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Jake’s hand shook as he fumbled with the key to his apartment.  All he wanted to do was get inside and get out of the impossible clothes before anyone else saw him.  Sitting through class in the ridiculous outfit had been bad enough, and the trek across campus was even more torturous.

The sensation of the early morning air wafting across his prominent pecs and bare, broad shoulders hadn’t been entirely unfamiliar.  He regularly wore tank-tops and muscle shirts, so it wasn’t the fit that bothered him, though it was considerably tighter than his normal attire, but it’s design and sudden appearance.  Jake was certain he’d left for class in a t-shirt and baggy gym shorts, each being black and slate gray, respectively.  Yet, halfway through class, he’d looked down to find his muscled torso spilling out of a light, pastel pink tank-top while his sturdy legs strained a pair of small shorts near to bursting.  The neon-purple mesh left nothing to the imagination, the tiny trunks failing to cover even as much as the boxer-briefs he should have been wearing underneath.  To make matters worse, “BTTM” was written in gold bubble letters across the front of his shirt, while a pair of rainbow-striped crew socks poked up from the garish, neon-new-wave inspired hightops that had replaced his ratty sneakers.

A mingled tide of shock, horror and humiliation had instantly washed over him, yet Jake found himself unable to respond with the panic he knew he should.  Though his heart started beating faster in his impressive chest, the most he could manage was to frantically dart his eyes around the room to see how his classmates responded.  Or, as he quickly discovered, how they failed to react at all.  He caught a few people obviously checking out his increased exposure, but not in a way that was any different from the lingering, lustful glances he normally received.  Being a blonde, broad-shouldered, six-foot hunk, Jake was well accustomed to seeing open desire directed his way.  The combination of his athletic frame, ruggedly handsome looks, and status as a star member of the university football team made him a sought after figure.  Other guys envied his easy, masculine charm, while the girls on campus practically lined up for a chance to experience the smoldering stud for themselves.

Normally, Jake liked being the center of attention.  He’d come to expect it.  To say that his arrogance and ego had swelled in time with his muscles over the years would be an understatement, as many unlucky folks on campus would be quick to attest.  While the blonde beefcake could be charming when he wanted, he could be equally cruel, hurling misogynistic cat-calls and homophobic insults without the slightest hesitation.  If he and his friends had even a shred of insight or social awareness they would have picked up on their larger reputation as pointless bullies, but it was easier for them to ignore that and attribute it to simple jealousy.  Jake would much rather focus on his status as premier ladies man and star athlete than engage in any sort of soul searching around whether or not he was actually a homophobic monster.

All of which made his sudden attire all the more horrifying.  He’d somehow become dressed like an extra in a Pride Parade, clad in clothing that the drunkest dare couldn’t have made him purchase.  Even if he’d completely spaced out that morning, it was a 7:10 class after all, he shouldn’t have owned the colorful, skimpy gear in the first place.  But instead of panicking or darting from the room, all he’d been able to do was sit at his desk and listen to the lecture like always, the minutes crawling at an excruciating pace.

Jake sprang from his seat when the class finally ended, though he’d immediately regretted the action when he stood and saw just how exposed he actually was.  The fat, lengthy cock of campus legend was clearly outlined in the tiny shorts, as was his ample, well-muscled rear, the shorts clinging so tight as to show off the seams and stitching of the now-skimpy briefs he wore underneath.  Jake did his best to ignore the fact that he shouldn’t have owned any briefs either, only boxers or boxer-briefs, as he threw his tablet in his bag, his head spinning at how impossibly familiar it all felt.  It was all so horrifyingly mundane that it wasn’t until the addled jock was going to sling his bag over his shoulder that he realized it had changed as well, the drab, canvas messenger bag now a turquoise babydoll backpack adorned with enamel rainbows.

Jake had wanted to hurl the bag into the trash, but instead he’d winced as it settled into place between his shoulder blades and hurried for home.  Luckily it was still early, so the exposed stud only encountered a handful of other students, though he hadn’t been able to entirely escape notice.  While passing a clustered group of young men, he’d had a few whistles sent his direction, as well as a smattering of comments along the lines of “hey girl” and “nice tits.”  Jake normally would have responded with rage and bluster, and a part of him wanted to, but all he’d done instead was smile and give a little wave, his face going crimson as he’d heard them debate whether or not they’d actually take a crack at his prominent rear the way his pink tank-top advertised.  Jake had tried harder than ever to muster the rage he so wished for when his own thoughts began to question which of the group he’d actually want to, and when that failed he shifted his focus to simply getting out of public as quickly as possible.  He’d told himself he could sort it all out at home; he just had to get there.

