned home and discovered that all of his pants had become varying shades of puce, plum, violet, and other tones within the purple spectrum, an apparently unintended consequence of him requesting that the Code Breaker “make his pants purple” to prove his power.  While annoying, especially because it would take Colby a while to save up the money to replace them, it left him more excited than ever for what was to come.

His plan was straightforward.  Since everyone was so obsessed with Lance’s looks, Colby thought the handsome hunk would be better off doing porn, thereby leaving the leading roles open for himself.  Lance would still be an actor, he’d still be performing for an audience, but Colby would be the star of the show going forward.  He also wanted to alter the other man’s looks a little just to make sure.  Nothing too drastic, just enough to keep Lance out of the running: a bulkier build, a face that wasn’t so perfect, and, because of the new industry, a comically large cock.  Colby wanted to take all of the things that everyone loved about the other man and turn them on their head, a feat that the Code Breaker had terrifyingly referred to as “simple.”

Which meant it was only a matter of time.  Colby specifically wanted it to happen while they were on set, hopefully while filming, so as many people as possible could witness Lance’s downfall.  So far, though, all he’d witnessed was more of the same.  They’d been on location all day in the rented house while the actor Adonis filmed his scenes, adding a healthy heaping of boredom to Colby’s frazzled nerves. He only had a few minutes of filming earlier in the day himself, but he wanted to stick around so he didn’t miss it, the endless waiting only cementing the decision as the correct course of action in his mind.  At the moment, he’d been trying to look sympathetic and encouraging as he watched Lance go through the same scene six times, hoping that his impatience wouldn’t show.

As always, if it did, Lance was oblivious.  “Ugh…this one’s taking forever,” the flustered hunk sighed when they paused for a break and the director had left the room.  He opened a nearby dresser drawer and pulled out his copy of the script, his brow furrowing as he pored over the lines.  The scene was a simple phone call in a bedroom, but no matter how many times Lance delivered his lines, the director wanted another take.  “It’s just a fucking phone call…why is this so hard?”

“You know how he is, man.  I…” Colby broke off in a gasp when the other man looked up from the pages.  Instead of perfectly symmetrical, he found himself gawking at a face that, while still plenty handsome, was far from the boy-next-door beauty he should have been.  Lance’s jaw had suddenly widened, growing just a bit too large for the rest of his face, leaving him with an exaggeratedly square chin split by a pronounced dimple in the middle.  At the same time, his lips had puffed and his nose had extended, while his golden hair had pulled further up a forehead that now had a slight slope to it.  It was the kind of lantern-jawed face that looked more at home on a gym-built meathead than a primped pretty-boy, which is exactly what Lance was becoming.

Colby felt dizzy when the other man’s tight t-shirt turned into a draping, neon yellow muscle shirt between blinks, his athletic frame rapidly swelling to fill the space.  Lance’s already-broad shoulders pushed out even further, growing thicker and rounder in the process, and when the budding bowling balls could no longer contain the mass it spread down his arms, turning the precision-sculpted limbs into meaty pistons.  At the same time, the chiseled pecs between them became bloated mounds of muscle that spilled out through the sides of the shirt, and from what Colby could see, Lance’s pinched waist and prize-winning abs had become a lumpy ‘roid gut.

But he was more focused on the alterations occurring below.  Like the altered shirt, Lance’s pants had vanished, leaving only a pair of straining pink trunks, the small, square-cut underwear accentuating the rapid growth taking place between the expanding man’s overly muscled thighs.  A pair of meaty, ample melons filled out the back, acting as a counterbalance to the heaping bulge that settled in front.

Colby didn’t know what to say or how to respond.  Despite being the cause of the changes, despite knowing they were coming, seeing them play out firsthand left him reeling.  Watching Lance’s lovely, leading-man looks take the form of a rugged meathead sent a thrill through him, but not in the way he expected.  Yes, there was an initial rush of power and a surge of triumph that left him giddy; this new Lance was exactly the kind of cosmic restructuring Colby had dreamt of for so long, and it was finally his.

The pulse that shot straight to his own cock, though, caught him off guard.  Looking at the suddenly scantily clad stud, Colby’s mouth watered.  His hands started to tingle with a desire to feel Lance’s bulky muscle against them, to wrap themselves around the other man’s fattened cock.  His surprise was further compounded when he felt an unexpected rush of air waft over him, his jaw dropping when he looked down to find himself wearing nothing but a pair of twitching, violet briefs.