When his shaking hand finally managed to get the key in the lock, his relieved sigh at finally reaching the sanctuary of his apartment was cut off by the unexpected sound of arguing voices.  Jake froze at the threshold, not wanting to alert the intruders, his fear turning to confusion when he recognized the voices of his teammates.  Creeping further into the modest one-bedroom, he slipped the bright little bag off and looked down the short hallway to his room, getting a partial glimpse of his friends Luke and Chad through the open door.  Luke’s wavy black hair was messy from sleep and the towering wall of muscle was clad only in a pair of boxers, as if he’d just woken up, a state that Chad mirrored.  The stocky, ebony-skinned bulldog wore only a pair of stuffed red boxer-briefs, his startled expression still groggy as he glared up at his taller friend.  The pair couldn’t have been more different, physically speaking, with Luke’s chiseled frame making even Jake’s athletic build look small, while Chad’s burly bulk and buzzed head made him look like a muscled beach ball.

“What the fuck is your gay ass doing in bed with me,” Luke roared, his olive skin taking on an embarrassed pink.  “Why are you even in my bed in the first place?”

“YOUR bed?  Bro, it’s MY bed,” Chad countered, his round, full face a mask of embarrassed fury.  “And why are you giving me shit?!  Mr. No-Homo over here was the one cuddling, not me,” he spat, pointing an accusing finger at the handsome, dark-haired hunk.

“The fuck I was!  You were the one grinding that fat ass into my lap, not the other way around, dude.  I can’t help it if you decide to nestle in while I’m sleeping,” Luke said, folding his piston-arms across his chest.  “I don’t know what you’re trying to pull, but…”

“Guys,” Jake barked, interrupting his friends.  He braced himself for their reactions when they saw his outfit, but although they both looked startled by his sudden appearance, it wasn’t for the reason he expected.  “What are you doing in my apartment?”

“YOUR apartment,” the other two said in unison, a brief cease-fire before they went back to glaring at each other.

Luke jumped in first, ignoring Jake’s question and nodding over at the blustering bulldog.  “I was sound asleep, minding my own business, when this queer motherfucker crawled into bed and started cuddling.”

Chad rubbed the bridge of his nose and let out a long, slow breath.  “Bro…I’m not going to say it again.  YOU had YOUR arms around me.  Not the other way around.  I’m not the one who was hugging another dude like a teddy bear.”

“Yo!  Assholes,” Jake said, clapping to get their attention.  “You didn’t answer my fucking question.  Why.  Are.  You.  In.  My.  Apartment.”

The taller, dark-haired jock gave an exasperated sigh and spread his arms in frustration.  “Are you two in on this together?  If this isn’t my room, how come my stuff’s in it?”  Without waiting for a response, Luke stormed over to the nearby dresser and pulled out a shirt.  “See?  Mine,” he said, slipping into the sleeveless, lemon-yellow crop-top.  “Sissy” was written in pink, sparkly cursive across the front, and though its appearance struck Jake as odd, he couldn’t bring himself to point it out.  Luke seemed equally unperturbed, more focused on proving his point than on his exposed abs.

“Girl, that don’t prove shit,” Chad scoffed, sauntering over to the same dresser.  His plump, bare cheeks bounced with each heavy step, the stuffed pouch of his crimson thong wagging back and forth.  “How did MY shorts get in here,” he asked, pulling out a pair of tiny trunks like the ones Jake wore, save for their white fabric and the word “TWINK” written across the back in blue block letters.

The increasingly-confused blonde watched his stocky friend step into them, his head spinning and his cock twitching at the way the material stretched so much as to be almost see-through.  Chad’s thong was visible both as a whale tail and as a patch of blurry red between his thighs, and Jake wasn’t sure why he kept thinking that the other man had just been wearing boxer briefs.  The same went for Luke, whose orange jockstrap kept switching to boxers in the blonde’s memories.   There was also the issue of the odd sentence Chad had just spoken, but, like their clothes, Jake couldn’t bring himself to point it out.  “Bitch, how do you think they got in there?  You put them there.  We all did.  It’s OUR bedroom,” Jake said, rolling his eyes and motioning around the room as he talked with his hands as much as his mouth.  “What are you two even fighting about?”

“I…” Luke blinked and trailed off, his anger melting away.  He shrugged and gave a short laugh before running a hand through his raven mop, giving Chad an apologetic grin.  “...I don’t know.  Do you?”

“Search me,” the thicker man chuckled, his mouth opening and closing a few more times as if there was more he wanted to say.  He kept looking back and forth between the three of them, they all did, but no one could point out any of the discrepancies.

“God,” Jake sighed, drawing out the word and shaking his head.  “I swear.  I can’t leave you two alone for a second, can I?”

“Awww,” Luke cooed, sticking out his bottom lip in an exaggerated pout as he sauntered over to the irritated blonde.  He wrapped his arms around Jake from behind, his hands sliding along the other man’s midsection.  “Is lil’ sis grumpy ‘cause she had to get up early for class?”

Jake gasped and tensed on contact, feeling like he’d been pushed over the side of a cliff.  Too much was happening too fast, and all of it was wrong.  Luke’s hands shouldn’t have been toying with the waist of his shorts, nor should he be grinding against another man’s rear.  He also shouldn’t have been talking the way he was, but most alarming was the way he now appeared to stand a few inches shorter than the blonde instead of taller.  As Jake gawked at their reflection in the mirror, he couldn’t help but notice how much smaller Luke’s arms suddenly seemed, so focused on his friend’s altered appearance that it took several stunned moments before he noticed his own.

Like his experience earlier in class, Jake didn’t respond with the terrified panic that he knew he should have.  Given Luke’s sudden loss of both height and mass, his friend’s shrunken arms should have strained around his strapping frame, yet they easily encircled him.  And it was becoming increasingly clear why.  Instead of stretching the tank-top to the breaking point, Jake’s now-trim torso sat comfortably inside, his thin shoulders, toned arms, and modest little pecs all looking perfectly at home in the small shirt.  The same went for the lanky legs that no longer tortured the tiny trunks, the purple fabric now hanging just away from his thighs instead of clinging like a second skin.  Jake was still firm and sported a faint layer of visible definition, but his formerly athletic frame had vanished as if it had never been.

And even before his friend’s hand found its way inside his shorts, the shrunken stud’s stomach dropped at the realization that Luke wasn’t talking about height when he’d called him “lil’ sis.”  Jake whimpered when his cock sprang to life against the other man’s palm, even as he reeled at how easily Luke was able to contain it.  He kept thinking that contact with another man shouldn’t be turning him on as much as it was, but more than anything he dreaded the reveal when Luke pushed his shorts and little lavender briefs down to let the diminished organ poke free.  Jake whimpered again, the short little groan perfectly complementing the now-softened features of his once-rugged face.  He tried to tell himself that the compact, barely four-inch organ couldn’t possibly be his, that he had a fat seven inches complete with churning balls, not petite little lumps.  But even as he had the thought, it felt ridiculous.

“It’s just, like, sooooooooo early,” Jake whined, mimicking Luke’s earlier pout as he turned to face his shrunken friend.  He reached around on instinct and clutched the other man’s surprisingly plump bottom, feeling a confusing swell of envy.  With his broader shoulders, firm little pecs, defined biceps, and visible abs, Luke was more “twunk” than “twink.”  He may have been the shortest of the group, dropping just below Chad’s 5’9”, but he had the best body, as well as the biggest dick at an even six inches.  While Jake, with his faint definition and lithe frame, would never be mistaken for a jock, Luke could at least pass as something like a soccer player.  “You two get to stay in our nice warm bed, but I have to drag my gay ass all the way across campus for Astronomy.  Space bullshit, that early?  How about we study why we’re sitting in class before the sun even comes up.”

“Girl, you’re the one who signed up for it,” Chad said, sauntering over and giving the blonde’s firm, exposed little bubble a slap.

Jake felt like he should have been surprised by the formerly beefy man’s equally softened appearance, but the sensation passed quickly.  After a few rapid blinks he didn’t know why he ever would have thought of Chad’s flat chest, soft belly, and supple thighs as broad and bulky.  The charming little man was curvy, but the only thing bulky about him was the ample rear spilling out of his little shorts.  “Ugh, please,” the lithe blonde sighed, his now-slender hand fishing Chad’s rigid five-inches free.  He had a flash of the compact organ as squat and stout, like a soda can, but then he couldn’t tell if it was an actual memory or merely a fantasy.  “Don’t remind me.”