“What were you saying,” Lance asked, his look of confusion related to Colby’s unfinished statement as opposed to his warped frame.  If the former beauty was aware at all that his body had just been drastically altered, it didn’t show.

“I…I…” Colby sputtered, the words drying up in his throat before he could speak them.  His mind raced with countless questions, he knew something very wrong was happening, but he could do nothing to point it out.  His heart hammered and his sculpted pecs began to rise and fall at a rapid pace as he looked around the room, seeing unfamiliar faces behind a trio of cameras and a stranger sitting in the Director’s chair.  He’d been so focused on Lance’s transformation, and then his own exposure, that he’d failed to notice the changes to their surroundings.  They were still in a bedroom, but it wasn’t the one they’d just been in, the one they should have been in.  Though he knew he’d never actually seen it before, it struck Colby as familiar, a revelation that was terrifying in its implication.  “...I don’t remember,” he finally said, his bashful grin a far cry from the anxiety he wanted to feel.  “Totally lost my train of thought.”

“I mean, how could you NOT be distracted by all this,” Lance purred, gesturing to his widened frame.  He stepped forward and slipped a hand into the front of Colby’s briefs, the calloused paw sending a shiver through the other man as he tugged on the twitching cock inside.

The now-smaller hunk gasped at the sensation, his trim hips bucking instinctively to work his hardening rod against Lance’s hand.  Colby had no idea what was happening.  He’d fooled around with just as many men as women over the years, though he tried to keep his encounters with men as discreet as possible so as to not impact his career.  So the sensation of another man tugging on his cock by itself wasn’t the jarring aspect, but the fact that it was happening so publicly.  Lance was supposed to become the porn actor, not both of them.  But regardless of what was supposed to happen, Colby’s hands still slipped into the back of the bigger man’s trunks to begin kneading the inflated cheeks.  “You’d think after all this time I’d be used to it by now,” he heard himself say, right before his lips found their way to Lance’s.

“Aw Christ, they’re already going at it,” the unidentified man in the Director’s chair barked.  “Get those cameras rolling, boys.”

“No wonder Colby’s such a top draw…dude really can’t help himself, can he,” one of the camera men added with a laug.

The addled actor heard the alarming conversation, and while he wanted to argue, he knew they weren’t wrong.  At that moment, he doubted there was anything that would have forced him from Lance’s inflated embrace.  His body was on fire in a way he’d never felt before as he groped and squeezed the other man’s meaty rear and writhed against Lance’s protruding pecs.  When he finally did manage to pull his mouth away, it was only so that he could glide it down his friend’s thickened neck on the way to one of the nipples hanging exposed from the muscle shirt.  Colby lapped and licked at the rigid nub like a nursing pup, only stopping long enough to switch sides.

And while he was plenty alarmed at his behavior, Colby was more concerned about his desperate, uncontrollable moaning, and the growing frenzy he felt welling within.  “Fuuuuuuck…I love this fuckin’ body…” he grunted, giving Lance’s granite globes a loud slap as he bit at one of the nipples.  “Big and bulky and hard as a rock…fuck…flex it for me…” he begged, letting out a whimper when the other man broke into a double-bicep pose.  He shifted his attention from Lance’s chest to one of the tensed arms, running his tongue over every inch in an act of slobbery worship.

The bigger man responded by grabbing the back of Colby’s head and guiding it into one of his musky armpits, giving a quiet sigh as the lapping hunk went to town.  He reached down with his other hand and fished his fattened cock free, giving the ten-inch beast a few tugs for good measure.  “Whooooo…you got that tongue goin’.  You thirsty, little man?” he asked, his tone dripping with arrogance.

Colby didn’t say anything.  He dropped to his knees in a flash, taking Lance’s trunks with him.  The part of himself that was still aware was mortified as he ran his tongue up the inside of a widened thigh to give the bigger man’s churning balls a vigorous tongue bath, but he couldn’t stop.  He didn’t want to.  It didn’t matter that he was being filmed squirming and whining and begging.  It didn’t matter that his comparatively unimpressive, seven-inch cock had slipped free of his briefs and was openly oozing.  It didn’t matter that he was huffing and choking as he practically attacked Lance’s bulbous monster with his mouth, his jaw feeling like it was about to dislocate.  All that mattered was how good it felt.

“Just a…good little…cock suckin’...pretty boy…aren’t you…” Lance grunted, holding Colby’s head in place as he rammed his heaping pole in and out of the dazed hunk’s mouth.  “Is that what…you are…?”

Colby groaned, feeling both thrilled and defeated at the words he knew he couldn’t hold back.  “NNNNggGGHHhh…yeeeessss,” he hissed, nuzzling Lance’s spit-slick monster as he moaned.  “Fuckin’ cock hungry hole with a pretty face,” he barked, surprising himself with the conviction in his voice.  Objectively speaking, Colby knew he was putting on a stellar performance.  He’d watched enough porn over the years and had seen plenty of cringe-worthy “acting” by the performers, but that wasn’t what he was doing.  He was giving himself over to the role, embodying the very essence of the part he needed to play: a cock hungry hole with a pretty face.

Though, to be fair, method acting was easier when the part aligned with the actor’s actual life which, with Colby, proved to be the case.  The groaning hunk was confusingly excited when his head began to fill with memories, when he began to recall the countless hours he’d spent in a similar position.  He wasn’t some Gay-For-Pay jock just trying to make a buck; he was the real deal.  He was a howling, insatiable force of nature, with enough raw talent and natural beauty to make him one of the most sought-after commodities in the Adult Entertainment market.

It was that last thought that made Colby realize what had gone wrong.  When he’d told the Code Breaker that he wanted to be the leading man while Lance got the secondary parts, he didn’t think he needed to specify that it would be in different industries.  Like the timing of the changes, it had been a simple oversight.  And now, though he’d still technically gotten what he’d wanted, he was still the star while Lance was a burly brute, it wasn’t at all in the way he’d intended.

“A hungry hole, huh?” Lance cooed, stroking Colby’s increasingly cum-matted hair.  “And what are we going to do about that?”

“You…you’ve gotta give me this dick,” the kneeling man whined.  “Please…I need this fat fuckin’ cock inside me.  Now,” he begged, the sincere desperation apparent in his pained tone.

“All you have to do is ask,” Lance grinned.  He reached down and slipped his hands under Colby’s arms, hauling the whimpering hunk into the air and effortlessly throwing him onto the nearby bed in a display of primal power.

It was that very “beauty and the beast” dynamic that made them such a popular duo in the first place.  The contrast between Lance, with his burly bulk, ruggedly handsome features, and massive cock, and Colby, with his athletic frame and Leading Man looks, drove people wild.  Seeing such a traditionally attractive hunk like Colby desperately debasing himself before a meaty titan like Lance was a combination that audiences never grew tired of.

“Oh yes…yessss…fuuuck…fuck yes…” Colby whined as the other man literally tore his briefs free.  He buried his face in the mattress, feeling only a slight stab of confused embarrassment when Lance spread his cheeks and began licking at his spasming button.  But even that lingering sensation of his former self faded when the warm, moist tongue was replaced by a pair of strong fingers.  Instead of being mortified at the fact that he was being fingered on camera, Colby began writhing and howling.  It was as if Lance had pressed a button that switched him to Power Bottom mode, a set of engrained muscle memories taking control of the handsome hunk’s bucking body.

Despite Colby’s impressive display thus far, when the fingers were pulled free and replaced by the bigger man’s imposing log, things somehow managed to become even more intense.  The penetrated pretty-boy was pushed beyond words, his voice becoming a wailing siren as he threw himself back against Lance’s lap with wild abandon.  When he was flipped over onto his back and his legs were hoisted into the air, he clutched at the sheets and arched his back like a cat, forgetting about his own untouched cock altogether as he instead focused on the one inside him.  Whether he was bouncing on Lance’s lap, sprawled out on his side, flat on his back with his legs in the air, propped up on all fours, or wedged upright against the headboard, Colby’s gorgeous face was a twisted mask of ecstasy.  Like the pained, authentic tones in his voice, the expressions of overwhelming bliss and displays of uninhibited eroticism were enough to impress even the jaded crew, who’d long since ceased to be affected by the events they filmed.

When it was finally over, when Colby proudly wore the sticky remnants of the multiple loads he’d pulled out of Lance, the spent stud could barely remember that anything out of the ordinary had happened at all.  He grinned at the crew as he caught his breath in the bigger man’s enveloping embrace, not at all bothered by his disheveled, exposed state.  “Oh, fuck,” he laughed, absently toying with one of Lance’s enlarged nipples.  “I totally forgot to wait for my cue, didn’t I?  Do we need to run through it again?”


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