“Love how horny you are when you get back, though,” Luke purred, running his hands up Jake’s trim sides as he stripped the tank-top free.  At the same time, Chad stripped the blonde completely out of his bottoms, giving the short little cock a tug as his friend kicked them free.

“How could I not be?  Have you seen Professor Thompson?  I’ve got a black hole you can explore, daddy,” Jake purred, reaching around to spread his little cheeks.  The sight of his pursed, softened lips and naked, slender frame in all its diminished glory was almost enough of a shock to punch through the delirious haze, but not quite.  For just a moment Jake clearly remembered how he should have been, how the reflection in the mirror should have been sculpted and chiseled, how his cock should have been twice the size.  Luke shouldn’t have been a toned twunk and Chad shouldn’t have been a curvy queen, but the certainty was pushed away by an entirely new sensation before he could latch on.

“Explore?!,” Chad laughed, slipping a pair of fingers easily into Jake’s supposedly-virgin hole.  “Is there a dick on campus that hasn’t been in here?  Not exactly the far-reaches of space…more like a highway rest stop.”

“MMMmmmm,” the blonde moaned, pushing back against his friend’s hand.  “I’m just sayin’...we KNOW he’s one of us.  We saw him on a date with a dude…Luke even found him on Scruffster,” Jake said, his heart racing at another series of phantom memories.  He did recall seeing Professor Thompson on a date while they’d been out at a local bar a few weeks earlier, only now he heard the three of them hurling insults and threats instead of lusting after the older man, remembering how they’d forced the pair to flee as a result of their relentless taunting.  “And you should’ve seen him this morning!  I knooooow he wants it,” Jake hissed, going up on his toes at a pulse of pleasure as the memories faded.  “He was, like, eye-fucking me the entire time.  Daddy could NOT stop looking at me.”

“Wishful thinking,” Luke laughed, tousling Jake’s hair as the thin blonde was fingered by Chad.  “But maybe we can do a video where you pretend?  I’m sure we can find a beefy older guy to fill in for him.  Oh!  That reminds me,” the dark-haired twunk said, trotting over to grab his phone.  “We got a new commission last night.  Sounds fun…they want a jock fantasy, but, get this, they want US to pretend to be the jocks.  I mean, like, whatever I guess,” Luke laughed, rolling his eyes.  “I can probably get those dudes from the football team in my Accounting class to help us out like last time.  Even if they don’t want to be in this one, they can probably sneak us into the locker room again if we pay ‘em a little extra.”

Jake was confused again, as his instincts told him the team’s locker room was somewhere they belonged, not somewhere they’d have to sneak into, but he immediately felt foolish at the thought.  He remembered spending time in the musky paradise, only it was as someone who got manhandled and passed around between the brawny hunks, not as anything close to a member.  He WAS part of a team, and he and his two roommates had a lot of full-body contact with other men, but that was where the similarities ended.  “I’m…in…” he grunted, feeling his tiny cock nearing the edge.

Luke nodded.  “And you never know, babe.  It COULD be Space Daddy behind the order.  The guy’s username is ‘Code Breaker,’ which sounds kinda sciency, right?”

Jake couldn’t respond.  His diminished endowment had reached the end of its stamina, sending him blissfully over the edge as it blew its meager load.  The petite eruptions at least cleared his head of the lingering anxiety over his appearance, actions and behavior that had been following him around all morning, leaving room for the growing excitement of what was to come.

He loved how much money they made with their OnlyFriends account, but he would have happily done all the same things for free.  The lean little blonde couldn’t wait to be on his knees in the locker room, but first he’d be on his knees in their bedroom.  Luke’s thick log was calling his name, and he owed Chad for the lovely ride his fingers had just taken him on.  It may have gotten off to a rough start, but it was shaping up to be a fun day.


Voting Options


Option 1: A handsome Real Estate agent who rips off his clients is forced to clean up his act, literally, going from house-to-house as a naked housekeeper and escort. (Stripped)

Option 2: A frustrated young actor seeks out the Code Breaker’s services to turn his rival into a performer of an entirely different variety. (Muscle Growth, Cock Growth)

Option 3: After inheriting a huge sum, a man uses the money to get revenge on the boss who overworked his late Uncle, taking him from smug pretty-boy to ‘roided meathead. (Muscle Growth)

Option 4: A glitch in the system causes an older executive who wants to be seen as desirable again to become the man of someone’s dreams, though he didn’t anticipate that someone being his handsome young assistant. (Butt Growth, Muscle Growth, Stripped)


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